Chauvet VIP Media Server Pro Quick Reference Manual

Quick Reference Guid e
English EN
VIP™ Media Server Pro QRG EN
About This Guide
The VIP™ Media Server Pro Quick Reference Guide (QRG) contains information
about the product including instructions on how to install, mount, and connect
your media server.
The information and specifications cont ained in this QRG are subject to change without notice.
You must read ALL the disclaimers and Safet y Notes in this guide, including any documentation that came with the software before
installing, operating, and maintaining this product.
Safety Notes
It is recommended to mount this pr oduc t in a shock-mount case using rail kits providing adequate ventilation.
DO NOT leave any flammable material within 50 cm of this product while operating or connected to power.
DO NOT operate this product outdoors or in any location where dust, excessive heat, water, or humidity may affect it.
DO NOT operat e this product if the housing or cables appear damaged.
Do not run this product near magnets, television s, or transformers.
ONLY connect this product to a grounded and protected circuit.
To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during
periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it .
Any damages caused by manual modifications are not subject to warranty. Chauvet will not accept liability for any r esulting damages caused by unaut horized modifications or not observing the safety warnings and instructions in this guide.
In the event of a serio us operating problem, stop using immediately.
The maximum ambient temperature is 104° F (40° C). Do not operate
this product at higher temperatures.
Outside the U.S., United Kingdom, or Ireland, contact your distributor to request support or return a product. Visit
contact information.
EN VIP™ Media Server Pro QRG
Product Description
The VIP™ M edia Serv er Pro i s a turnk ey system in del ivering co ntent to video presenta tion d evices includi ng the MVP™ and PVP™ panels. T he unit is optimized in running the CHAUVE T® LED Stu dio software (for panel addressing and control) and Arkaos® MediaMaster software (for content playback and triggering).
For perfo rmance an d s tability , the opera t i ng sy s t em r u n s o n a SS D ( s o li d-sta t e dr iv e) an d ut ilizes dual 500GB RAI D1 h ar d dri ves f or sto rage, w hi ch giv es t he p ro tec tio n yo u ne ed w he n “t he show mu st go on.”
What Is Included
VIP™ Media Server Pro with rack mount brackets (installed)
• IEC Power Cord
• Mouse
• Keyboard
1x2-port USB 2.0/1-port eSATA
1x44-pin Serial Port – Breakout Media Snake
1 DVI - VGA Adapter
1 ASUS Wi-Fi Go! Adapter with Ring Moving Antenna
2 Rail Kits
• 2 Screw Packs
(18 M4 Phillips Head Screws, 10 Square Heads, 8 Nuts, 2 Keys)
Windows 7 Operati ng System and hardware driver s CDs
Quick Reference Guide
Before mou nting thi s product, rea d the Safety Notes at the b eginning of t his guide. Th e VIP Media Server Pro c an be rack-mount ed using the mount ing brackets on each side of th e front pane l. For more information on how to install the media serv er using th e rail kits i nclude d, refer to t he TC-Rail Installation Manual included in th is product.
Rack Mount
Rack Mount
Note: It is highly recommended that you use a shock-mount case when
transporting this product.
VIP™ Media Server Pro QRG EN
Front and Back Panel Views
Front Panel View
Back Panel View
USB 2.0 Connectors (2)
Lock/Unlock Knob
Left Panel Door Handle
Right Panel Door Handle
LED Power Indicator Light
Right Ha ndle
Right Mounting Bracket
Left Mounting Bracket
Left Handle
PS/2 Keyboard / Mouse Port
USB 3.0 Port (2)
ASUS Wireless Module
Optical S/PDIF Out Port
USB 2.0 Port
VGA Port DVI Port
Intel® LAN Port
USB 3.0 Port (2)
Audio I/O Port
DVI-I Port (2)
SDI Cable Port (2) Serial Port
– Breakout Media Snake Port
HDMI Through
Display Port (2)
HDMI Out (2)
DMX 5-Pin In/Out
DVI-D Port (2)
EN VIP™ Media Server Pro QRG
Setting Up Your VIP™ Media Server Pro
To set u p your media serv er, follo w the safe ty inst ruction s provide d in this gu ide and complete the following steps:
1. Connect the keyboard and mouse using the PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse or USB port.
2. Connect the wireless module to the ASUS Wireless connector.
3. Connect the monitor to the DVI-D port. Align and gently in sert the mon ito r cable to av oid bending the connector pins. Tighten the thumbscrews on the cable connectors.
4. Connect the media snake to t he B re a k ou t Med i a Snake por t.
5. Connect the power cables to the media server, monitor, and devices and insert the other ends of the power cables to electrical outlets.
Before you install any devices or software that did not ship with your media server, read the documentation that came with the software or device, or contact the vendor to verify that the software or device is compatible with your media server and operating system.
Powering Up the VIP™ Media Server Pro
The VIP™ M edia Server Pro has a n 850W Cors air™ power supply that is NVidia SL I certif ied, an IEC power co nnect ion, a nd a pow er sup ply th at can w ork w ith an input volta ge ran ge of 1 00~240 V AC, 50/60 Hz.
1. From the back panel, m ake sure the Main Power switch is in the On position.
2. Pull the right panel door handle to open and press the Power button up to turn on the media server .
Locking/Unlocking the Panel Door Handles
To secure the panel doors, position the lock handle to the locked position. In addition, you can secure the panel doors from opening by using the key to lock the panel doors in place.
To open the panel doors, position the lock handle in the unlocked position.
Locked position:
Unlocked position:
VIP™ Media Server Pro QRG EN
Setting Up Your Video Input
Setting the video input for your media server is a 2-step process: setting the input and output for the Blackma gic sof tware, and selecting the camera setting in the Arkaos MediaMaster Express software. Both steps require you t o launch both applications.
Setting the Input and Output Settings
1. Open the Control Panel (click the Start button, select Control Panel).
2. From the All Control Panel Items, click Blackmagic Design Control Panel. The Blackmagic Design Desktop Video dialog is displayed.
3. From the Settings tab: a) Select the desired output from the Set output drop-down list b) sele ct th e des ir ed input from the Set input drop-down list
4. Click OK.
For more information, read the Blackmagic Release Notes located in the Blackmagic Design folder located in the Programs folder.
Setting the V isual Settings
1. Open the Arkaos MediaMaster Express software. For the first time, the Register dialog is displayed. Follow the instructions and click the Express/Simple mode (demo) button.
2. Click the Visual thumbnail. The Library Management dial og is dis pl aye d.
3. From the Library Folders list, select 254_CAMERAS. The Camera icon appears in the Folder Files lis t.
4. Click OK.
For more information, read the Documentation manual located in the Menu Bar (Help > Documentation).
Finding Information for Your Media Server Pro
Drivers for my VIP ™ Media Server Pro
The hardware drivers are included with the media server. You can find the latest drivers at
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium License Key
The lab el containing t he Windows 7 l icense key is lo cated inside t he fron t right-door panel o f the media server .
How to Reinstall my Operating System
The Window s 7 opera ting syst em is alr eady ins talled on y our comp uter. To reinstal l your op erating system, us e the Windows 7 Ho me Premium C D. Once y ou rein stall the o perati ng system, you must reinstall the hardwa re drivers (included with the media server).
Documentation for my VIP ™ Media Server Pro
This guide is available online at
+ 14 hidden pages