Chauvet Obey 6 User Manual

User Manual
1. Before You Begin ................................................................................................................... 3
What Is Included.............................................................................................................................................3
Unpacking Instructions ..................................................................................................................................3
Claims .............................................................................................................................................................3
Conventions ....................................................................................................................................................3
Symbols ..........................................................................................................................................................3
Disclaimer .......................................................................................................................................................3
Product at a Glance .......................................................................................................................................4
Safety Notes ...................................................................................................................................................4
Features ..........................................................................................................................................................5
Product Description ........................................................................................................................................5
Programming Concepts .................................................................................................................................5
Front Panel Overview ....................................................................................................................................6
Front Panel Vi ew ............................................................................................................................................6
Control Descri pti on s ...................................................................................................................................7
Back Panel View ............................................................................................................................................8
Back Panel Ports ........................................................................................................................................8
3. Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 9
AC Power ........................................................................................................................................................9
Mounting .........................................................................................................................................................9
Mounting Dimensions .................................................................................................................................9
Setting Up The Board ................................................................................................................................. 10
DMX Cabling ............................................................................................................................................... 10
DMX Cabling Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 10
DMX Addressing Of Lights ......................................................................................................................... 10
DMX Addressing Chart ........................................................................................................................... 11
Faders .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Selecting Lights ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Color Fade Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Color Macro Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Auto Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Chase Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Chase Map ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Preset Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Manual Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Strobe Function In Manual Mode ........................................................................................................... 16
Strobe Function ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Sound Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Blackout ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Tips and Tricks ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Tips ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Tricks ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Page 2 of 22 Obey™ 6 User Manual Rev 1
1. Before You Begin | What Is Included
1. B
What Is
Obey™ 6
Warranty Card
Carefull y unpack the O bey ™ 6 an d check that all the parts ar e in the package, and are in good
If the box, or an y of the c ont ents, appe ar damaged from shipping, save all the packa ging and fil e a
Menu > Settings
A sequence of menu options
The information and specifications contained in this User Manual are subject to change without
External Power Supply
claim with th e carrier immediat ely. Failur e to report damag e to the carrier imm ediatel y, or failure to save all the p a ckagi ng, can invalidate a claim.
For other issues, such as missing components or parts, damage not related to shipping, or concealed damage, file a claim with CHAUVET® within 7 days of delivery. See Contact Us contact information.
A range of values
A menu option
A button
Critical information. Ignoring it can cause malfunction, damage the product, or harm the operator.
Quick Reference Guide
Important information. Ignoring it can cause the product to malfunction.
Useful information.
notice. CH AUVET® as sumes no respo nsibilit y or liabi lity for any error s or om issions, a nd reser ves the right to revise or recreate this manual at any time. The latest version of this manual can be downloaded from
© Copyright 20 14 CHA UVET®. All rights reserved.
Electronically publ i shed by CHAUVET® in the United States of America.
Author Date Editor Date
L. Henry 4/10/14 A. Leon 4/10/14
Obey™ 6 User Manual Rev. 1 Page 3 of 22
1. Before You Begin | Product at a Glance
Product at a
Safety Notes
These notes include important information about the mounting, use, and maintenance of this
Always connect the product to a grounded circuit.
The product is for indoor use only! It is r at ed at IP 20.
within the ran ge s tat ed on t he
Keep this User Manual for future reference. If the product is sold, be sure to give this manual to
Use on Dimmer Outdoor Use Sound-Activated DMX
product. Read these notes before using the product.
Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.
Always disconnect the product from the pow er sour ce before cl eaning it .
Never disconnect the product fr om the powe r sour ce by pulling or tugging on the cord.
Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the product when it is operating.
Do not expose the prod uct to rai n or moistu re.
Make sure the voltage of the power source used for the product is
label or on rear pa nel o f t he pr odu ct.
Never connect the product to a dimmer or a rheostat.
Always install th e produ ct in a lo c ati on with adequate ventilation, and leav e at le a st 20 in
(50 cm) between the product and adjacent surfaces.
Be sure that no ventilation slots on the product’s housing are blocked.
Do not operate the product in an ambient temperature higher than 104 °F (40 °C)
In the event o f a ser iou s op era tin g p r oble m, sto p u sing t he p rodu c t i mmedi at ely .
Never try to repair the product. Re pai rs ca rried o ut by un trai ned pe opl e ca n l ead to damag e o r
If repairs are requi red, contac t the nea rest auth oriz ed techni cal assi stance c enter. See Contact Us for contact information.
Auto Program Auto-Ranging Power Supply Replaceable Fuse User-Serviceable
the next owner.
Page 4 of 22 Obey™ 6 User Manual Rev 1
2. Introduction | Features
2. I
Controls up to 6 fixtures individually with up to 6 channels per fixture.
The Obey™ 6 ( the bo ard) is a com pac t D MX c on trol ler designed to control LED wash or spot lights
The Obey™ 6 uses DMX addressing and values to c ontrol lights. See DMX Addressing of Lights
The Obey™ 6 works with any light that has 6 channels (or less) of DMX, and it operate s with
Lighting looks ar e creat ed by combining dif ferent m odes an d colors across groups of, or individ ual,
exist only during the current
Controls the lights in 6 different groups for a variety of looks.
Includes 18 chases.
Includes 24 built-in colors.
