Chauvet Scorpion 320D EU User Manual

User Manual
This laser product complies with EN/IEC
60825-1 Ed 2, 2007-03 for Class 3B.
1. Before You Begin ...........................................................................................................5
What Is Included ........................................................................................................................ 5
Claims ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Text Conventions ....................................................................................................................... 5
Symbols ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................. 5
Safety Notes .............................................................................................................................. 6
Non-Interlocked Housing Warning ........................................................................................................ 7
Las er Safety Notes............................................................................................................................... 7
Laser Safety Label Repr oduc tion ............................................................................................... 8
Laser Exposure Warning ...................................................................................................................... 9
Laser Emission Data .................................................................................................................. 9
2. Introduction ..................................................................................................................10
Overview.................................................................................................................................. 10
Dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 11
3. Setup .............................................................................................................................12
AC Power ................................................................................................................................ 12
Fuse Replacement ................................................................................................................... 12
Mounting .................................................................................................................................. 14
Orientation ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Rigging .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Proper Usage..................................................................................................................................... 15
4. Operation ......................................................................................................................16
Control Panel Operation ........................................................................................................... 16
Changing Options Withi n t he Same Functi on ...................................................................................... 16
Changing Options for a Different Function ........................................................................................... 16
Menu Map ................................................................................................................................ 16
Configuration ( DM X) ................................................................................................................ 16
Starting Address ................................................................................................................................ 16
DMX Channels ......................................................................................................................... 17
Configuration ( S tandalone)....................................................................................................... 18
Sound-Active Mode ............................................................................................................................ 18
Automatic Mode ................................................................................................................................. 18
Master/Slave Mode ............................................................................................................................ 18
Infrared Remot e Control ........................................................................................................... 19
5. Technical Information ..................................................................................................20
Product Maintenanc e ............................................................................................................... 20
6. Techni cal Sp eci f ications ..............................................................................................21
1. Antes de Empezar ........................................................................................................22
Qué va Incluido ........................................................................................................................ 22
Reclamaciones ......................................................................................................................... 22
Convenciones de Tex to............................................................................................................ 22
Símbolos.................................................................................................................................. 22
Exención de Responsabilidad ................................................................................................... 22
Notas de Seguridad ................................................................................................................. 23
Adv ertencia Sobre Carca sa no Cerrada .............................................................................................. 24
Notas de Seguridad Sobre Láser ........................................................................................................ 24
Advertencia Sobre Exposición al Láser ............................................................................................... 26
Datos de Emisión Láser ........................................................................................................... 26
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Reproducción de l a Etiqueta de Seguridad del Láser................................................................ 26
2. Introducción .................................................................................................................27
Vista General ........................................................................................................................... 27
Dimensiones ............................................................................................................................ 28
3. Instalación ....................................................................................................................29
Corriente Alterna ...................................................................................................................... 29
Sustitución del Fusible ............................................................................................................. 29
Montaje .................................................................................................................................... 31
Orientación ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Colocación ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Uso Adecuado ................................................................................................................................... 32
4. Funcionamiento............................................................................................................33
Funcionamiento del Panel de Control ......................................................................................... 33
Cambiar Opciones Dentro de la Misma Función .................................................................................. 33
Cambiar Opciones para una Función Diferente ................................................................................... 33
Mapa de Menú ......................................................................................................................... 33
Configuración (DMX) ................................................................................................................ 34
Dirección de Inicio .............................................................................................................................. 34
Canales DMX ........................................................................................................................... 35
Configuración (Independiente) ................................................................................................. 36
