Chauvet SWARM 4 User Manual

User Manual
1 x Swarm™ 4
1 x User Manual
original factory box and packing.
from the regular text.
par t of the user .
1 x Power Cor d
Hanging B r ac ket with Mou nt i ng H ard w ar e
1 x Warranty Card
Immediately upon receiving a fixture, carefully unpack the carton, check the contents to ensure that all par ts are present , an d have been r ec ei ved in g ood condit i on. Notify the sh ipper immediately and retain packing material for inspection if any parts appear damaged from shipping or the cart on itself sh ows sig ns of mis h andling. S ave the cart on an d all p ac ki ng m ater i als . In the event that a fixture must be returned to the factory, it is important that the fixture be returned in the
CHAUVET® manuals use the following conventions to differentiate certain types of information
[10] A DIP switch to be configured
<Menu> A key to be pressed on the fixture’s control panel
1—512 A range of val u es
50/60 A set of values of w hic h on ly one can be ch os en
Settings MENU >
ON A value t o be ent ered or sel ect ed
This manual uses the following icons to indicate information that requires special attention on the
A menu option not to be modified (for example, showing the operating mode/current status)
A sequence of menu options to be followed
This paragraph contains critical installation, configuration or operation inform ation. Failur e to compl y with this inf ormation m ay render th e fixture partiall y or completely inoperati ve, cause dam age to the fi xture or cause harm to the user.
This p aragraph c ontains i mportant installat ion or c onfigurat ion infor mation. Failure to comply with this information may prevent the fixture from functioning correctly.
Swarm™ 4 2 Rev. 3 ML
This parag raph remi nds you of useful, alth ough not cr itical, informati on.

Safety Instructions

Please keep this User Manual for future consultation. If you sell the unit to another
Please read these instructions carefully. It include s importa nt information about the ins tallat i on, usage and m ain tenance of this prod uc t .
user, be sure that they also receive this instruction booklet.
Always m ak e sure that you ar e c onn ec ti ng to the prop er vol t age, and that the line voltage you are connecting to is not higher than that stated on the decal or rear panel of the fixture.
This product is intended f or ind oor use only! To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose fixture to rain or moisture.
Make sur e th er e ar e no f l am m abl e m at eri als cl ose to the uni t w hil e o p er ati ng.
The unit mus t b e install ed in a location wi th ad equ ate venti l ation, at leas t 20 in (50
cm) from adjacent surfaces. Be sur e th at n o ven tilati on sl ots ar e bl oc k ed.
Always disconnect from power source before servicing or replacing fuse and be sure to replace with same fuse source.
Secure fixture to fastening device us ing a safet y ch ai n.
Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do n ot op erate fixture at
temperatures higher than this.
In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the unit immediately. Never try to repair the un it b y yourself. R ep air s c arr i ed out by uns k illed people can lead to damag e or malf uncti on. Pl ease cont act th e n earest auth or i z ed technical assist ance center.
Never connect the device to a dimmer pack.
Make sure the power cord is never crimped or damaged.
Never disconnect the power c ord b y pul ling or tugg in g on t h e c ord.
Never carry the fixture dire ctly from the cord. Always use the hanging/moun ting
Avoi d direct eye exposure to the light source while it is on.
Swarm™ 4 3 Rev. 3 ML


Product Overview

Control Panel
(LED Display)
Fuse holder
Microphone Sensitivity
Power inking
Power In
Back Panel
this produc t.
Swarm™ 4 4 Rev. 3 ML
The power linking connector shown
corresponds to the North American version of


AC Power

indicates its average current draw under normal conditions.
as a 0 to 100% swit c h.

