Chauvet Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual

User Manual
Edition Notes
The Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual Rev. 01d covers the description, safety precaut ions, inst all at i on , program m in g, operation , and m ai ntenanc e of t h e Q-B eam 2 60­LED. CHAUVET® releas ed this edi tion of th e Q-B eam 2 60-LED Us er M anual Rev. 01d in December 2010.
CHAUVET® is a regist ered tr adem ark of CHAUVET & Sons Inc. (d/b/a CHAUVET ® or Chauvet). The CHAUVET® logo in its entirety including the Chauvet name and the dotted triangl e, and all oth er trad emarks on this manual pert ain ing to servic es, pr oduc ts, or marketing statements (example: It’s Green Thinking™) are owned or licensed by CHAUVET®. Any other product names, logos, brands, company names, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this document are the property of their respective trademark holders.
CHAUVET® owns th e c ont ent of th is us er man u al in it s ent irety, inclu di n g bu t not li mi t ed to p i ctur es, log os, trademarks, and resources.
© Copyright 2010 CHAUVET®. All righ ts reserved
Elec tronically publi s hed by CHAUV ET® in the Un it ed S t at es of Am erica
CHAUVET® authorizes its customers to download and print this manual for professional inform ation pur poses only. CHAUVET® expr essl y prohibits the usage, cop y, storag e, distribution, modification, or print ing of t his man ual or its content for an y oth er purp ose without its written consent.
For bett er r esults, pri nt this docum ent in c olor, on letter s ize p aper (8.5 x 1 1 inches), doubl e sided. If using A4 paper (210 x 29 7 mm), configure your printer to scale the content of th is doc u m ent to A4 paper.
Publications Hot
a Glance
Any person in ch arge of install ing, oper ating, and/ or maint ainin g the Q-Beam 260-LED should read the guide that shipped with it as wel l as this m anu al in t heir entir et y bef ore install in g, operati ng, or maint ai ni ng this product.
CHAUVET® believes that the information contained in this manual is accurate in all respects. However, CHAUVET® ass u m es n o responsibi li ty for any err or or om is s i ons in this document. CHAUVET® reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of CHAUVET® to notify any person or company of such revision or changes. This does not constitute in any way a com mi tm en t b y CHAU VE T ® to make such changes. CHAUVET® may issue a revisi on of this manual or a new edition of it to incorpor ate such changes.
If you hav e an y com ments ab out th e accur ac y of th is d ocum ent or gen eral sug gest ions regard ing h ow we c an impr ove it, pleas e call us at ( 800) 76 2-1084 (US callers) or +1­954-929-1115 (international callers). You can download the latest versions of all CHAUVET® products’ manuals from
The Q-Beam 260-LED Us er Manual Rev. 01d s upersed es all previ ous versions of this manual. Please disc ard any older vers ions of this manu al you may have, whether in printed or el ect ronic for m at, an d replac e th em wit h this v er s i on.
Author Editor Manager PD Manager
O. Desmonteix D. Couppe M. Graham F. Sellers
Use on Dimmer Outdoor Use
Auto Programs Auto-ranging Power Supply
Sound Activated DMX Master/Slave
Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual Rev. 01d
Replaceable Fuse User Serviceable Duty Cycle
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Before You Begin ............................................................................................................1
What is Included ............................................................................................................................. 1
Unpacking Instructions ................................................................................................................... 1
Typographic Conv entions ............................................................................................................... 1
Icon Meaning .................................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Notes ................................................................................................................................... 2
Expected LED Lifespan .................................................................................................................. 2
2. Introduction .....................................................................................................................3
Product Description ........................................................................................................................ 3
Features ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Additional Features .................................................................................................................................... 3
DMX Channel Summary ................................................................................................................. 4
Product Overview ........................................................................................................................... 5
Product Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 6
3. Setup ................................................................................................................................7
AC Power ....................................................................................................................................... 7
AC Plug ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Fuse Replacement ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Gobo Replacement ......................................................................................................................... 8
DMX Linking ................................................................................................................................... 8
DMX Modes ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Master/Slave Connectivity .......................................................................................................................... 8
Mounting ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Orientation ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Rigging ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Operation .......................................................................................................................10
Control Panel Description ............................................................................................................. 10
Control Options ............................................................................................................................ 10
Programming ................................................................................................................................ 10
DMX Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Stand-alone Operation ............................................................................................................................. 10
Master/Slave Operation ............................................................................................................................ 10
Display Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Keylock.................................................................................................................................................... 11
Rotation Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Edit Custom ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Software Version ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Range Limitation ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Move-in Black .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Reset Control ........................................................................................................................................... 12
System Default ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Menu Map .................................................................................................................................... 13
DMX Values ................................................................................................................................. 14
BASIC ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
ADVANCED............................................................................................................................................. 15
5. Technical Information ...................................................................................................16
General Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 16
Photometrics ................................................................................................................................ 16
Troubleshooti ng Guide ................................................................................................................. 17
Returns Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 18
Claims .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Contact Us ................................................................................................................................... 18
Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual Rev. 01d -a-
Table of Contents
Technical Specifications................................................................................................................ 19
-b- Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual Rev. 01d
1. Before You Begin
MENU > Settings
This icon indicates critical ins tallation, configuration, or oper ation
equipment, or c ause harm to the user.
Before You Begi n
What is
One Q-Beam 260-LED
One IEC power cord with Edison plug (US market)
One safety cable
Two omega brackets
Warr ant y Card
Quick Reference Guide
Immedi ately up on recei ving t his prod uct, carefully unpack it and check th e contain er in which you r eceived it . Make s ure that you have recei ved all t he parts ind icated above and that they are all in g ood con dition. If the material inside the container (this prod uct and any other accessory included with it) appears damaged from shipping, or if the container shows s ig ns of mis h an dl ing, noti fy the shipper immedi at ely. In ad dition, retain the container and all the p acki n g m at er i al f or ins p ec tion.
