Checkline J-CC User Manual

J-CC Data Cable
Operating Instructions
User's manual for OPTO-RS cable connections
The OPTO-RS cable enables a direct connection with most of the Käfer measuring instruments to a personal computer, a dedicated printer or to a Käfer display unit.
It is not only a cable, but an interface which converts the data output of the instrument to a compatible RS232 signal. The periphery instrument connection must be able to supply power to the OPTO-RS plug.
RS232 communication parameters
4800 baudrate, even parity, 7 data bits, 2 stop bits
Data format Data
[ Sign ¦ E1-En ¦ "." ¦ F1-Fn ¦ CR ] Sign : « + », « - », or « space »
E1-En: integer F1-Fn: fractional n: depends on used unit and resolution
[ "ERR" ¦ Number ¦ CR ]
0: sensor error (e.g. speed, scale distance) 1: incorrect command 2: parity error (duplex instruments only) 3: exceeded measurement range
[ "SY" ¦ Instr. ¦ "." ¦ OPT1 ¦ {"." ¦ OPT2} ¦ CR ]
SY: Sylvac Instr: 203, 235, 233, etc OPT1: version option OPT2: additional version options (according to instrument used) Note: The id. transmission is done only when switching ON the instrument
Connection description
Two different types of OPTO-RS plug connections are available: Simplex and Duplex
Simplex cable
First generation of OPTO-RS cable connection, designed for instruments which were not able to receive RS232 commands. Data requests are made by LED status change (e.g. by turning off the DTR signal line for a minimum of 110ms). The OPTO-RS simplex cable can also be used with duplex instruments, however remote commands will be ignored. The simplex cable can be directly connected to any standard program as "HyperTerminal" provided with Windows.
Line definition Name Sub-D 9 pin Cable color Line status
Positive power supply : RTS 7 white ON (HIGH) Negative power supply TXD 3 brown OFF (LOW) Data (instrument to periphery) RXD 2 yellow INPUT Data request: Standard status Data request
Duplex cable
The duplex cable allows a 2-way communication between an instrument and a PC in half-duplex mode (e.g. 2­way communication but not simultanuously). Important : Only Duplex instruments have the ability to receive RS232 commands. If you use a Duplex cable with a simplex instrument, all commands other than "?" will be seen as a data request. The pin assignment of a duplex cable is different to the one of a simplex cable.
DTR 4 green
ON (HIGH) OFF (LOW) during min. 110m sec.
Line definition Name Sub-D 9 pin Cable color Line status
Positive power supply : DTR 4 white ON (HIGH) Negative power supply RTS 7 brown OFF (LOW) Data (instrument to periphery) RXD 2 yellow INPUT Data request: TXD 3 green "?" + <CR>
Note :
In case of data sending from the instrument, the hold mode will be active. To disable the Hold mode simply do a new data request.
Remote commands
[¦ C1-Cn ¦ { S1-Sn } ¦ CR ]
C1-Cn: command of 2 to 3 characters S1-Sn: 0/1 : command disabled/activated
: status request
+XXX.YYY: entering numerical values
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