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The Nexus™ Aw 7x7 Quick Reference Guide (QRG) has basic product
information such as connection, mounting, menu options, and DMX values.
Download the User Manual from www.chauvetprofessional.com
The information and specifications contained in this QRG are subject to
• DO NOT open this product. It contains no user-serviceable parts.
• DO NOT look at the light source when the product is on.
• CAUTION: This product’s housing may b e hot when lights are
• Mount this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least
20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
• DO NOT leave any flammab le material withi n 50 cm of this pro duct
while operating or connected to power.
• USE a safety cable when mounting this product overhead.
• DO NOT hang product using only the coffin locks.
• DO NOT operate this product outdoors or in any location where dust,
excessive heat, water, or humidity may aff ect it. (IP20)
• DO NOT operate this product if the housing, lenses, or cables appear
• DO NOT connect this product to a dimmer or rheostat.
• ONLY connect this product to a grounded and protected circuit.
• ONLY use the hanging/mounting bracket to carry this product.
• In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using immediately.
• The maximum ambien t temperature is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate
this product at higher temperatures.
To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods
completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or
by unplugging it.
• CAUTION: When transferring product from extreme temperature
environments, (e.g. cold truck to warm humid ballroom) condensation
may form on the internal electronics of the product. To avoid causing a
failure, allow product to fully acclimate to the surrounding
Outside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux, contact
your distributor to request support or return a product. Visit
www.chauvetprofessional.com for contact information.
• Nexus™ Aw 7x7
• Neutrik® powerCON® power
• #8 Allen key with handle

This product has an auto-ranging power supply that can work with an input
voltage range of 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
To eliminate wear an d improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use
completely disco nn ect from power via breaker or by unplugging it.
The Nexus™ Aw 7x7 supports power linking in the quantities listed below.
Do not link more than
• 7 products at 120 V,
• 12 products at 20 8 V, or
• 13 products at 23 0 V.
Power linking co r ds can be purchased separately.
1. Disconnect this product from power.
2. Using a flat-head screwdriver, unscrew the fuse holder cap from the
3. Remove blown fuse and replace with a good fuse of the same type and
4. Screw the fuse holder cap back in place.
5. Reconnect power.

The Nexus™ Aw 7x7 works in Master/Slave mode or with a DMX
controller using its DMX ports
. A DMX Primer is available from
The Nexus™ Aw 7x7 has 5 DMX personalities: 5, 8, 49, 54, and 57
channels. For more information, see the DMX Values
this QRG, or the User Manual on the Chauvet
Nexus™ Aw 7x7 works in Master/Slave mode. For more
information, see the User Manual on the Chauvet website.
Ethernet connections link Nexus™ Aw 7x7 panels to routers and each
other through their Neutrik®
etherCON® ports. Ethernet connections are
for running TCP/IP-protocol-based control system, such as Kling-
etherCON® ports can be either input or output,
and panels can be lin ked to each oth er, but the st art of each chai n of panels
must be a router port.

Kling-Net is a network protocol that uses TCP/IP to send DMX over
a network and into the Neutrik® etherCON® connection ports of
the Nexus™ Aw 7x7 panels. Kling-
Net works seamlessly with
Kling-Net-supported ArKaos software fo
r configuring and mapping display
devices. For more information, see the User Manual on the Chauvet
website at http://www.chauvetlighting.com/product-manuals-literature/.
Art-Net™ is an Ethernet protocol that uses TCP/IP to send DMX
signals over a network and into the Neutrik®
ports of the Nexus™ Aw 7x7 panels. Art-
Net™ requires configuration
through the control panel. For more information, see the Menu Map
this QRG or the User Manual on the Chauvet website.
An Art-Net™ Primer is available from www.chauvetprofessional.com. Art-
Net™ is designed and copyrighted by Artistic Licence Holdin gs Ltd.
Nexus™ Aw 7x7 panels do not work with Art-
sending in Broadcast mode. For information about the controller’s
mode, see the controll er’ s User Manual.
1. Disconnect the Nexus™ Aw 7x7 from power.
2. Pres s and hold <MENU/ESC> and <ENTER> simultaneously.
3. Reconnect the Nexus™ Aw 7x7 to power.
4. Release <MENU/ESC> and <ENTER>. The words Factory reset?
ENTER = Confirm show on the display.
5. Press <ENTER>.
NOTE: Do not use the router WA N port!
Controller Running
TCP/IP based
protocol, such as
Kling-Net or Art-Net™