Modo Activo por Sonido ..................................................................................................................... 36
Modo Automático ............................................................................................................................... 36
Modo Maestro/Esclavo ....................................................................................................................... 36
Control Remot o ........................................................................................................................ 37
5. Información Técnica ....................................................................................................38
Mantenimient o del P r oduc to ..................................................................................................... 38
6. Especificaciones Técnicas ..........................................................................................39
Devoluciones ........................................................................................................................... 40
Contacto .................................................................................................................................. 40
1. Avant de Commencer...................................................................................................41
Ce qui est Compris................................................................................................................... 41
Réclamations ........................................................................................................................... 41
Conventions de Text e .............................................................................................................. 41
Symboles ................................................................................................................................. 41
Clause de non Responsabil ité .................................................................................................. 41
Consignes de Sécurité ............................................................................................................. 42
Avertissement : Boîtier non Verrouillable .............................................................................................. 43
Consignes de Sécurité Relatives au Laser .......................................................................................... 43
Avertissement d'Exposition au Laser................................................................................................... 46
Données d'Emission Laser ....................................................................................................... 46
2. Introduction ..................................................................................................................47
Aperçu ..................................................................................................................................... 47
Dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 48
3. Configuration ................................................................................................................49
Alimentati on CA ....................................................................................................................... 49
Remplacement du Fusible ........................................................................................................ 49
Utilisation Adéquate ........................................................................................................................... 51
4. Fonctionnement ...........................................................................................................52
Fonctionnement du Panneau de Commande .............................................................................. 52
Changer d'Options au Sein d'une Même Fonction ............................................................................... 52
Changer d'Options au Sein d'une Fonction Différente .......................................................................... 52
Tableau du Menu ..................................................................................................................... 52
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 3 of 60
Configuration ( DM X) ................................................................................................................ 53
Adresse de Départ ............................................................................................................................. 53
Canaux DMX ........................................................................................................................... 54
Configuration ( A utonome) ........................................................................................................ 55
Mode Musical..................................................................................................................................... 55
Mode Automatique ............................................................................................................................. 56
Mode M aître/Esc lave.......................................................................................................................... 56
Télécommande ........................................................................................................................ 57
5. Informations Techniques .............................................................................................58
Entretien de l'Appareil .............................................................................................................. 58
6. Spécificités Techniques ...............................................................................................59
Returns .................................................................................................................................... 60
Contact Us ............................................................................................................................... 60
Page 4 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
What Is
included accessories) appear damaged from
missing components or parts, damage not related to shipping,
A range of values
A set of values of which only one can be chosen
A menu option not to be modified
Menu > Settings
A seq uence of menu opti ons to b e followed
A key t o be pr essed on th e product’s control panel
A value t o be entered or selected
are subject to change
without notice. CHAUVET® assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or
Scorpion™ 320D EU
Power Cord
Warranty Card
Quick Reference G uide
Infrared Remote Control
Carefully unpack the product immediately and check t he box to make sure all the parts are in the package and are in good condition.
If the box or the contents (the product and shipping or show signs of mishandling, notify the carrier immediately, not CHAUVET®. Failure to report damage to the carrier immediately may invalidate your claim. In addition, keep the box and contents for inspection.
For ot her iss ues, such as or conc ealed dama ge, file a claim wit h CHAUVET® wi thi n 7 days of delivery.
Critical installation, configuration, or operation informa tion. Ignoring this information can cause the product to not work, damage it, or cause harm to the operator.
Important installation or configuration information. The product may not function correctly if this information is not us ed.
Useful information.
The information and specifications contained in this User Manual omissions that may appear i n this manual, and res erves the r ig ht to revise or recreate
this manual at any time. Download the latest version from
© Copyright 2013 CHAUVET®. All rights reserved.
Printed in P.R.C. Electronically published by CHAUVET® in th e U nit ed St ates of Am er ica.
S. Dia z 1/18/13
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 5 of 60
Safety Notes
important laser system safety information. Read and
laser eye injury and
damage or malfunction. Contact th e near est a uthorized techni cal assistan ce cen ter.
A void direct eye contact with laser light. Never intentionally expose your eyes or
The Safety Notes include understand all instructions before powering on the laser for the first time. Knowing these safety instructions is crucial to avoiding breaking the law. Keep this user manual in a safe place for future referenc e.
CAUTION! Viewing laser light direct ly (i ntra-beam viewing) through optical
instruments, such as cameras and binoculars, may increase risks to the eyes.
Lasers can be hazardous and have unique safety considerations. Permanent
eye injury and blindness is possible if lasers are used incorrectly. Pay close attention to each safety REMARK and WARNING statement in this User Manual. Read all instructions carefully BEFORE operating this device.
Always connect the product to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.
Always disconnect the product from power before c leaning it or replacing the fuse.