Includes manual color mixing.
Includes auto color changes and color fades with adjustable speeds and sound activation.
Includes master dimmer control and strobing.
on the fly. It controls up to 6 fixtures individually with up to 6 channels per fixture. The preset c olor buttons allow for quick color changes and can be used in combination with the individual color faders. Th e Auto, Color Fade, and Chases modes crea te dif fer ent color ef fects that can be s et to a specific speed with the <Speed Time> and <Fade Time> f aders, or set to respond to sound Sound mode. T he C olor M ac ro m ode tur ns a f ader int o a c o lor sel ect ion to ol. All m o des an d an y or all lights can be strobed.
and DMX Addressing Chart for more information.
the idea that the channel assignments are 1–6, R-G-B-A-W-UV.
lights. The different modes are:
Preset mode with 18 preset color s on latch button s. See Preset Mo de
Manual mode with 6 faders for color mixing and 6 momentary buttons for color bumps. See
Manual Mode.
Chases mode with 18 preset chases. See Chase Mode.
Color Fade and A ut o mode s, w hi ch a re sele cted by pressing a single button and can be sound
activated or configured with the speed and time faders. See Color Fade Mode or Auto Mode
Color Macro mode, which makes one of the faders roll through a series of colors. See Color
Macro Mode.
The Obey™ 6 does not have program memory. All looks session. Looks cannot be saved or recalled.
Obey™ 6 User Manual Rev. 1 Page 5 of 22
2. Introduction | Front Panel Overview
Front Panel
The board is lai d out with the fixtur e buttons o n the top left, the color preset an d chase buttons on
, and the sound and
Front Panel
And Indicator LEDs
Color Fade And
Indicator LED
Color Macro And
Indicator LED
Auto And
Indicator LED
Chases And
Indicator LED
Quick Color
Buttons And Faders
Sound And
Indicator LED
And Indicator LED
Fade Time
Strobe Speed
Strobe And
Indicator LED
Blackout And Indicator LED
Preset And
Indicator LED
Preset COLORS and CHASES for
Preset COLORS and CHASES for
Preset COLORS and CHASES for
RGBAW+UV lights
strobe buttons to the far right. The diagram below shows the front panel and identifies each button and fader.
the bottom left, the fad ers to the right—with color bump buttons a bove them
See Back Panel View
for information about the back panel and its ports.
Page 6 of 22 Obey™ 6 User Manual Rev 1
2. Introduction | Front Panel View
Control Descriptions
These buttons are inclusive.
the selected
in order to
each of which
the color light
when the selected lights are
to the right increases sensitivity.
Buttons that select a color in Preset mode or select a chase in Chase mode.
when the selected lights are
, each of which
the selected lights are
<Master Dimmer>
Buttons that select lights and the LEDs that indicate when lights are selected.
<Color Fade>
<Color Macro>
Quick Color Buttons
Quick Color Faders
Sensitivity Knob
Pressing one, then another, selects both lights. Pressing the button a second time deselects the light. Button that puts the selected lights into Color Fade mode and the LED that indicates when the selected
are in Color Fade mode. Button that puts the selected lights into Colo r Macro mode and the LED that indicates when
lights are in Color Macro mode. This mode requires movement of the <Speed Time> fader change colors.
Button that puts the selected lights into Auto Color mode and the LED that indicates when the selected light are in Auto mode. This mode creates color changes across different fixture buttons. For example, l selected by
Button that puts the selected lights into Chase Mode and the LED that indicates when the selected lights are in Chase mode. This button is used in combination with the <COLORS/CHASES> buttons, selects a specific chase.
Buttons that instantly turn on a color in Manual mode. These are momentary buttons where remains on only while the buttons are pr essed.
Faders that adjust color mixing in Manual mode. Button that puts the selected lights into Sound mode and the LED that indicates
in Sound mode. Sound mode works only with Color Fade, Auto, and Chase modes. Knob that controls the board’s responsiveness to sound. Turning this button
Turning it to the left decreases sensitivity.
will show different colors than lights selected by
<Manual RGBAWUV>
<Speed Time>
<Strobe Speed>
<White Dimmer>
or <White>
Button that puts the selected lights into Preset mode and the LED that indicates in Preset mode. This button is used in combination with the <COLORS/CHASES> buttons selects a specific color.
Button that puts the selected lights into Preset mode and the LED that indicates when in Manual mode. This button is used in combination with the Quick Color Buttons and Quick Color Faders color mix the selected lights.
Fader that controls:
the speed of fades in Color Fade mode
the speed of chases in Chase mode
the speed of changes in Auto mode
the color in Color Macro mode
the amount of red in Manual mode
Fader that controls:
the transition time between color changes in Color Fade, Chase, Auto, Color Macro, and Preset modes
the fade up and fade down time of <Master Dimmer> in all modes except Manual mode
the amount of green in Manual mode
Fader that controls:
the brightness in Color Fade, Chase, Auto, Color Macro, and Preset modes
the amount of blue in Manual mode
Fader that controls:
the strobe speed in Color Fade, Chase, Auto, Color Macro, and Preset mode
the amount of amber and the strobe function in Manual mode—see M anual M ode for more information
This fader is used in combination with the <Strobe> button. See Strobe Function for more information. Fader that controls:
the addition of white in all modes
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