See the Claims section in th e T ec h n ica l I nformatio n chapter.
Convention Meaning
1~512 A range of val u es in the text
50/60 A set of mutually exclusive values in the text
[10] A DIP switch to be configured
“COLORado™ UM” The name of an other publication or m anual
<SET> A button on the fixture ’s contro l panel
Settings A fixtur e f unc ti on or a menu opti on
1~10 A range of m enu val u es from which to choose in a menu
Yes/No A set of two mutual l y exc l us ive menu opti ons in a menu
ON A unique value to entered or select in a menu
A new term, or a section or chapter in this document
A sequence of menu opt i ons
Icon Meaning
The term “ DMX” used through out this docum ent refers t o the USITT DMX512-A transmission protocol.
Q-Beam 260-LED Us er M anu al Rev. 01d -1-
Icon Meaning
information. Failure to comply with this information may render the fixture partially or completely inoperative , damage third-party
This icon indicates important installation or configuration information. Failure to comply with this information may pr ev en t the fixture from functioning correctly.
This icon indicates useful, although n on-c ritical inf orm at i on .
Before You Begi n
carefully because they include important safety
Safety Notes
Personal Safety
Mounting and Rigging
Power and Wiring
Please read the following notes inform at i on ab ou t th e inst allation, usage, and maintenance of this product.
It is important to read all these notes before starting to work with this product.
There are no user serviceable parts inside this product. Any reference to servicing it you may find from now on in this User Manual will only apply to properly CHAUVET® certif ied technicians. Do not open the ho using or attempt any repairs unless you are one of them.
Please refer to all applicable local codes and regulations for the proper installation of this prod uct .
Keep this m anu al for future con sult ation. If yo u s el l this product to anot her user, make sure that they also receive this manual.
Avoid direct eye exposure to the light source while th e fixture is on.
Always disconnect this product from its power source before servicing.
Always connect this product to a ground ed circuit to avoi d th e ris k of el ectrocution.
Do not touc h this product’s housing when operatin g b ec ause it may be ver y hot.
This product is for indoor use only! To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose
this produc t t o r ain or m oistur e.
Make sure there are no flammable materials close to this product while operating.
When hanging this product, al w ays s ec ure it to a fasteni ng devi ce using a safety
chain/cable (included).
Do not carry this fixture from the head; use the handles instead.
Always m ak e sure that you are connecting this product to the proper voltage, as
per the specif ications in this man u al or on th e product’s sti c k er.
Never connect this prod uc t to a dimmer pack or rheost at.
Never disconnect this product by pulling or tugging on the power cable.
Expected LED
Do not operate this fixture if you see damage on the housing, lenses, or cables. In any of these cases, have the damaged parts replaced by an authorized technician at once.
Do not cover the ventilation slots when the fixture is operating to avoid internal overheating.
Do not aim this fixture toward the Sun. Otherwise, the lenses could concentrate the solar energy and c aus e int er n al ov erheating .
The maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do not operate this product at a higher temperatur e.
In case of a serious operating problem, stop using this product imm e di ately!
In the un likely event that your CHAUVET® product may requir e servic e, plea se contact CHAUVET® Technical Support.
LEDs gr adually d ecline in bri ghtness over time, mostly bec ause of h eat. Pack aged in clusters, LEDs exhibit higher operating temperatures than in ideal, single LED conditi ons. For this reas on, usi ng clustered LEDs at their fullest i ntensit y signif icantly reduc es the LEDs’ lif espan. U nder n ormal con ditions , this lif espan c an be of 40,000 t o 50,000 h ours. If ext ending this lifespan is vital, low er the oper ational temp erature by improving the fixture’s ventilation and reducin g the ext ernal temperature. In add ition, limitin g th e overall pr oj ecti on intensit y m ay also help to ext en d the LEDs ’ lifespan.
-2- Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual Rev. 01d
2. Introduction
Additional Features
Th e Q-Beam™ 2 60-LED is a high p ower moving yok e fixture equi pped with a 60-watt white LE D. I t inc lud es a c ol or wh eel with eig ht sl ots plus whi te. I t al so c omes wit h on e gobo wheel with s even r otating s lot-n-loc k gobos plus op en. It als o inclu des a fi xed 3­facet prism.
9 or 12-channel DMX-512 LED m oving yoke
Pan: 540°
Tilt: 270°
Color wh eel:
8 colors + white Rainbow color spin at variable speeds
Gobo wheel 1: Indexed, rotating gobo wheel with gobo shake
3-facet static prism
Variable elec tronic strobe
Variable elec tronic dimm er (0~100%)
Remote fixture reset
255 user-programmable steps without DMX controller
Move-in-black for pan and tilt
Built-in automated programs
Built-in sound activated programs
High-power 60 W LED
User-selectable pan/til t ranges
Automatic pan/tilt correction
Reset to factory settings option
User-s el ec table basic or advanced op erat i n g m od es
7 gobos + open Gobo wheel sp in at vari ab le speeds
Q-Beam 260-LED Us er M anu al Rev. 01d -3-
DMX Channel
Function 1
2 Tilt
3 Color Wheel 4
Rotating Gobo Wheel
5 Gobo Rotation
6 Fixed Prism 7
8 Strobe
9 Control
DMX Channel
1 Pan
2 Pan Fine
3 Tilt
4 Tilt Fine
5 Pan / Tilt Speed
6 Color Wheel
7 Rotating Gobo Wheel
8 Gobo Rotation
9 Fixed Prism
DMX Channel
-4- Q-Beam 260-LED User Manual Rev. 01d
+ 16 hidden pages