A void direct eye exposu re to the light sour ce while the product is on.
Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.
Never disconnect the product from power by p ulling or tug ging o n the cord.
If mounting the product overhead, always secure to a fastening d evice using a safety
Make s ure ther e are n o flammable materi als close to the product when operating.
Do not touch the product’s housing when operating because it may be very hot.
Thi s product is not intended for permanent installation.
Always make sure that the voltage of the outlet to which you are connecting the
product is within the r ange stated on the decal or rear panel of the product.
The product i s f or indoor use on l y! (IP20) To pr event risk of f i r e or shock, do n ot expose the product to rain or moistu re.
Always install the product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
B e sur e that no ventilation slots on the product’s housing are blocked.
N ever con nect the product to a dimmer.
Make s ure to rep lace the fuse wi th anoth er of t he same typ e and r ating.
Always use the mounting bracket to carry the pro duct.
Do not switch the product on/off in short intervals. This will reduce the laser diode life.
Do not shake this product. Avoid brute force when mounting or operating this product.
ALWAYS use a safety cable when mounting the product overhead.
T he ma x i mum ambi ent temperat ure (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do n ot op erat e the
product at higher temperatures.
I n the event of a serious operating pro blem, stop using the product immediately.
N ever t ry t o repa i r the product. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to
others to direct laser light.
Thi s laser product can potentially cause instant eye injury or blindness if laser light direct ly st r ikes the eyes.
I t is illegal and dangerous to shine this laser into audience areas, wh ere the aud ience or o t her p ersonnel could get direct la ser beams or bright reflec ti ons into their ey es.
It is a U.S. federal o f fense to shine any laser at air craf t.
Use of controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified herein may
result in hazardous radiation exposure.
DO NOT attempt any repairs. Repai rs and servicing mus t be carried out by a certified technician. Unauthorized modifications are forbidden for safety
Keep this User Manual for future consultation. If transferring ownership of the product to an other user, be s ure this document is kept with the las er.
Page 6 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
T his unit cont ains high power laser d evices internally.
The laser power levels, accessible if the unit is opened, can cause instant blindness, skin burns, and fi res.
not set up and used properly. Laser light is
y burning the retina (the
or blind you or your audience. Even very small
even at long distances. Laser eye
m is scanned out in high speed, that any
individual laser beam is safe for eye exposure. This type of laser product may use
njuries can occur instantly, it is critical
, it
Housi ng Warning
Laser Safety
Do not open the laser housing, due to potential exposure to unsafe levels of laser radiation.
Laser light is different from any other light sources. The light from this product can potentially cause eye injury if the product is thousands of times more concentrated than light from any other kind of light sou r ce. This concentration of light can cause instant eye injuries, primarily b light-sens it i v e po rt ion at t he b a c k of t h e eye) . E v en i f yo u cann o t feel “ h ea t ” f r om a l as er beam, it can still potentially injure amounts of laser light are potentially hazardous— injuries can happen faster than you can blink.
DO NOT as sume th at becau se some l aser en tertai nment product s spli t the la ser into hundreds of beams and/or that the laser bea
dozens of milliwatts of laser power (Class 3B levels) internally or before it splits into multiple beams (Class IIIa levels). Many of the individual beams are potentially hazardous to the eyes.
DO NOT assume that because the laser light is moving, it is safe. Laser light is never without risk, nor do the las er b ea m s al w ay s mo v e. Sinc e ey e i to prevent the possibility of ANY di r ect eye exposure. According to laser safety regulations is not legal to aim Class 3B lasers in ar eas where people can get exposed. This is t r ue even if the laser is aimed below people’s faces, such as on a dance floor.
Do not operate the laser without first reading and understanding all safety and technical data in this manual.
ALWAYS set up and install all laser effects so tha t all laser light is at least 3 meters (9.8 feet) above the floor on which people can stand.
Aft er set up, and prior to public use, test laser to ensure proper function. Do not use if any defect is detected.
DO NOT use laser if the laser lens is damaged or m issing, as this could indicate damage to the diffraction grating optic, and could allow emission of laser levels higher than Class 3B.
DO NOT point lasers at people or animals.
