Checkline MESURgauge User Manual

User’s Guide
MESURgauge Software
User’s Guide
MESURgauge Software
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Collect data from digital force gauges, torque gauges, test stands, travel displays, and other devices.
View a real time graph of load vs. time or travel.
View an analysis graph, calculate statistics, and zoom to selected loca­tions on the graph.
Save results to a file, or export directly to Microsoft recall previously saved test data, test setups and gauge configurations.
MESURgauge expands the functionality of a Mark-10 testing system, typically comprising a test stand, force gauge, grips, and accessories. For details on communicating with an ESM301 motorized test stand, please refer to page 28.
This User’s Guide provides detailed operating instructions. For addi­tional information or answers to your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our technical support and engineering teams are eager to assist you.
ExcelTM. Save and
STARTUP ................................................................................... 2
PORT CONFIGURATION TAB .................................................. 4
TEST SETUP TAB ..................................................................... 7
ACQUISITION TAB .................................................................. 11
ANALYSIS TAB........................................................................ 17
DIGITAL DISPLAY TAB........................................................... 20
GAUGE SETTINGS TAB ......................................................... 21
REPORT TAB........................................................................... 23
User’s Guide
1.1 Computer Requirements
A personal computer running Microsoft Vista operating system, with screen resolution of 1024 x 768 mini­mum, is required to run MESURgauge software. An RS-232C serial port (“COM” Port) is required to communicate with a gauge. A sec­ond COM port is needed to communicate with a digital travel dis­play. A CD-ROM drive is needed for software installation.
1.2 Installation Instructions
Insert the MESURgauge installation CD into the computer’s CD­ROM drive. If AutoRun is enabled on the computer, the setup pro­gram will run automatically. If not, the setup program may be run manually. Click the START button on the Windows task bar, select “Run…”, type “D:Setup” in the dialog box and press ENTER.
Alternately, using My Computer or Windows Explorer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive and double-click the file “Setup.exe”.
Follow the prompts on the screen to install MESURgauge.
1.3 Running MESURgauge Software
When the installation is complete, run MESURgauge by clicking the Windows START button, locating “MESURgauge by Mark-10” un­der “Programs”, and then clicking “MESURgauge”.
1.4 MENU ITEMS (available in all tabs)
Factory Defaults – Click to restore the factory default set-
Close – Click to exit MESURgauge.
Show Tip Strips – Check this box to show “tip strips” (also
known as “tool tips”). These are text boxes that appear when the cursor hovers over an object or area of the
Windows 2000, XP or
MESURgauge Software
MESURgauge User’s Guide – Click to open the user’s
guide PDF document. (Note: Adobe Reader is required and is downloadable at
Mark-10 Website – Click this to link to the Mark-10 web-
site. (Note: An internet connection and a browser is re­quired).
Click the MESURgauge logo to display general software
User’s Guide
Use this screen to configure the computer’s COM port settings to which the instruments are connected. The default settings are the same as the factory default settings for Mark-10 gauges. The setting most likely to be changed is the particular COM port to which the instrument is connected. MESURgauge can be config­ured to accept a single string of data (load), two strings of data (load and travel) on separate COM ports, or two strings of data on the same COM port.
2.1 Gauge Port Settings
COM Port
Select the COM port that the gauge is connected to from the drop-down list. Clicking REFRESH updates the list with all installed ports.
Baud Rate
Select the baud rate of the serial port. The default setting is
9600 baud.
MESURgauge Software
Data Bits
Select the number of data bits for the serial port, then click
the APPLY button below. The default setting is 8 data bits.
Select the parity setting of the serial port. The default set-
ting is “None” (no parity).
Stop Bits
Select the number of stop bits for the serial port. The de-
fault setting is 1 stop bit.
Click this button to apply changes to the above settings.
2.2 Reading Request String
String to Write
Enter the command string to request a reading from the
instrument. The default string for Mark-10 gauges is “? C” (no quotes). Select either or both of the CR and LF check boxes to append the string as required. CR (default) or CR-LF may be used for Mark-10 gauges. The default string can be recalled by right-clicking in the box and select­ing "Reinitialize to Default Value".
The ability to specify the request data command adds flexi-
bility in testing. For example, peak or average readings may be read from the gauge. Additionally, it allows for the com­patibility of MESURgauge with gauges not manufactured by Mark-10.
String Read
This is the raw character string read from the gauge.
