HydroACT with DuraTrac 4 (DT4) - Quick Installation & Startup Guide
This guide is provided as supplement to the O&M Manual. Call 770-449-6233 to speak with one of our application
experts if you have any questions about this guide.
DT4 Sensor Installation Guidelines and Tips
Sample point location is extremely important! Sample should be taken downstream of and as close to
coagulant injection as possible (ideally <60 seconds downstream), but at a point that allows for sufficient
mixing of the coagulant. Ideally, the sample needs to be taken upstream of flocculation and sedimentation
Do not sample off bottom of a pipe where solids are more likely to accumulate. Abrasive solids will wear
down the sensor probe and piston and result in a loss of sensitivity to changes in coagulant dosage and
water quality.
Install the DuraTrac 4 (DT4) sensor close to the sample point in order minimize the time it takes the DT4 to
detect process changes and maximize the response. If the sensor needs to be mounted further away from
the sample point, ensure the flow rate is high enough to deliver sample to sensor in under 30 sec.
Maximum cable distance between the DT4 sensor and HydroACT analyzer is 1,000 ft. If a longer cable
distance is required, contact factory for assistance. Note: If pH probe was supplied, the Analyzer needs to
be mounted within 10 feet of the pH probe.
If necessary, the DT4 sensor can handle up to 20 psi sample pressure. But an atmospheric drain near the
sensor (as shown below) is advised when possible. This allows for quick visual verification of flow and
reduces sensor maintenance (i.e. seal replacements).
There are two 1” FNPT sample ports on the probe block, and either of the two can be used for the sample
inlet connection, with the other being the sample outlet. Direction of flow does not matter. Piping size
can be reduced, but do not reduce diameter of piping below ½” diameter. Larger ID pipe and fittings with
higher flow are less likely to plug on treated raw water samples.
Sample flow to the sensor can be set for anywhere between 1 to 10 gpm. Flow does not typically need to
be tightly regulated, especially with short sample lines and when draining to atmosphere. Sensors running
under pressure or hooked up to long sample lines may experience some impact from flow/pressure
variations. Applications with higher solids/NTU should use a higher flow to prevent solids from
accumulating in the sample line and sensor. Longer sample lines also need higher flow rates to ensure
timely delivery of sample to the sensor.
To avoid plugging, it is not recommended to install any piping, fittings, or devices in line with the sensor
that present a restriction to flow smaller than ½” diameter. This includes strainers, filters, and rotameters.
DT4 sensor is designed to allow larger solids (up to a ½” in diameter) pass through.
If the sample is likely to have excessive amounts of sand
or grit at certain times, contact Chemtrac for
information on a Sand/Grit removal system. Do not
use strainers or filters upstream of the DT4 for
removing small grit as this will lead to problems with
loss of sample flow.