Kling-Net Mapper is part of the ArKaos software package. It informs
ArKaos software about the layout of the Nexus™ Aw 7x7
process called mapping.
The following section provides step-by-
step instructions for mapping the
1. Connect the Arkaos computer and Nexus™ Aw 7x7s to the same
network. For more information, see Ethernet Connections Diagram.
2. Set the all the Nexus™ Aw 7x7s to Kling-Net operating mode.
3. Open the ArKaos Kling-Net Mapper. All the Kling-Net™ devices
populate a lis t on the left side of the screen in the Connected Devices
It can take up to 20 seconds for all the products to populate the list and the
color of the device’s listing provides information about its status.
Black with an ID number an d IP
There is connectivity and everything is working
properly, but the device is not yet mapped.
Green with an ID numbe r and IP
There is connectivity and everything is working
properly, and the device is mapped.
Black to red with no IP address du rin g
initial populati on
The King-Net™ Mapper could not find an IP
address for the device, most likely because the
system is using an Ethernet switch instead of
Black to red after initial population The connectivity has been lost.
Select the Output dropdown icon from the tool bar at the top of the
Kling-Net Mapper screen. O ne of the options will be Test Pattern.
Select Test Pattern. The image to the right of the icon is a small
screen, indi cating that Test Pat tern is the current mode.
3. Select the icon to the right of the Output dropdown icon. One of
options will be Flashing Output Selection.
Select Flashing Output Selection. The icon is a faded green square
with an arrow, indicating that a flashing green light is the current test
5. Left click once on an LED display product. The product flashes green.
6. Repeat step 4 for every product in the list.

Part 3: Map The
Products For
1. Make sure the Nexus™ Aw 7x7
products are all listed in the
Connected Devices window and have flashed when tested. For more
information, see Part1: Confirming Connectivity.
Click on the first product in the list and drag it onto the mapping
image in the center of the screen. A shape representing the display
product shows on the mapping image. The product displays the pattern
on the mapping image.
3. Drag, rotate, and resize the
shape on the mapping image until it is in
the position needed for the pre s e n t a ti on la yout.
4. Repeat steps 2 thru 3 for every Nexus™ Aw 7x7 product.
5. Complete Parts 1 and 2.
6. Click on File in the Ark a os Kling-Net Mapper.
7. Click on Save As.
8. Save the file.
Remember the lo cation of t he fi le because the fil e must be loade d into
ArKaos software.
Nexus™ Aw 7x7 panels are rigged using the CHAUVET® Affinity™ Rig
Kit, or the CHAUVET® CLP-
15 clamp, both of which are sold separately.
The Rig Kit can bear the weight of 16 panels, in 1 column of 16, or 2
columns of 8. The rig kit has 3 holes for M12 compatible bolts a
nd works
with most standard truss clamps. The mounting clamp can bear the weight
of 4 panels hung in a single column. The mounting clamp has one hole for
M12 compatible bolts and fits most standard truss.
The coffin locks on the top and bottom of the Nexus™ Aw 7x7
connect the tops and bottoms, and bear the weight, of the panels. The bolt-
locking connectors on the sides connect the panels and align the pixels into
rows. They cannot bear the weight of the panels.
• When usi ng only the integr ated br a cket, do no t link more than 4
panels in one col umn.
• The bolt-locking hardware on the sides of the Nexus™ Aw 7x7
panels is not load bearing. Do not hang the panels s ideways.

