The WELL Com Quick Reference Guide (QRG) has basic product information such as connection, mounting, menu
options, and DMX values. Download the User Manual from
The information and specifications contained in this QRG are subject to change without notice.
Safety Notes
•DO NOT open this product. It contains no user-serviceable parts.
•To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the
product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.
•DO NOT look at the light source when the product is on.
•CAUTION: This product’s housing may be hot when lights are operating. Mount this product in a location with
adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
•DO NOT leave any flammable material within 50 cm of this product while operating or connected to power.
•CAUTION: When transferring product from extreme temperature environments, (e.g ., cold truck to warm humid
ballroom) condensation may form on the internal electronics of the product. To avoid causing a failure, allow
product to fully acclimate to the surrounding environment before connecting it to power.
•Not for permanent outdoor installation in locations with extreme environmental conditions. This includes, but is not
limited to:
•Exposure to a marine/saline environment (within 3 miles of a saltwater body of water).
•Where the normal high or low temperatures of the location exceed the temperature ranges in this
•Locations that are prone to flooding or being buried in snow.
•Other areas where the product will be subject to extreme radiation or caustic substances.
•USE a safety cable when mounting this product overhead.
•DO NOT operate this product outdoors or in any location where dust, excessive heat, water, or humidity may affect
it. (IP20)
•DO NOT operate this product if the housing, lenses, or cables appear damaged.
•DO NOT connect this product to a dimmer or rheostat.
•ONLY connect this product to a grounded and protected circuit.
•ONLY use the hanging/mounting bracket to carry this product.
•In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using immediately.
•The maximum ambient temperature is 113 °F (45 °C). Do not operate this product at higher temperatures.
Use the information in Contact Us at the end of this QRG. Outside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux,
contact your distributor to request support or return a product.
What is Included
•External Power Supply
•Warranty Card
•Quick Reference Guide
AC Power
This product has an external auto-ranging power supply that can work with an input voltage range of 100–240 VAC, 50/60
•To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use
completely disconnect the product from power via breake r or by unplugging it.
for more details.
WELL Com QRG Rev. 1
#Description Function
1<POWER>Press to power on/off the device.
2<Wireless Reset>Press to reset wireless fixture pairing.
Green - Power is currently 50-100%
3Power Indicator LED
4Indicator LEDs
5DMX In5-pin XLR DMX-in adapter is included.
Orange (Red + Green) - Power is currently 20-50%
Red - Power is currently < 20%
Orange - Will blink for 5s once Wireless Reset is pressed and then
pair with fixtures. Blinks intermittently while connected.
Blue - Solid means WELL Com is receiving WiFi signal. Blinking
means there is no WiFi detected.
Red - Solid means WELL Com is receiving DMX signal. Blinking
means there is no DMX signal detected.
Used for charging. Use the included external power supply. USB-A male to Micro
The WELL Com is ready to use straight out of the box.
To configure your products with WELL Com you must perfor m the following steps:
1.Connect WELL Com to power.
2.Turn on Wi-Fi™ on your mobile device.
Note: If you have not already done so, download and install the WELL Com app onto your mobile device.
3.Go to the Wi-Fi™ settings on your mobile device and connect to WELL Com’s default Wi-Fi™ (SSID) WIFI-WELL COM. To avoid interference with other wireless signals in the immediate area, manually select the WiFi™ channel <CH02> to <CH11> on the WELL Com within the app settings.
4.Set your products to receive signal input from WELL Com. For details, refer to the User Manuals for the products
in your setup.
a.Set products to receive signals on the same channel as was set on WELL Com in the previous step.
b.Set products to their most basic DMX personality.
Note: Make sure the DMX starting address is set to 001.
WELL Com QRG Rev. 1
Available for Download
from the Apple App Store,
or Google Play for Android
No more than
196 feet (60
meters) apart
No more than 65 feet (20 meters) apart
Wireless DMX products
If necessary , locate
the WELL Com
near a power outlet
for easy charging
5.Select whether WELL Com receives signals wirelessly or via a DMX cable.
Note: For DMX products, be sure to use a DMX cable to connect from DMX Out of the product transmitting the DMX
signal to the DMX In of the product receiving the DMX signal. An adapter has been included for this purpose.
6.Once your products are properly connected to WELL Com, and WELL Com is properly connected to the WELL
Com app, open the WELL Com app on your mobile device.
Using your mobile device, you can now select the colors emitted by your lights. For more details or further
information, refer to the WELL Com User Manual located within the app or online at
WELL Com QRG Rev. 1
Acerca de Esta Guía
La Guía de Referencia Rápida (GRR) del WELL Com contiene información básica sobre el producto, como montaje,
opciones de menú y valores DMX. Descargue el Manual de Usuario de
más detallada.
Exención de Responsabilidad
La información y especificaciones contenidas en esta GRR están sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso.
Notas de Seguridad
•NO abra este producto. No contiene pieza s re pa ra b les po r el us ua rio .
•Para evitar un desgaste innecesario y alargar su vida útil, desconecte complemente el producto de la
alimentación, mediante el interruptor o desenchufándolo, durante los periodos en los que no se use.
•NO mire a la fuente de luz cuando el producto esté encendido.
•CUIDADO: La carcasa de este producto está caliente cuando las luces están en funcionamiento.
•Monte este producto en una ubicación con ventilación adecuada, al menos a 20'' ( 50 cm) de superficies
•NO deje ningún material inflamable a menos de 50 cm de este producto mie ntras esté funciona ndo o conecta do
a la alimentación.
•Cuidado: cuando transfiera el producto desde ambie ntes con temperatura extrema (p. ej., del remolque fr ío de un
camión a una sala de baile con calor y humedad), puede formarse condensación en la electrónica interna del
producto. Para evitar que se produzca una avería, d eje que el p roducto se a climate completa mente al ambien te
antes de conectar la alimentación.
•No apto para la instalación permanente en exteriores en lugares con condiciones ambientales extremas. Estas
incluyen, sin limitarse a ellas:
•Exposición a un ambiente marino/salino (a menos de 4,8 km de una masa de agua salada).
•Cuando las temperaturas máxima o mínima habituales del lugar superan los rangos de temperatura
en este manual.
•Lugares proclives a inundaciones o a ser sepultados por la nieve.
•Otras zonas en las que el producto esté expuesto a radiación extrema o sustancias cáusticas.
•USE un cable de seguridad cuando monte este producto en lo alto.
•NO sumerja este producto (IP20). "NO ponga en funcionamiento este producto en el exterior o en cualquier
ubicación en la que el polvo, calor excesivo, agua o humedad puedan afectarlo.
•NO ponga en funcionamiento este producto si sospecha que la carcasa, lentes o cables están dañados.
•NO conecte este producto a un atenuador o reostato.
•Conecte este producto SOLO a un circuito con toma de tierra y protegido.
•Use SOLAMENTE los soportes de colgar/montar para mover este producto.
•En caso de un problema grave de funcionamiento, deje de usarlo inmediatamente.
•La máxima temperatura ambiente es de 113 °F (45 °C). No haga funcionar este producto a temperaturas más
Fuera de EE.UU, Reino Unido, Irlanda, México o Benelux, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor para solicitar
asistencia o devolver el producto.Visite Contact Us para información de contacto.
Qué va Incluido
•Fuente de alimentación externa
•Tarjeta de Garantía
•Guía de Referencia Rápida
Corriente Alterna
Este producto tiene una fuente de alimen tación externa con detección automática que puede funcionar con un rango de
tensión de entrada de100 a 240 VCA, 50/60 Hz.
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WELL Com GRR Rev. 1
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