Display Codes
Display control character '\' codes (\r = carriage return, \n =
line feed, \s = space).
2.3 Gauge Name
Optionally enter a name to be associated with the gauge settings in
User’s Guide
this text box. This is helpful in identifying the particular gauge being used. This name is automatically entered in the file dialog box which opens when the SAVE configuration button is clicked. Any name may be used. For further information on saving, see the
SAVE button description in Section 2.6.
2.4 Simulated Gauge
Check this box to simulate data being received from an instrument. No serial connection is needed to a gauge. To start collecting data, click the Acquisition tab and click the START button. Data will populate the graph and table at the specified rate. This is provided for demonstration purposes only.
2.5 Travel Port Settings
These settings apply to the second COM port. This COM port is intended for use with a serial port digital travel display which is at­tached to a test stand (travel measurement is used for tests such as spring and tensile testing). The information about the settings in Section 2.1 (Gauge Port Settings) also applies to this section.
2.6 Travel Data Combined With Load Data
Check this box for MESURgauge to accept two strings of data on one COM port. Configure the data string as required by selecting the appropriate line numbers, field numbers, and field delimiter.
2.7 Configuration File Folder
Enter a full path or browse for a folder to use for Gauge Configura­tion (*.cfg) files. To browse for a folder, click the folder icon at the right of the text box and navigate to or create the desired folder, then click the "Current Folder" button in the dialog box.
2.8 Shared Buttons
Click this button to open a file dialog box prompting to save
the current settings to a configuration file (this file has a .cfg extension). Any file name may be entered and any folder may be selected or created.
MESURgauge Software
Clicking this button saves the current settings to the default configuration file “Default.cfg”. (No file dialog box opens.)
RECALL Click this button to open a dialog box in which to browse for
previously saved configuration files. Parameter fields will be populated based on the information in the configuration file.
Use this tab to configure various parameters for the test. This in­cludes test start and stop conditions, pass/fail limits, selection of continuous or discrete readings, and data sampling rate.
3.1 Start Condition
Select an option button for time delay, load threshold, or travel to begin the test.
Time Set time delay, in seconds, to begin the test.
User’s Guide
Set a load threshold to begin the test (The load units are as specified in the Select Units drop-down list box in the up­per right area of this tab).
Travel Set a travel threshold to begin the test. The second COM
port must be enabled for this selection to be made (the travel units are as specified with the Inches / Millimeter option buttons in the right-center area of this tab).
3.2 Stop Condition Select an option button for time, load, the number of readings, or travel to stop the test.
Time – Seconds
Set the duration of the test, in seconds.
Load – Threshold
Set the load threshold at which to terminate the test (the load units are as specified in the Select Units drop-down list box in the upper right area of this tab). See Stop Threshold Options below for various load stop threshold options.
Number of Readings – Readings
Set the number of readings at which to terminate the test.
Set the travel threshold to end the test. The second COM port must be enabled for this selection to be made (the travel units are as specified with the Inches / Millimeter option buttons in the right-center area of this tab).
3.3 Load Stop Condition
Four test stop options based on load threshold are available:
Rising Edge Stop threshold is higher than the start threshold (increasing load).
MESURgauge Software
Falling Edge 1 Stop threshold is lower than start threshold (decreasing load).
Falling Edge 2 Stop threshold is higher than Start threshold, but the load is decreasing.
Break Detect
Stop the test when the load decreases to a specified per­centage of the maximum (peak) reading during the test.
3.4 Reading Mode
Single Readings
When this option is selected, single readings are taken from the gauge each time READ is clicked, or the DATA button on the gauge is pressed. This button appears below the graph in the Acquisition tab when this option is selected.
Continuous Readings
When selected, readings are taken from the gauge at a rate set in the Readings per Second field.
Readings per Second
This numeric box sets the number of readings per second that MESURgauge requests data from the gauge in the “Continuous Readings” mode. Available range is 0.001 to 50 readings per second.
Note: When using a Mitutoyo brand travel display, it is rec­ommended to limit the readings per second at 4, to prevent communication errors.
3.5 Invert Load Check this box to invert the polarity (sign) of the load reading. This is useful, for example, in tensile strength testing. Tension readings, which have a negative sign, can be reversed so that the graph shows increasing values instead of decreasing values.
Note: There is another instance of this check box in the Acquisition tab. Checking one box automatically checks the other.
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