Chef's Choice Chef'sChoice 450, Diamond Hone 450 Instructions Manual

Diamond Hone® Manual Knife Sharpener 2 Stage 450
Congratulations! By selecting the innovative Chef’sChoice
Manual Diamond Hone sharp ener, you will be able to enjoy the pleasure of knives that are sharper and stay sharp longer than those you may have sharpened using conventional manual sharpeners.
Before you begin . . .
The Chef’sChoice
Manual Diamond Hone® sharpener is “ambidextrous” - extremely easy to use whether you are a right- or left­handed person. Stages 1 and 2 are marked on both sides of the sharpener for your convenience. Place the sharpener on a level surface about waist high. If right-handed, arrange the sharpener with the Chef’sChoice
logo facing you. Hold the handle with your left hand making certain that your left index finger and thumb remain safely behind the partitioning wall where the handle attaches to the sharpening stages. (If left-handed, see Suggestions.)
CAUTION! Keep all fingers clear of the knife blade at all times. Make certain the blade is clean, then proceed as follows:
1. Sharpening - Stage 1
Holding the knife in the right hand, place the blade in the first slot (above number 1). Lean the face of the blade securely against the red conical roller guides. While maintaining the blade continuously in good contact with one or both of the rollers, move the blade back and
Limited Warranty Used with normal care for family or household purposes only, this EdgeCraft product is guaranteed against defective material and workman­ship for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase (“Warranty Period”). We will repair or replace at our option, any product or part that is defective in material or workmanship without charge if the product is returned to us postage prepaid, with dated proof of purchase, within the Warranty Period. This Limited Warranty does not cover replacement of abrasive pads necessitated by use of the product or product damage resulting from misuse. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD. EDGECRAFT CORPORA­TION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY TO NORMAL HOUSEHOLD USE OF THIS SHARPENER AND IS VOID FOR INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL USE.
EdgeCraft Corporation 825 Southwood Road, Avondale, PA 19311 USA
(800)342-3255 (610)268-0500
Chef’sChoice®, EdgeCraft® and Diamond Hone® are registered trademarks of EdgeCraft Corporation, Avondale, PA. © 2011 EdgeCraft Corporation M451900
forth smoothly along its entire length, through Stage 1. You will know the angle is correct if one or both rollers are moving as you move the knife. It is unnecessary to lift the blade after every stroke. Apply only light downward pressure on the blade and continue the back and forth action until the blade is sharp. Stage 1 creates a first bevel along the edge. Unless the knife is very dull, it will take less than 25 full back-and-forth strokes to sharpen in Stage
1. Do not proceed to Stage 2 until the edge is very sharp. It should for example, be sharp enough to cut paper well (see Testing).
2. Honing - Stage 2
To hone the sharpened edge to razor sharp­ness, move the blade to the slot of Stage 2. This hones by creating a second “micro-bevel” along the edge. Maintaining the blade in contact with the red rollers, move the blade back and forth through this slot. Apply little to no downward pressure on the blade. If the blade is sharpened adequately in Stage 1, only a few, (less than 10), strokes will be necessary in Stage 2.
Testing for sharpness
Try slicing a tomato or other food before you sharpen your knife. Then test the knife periodi­cally during sharpening until you achieve the sharpness you desire. Ideally, a well sharpened knife should slice cleanly through food without excessive force and without crushing it.
• Totestperiodicallyforsharpness, hold a sheet of paper by its edge and carefully slice through it, making sure you cut a short but safe distance from your fingers. A sharp blade will cut smoothly without tearing the paper.
• Ifleft-handed,turnthesharpener
around, hold the handle with your right hand and the knife with your left, and follow sharpening and honing instructions above.
• Withthickblades,itissometimesuseful
after following the instructions for Stage 2, to turn the sharpener around, holding the handle with the other hand, and carefully repeat the sharpening process in Stage 2 with a few back-and-forth strokes from the other side. Be sure to maintain blade contact with the rollers.
• Extremelydullknivescanbesharpened
in Stage 1, but many strokes may be necessary. Stop periodically and check the blade for sharpness by carefully cutting paper. Then hone the knife in Stage 2.
• Avoiddownwardpressureonblade.
Knives can be resharpened by following the procedure described above, but, in general, fewer strokes will be required than for the initial sharpening.
• Theexteriorcanbecleanedwitha
damp, soft cloth.
• Nooilsorotherlubricatingliquidsare
necessary with this sharpener.
• Notforscissors.
EdgeCraft also offers a wide range of popularly priced powered Chef’sChoice
Professional Sharpeners for those who have many knives or a wide variety of knives, and for those who wish to sharpen faster and with less effort to obtain the ultimate in edge sharpness and durability.
Professional Sharpeners will safely sharpen either conventionally edged or serrated blades. The presharpen­ing, sharpening and honing angles are totally compatible for all models of the Chef’sChoice
knife sharpeners.