1. Before You Begin................................................................................3
What Is Included ........................................................................................... 3
Unpacking Instruc tions .................................................................................. 3
Claims ................................................................................................................... 3
Text Conventions .......................................................................................... 3
Icons ............................................................................................................. 3
Document Information ................................................................................... 3
Product at a Glance ....................................................................................... 4
Safety Notes ................................................................................................. 4
2. Introduction.........................................................................................5
Product Overview .......................................................................................... 5
Product Dimensions ...................................................................................... 6
3. Setup ...................................................................................................7
AC Power ...................................................................................................... 7
Fus e Repl acement ................................................................................................. 7
Power Linking ........................................................................................................ 8
Mounting ....................................................................................................... 9
Orientation ............................................................................................................. 9
Rigging .................................................................................................................. 9
4. Operation ..........................................................................................10
Control Panel Operation .............................................................................. 10
Menu Map ................................................................................................... 10
Configuration ( DM X) .................................................................................... 11
DMX Personalities and Starting Address .............................................................. 11
DMX Channel Assignments and Values....................................................... 11
3-CH .................................................................................................................... 11
Configuration ( S tandalone) .......................................................................... 12
Sound-Active Mode .............................................................................................. 12
Automatic Mode ................................................................................................... 12
Master/Slave Mode .............................................................................................. 12
5. Technical Information ......................................................................13
Product Maintenanc e .................................................................................. 13
General Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 14
Contact Procedur e ...................................................................................... 15
CHAUVET® Contact Inf ormation ................................................................. 15
Returning Produc ts to CHAUVET® .............................................................. 15
6. Techni cal Sp eci f ications ..................................................................16
Page 2 of 16 Radius™ 2.0 User Manual Rev. 2

Failure to do so in a timely manner may
For other issues such as missing components or parts, damage not related to shi pping,
within seven (7) days of receiving
A set of values of which only one can be chosen
A menu option not to be modified
A seq uence of menu opti ons to b e followed
A key t o be pr essed on th e product’s control panel
A value t o be entered or selected
This paragraph contai ns critical installation, configur ation, or
damage to the product, or cause harm to the user.
This paragraph contains important installation or configu ra tion
the product from functioning correctly.
The information and specifications contained in this document are subject to change
without notice. CHAUVET® assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or
CHAUVET® reserves the right to update the
• 1 x Radius™ 2.0
• 1 x Power Cord
Immediately upon receipt, carefully unpack the product and check the contai ner to make
sure you have received all the parts indicat ed above in good condition.
If the container or the material inside the container (the product and
accessories) appear damaged from shipp ing, or show signs of mishandling,
notify the carrier immediately, not CHAUVET®.
invalidate your claim with the carrier. In addition, keep t he container and all the pa
material for inspection.
or concealed damage, file a claim with CHAUVET®
the merchandise.
Convention Meaning
Icon Meaning
• 1 x Warran ty Card
• 1 x Quick R eference Guid e
operation information. Failure to comply with this information may
render the product parti al ly or completely i noperative, caus e
information. F ail ure to comply with this in form ati on may p revent
This paragraph reminds you of useful, alt hough not critical,
omissions that may appear in t his manual.
existing docum ent or t o c reate a new document to correct any errors or omis sions.
You can download the lat est version of this doc ument f rom www.chauvetlighting.com.
© Copyright 2013 CHAUVET®. All rights reserved.
Electronically published by CHAUVET® in the U nited St ates of Am er ica.
A. Leon 06/14/13 T. Yeago 06/17/13
Author Date Editor Date
Radius™ 2.0 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 3 of 16

Do not touch the product’s housing when operating because it may be very hot.
• Always m ake s ure that the voltag e of the outlet to which you are connect ing the
Use on Dimmer
Out door Use
Please read the following Safet y Not es c arefu lly b efore working with the product. The
Notes include impor tant safety information about installation, usage, and maintenance.
• Always connect the product to a grounded circ uit to avoid the risk of electrocution.
• Always disconnect the product from the power source before cleaning or replacing
the fuse.
• Avo id di rect eye exp osure to the l ight sour ce whi le th e product is on.
• Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.
• Never disconnect the product from power cord by pulling or tugging on the cord.
• If mounting the product overhead, always secure to a fastening d evice using a
safety cable.
• Make sure th ere are no flammable materials close to the product when operating.
product is within the range stated on the decal or rear panel of the product.
• The product is for indoor us e only! (I P20) T o prevent risk of fire or shock, do n ot
expose the product to rain or moistu re.
• Always install the product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 i n
(50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
• Be su re that no ventilation slots on the product’s housing are blocked.
• Nev er co nnect the product to a dimmer.
• Make sure to repl ace the fus e w ith a noth er of t he same typ e and r ati ng.
• Nev er ca r ry the product from the power cord or an y moving pa rt. Always us e the
hanging/mounting bracket or the handles.
• The maximum ambient t emperature (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do n ot operate the
product at higher temperatures.
• In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the product immediately.
• Nev er tr y to repair the product. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to
damage or mal function. Please contact the nearest authorized technical assistance
Auto Programs
Auto-ranging Power Supply
Replaceable Fuse
• Keep this User Manual for future consultation. If you sell the product to another
user, b e s ure that they also r eceive th is document.
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