Chauvet Colorado Batten 72 Tour User Manual

User Manual
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Edition Notes
The COLORado™ Batten 72 T our Tour User Manual Rev. 2 covers the descript ion, safety precautions, installation, programming, operation, and maintenance of the COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour. CHAUVET® COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour User Manual in April 2012.
CHAUVET® is a registered tr ademark of CHAUVET & Sons Inc. (d/b/a CHAUVET® or Chauvet). The CHAUVET® logo in its entirety including the CHAUVET® name and the dotted triangle, and all other trademarks i services, products, or marketing statements (example: It’s Green Thinking™ owned or licensed by CHAUVET®. Any other company names, and ot her trademarks featured or r eferred to within thi s document are the property of t heir respective trademark hol ders.
CHAUVET® owns the content of this User Manual in its entirety, including but not limited to pictur es, logos, trademarks, and resources.
© Copyright 2012 CHAUVET®. All rights reserved.
Electronic ally published by CHAUVET® in the United States of Ameri c a.
professional inform ation purposes only. CHAUVET® expressly prohibi ts the usage, copy, storage, di stribution, modification, or printing of this m anual or its content for any other purpose without written consent from CHAUVET®.
For better results, print this document in color, on letter size paper (8.5 x 11 in), double-sided. If using A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), configure your pri nter to scale the content accordingly.
Any person in charge of install ing, operati ng, and/or mai ntai ning this product should completely read through the guide that shipped with the product, as well as this manual, befor e installing, operating, or maintaining this product.
CHAUVET® believes that t he inf orm ation c ontai ned i n this m anual i s accurat e i n all respects. However, CHAUVET® assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. CHAUVET® reserves the right to revise and make
changes to the cont ent of t his document without obligati on that CHAUVET® notify any person or company of such revision or changes. This does not in any way constitute a commitment by CHAUVET® to make such change s. CHAUVET® may issue a revision of t his manual or a new edition to incorporate such change s.
The COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour User Manual Rev. 2 versions of t his manual. Discard any older versions of this manual you may have, whether in print ed or el ectr onic format, and replace with t his version.
Author Date Editor Date
D.Couppe 3/2/12 S. Graham 4/2/12
COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2
Table of Contents
1. Before You Begin ............................................................................................... 1
What Is Included ............................................................................................................ 1
Unpacking Instruc tions ................................................................................................... 1
Claims ................................................................................................................................... 1
Typographic Conv entions ............................................................................................... 1
Icons .............................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Notes .................................................................................................................. 2
Expected LED Lifespan .................................................................................................. 2
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3
Product Description ........................................................................................................ 3
Features ........................................................................................................................ 3
Additional Features................................................................................................................. 3
Product Overview ........................................................................................................... 4
3. Setup ................................................................................................................... 5
AC Power ...................................................................................................................... 5
AC Plug ................................................................................................................................. 5
Power Linking ........................................................................................................................ 5
Fus e Repl acement ................................................................................................................. 5
DMX Linking .................................................................................................................. 6
DMX Modes ........................................................................................................................... 6
Master/Slave Connectivity....................................................................................................... 6
ID Addressing ................................................................................................................ 6
Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 7
Orientation ............................................................................................................................. 7
Rigging .................................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents
4. Operation ............................................................................................................ 8
Control Panel Description ............................................................................................... 8
Control Options .............................................................................................................. 8
Programming ................................................................................................................. 8
DMX Personality..................................................................................................................... 8
DMX Control Without ID Addressing........................................................................................ 9
DMX Control With ID Addressing ............................................................................................ 9
Static Color ............................................................................................................................ 9
Auto Programs ....................................................................................................................... 9
Edit Customs ........................................................................................................................ 10
Master/Slave ........................................................................................................................ 10
Color Settings....................................................................................................................... 10
Dimmer Curves .................................................................................................................... 10
Control Panel Lock ............................................................................................................... 11
Program Upload ................................................................................................................... 11
Reset ................................................................................................................................... 11
Whi tes S etting ...................................................................................................................... 11
Fan Setting .......................................................................................................................... 12
TOUR Notes .................................................................................................................12
Master Dimmer ..................................................................................................................... 12
Red, Green, B lue Whit e, and Am ber C olor S electio n ............................................................ 12
Color Macros ........................................................................................................................ 12
Strobe .................................................................................................................................. 12
Auto/Custom/Fan ................................................................................................................. 12
Dim mer Speed ..................................................................................................................... 12
ID A ddress Select ion ............................................................................................................ 12
Menu Map .....................................................................................................................13
DMX Values ..................................................................................................................14
COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2 -i-
Table of Contents
TOUR .................................................................................................................................. 14
TOUR (Cont.) ....................................................................................................................... 15
Tour (Cont.).......................................................................................................................... 16
BLOCK1 .............................................................................................................................. 16
BLOCK2 .............................................................................................................................. 16
ARC1 ................................................................................................................................... 16
ARC1 + D............................................................................................................................ 16
ARC2 ................................................................................................................................... 17
ARC2 + D ............................................................................................................................ 17
ARC2 + S ............................................................................................................................. 17
HSV ..................................................................................................................................... 17
5. Technical Information ...................................................................................... 18
Product Maintenanc e ....................................................................................................18
Troubleshooti ng Guide ..................................................................................................19
Returns Procedure ........................................................................................................20
Contact Us ....................................................................................................................20
Technical Specifications ................................................................................................21
-ii- COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2