NEVER look into the l aser apertur e or la ser beams.
DO NOT point l asers in areas i n which people can potentially get exposed, such as
uncontrolled balconies, etc.
DO NOT point lasers at highly reflective surfaces, such as windows, mirrors, and shiny metal. Even laser reflections can be hazardous.
NEVER point a laser at aircraft; this is a U.S. f edera l offense.
NEVER point un-terminated laser beams into the sky.
Do not expose the output optic (aperture) to cleaning chemicals.
Do not use the laser if the housing is damaged, open, or if the optics appear
damaged in any way.
NEVER open the laser housin g. Th e high l aser pow er levels in side of the pro tect ive housing can start fires or burn s k in, a nd will cause insta nt eye injury.
Never l eave t his product running unattended.
The operation of a Class 3B laser show is only allowed if the show is controlled by a
skilled and well -trained operator, fam i li ar with the d ata i ncluded in t his m anual.
The legal requirements for using laser entertainment products vary from count ry to country. The user is responsible for the legal requirements in the location/country of
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 7 of 60
CAUTION! DO NOT operate this device in ways not specified in this User Manual. Failure to follow the instructions will void the warranty, may damage the product, or injure the user or the audience.
CAUTION! This product cannot be discarded with household waste. Contact your local waste management service for electronic disposal regulations in your area.
Laser Safety Label Reproduction
Page 8 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
Further guidelines and safety programs for safe use of lasers can be found in the ANSI Z136.1 Standard “For Safe Use of Lasers”, available from the Laser Institute of America:
others, require all lasers to be used under the guidelines of ANSI Z136.1. Laser Display guidance can be obtained via the International Laser Display Association:
Laser Classification
Class 3B
Red Laser Diode
LD GaAIAs 650 nm, typical
Green Laser Diode
DPSS Nd:YVO4, 532 nm
Blue Laser Diode
LD GaN 450 nm, typical
Beam Diameter
<5 mm at ap erture
Pulse Data
300 msec to CW
Divergence (each beam)
<2 mrad
Divergence (total light)
<160 degrees
Fan cooling
Warning Many local governments, corporations, agencies, military, and
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 9 of 60
Cooling Fan
Display Panel
Safety Loop
Power In/Out
DMX In/Out
Fuse Holder
Power Switch
Bracket Adjustment Knob
Mounting Bracket
Laser Aperture
Page 10 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 11 of 60
AC Power
ranging power supply and it can work with an
(circuit breaker or fuse).
an appropriate electrical ground to avoid the
a rheostat (variable resistor) or dimmer
6. Inser t the fuse holder ba ck in place and reconnect power.
Installed fuse (held by plastic clip)
Spare fuse holder
(inside safety cap)
Safety cap
The Scorpion™ 320D EU has an auto­input voltage range of 100~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
To determine the product’s power requirements (circuit breaker, power outlet, and wiring), use the current value listed on the label affixed to the product’s back panel, or refer to the product’s specifications chart. The listed current rating indicates the product’s average current draw under normal condition s.
Always connect the product to a protected circuit Make sure the product has ri sk of elect roc ution or fire.
Never connect the product to circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel serves only as a 0– switch.
Disconnect the product from power before replacing the fuse. Always replace a blown fuse wi t h a fuse of the sam e type and r ating.
1. Unplug th e prod uct from po w er.
2. Wedge the tip of a flat-head screwdrive r into the slot of the fuse holder.
3. Pry the fuse holder out of the housing.
4. Remove the blown fuse from the holder.
5. Replace with a fuse of the exa ct same type and rating.
The product does not ship with a spare fuse; however, the safety cap has room for a spare.
Page 12 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
Power Linking
IEC outlet located in the back of the unit.
The power linking diagram shown above corresponds to the North American version of the product ONLY! If using the product in other markets, consult with the local CHAUVET® distributor as power linking
1st Product
2nd Product
3rd Product
The product provides power linking via the Please s ee th e diag ram below .
Power Linking
You can power link up to 52 Scorpion™ 320D EU units on 230 VAC.
connectors and requirements may differ in your country or region.