Power Linking

Please see the diagram below for further explanation.
The power linking shown in this document is for the CHAUVET® North American version
Additional power
link out
Fixture #1
Fixture #2
Fixture #3
This fixture is auto-ranging and runs on 100~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power.
To determine the power requirements for a particular fixture, see the label affixed to the back plate of the fixture or refer to the fixture’s specifications chart. A fixture’s listed current rating
Always connect the fixture to a switched circuit. Never connect the fixture to a rheostat (variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel is used only
Always conne ct the fixt ure to a circuit wi th a suit abl e el ectri ca l ground.
This fixture contains power linking via the Edison outlet located next to th e power in pu t cable.
The maximum qu antit y of Swarm™ 4s that may be linked is 26 units @ 120 V; 40 units @ 230 V.
ONLY! Therefore, it is the customer’s responsibility to check with the Dealer/Distributor regarding power linking on the local version of the product. Connections and availability may change, depending on the power requirements and/or r egu lations o f ea ch
Swarm™ 4 5 Rev. 3 ML


The Swarm™ 4 may be mounted in any position, provided there is adequate room for ventilation.


Be sure that the structure can support the weight of the fixture. Please see the “Technical
Safety c ables must al w ays be used!
Hanging Bracket
Bracket Adjustment
Specifications” section of this manual for a detailed weight listing. Mount the fixture securely. This may b e don e wi th a scr ew , nut and bolt, or a mounting clamp.
The hole in each bracket is 13 mm in diameter. When rigging, consider routine maintenance and control panel access. Please see the following
notes on installation.
If the power link out is intended to be used with mu lt ipl e f i xtures, take into account the length of eac h pow er cable, and m ount th e fi xtures clos e enough t o on e another to accommodate for this.
When aiming the fixtures, use the bracket/yoke adjustm ent k nobs. Loosen the knobs, adjust to th e des ired angl e, and then ti ght en the knobs by turning them clockwise. Do not use tools for this step, as it may cause damage.
Swarm™ 4 6 Rev. 3 ML


Using the Control Panel

Used to scroll through the current the current m en u op tion
Used to select an increasing value

Menu Map

Selection 1
Selection 2
512 DMX Operation
Select the DMX starting address
Trigger the built-in programs wi th v ariable speed
S 01~S100
Adjust the speed of the automatic program
Trigger the built-in program to the beat of the music, using the internal microphone

Configuring the Starting Address

The Sw arm™ 4 fixtur e uses up to four DMX channels. In t his DMX c onfigur ation/p ersonalit y,
Access c ontrol panel f unc ti ons us ing the four buttons l ocated directly underneath the LED
DMX Mode
Sound-active SNd
the highest config ur able addr ess is 509. Any address higher than this will prevent access to all of the channels while in this mode; however, if you desire to use one of the other DMX configu rations ( person alities) , pleas e consid er the t otal DM X chann els wh en select ing a D MX address.
If this is your first tim e us ing DMX, we recom mend readin g the “D MX Primer” s ection i n the
operating mode, as well as bac k ou t of
Used to sel ect a decreas i ng val u e
Used to activate a selection and store it to memor y
Swarm™ 4 7 Rev. 3 ML
This oper at i ng m od e w ill all ow f or c ontrol with an ext ernal DMX controll er . You must s et th e
6. Press <ENTER>.
250 ó 255
000 ó 255
Automatic Speed (when CH1 is between 080~199)
Slow ó fast
255 ó 255
Sound-activated strobe mode
134 ó 255
Motor Rotation
Rotate counter-clockwise
starting address for this mode. If this is your first time using DMX, then it is recommended that you refer to the “DMX Primer”
section in the “Appendix” of this manual. Please see the instructions below for details on this m ode.
1. Plug the fixture into power.
2. Plug a DMX controller into the fixture in a daisy chain configuration.
3. Press <MODE> until 512 appears on the LED screen.
4. Press <ENTER>.
5. Using <UP> & <DOWN>, select the DMX starting address.
When the fixture is in DMX mode, the red DMX LED will illuminate.
When the fixture is in DMX mode and addressed to A001, the yellow SLAVE LED will illuminate. This is normal.
000 ó 009 010 ó 014 015 ó 019 020 ó 024 025 ó 029 030 ó 034 035 ó 039 040 ó 044 045 ó 049
050 ó 054 055 ó 059 060 ó 064 065 ó 069 070 ó 074 075 ó 079 080 ó 139 140 ó 199 200 ó 249
000 ó 004 005 ó 254
000 ó 004 005 ó 127 128 ó 133
Blackout Red Green Blue Amber Green + blue Red + blue Red + green Red + amber Green + amber Blue + amber Red + green + blue Green + blue + amber Red + blu e + amber Red + green + blu e + amb er Automatic (single colors only) Automatic (two colors at a time) Automatic
No Function Strob e (sl ow ó fast) (max 30 Hz)
Stop Rotate clockwise Stop
Swarm™ 4 8 Rev. 3 ML

Master/Slave Mode (Sound-Active, Automatic)

5. Press <ENTER>.



Please see the instructions below for details on this m ode.
5. Press <ENTER>.