Horizontal Panel
Scrolls through the main menu options or exits the current menu
Enters into the highlighted menu option or sets the currently
selected value
Navigates up through a list of menu options or values
Navigates do wn throu gh a list of menu options or values
Position The Bracket To The
In A Single
Mounting Clamp
Into Bra cket

Nexus™ Aw 7x7 QRG EN
Menu Map
Selects an auto program and its speed
Selects the strobe rate (slow to fast)
Sets dimming curve
Back Lite
Sets control panel backlight on time
Shows total operati ng hours
Sets product’s DMX Address/Art-Net™ start
Sets DMX personality for DMX, Art-Net™
mode, and Kling-Net modes.
Shows product’s internal temperature
Ethernet Settings Protocol
Sets product to use its internal IP address
Sets product to use dynamic IP addressing
Enter the IP address manually
Sets the net address of the product
Sets the subnet of the product
Sets the universe of the product
Sets the starting channel of the product
Selects the minimum dimmer setting

Nexus™ Aw 7x7 QRG EN
DMX Values
Channel Function Value Percent/Setting

Channel Function Value Percent/Setting
52 Alphanumeric
011 ó 020
021 ó 029
030 ó 038
039 ó 047
048 ó 056
057 ó 065
066 ó 074
075 ó 083
084 ó 092
093 ó 101
102 ó 110
111 ó 119
120 ó 128
129 ó 137
138 ó 146
147 ó 155
156 ó 164
165 ó 173
174 ó 182
183 ó 191
192 ó 200
201 ó 209
210 ó 218
219 ó 227
228 ó 236
237 ó 246
Simple cross
Simple box
Square imploder
Square exploder
Diamond imploder
Diamond exploder
Two-Line spinner
Triangle spinner
Bowtie spinner
Line hop up
Line hop down
Line hop up/down
Upside down T-Spin
Diamond spoke spin
Line hop left
Line hop right
Line hop left/right
Double verticals
Double horizont als
Diagonal right
Diagonal left
Moving squares
011 ó 100
101 ó 149
150 ó 202
203 ó 255
Gobo index
No function
Gobo speed clockwise, fast to slow
Gobo speed counter-clockwise,
052 ó 101
102 ó 152
153 ó 203
Preset dimmer speed from display menu
Linear dimmer
Nonlinear dimming curve 1 (fastest)
Nonlinear dimming curve 2
Nonlinear dimming curve 3 (slowest)

Channel Function Value Percent/Setting

Channel Function Value Percent/Setting
50 Auto Programs
011 ó 038
039 ó 066
067 ó 094
095 ó 122
123 ó 150
151 ó 178
179 ó 206
207 ó 234
Auto 1
Auto 2
Auto 3
Auto 4
Auto 5
Auto 6
Auto 7
Auto 8
Only when Channel 50 ha s Auto 0–8
052 ó 101
102 ó 152
153 ó 203
Preset dimmer speed from display menu
Linear dimmer
Nonlinear dimming curve 1 (fastest)
Nonlinear dimming curve 2
Nonlinear dimming curve 3 (slowest)

000 ó 255 0–100%
5 Alphanumeric
011 ó 020
021 ó 029
030 ó 038
039 ó 047
048 ó 056
057 ó 065
066 ó 074
075 ó 083
084 ó 092
093 ó 101
102 ó 110
111 ó 119
120 ó 128
129 ó 137
138 ó 146
147 ó 155
156 ó 164
165 ó 173
174 ó 182
183 ó 191
192 ó 200
201 ó 209
210 ó 218
219 ó 227
228 ó 236
237 ó 246
Simple cross
Simple box
Square imploder
Square exploder
Diamond imploder
Diamond exploder
Two-Line spinner
Triangle spinner
Bowtie spinner
Line hop up
Line hop down
Line hop up/down
Upside down T-Spin
Diamond spoke spin
Line hop left
Line hop right
Line hop left/right
Double verticals
Double horizont als
Diagonal right
Diagonal left
Moving squares
011 ó 100
101 ó 149
150 ó 202
203 ó 255
Gobo index
No function
Gobo speed clockwise, fast to slow
Gobo speed counter-clockwise,
052 ó 101
102 ó 152
153 ó 203
Preset dimmer speed from display menu
Linear dimmer
Nonlinear dimming curve 1 (fastest)
Nonlinear dimming curve 2
Nonlinear dimming curve 3 (slowest)