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 13 of 60
, read and follow the safety recommendations indicated in
that includes planning for safe
of appropriate weight
knobs allow for directional adjustment when aiming the
Mounting Bracket
Adjustment Knob
Safety Cable/Safety Loop
Before mounting the product the Safety Notes.
The Scorpion™ 320D EU must be mounted in a position laser usage; in addi t ion, make sure adequate ventilation is provided around the product.
Before deciding on a location for the product, always make sure there is easy to the product for maintenance and programming.
Make sure that the structure or surface onto which you are mounting the product can support the product’s weight (see the Technical Specifications).
When mounting the product overhead, always use a safety cable. Mount the product securely to a ri ggin g point, such as an elevated pl atf or m or a truss .
W hen rigging the product onto a truss, use a mounting clamp capacity.
When power linking multiple products, always consider the length of the power linking cable and mount the products close enough for the cable to reach.
The bracket adjustment product to the desired angle. Only loosen or tighten the bracket knobs by hand. Using t ools could damage the knobs.
Page 14 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
Proper Usage
This product is for overhead mounting only. For safety purposes, CHAUVET® recommends mounting lighting effect products on steady elevated platforms or sturdy overhead supports using suitable hanging clamps. In all cases, use safety cables.
International laser safety regulations require that laser products must be operated in the fashion illustrated below, with a minimum of 3 meters (9.8 ft) of vertical
meters of horizontal separation is required between laser light and audience or
Obtain appropriate mounting hardware from your lighting vendor.
separation between the floor and the lowest laser light vertically. Additionally, 2.5 other public spaces.
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 15 of 60
This product is not designed for continual use. Make sure there are
Control Panel
To access the control panel functions, use the four buttons located underneath the
on the rear panel will show the current
operating mode (standalone or DMX). The product will retain the last saved settings when
Scrolls down the list of options or selects a lower value
the Same
To change an option, do the following:
Options for a
To change an option for a different function:
Menu Map
Mode or
Starting Value
Program or
Channel Range
Pre-programmed effects that cannot be customized
Automatic (Random)
The product responds to the beat of the music
S 0~S 9
0 = least sensitive, 9 = most sensitive
DMX mode, sets starting address
For Master/Sla ve op erati on
S = ˧
Image orientation
Rem ote control op erat ion
starting address, always consider the number of DMX channels
g address that is too high, you could
DMX mode, which defines
3. Press <ENTER>.
regular breaks during operation to maximize the life of your laser.
Always disconnect the Scorpion™ 320D EU from power w hen not in use.
Options Wit hin
display. When the product is on, the display powered off.
<MENU> Selects an operation mode or backs out of the current menu option
Scrolls u p the list of options or selects a higher value
<ENTER> Activates a menu opt ion or a selected value
1. Press <MENU> once (the LED display will blink).
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> until the desired menu option shows on the LED display.
3. Press <ENT> to accept the new option (the new option will show solid on the LED
1. Press <MENU> once (the LED display will blink).
2. Press <MENU> repeatedly until seeing the active option of the desired menu branch.
3. Press <UP> or <DOWN> until the desired menu option within the new menu branch shows on the LED display.
4. Press <ENT> to accept the new option (the new option will show solid on the
Options Description
Set the product in DMX mode t o control with a D M X cont rol ler.
Starting Address
Page 16 of 60 Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML)
1. Connect the product to a suitable po w er outlet .
2. Turn the product on.
3. Connect a DMX cable from the DMX output of the DMX controller to the DMX input on the Scorpion™ 320D EU.
Wh en selec ting a DMX the selected DMX mo de uses. If you choose a startin restrict t he ac cess t o som e of t he product’s channels.
The Scorpion™ 320D EU uses up to 18 DMX channels in its the highest configurable address to 495. If you are not familiar with DMX, download the DMX Pri mer from
To select the starting address, do the following:
1. Press <MENU> repeatedl y until a three-digit value appears on the display.
2. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to sel ect t he st arting addres s.