Please see the instructions below for details on this m ode.
This mode allows a single unit, the master, to operate in either au tomatic or s oun d-active m od e. When additional (slave) fixtures are daisy chained to the master, they will all synchronize with the master and run the same lighting show.
Please see the instructions below for details on this m ode. Master:
1. Place the master fixture first in the daisy chain.
2. S et th e m ast er fi xture to oper ate in either automat ic or sound-active m ode; please see
the appropriate sections of this manual for details on this procedure.
1. Daisy chain from the output of the master fixture.
2. Press <MODE> until 512 appears on the LED screen.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Using <UP> & <DOWN>, set the DMX starting address to 001.
Only connect 31 slave fixtures wh en op er at ing in this mod e!
When the fixture is in slav e mod e, the red DMX an d the yellow SLAVE LED will illuminate.
1. Plug the fixture into power.
2. Press <MODE> until SNd appears on the LED screen.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Use th e mic r ophon e s ensi ti vit y adjustm ent knob to ad jus t the fixture to react to the
beat of the mus ic .
When the fixture is in sound-active mod e, the gree n SOU ND LE D will illuminate.
The microphone will only respond to low frequencies (bass).
1. Plug the fixture into power.
2. Press <MODE> until AUTO appears on the LED screen.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Using <UP> & <DOWN>, adjust the program speed (S_ _1~S100) (fast~slow).
5. Press
When the fixture is in automatic mode, the blue AUTO LED will illuminate.
Swarm™ 4 9 Rev. 3 ML


General Maintenance

Gently polish optical surfaces until they are free of haze and lint.

Returns Procedure

the right to use its own discretion to repair or replace product(s).
1) Your name
A brief description of the symptoms


concealed damage, must b e m ad e wit hi n s even ( 7) d ays of r ec ei vi ng m erchand ise.
To maintain optimum performance and minimize wear, fixtures should be cleaned frequently. Usage and en vi ronm ent are contri but ing fact ors in determin in g cleaning fr equ ency. As a general rule, fi xtur es sh ould be cleaned at leas t t wice a month. D us t bu ild up reduces light output performance and can cause overheating. This can lead to reduction in the life of the light source and mechanical wear. Be sure to power off fixture before conducting maintenance.
Unplug fixture from power.
Use a vacuu m or air c om pressor and a soft brush to rem o ve d us t c oll ect ed on
external vents.
Clean all lenses when the fixture is cool with a mild solution of glass cleaner or Isopropyl Alcohol and a soft lint free cotton cloth or lens tissue.
Apply solution to the cloth or tis s ue and drag dirt and grim e to the outside of the lens.
Always dry the parts carefully after cleaning them.
If the fixture has one or more fans, never spin them using compressed air.
Return ed m erc handise must be sent prepai d an d in t h e original pac king; call tags wil l not b e issued . Pac k age must be cl ear l y l ab eled with a Ret urn Merch an di z e A ut h or iz ati on Numb er (RMA #). Products returned without the RMA # will be refused. Call CHAUVET® and request an RMA # prior to shipping the fixture. Be prepared to provide the model number, serial number and a brief description of the cause for the return. Be sure to pack fixture properly; any shipping damage resulting from inadequate packaging is the customer’s responsibility. As a suggestion, proper UPS packing or double-boxing is always a safe method to use. CHAUVET® reserves
If you are given an RMA #, please include the following information on a piece of paper inside the box:
2) Your address
3) Your phone numb er
4) RMA #
Damage incurred in shipping is the responsibility of the shipper; therefore, the damage must be reported to the carrier upon receipt of merchandise. It is the customer's responsibility to notify and submit claims with the shippe r in the event that a fixture is damaged due to shipping. Any other claim for items such as missing component/part, damage not related to shipping, and
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