The Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 covers the description, safety precautions,
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Any person in charge of installing, operating, and/or maintaining this product should
CHAUVET® believes that the information contained in this manual is accurate in all
The Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 is the first edition of this manual. Go to
Edition Notes
installation, program ming, operatio n, and maintenanc e of the Amhaze™ II. CHAUVET®
released this edition of the Amhaze™ II User Manual in November 2013.
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completely read through the guide that s hipped with the pro duct, as well as this manual,
before installing, operating, or maintaining this product.
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Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................................... 1
What is Included ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Claims .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Manual Conventions .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Product at a Glance ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Safety Notes ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Personal Safety ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Mounting and Rigging .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Power and Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Operation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Description .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Features ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
AC Power ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
AC Plug ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Resetting the Breaker .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
DMX Linking.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
DMX Modes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Mounting ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Orientation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Rigging ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Control Panel Description ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Control Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Programming ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Preparing for Operation ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Startup ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Menu Map ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
DMX Values ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Configuration (DMX) ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Starting Address ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting the Output Volume ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting the Fan Speed ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Timer Mode ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Manual Mode ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Timer Mode Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Activating the Fluid Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 -i-

Table of Contents
5. Technical Information ............................................................................................................................. 12
Hazer Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Storage ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Returns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
-ii- Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1

1. Before You Begin
Carefully unpack the pr oduct immediately and check the box to m ake sure all the parts
If the box or the contents (t he product and include d accessories ) appear damaged f rom
notify the carrier imm ediately, not CHAUVET®.
Failure to report damage to the carrier immediately may invalidate your claim. In
A range of values in the text
A set of mutually exclusive values in the text
A button on the product’s control panel
A product function or a menu option
A sequence of menu options
A range of menu values from which to choose in a menu
A set of two mutually exclusive menu options in a menu
A unique value to be entered or selected in a menu
Critical installation, configuration, or operation information.
comply with this information may keep the product from working.
The term “DMX” used throughout this manual refers to the USITT DMX512-A
• Amhaze™ II
• Neutrik® powerCON® power cord
• Warranty Card
are in the package and are in good condition.
shipping or show signs of m ishandling,
addition, keep the box and contents for inspection.
For other issues, s uch as miss ing components or par ts, dam age not relat ed t
or concealed damage, file a claim with CHAUVET® within 7 days of delivery.
Before You Begin
Symbols Meaning
Failure to comply with this information may cause the product not
to work, damage third-party equipment, or cause harm to the
Important installation or configuration information. Failure to
Useful information.
digital data transmission protocol.
Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 -1-

Read all the f ollowing S afety Not es before working wit h this prod uct. Thes e notes inc lude
This product contains no user-serviceable parts. Any reference to servicing in
this User Manual will only apply to properly trained CHAUVET® certified
All applicable local codes and regulations apply to proper installation of this
emergency service (911 in the US) for help.
Never disconnect this product by pu lli n g o r t uggi ng on t he powe r cable.
In the unlikely event that your CHAUVET® product may require service, contact
CHAUVET® Technical Support.
Before You Begin
Use on Dimmer
Outdoor Use
important information about the insta lla tion , u sage, an d maint ena n ce o f t hi s pr odu ct.
technicians. Do not open the housing or attempt any repairs.
• Always connect this product to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.
• Always disconnect this product from its power source before servicing.
• Do not touch this product’s housing during operation because it may be very hot.
• Do not drink or become in contact with the haze fluid. If you do, call your local
• This product i s no t i nt ende d fo r pe r mane nt in stall ati on .
• This product is for indoor use only! (IP20) To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not
expose this product to rain or moisture.
• Mount this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from
adjacent surfaces.
• Make sure there are no flammable materials close to this product while it is operating.
• When mounting this produc t overhead, always secure to a fastening device using a
safety cable.
• Do not mount the product on a fla mmabl e surfac e (linol eum, carpe t, wood , paper,
Auto Programs
Fixed Voltage (120 V or 230 V)
Circuit Breaker
• Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.
• Always make sure you are connecting this product to the proper voltage in accordance
with the specifications in this manual or on the product’s specification label.
• Never connect this product to a dimmer pack or rheostat.
• Do not operate thi s p r odu ct i f you see damage to th e housing, fluid tan k, or cables.
Have the damaged p art s r epla ced by an authorized te chni ci an at onc e.
• Be sure that no ventilation slot s on the produ ct’s hous ing are bl ocked.
• Never carry the product from the power cord or any moving part. Always use the
• The haze exits the nozzle at a very high temperature. Keep a minimum distance of
6.5 ft (2 m) from the nozzle to the nearest object.
• The product’ s nozz l e i s ve ry hot du ri ng ope r ati on and i t remain s ho t fo r a l ong t i me
after operation has stopped.
• The maximum ambient temperature is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate this product at a
higher temperat u re.
• In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using this product immediately!
• Do not add pe rfu me, al cohol, g a soli ne, o r any o the r fla mmable s t o the haze fluid.
• Use CHAUVET® water-based Premium Haze Fluid (PHF) and High Performance
-2- Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1