DMX mode
Mixed effects auto show
Sound-Active mode
1 Group Patterns
2 Group Patterns
3 Group Patterns
4 Group Patterns
5 Group Patterns
3 Pattern
Every 16 for 1 Group, total 16 patterns
Light Blue
Color Rolling
Color Jumping
Color M ovi ng
Strobing Slow to Fast
Full Pattern without clipping
0–99% Fixed Pattern clipped
Clipping speed
100%–5% Fixed Pattern zoomed
Zoom IN
Zoom OUT
Alternately Zooming
7 Zoom Speed
Fast to Slow Zoom Speed
0~–359° fixed Y-Axis rotation
Clockwise rotation
Counterc lock wi se rotati o n
9 Y-Axis Speed
Fast to Slow Y-Axis rotation Speed
0–359° Fixed X-Axis rotation
Clockwise rotation
Counterc lock wi se rotati o n
11 X-Axis Speed
Fast to Slow Roll Speed
0–359° Fixed Z-Axis rotation
Clockwise rotation
Counterc lock wi se rotati o n
13 Z-Axis Speed
Fast to Slow Z-Axis Rotation Speed
128 Different fixed positions on the X-Axis
Clockwise panning
Counter c l oc k wise panni ng
15 X-Axis Speed
Fast to Slow X-Axis moving
128 Different fixed positions on the Y-Axis
Clockwise tilting
Counterclockwise tilting
17 Y-Axis Speed
Fast to Slow Y-Axis tilting
No pattern rotating
Clockwise pattern rotating
No pattern rotating
Pattern rotating
DMX Channels
Channel Value Function
1 Mode
2 Group
4 Color
5 Clipping
6 Zoom
8 Y-Axis Rotation
10 X-Axis Rotation
12 Z-Axis Rotation
14 X-Axis Pan
16 Y-Axis Tilt
18 Pattern Rotation
Scorpion™ 320D EU User Manual (Rev. 2 ML) Page 17 of 60
2. Turn the product on.
to a DMX string connected to a DMX
s in standalone mode may transmit DMX signals that
6. Press <ENTER>.
music (bass and
products operate in unision to the beat of the music.
5. Press <ENTER>.
2. Make the master unit the first unit in the DMX daisy chain.
Configure all the slave units before connecting the master unit to the
Never connect a DMX controller to a DMX string configured for
may interfere with the
Do not connect more than 31 slave units to the master unit.
Set the product in one of the standalone modes to control without a DMX controller.
1. Connect the product to a suitable po w er outlet .
Never connect a product that is operating in any standalone mode (either
To enable the Sound-Active mode, do the following:
1. Press <MENU repeatedly until Sou or Aut shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> until Sou shows on the display.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Turn the music on and press <MENU> until S 0(~9) shows on the display.
5. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to set th e sound sensit ivity fr om lev el S 1~S 9, with S 9
Static, Automatic, or Sound) controller. Product could interfere with the DMX signals from the controller.
being the most sensitive.
Automatic Mode
To enable the Automatic mode, follow the instructions below:
1. Press <MENU repeatedly until Sou or Aut shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> until Aut shows on the display.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to s elect the desired eff ect for an aut omatic program.
The Master/Slave mode allows a single Scorpion™ 320D EU product ( the “ mas ter” ) to
control the actions of one or more Scorpion™ 320D EU products (th e “sl aves” ) wit hout the need of a DMX controller. The master will be set to operate in either Automatic or Sound Active mode, while the slaves wi l l be set to opera te i n Sla ve mod e. O nce set and connected, the slave units will operate in unison with the master unit.
Configure the units as indicated below.
Slave un its:
1. Press <MENU> repeatedly u ntil SLA shows on the display.
2. Press <ENTER> to accept.
3. Connect the DMX input of the first slave unit to the DMX output of the master unit.
4. Connect the DMX input of the subsequent slave units to the DMX output of the
5. Finish set tin g and conn ecti ng all the slave units.
Master unit:
1. Set th e m aster unit to opera te i n either Automa t ic or Sound-Active mode.
The product will only respond to low frequencies of drums).
The laser will BLACK OUT when in Sound-Active mode af ter 3 seconds of silence or noise below the sensitivity setting.
Individual products have different sound sensitivities, even when set to same number. For the best results, use Master/Slave mode to make all
previous slave unit.
DMX daisy chain.
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Master/Slave operation because the controller signals from the master unit.
+ 42 hidden pages