Gast will NOT guarantee field-rebuilt product
performance. For performance guarantee, the
product must be returned to a Gast Authorized
Service Facility.
Service Kit contents vary. Most contain vanes, end cap
gasket, body gasket, bearings and a muffler element or
Major and Minor Rebuilds
Tool kits which include a more in-depth rebuild
manual are available through your Gast
Distributor/Representative. These kits include the
tools required to remove and reassemble end plates,
bearings and shaft seals, and to set the proper end
clearance. The rebuild manual also includes step by
step instructions, including illustrations, to help achieve
a successful rebuild. Gast Manufacturing, Inc. highly
recommends using the air motor rebuild manual and
tool kit when attempting a minor or major rebuild to your
Gast air motor.
6. Remove vanes and ejection mechanism if reversible.
(Ejection mechanisms may consist of vane springs, pins,
caps or cam rings.)
7. Remove shaft seal and bearings from drive end plate and
bearing from dead end plate. (Use factory issued tool.)
8. Do Not remove drive end plate bolts or drive end plate.
9. Clean parts. Check for scoring on the end plates
and rotor assembly. If scoring exists, send unit to a Gast
Authorized Service Facility.
10. For reversible models only:
1AM and 1UP models - place a new cam ring between
the rotor and the drive end plate.
2AM and 4AM models - place springs and caps in rotor.
6AM, 8AM and 16AM models - install push pins.
11. Place the drive shaft of the rotor assembly through the
drive end plate. Press the drive bearing onto the drive
shaft using a factory supplied bearing pusher.
12. Using the bearing taper from the Tool Kit, lightly
tap on inner race of the drive end bearing to snug
up rotor to drive end plate.
13. Install new vanes as required by model:
All single rotation units - the angle cuts on the
vane face to center of the rotor.
Reversible units 2AM and 4AM - the notch on
vane faces to center of the rotor.
6AM, 8AM and 16AM models - install the vane
spring lip into the notch at one end of the vane
and place in rotor vane slot with spring facing
14. Place the proper end plate gasket on the body of
dead end. If the original is damaged, replace
with a new one supplied in the service kit.
If your air motor uses O-rings, place the new
O-rings in the body groove. Some models do no
t use end plate gaskets or O-rings.
15. Place the dead end plate on the body.
16. Install the dead end bearing and press into place
with bearing pusher tool from tool kit.
17. Install the dowel pins.
18. Fully tighten the remaining bolts to 75-100 in-lbs.
19. Set end clearance as required by model:
1AM-4AM and NL22-NL52 models - use the
bearing taper from the Tool Kit and lightly tap on
the inner race of the dead end bearing to free up
and center the rotor in the body.
6AM-8AM models - lightly strike the drive end
shaft with a soft hammer to push the rotor away
from the drive end plate. The rotor must NOT rub
on either end plate.
20. Apply a small amount of grease to bearing seal
and install the drive end bearing seal by pressing
flush with bearing pushing tool from Tool Kit.
21. Reattach end cap.
22. If the air motor is lubricated, apply a few drops
of Gast #AD220 lubricant into ports and rotate
shaft by hand for a few rotations.
Minor Rebuild:
1. Remove the end cap.
2. Remove dead end plate bolts.
3. Remove dead end plate. (Use factory issued tool,
do not use screwdriver to remove the end plate.
4. Remove the dowel pins from the body and push
back into end plate until flush or just below the
machined surface of the end plate.
5. Remove vanes.
6. Clean parts. Check for scoring on the end plate
and rotor assembly. If scoring exists, send unit to
a Gast authorized service facility.
Lubricated models only:
Lightly oil and reinstall
8. Place the proper end plate gasket on the end
plate. If the original is damaged, replace with a
new one supplied in the Service Kit.
9. Place the dead end plate on the body.
10. Press the bearing onto the shaft using a factory
supplied bearing pusher.
11. Tap dowel pins into body and install end plate
bolts. Tighten bolts to 75-100 in-lbs.
12. Set end clearance as required by model:
1AM-4AM and NL22-NL52 models
- use the
bearing taper from kit to lightly tap on
inner race of the dead end bearing to free up and
center the rotor in the body.
6AM-8AM models
- lightly strike the drive end
shaft with a soft hammer to push the rotor away
from the drive end plate. The rotor must NOT rub
on either end plate.
13. Reattach end cap.
If the air motor is lubricated
, apply a few drops
of Gast #AD220 lubricant into ports. Rotate shaft
by hand for a few rotations.
Major Rebuild:
1. Remove the end cap.
2. Remove dead end plate bolts.
3. Remove dead end plate. (Use factory issued tool,
do not use screwdriver to remove the end plate.)
4. Remove the dowel pins from the body and push
back into end plate until flush or just below the
machined surface of the dead end plate.
5. Remove rotor using an arbor press.