The NET-SWITCH™ Quick Reference Guide (QRG) has basic product
information s uch as connection and mounting.
The information and specifications contained in this QRG are subject to change
without notice.
• DO NOT open this product. It contains no user-servic eable par ts.
• To eliminate unnec essary wear and impr o v e its lifespan, duri ng periods of
non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by
unplugging it .
• Mount this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least
20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
• DO NOT leave any flammable material within 50 cm of this product while
operating or connected to power.
• CAUTION: When transferring product from extreme temperature
environments, (e.g. cold truck to warm humid ballroom) condensatio n m ay
form on the internal electronics of t he product. To avoid causing a failure,
allow product to fully acclimate to the surrounding environment before
connecting it to power.
• USE a safety cable when mounting this product overhead.
• DO NOT operate this product outdoors or in any location where dust,
excessive heat, water, or humidity may affect it. (IP20)
• DO NOT operate this product if the housing, lenses, or cables appear
• DO NOT connect this product to a dimmer or rheostat.
• ONLY connect this product to a grounded and protected circuit.
• In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using im m ediately.
• The maximum ambient temperature is 113 °F (45 °C). Do not operate this
product at higher temperatures.
• Neutrik® powerCON® power cord
Carefully unpack the NET-SWITCH™ and check that all the parts are in the
package, and are in good condition.
If the box, or any of the contents, appear
damaged from sh ipping, or sh ow si
gns of mishandlin g, save all th e packaging and
file a claim with the carrier immediately, do not notify C
hauvet. Failure to report
damage to the carrier immediately, or failure to have all the packaging available
for inspection, could invalidate the claim.
For other issues, such as missing components or parts, damage not related to
shipping, or concealed damage, file a claim with C
U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux, contact
your distributor to request support or return a product. From inside the U.S., UK,
Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux, use the information in Contact Us

The NET-SWITCH™ provides a seam less netw ork con nection that is designed to
distribute/extend your network at speeds up to 1000Mbps, ensuring Art-Net®
Kling-Net, sACN, and other applications function well in a live environment .
The NET-SWITCH™ is a plug-and-play device. These ports
general ports or Uplink ports, and any port can be simply plugged into a server,
lighting con sole, a hub, a router, a s wi tch or a P C. Diagnostic and power LEDs ar
located on the front of the product. Th ese allo w you to d et ermin e power sta te,
and activity allowing you to quickly detect and correct problems on the
This product has an auto-ranging power supply that can work with an input voltage
range of 100–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of
use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by
unplugging it.
The NET-SWITCH™ uses Amphenol XLRnet (etherCON®/RJ45 compatible)
data c onn ect i ons to send an d rec ei ve i n fo rma t i on tha
t expands the connections of a
current network. Simply plug a data cable from the lighting/video controller(s)
one of the throughput connections and plug your other lighting/video
the other 7 ports. The data ind icator LED’s on the front p
anel will illum inate and
blink indicating link status and activity.
If using Kling-Net devices with this product, set your Kling-Net controller to a

Ethernet connections are for running TCP/IP-protocol-based control system, such
as Kling-Net, Art-Net® and sACN. A ll ports can be either input or output.
Before mounting this product, read the Safety Notes. Use at least one mounting
product. Make sure the mounting clamps are capable of supporting the
weight of th e product. For our CHAUVET® Professional
go to http://trusst.com/products/. The rack mount tabs are not
shipped connected to
the produ ct.
2 removable rack mount tabs
on each side of the product
4 rubber feet for mounting on
flat surface
Computer or Controller
Running TCP/IP based
protocol, such as Kling

• Net-X™
• Next™ NXT-1
• Nexus™ 2x2
• Nexus™ 4x1
• Nexus™ 4x4
• Nexus™ Aq 5x5
• ArKaos Media Master Express™ + KN software
• Clamps
• Neutrik® p o werCON® cables
• Neutri k® etherCON® cables
Note: Dimensions in inches rounded to the nearest decimal digit.

La guía de referencia rápida (GRR) del NET-SWITCH™ contiene información
básica sobre el pr oducto, como con exión y mon taje.
Exención de
La información y especificaciones contenidas en esta GRR están suj etas a cambi o
• NO abra este producto. No contiene piezas reparables por el usuario.
• Para evitar un desgaste innecesario y alargar su vida útil, desconecte
complet amente el producto de la aliment ación mediante el interruptor o
desenchufándolo durante periodos en que no se use.
• Monte este prod ucto en una ubicación con ventilación adecuada, al menos a
20 in (50 cm) de superficies adyacentes.
• NO deje ningún material inflamable a menos de 50 cm de este producto
mientra s es té funcionando o conectado a la alimentación.
• CUIDADO: c uando traslade el producto des de ambientes de temper atura
extrema (p. ej. des de un camión f río a una sa la de fiestas húmeda y caliente) se
puede formar condensación en la electrónica interna del producto. Para evitar
que se produzca un fallo, deje que el producto se aclimate totalmente al
entorn o antes de conectar la alimentación.
• USE un cab l e de seguridad cuando monte este producto en lo alto.
• NO ponga en funcionamiento este produc to en el exterior o en cualquier
ubicación en la que el polvo, calor excesivo, agua o humedad puedan
afectarlo. (IP20)
• NO ponga en funcionamiento este producto si sospecha que la carcasa, lentes
o cables están dañados.
• NO conecte este pro d ucto a un at en uador o reostato.
• Conecte este p r oducto SOLO a un circuito con toma de tierra y prot egido.
• En caso de un problema grave de funcionamiento, deje de usarlo
• La temperatura ambiente máxima es de 113 °F (45 °C). No haga funcionar
este producto a temperatur as más altas.
• Cable de alimentación Neutri k® powerCON ®
• 2 orejas para montaje en rack
Desembale el NET-SWITCH™ con cuidado y compruebe que todas las piezas
están en el paquete y en buen estado. Si la caja o alguno de los contenidos parecen
dañados a causa del transporte, o muestran signos de manipulación inadecuada,
tramite una reclamación con el transportista
inmediatamente; no lo notifique a C
hauvet. Si n o informa al tra nsport ista del daño
inmediatamente o no dispone de todo el paquete para inspección podría quedar
Para otras incidencias, como componentes o piezas que falten, daños no
relacionados con el transporte o daños no evidentes, presente una reclamación a
en el plazo de 7 días desde la entrega. Fuera de EE. UU., Reino Unido,
Irlanda, Méxi co o Benelux póngase en contacto con su distribuidor p ara solicitar
asistencia o devolver un producto. Desde dentro de EE. UU., Reino Unido, Irlanda,
México o Benelux, utilice la información de Contacto al final de esta GRR.