Chauvet Hurricane, Hurricane 1800 Flex User Manual

User Manual
subject to change without notice. CHAUVET® assumes no
Elec tronically pu blished by CHAUVET® in the Uni ted States of America
1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN............................................................................................................. 3
WHAT IS INCLUDED .................................................................................................................................. 3
UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 3
CLAIMS .................................................................................................................................................. 3
TEXT CONVENTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 3
ICONS .................................................................................................................................................... 3
SAFETY NOTES ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5
PRODUCT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 5
3. SETUP .................................................................................................................................... 5
AC POWER ............................................................................................................................................. 6
BREAKER RESET ..................................................................................................................................... 6
PRODUCT LINKING ................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Cabling ..................................................................................................................................... 7
DMX Data Cable ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Cable Connectors....................................................................................................................................................... 7
3-Pin to 5-Pin Conversion Chart ................................................................................................................................ 8
SETTING UP A DMX SERIAL DATA LINK ....................................................................................................... 8
MASTER/SLAVE PRODUCT LINKING ............................................................................................................. 8
MOUNTING.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Orientation ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Rigging ............................................................................................................................................. 9
4. OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 10
DMX CHANNEL SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 10
DMX MODE .......................................................................................................................................... 10
DMX CHANNEL VALUES ......................................................................................................................... 10
Auto Cut-Off Feature ....................................................................................................................... 10
Wi reles s Control ler ( FC-W) ( Optional) .............................................................................................. 11
Setting the Starting Address .................................................................................................................................... 12
DMX Quick Reference Chart ................................................................................................................................... 13
5. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 14
GENERAL MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................... 14
STORAGE ............................................................................................................................................. 14
GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................................. 15
CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 15
RETURNS PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................... 16
6. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................ 17
DMX PRIMER........................................................................................................................................ 17
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................... 18
The information and specifications contained in this document are respons ibility or li ability for any errors or omissi ons that may appear in
this manu al .
© Copyright 2013 CHAUVET®. All rights reserved
Printed in P.R.C.
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1 x Hurricane™ 1800 Flex
Quick Reference G uide
A key to be pressed on the product’s control panel
A range of val u es
A set of values of w hic h on ly one can be ch os en
Menu > Settings
A sequence of menu options to be followed
A value to be entered or s el ected
What Is Included
Power Cord
FC-T Wired Remote
Warranty Card
Unpacking Instructions
Immediately upon receiving this product, carefully unpack it and check the container in which you receiv ed it. Mak e sure that you have receiv ed all the parts indicated a bov e and that they are all in good condition. If the material inside the container (this product and any other accessory included with it) appears damaged from shipping, or if the container shows signs of mishandling, notify the shipper immediately. In addition, ret ain t he container and al l th e packing m aterial for inspec tio n.
See the Claims section in the “Technical Information” chapter.
The carrier is res ponsible for any damage incurred during shipping to this product or any part that shipped with it. Therefore, if the received merchandise appe ars to have damages caused during shipping, the customer must submit the damage report and any r elated claim s with the carrier, not C H AUVE T®. The c ustomer m ust su bmit the report upon reception of t he damaged merchandise. Failure to do so i n a t im el y manner m ay invali date the c ustomer’s claim with the car r ier .
For other issues such as missing components or parts, damage not r elat ed to shipping, or conceal ed damage, the customer must make claims to CHAUVET® within seven (7) days of rec eivi ng th e merc handise.
Text Conventions
[10] A DIP switch to be configured
Icon Meaning
A menu option not to be modified (for example, showing the operati n g mode/current status)
Hurric an e™ 18 00 Fl ex U ser Manu al Rev. 6 Page 3 of 18
This paragraph contains critical installation, configuration, or operation information. Failure to comply with this information may render the product partially or completely inoperative, cause damage to the product, or cause harm to the user.
This paragraph contains important installation or configuration information. Failure to comply with this information may prevent the product from functioning correctly.
Product at a Glance
Please read the following notes car efully because they i nclude important safety
attempt any repairs yourself. In the unlikely event your unit may requir e service,
damage or malfunction. Please contact the nearest authorized tec hnical assistance
This parag raph remi nds you of useful, alth ough not cr itical, informati on.