1. Before You Begin

What Is
included accessories) appear damaged from
, not
. In
within seven (7) days of receiving the
A range of values in the text
A set of mutually excl usive values in the text
A new term, another docum ent reference, or section or chapter i n this document
A button on the product’s control panel
A product function or a m enu option
MENU > Settings
A sequence of menu options
A range of menu values from which to choose in a menu
A set of two mutually ex cl usive menu options in a menu
A unique value to be entered or sel ec ted in a menu
Critical installation, configuration, or operation information. Failure
harm to the user.
Important installation or configuration information. Failure to functioning c or r ectly .
COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour
Power Cord
Safety Cable
Warranty Card
Quick Reference Guide
Immediatel y upon receiving this product , carefully unpack the it ems and inspect the box. Make sure you have receiv ed all the parts in good condition.
If the box or contents (the product and shipping, or show signs of mishandling, notify the carrier immediately upon receipt CHAUVET®. Failure t o notify the car rier in a t imely manner may invalidate your claim addition, keep the container and all the packing material for inspection.
For other i ssues such as m i ssing com ponents or parts , dam age not rel ated t o shippi ng, or concealed damage, file a claim with CHAUVET® merchandise.
Before You Begi n
Icon Meaning
to comply with this information may render the product partially or completely inoperative, damage third-party equipment, or cause
comply with this information may prevent the product from
Useful information.
COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2 -1-

Safety Notes

technicians. Do not
Always make sure you are connecting this product to the proper voltage in accordance
Expected LED
to an optimal
Before You Begi n
Read al l the f ollowing Saf ety Notes before working with thi s product. These notes include important information about the installation, usage, and maintenance of this product.
There are no user-serviceable parts i n this p roduct. Any reference to servicing in this User Manual applies only to properly certified CHAUVET® open the housing or attempt an y repai rs unless you are certified by CHAUVET®.
Abide by all applicable local codes and regulations for proper installation of this product.
Avoid direct eye exposure t o the light source while the product is on.
Always disconnect this product from its power source before servicing.
Always connect thi s product to a grounded circuit t o avoid the ri sk of el ectr oc ution.
Do not touch this product ’s housing during operation because it may be very hot.
This product is for indoor use only! To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose this
product to rain or moi stur e.
Make sure there are no flamm able m aterials close to this product while it is operating.
When hanging this product, always secure to a fastening devi c e usi ng a safety cable
with the specifi c ations in this manual or on the product’s specification label.
Never connect this product to a dimmer pack or rheostat.
Never disconnect this product by pulling or tugging on the power cable.
Do not operate this product if you see damage on the housing, lenses, or cables. Have
the damaged part s replaced by an authorized technician at once.
Do not cover the ventilation slots when operating to avoid internal overheati ng.
The maximum ambient temperature is 104° F (40° C). Do not operate this product at a
higher temperature.
In case of a serious operati ng pr oblem, stop using this product im m ediately!
In the unlikely event that your CHAUVET® product may require service, contact CHAUVET® Technical Suppo rt .
LEDs gradually decline in brightness over time, mostly because of heat. Packaged in
clusters, LEDs exhi bit higher operati ng temperatures than i n ideal , singl e-LED conditions. For this reason, using clustered LEDs at their fullest intensity significantly reduces the LEDs’ lifespan. Under nor mal conditi ons, this lifespan can be 40,000 to 50, 000 hours. If extending this lifespan is vital, lower the operating temperature by improving the ventilation around the product and reducing the ambient temperature operating range. In addition, limiting the overall projection intensity may also help to extend the LEDs’ lifespan.
-2- COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2

2. Introduction

power and signal
RGBWA color mixing with or without DMX control
Adjustable double-bracketed yoke for floor or overhead mounting
The COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour i s an RGBWA linear LED wash light. It consists of a single modul e t hat acc ommodates the i nternal power s upply , the m ain c ontrol, the c ontrol panel, the LED drivers, the LED boards and lenses as well as the connectors.
The product f eatures two adjustable m ounting brackets that doubl e as floor m ounts and hanging brackets.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, or 15-channel RGBWA LED linear wash li ght with ID Addressing
Operating modes:
3-channel: HSV control 3-channel: RGB control 4-channel: RGB, dimmer 5-channel: RGBWA 6-channel: RGBWA, dimmer 7-channel: RGBWA, dimmer, strobe 9-channel: RGB control per bloc k 13-channel: RGBWA, ID addressing, dimmer, dimmer speed, strobe, macro,
auto/custom , and module select
15-channel: RGBWA control per block
Built-in autom ated progr am s via DMX
Recall custom program s via DMX
Five distinct dimming curves
Additional power output: max 6 products @ 120 V
Neutrik® powerCON® connectors
3- and 5-pin DMX input and output connect or s
LCD display with password protection
COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2 -3-
Control Panel
5-Pin DMX In/Out
3-Pin DMX In/Out
Safety Eye Bolt
Power Out
Power In

Product Overview

-4- COLORado™ Batten 72 Tour Us er Manu al Rev. 2
+ 18 hidden pages