VIP™ Media Server Pro QRG EN
Setting Up Your Video Input
Setting the video input for your media server is a 2-step process: setting the input and output for the
Blackma gic sof tware, and selecting the camera setting in the Arkaos MediaMaster Express software.
Both steps require you t o launch both applications.
Setting the Input and Output Settings
1. Open the Control Panel (click the Start button, select Control Panel).
2. From the All Control Panel Items, click Blackmagic Design Control Panel. The Blackmagic
Design Desktop Video dialog is displayed.
3. From the Settings tab:
a) Select the desired output from the Set output drop-down list
b) sele ct th e des ir ed input from the Set input drop-down list
4. Click OK.
For more information, read the Blackmagic Release Notes located in the Blackmagic Design folder
located in the Programs folder.
Setting the V isual Settings
1. Open the Arkaos MediaMaster Express software. For the first time, the Register dialog is
displayed. Follow the instructions and click the Express/Simple mode (demo) button.
2. Click the Visual thumbnail. The Library Management dial og is dis pl aye d.
3. From the Library Folders list, select 254_CAMERAS. The Camera icon appears in the
Folder Files lis t.
4. Click OK.
For more information, read the Documentation manual located in the Menu Bar (Help >
Finding Information for Your Media Server Pro
Drivers for my VIP ™ Media Server Pro
The hardware drivers are included with the media server. You can find the latest drivers at
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium License Key
The lab el containing t he Windows 7 l icense key is lo cated inside t he fron t right-door panel o f the
media server .
How to Reinstall my Operating System
The Window s 7 opera ting syst em is alr eady ins talled on y our comp uter. To reinstal l your op erating
system, us e the Windows 7 Ho me Premium C D. Once y ou rein stall the o perati ng system, you must
reinstall the hardwa re drivers (included with the media server).
Documentation for my VIP ™ Media Server Pro
This guide is available online at