Use on Dimmer Out door Use Sound Activated DMX Master/Slave
Auto Programs Auto-ranging Power Supply Res ettable B reak er User Serviceable Duty Cycle
Safety Notes
information about the installation, usage, and maintenance of this product. There are no user serviceable parts inside the unit. Do not open t he housing or
please contact CHAUVET® at: 954-577-4455.
Keep this User Manual for f uture consultation. If you sell this product to another user, b e s ure that they also r eceive th is docum ent.
Always make sur e that the voltage of the outlet to which you are connecting this product is within the range stated on the decal or rear panel of the product.
This product is for i ndoor use only! To pr event risk of fire or shoc k, do not expose this pr oduct to rain or m oist ure.
Make sure th ere are no flammable materials cl ose to the u nit whil e oper atin g.
Always install this product in a l ocation with adequate ventilation, at leas t 20 in (50
cm) from adjacent surfaces.
Be sure that no ventilation slot s on the unit’s housing ar e blocked.
Always disconnect this product from the power source before cle aning it or
replacing the fuse.
Make sure to r eplace th e fuse with another of the same type and r ati ng.
If mounting this pr oduct overhead, always secur e it to a fastening devi c e using a
safety cable.
The maximum ambient temperat ure (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do n ot op erat e this product at higher t emperatures.
In the event of a serious operating pr oblem , stop using th e unit imm ediat ely.
Never try to repair this product. Repairs carried out by unskil led people can lead to
Nev er co nnect this product to a dimmer pack.
Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.
Never disconnect the power cor d by pulling or tugging on the cord.
Never carry a product from the power cord or any mov ing part. Always use the
hanging/mounting bracket or the handles.
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Do not touch t he output nozzle on this product. It is very hot during operation and it may remain hot for several hours after t ur ning the unit off.
Do not mount t his product on a flamm able surface (e.g., wood, linoleum, carton, plastic, or carpet).
Make sure th ere are no flammable materials cl ose to the u nit whil e oper atin g.
Depending on the amount of fog genera ted, all f og mac hines may set off smoke
Do not use as a space heater.
your fogger.
DMX o ut 3-pin
Power input
DMX i n 3-pin
Power switch
DMX i n Remote
DMX o ut
FCQ (Fog Cleaner Quart) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean your Hurricane™ 1800 Fl ex. Make sure you use FCQ regularly to increase the life of
Product Overview
fog button
Hurric an e™ 18 00 Fl ex U ser Manu al Rev. 6 Page 5 of 18
s the line volt age appli ed. Damage to
AC P ower
To d eterm ine the p ower r equirements f or a parti cular product, see the label affixed to the back plate of the product or refer to the product’s specifications chart. A product’s listed current rating is i ts average current draw under normal conditions. All products must be powered directly off a switched circuit and cannot be run off a rheostat (variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel is used sol ely for a 0% to 100% switch. Bef ore appl ying power to a product, check that the source voltage matches the product’s requirement. Check the product or device car eful l y to make sure th at if a voltage sel ection s w itc h ex ists that it i s set to the correct line voltage you wi ll use.
Verify that the voltage rating on your unit matche your product may result if the line voltage applied does not match the voltage rating. All products must be connected to circuits with a suitable ear t h ground.
Breaker Reset
Disconnect the p ower cord befo re resetting the breaker.
The breaker will not reset until it has been allowed to cool.
This product is equi pped with a breaker on the main power input, l oc ated on the exter i or of the back panel. I n the event that this br eaker trips, you m ay reset it very easily.
1. Unplug the product from the mains power.
2. Allow to cool for 5-15 minutes.
3. Using your ha nd, press on the b utt on for the breaker, unti l it remains in place.
In t he even t this br eaker w ill not reset, con tact CHAUVET® for troubleshooting. The product may need to be ser viced.
Product Linking
You w ill need a s erial data link to run light shows of on e or more products using a D M X­512 controller or to run synchronized shows on two or more products set to a master/slave operating mode. The combined number of channel s required by all the products on a serial data l ink determines the number of products the data link can support.
Products on a serial data link must be daisy chained in one si ngl e line. To comply with the EIA-485 standard no more than 32 devices should be conne cted on one data link. Connecting more t ha n 32 products on one seria l data link without the use of a DM X optically-isolated splitter m ay result in deterioration of the digital DMX signal.
Maximum recommended serial dat a link distance: 500 meter s (1640 ft.)
Maximum recommended number of products on a s er ial data l ink: 32 products
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