011 ó 038
039 ó 066
067 ó 094
095 ó 122
123 ó 150
151 ó 178
179 ó 206
207 ó 234
Auto 1
Auto 2
Auto 3
Auto 4
Auto 5
Auto 6
Auto 7
Auto 8
Only when Channel 3 has Auto 0–8
052 ó 101
102 ó 152
153 ó 203
Preset dimmer speed from display menu
Linear dimmer
Nonlinear dimming curve 1 (fastest)
Nonlinear dimming curve 2
Nonlinear dimming curve 3 (slowest)

La Guía de Referencia Rápida (GRR) del Nexus™ Aw 7x7 contiene
información básica sobre el producto, como conexión, montaje, opciones de
menú y valores DMX. Descargue el Manual de Usuario de
www.chauvetprofessional.com para información más detallada.
La información y especificaciones contenidas en esta GRR están sujetas a
• NO abra este producto. No contiene p iezas reparables por el usuario.
• NO mire a la fuente de l uz cuando el product o esté encendido.
• CUIDADO: la carcasa de este producto puede estar caliente cuando las
luces están en funcionamiento.
• Monte este producto en una ubicación con ventilación adecuada,
al menos a 20'' (50 cm) de s uperficies adyacentes.
NO deje ningún material inflamable a menos de 50 cm de este producto
mientras esté funcionando o con ectado a la alimentación.
• USE un cable de seguridad cuando monte este producto en lo alto.
• NO cuelgue el producto usando solo los cierres de la caja.
NO ponga en funcionamiento este producto en el exterior o en cualquier
ubicación en la que el polvo, calor excesi vo, agua o humedad puedan
afectarlo. (IP20)
• NO ponga en funcionamiento este producto si sospecha que la carcasa,
lentes o cables es tán dañados.
• NO conecte este producto a un atenuador o reostato.
• Conecte este producto SOLO a un circuito con toma de tierra y
• Use SOLAMENTE los soportes de colgar/montar para mover este
• En caso de un problema grave de funcionamiento, deje de usarlo
• La temperatura ambiente máxima es de 104 °F (40 °C). No haga
funcionar este producto a temperatu ras más altas.
• Para evitar un d es gast e innecesario y alargar s u vida útil, d es conecte
complemente el producto de la alimentación, mediante el interruptor o
desenchufándolo, durante los periodos en los que no se use.
• Cuidado: cuando transfiera el producto desde ambientes con
temperatura extrema (p. ej., del remolque frío de un camión a una sala
de baile con calor y humedad), puede formarse condensación en la
electrónica interna del product o. Para evitar que se prod uzca una avería,
deje que el producto se aclimate completamente al ambiente antes de
conectar la alimentación.
Fuera de EE.UU, Reino Unido, Irlanda, México o Benelux póngase en
contacto con su distribuidor para solicitar asistencia o devolver el producto.
Visite www.chauvetprofessional.com para información de contacto.

• Cable de alimentación Neutrik®
• Llave Allen nº 8 con asa
• Tarjeta de garantí a
• Guía de referencia rápida
Este producto tiene una fuente de alimentación con detección automática que
puede funcionar con un ra ngo de tensión de entra da de 100~240 VCA , 50/60 H z.
Para evitar un desgas t e innecesario y alarg ar su vida útil, desconecte
complemente el pro du ct o de la alimentación, mediante el inte rruptor o
desenchufándolo, durante los periodos en los que no se use.
El Nexus™ Aw 7x7 admite aliment ación en cadena en las cantidades
especificadas más abaj o. No enlace más de
• 7 productos a 12 0 V,
• 12 productos a 208 V, o
• 13 productos a 230 V.
Los cables de alimen tación en cadena se pueden adquirir por separado.
Diagrama de
Alimentación en
1. Desconecte el producto de l a toma de corriente.
2. Con un des t ornillador de punt a pl ane, desatorni l le la tapa del
3. Quite el fusible fundido del portafusibles y sustitúyalo con otro del
mismo tipo y categoría.
4. Vuelva a atornillar la tapa del portafusibles en su sitio.
5. Conecte de nuevo la alimentación.