Chauvet Amhaze II User Manual

User Manual
Edition Notes
The Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 covers the description, safety precautions,
CHAUVET® is a registered tradem ark of CHAUVET & Sons Inc . (d/b/a CHAUVET ® or
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Copyright Notice
CHAUVET® owns the co ntent of this User Manual in its entirety, including but not lim ited
Manual Use
CHAUVET® authorizes its custom ers to downlo ad and pr int this m anual for pr ofessiona l
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Intended Audience
Any person in charge of installing, operating, and/or maintaining this product should
CHAUVET® believes that the information contained in this manual is accurate in all
notify any person or
Document Revision
The Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 is the first edition of this manual. Go to
A. Leon
D. Couppe
Edition Notes
installation, program ming, operatio n, and maintenanc e of the Amhaze™ II. CHAUVET® released this edition of the Amhaze™ II User Manual in November 2013.
Chauvet). The CHAU VET® logo in its entir ety including the CHAUVET® nam e and dotted triangle, and all oth er trademarks in this manual pertaining to services, pr oducts, or marketing statements are owned or licensed by CHAUVET®. Any other
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© Copyright 2013 CHAUVET®. All rights reserved.
Electronically published by CHAUVET® in the United States of America.
information purposes only. CHAUVET® expressly prohibits the u distribution, m odification, or printing of this manual or its content f or any other purpose without written consent from CHAUVET®.
completely read through the guide that s hipped with the pro duct, as well as this manual, before installing, operating, or maintaining this product.
respects. However, CH AUVET® assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. CHAUVET® reserves the right to revise and make changes to the content of this document without obligation that CHAUVET® company of such revision or changes. This does not in any way constitute a commitment by CHAUVET® to make such changes . CHAUVET® ma y issue a revision of this manual or a new edition to incorporate such changes. for the latest version.
Author Date Editor Date
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................................... 1
What is Included ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Claims .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Manual Conventions .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Product at a Glance ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Safety Notes ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Personal Safety ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Mounting and Rigging .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Power and Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Operation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Description .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Features ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
AC Power ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
AC Plug ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Resetting the Breaker .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
DMX Linking.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
DMX Modes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Mounting ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Orientation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Rigging ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Control Panel Description ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Control Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Programming ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Preparing for Operation ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Startup ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Menu Map ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
DMX Values ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Configuration (DMX) ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Starting Address ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting the Output Volume ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting the Fan Speed ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Timer Mode ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Manual Mode ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Timer Mode Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Activating the Fluid Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 -i-
Table of Contents
5. Technical Information ............................................................................................................................. 12
Hazer Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Storage ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Returns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
-ii- Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1
1. Before You Begin
What is Included
Quick Reference Guide
Carefully unpack the pr oduct immediately and check the box to m ake sure all the parts
If the box or the contents (t he product and include d accessories ) appear damaged f rom
notify the carrier imm ediately, not CHAUVET®.
Failure to report damage to the carrier immediately may invalidate your claim. In
o shipping,
Manual Conventions
A range of values in the text
A set of mutually exclusive values in the text
A button on the product’s control panel
A product function or a menu option
A sequence of menu options
A range of menu values from which to choose in a menu
A set of two mutually exclusive menu options in a menu
A unique value to be entered or selected in a menu
Critical installation, configuration, or operation information.
comply with this information may keep the product from working.
The term “DMX” used throughout this manual refers to the USITT DMX512-A
Amhaze™ II
Neutrik® powerCON® power cord
Warranty Card
are in the package and are in good condition.
shipping or show signs of m ishandling, addition, keep the box and contents for inspection.
For other issues, s uch as miss ing components or par ts, dam age not relat ed t or concealed damage, file a claim with CHAUVET® within 7 days of delivery.
Before You Begin
Symbols Meaning
Failure to comply with this information may cause the product not to work, damage third-party equipment, or cause harm to the
Important installation or configuration information. Failure to
Useful information.
digital data transmission protocol.
Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1 -1-
Product at a Glance
Safety Notes
Read all the f ollowing S afety Not es before working wit h this prod uct. Thes e notes inc lude
This product contains no user-serviceable parts. Any reference to servicing in this User Manual will only apply to properly trained CHAUVET® certified
All applicable local codes and regulations apply to proper installation of this
Personal Safety
emergency service (911 in the US) for help.
Mounting and
carton, plastic, etc.).
Power and Wiring
Never disconnect this product by pu lli n g o r t uggi ng on t he powe r cable.
Haze Fluid (HFG).
In the unlikely event that your CHAUVET® product may require service, contact CHAUVET® Technical Support.
Before You Begin
Use on Dimmer Outdoor Use Sound-Active DMX Master/Slave
important information about the insta lla tion , u sage, an d maint ena n ce o f t hi s pr odu ct.
technicians. Do not open the housing or attempt any repairs.
Always connect this product to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.
Always disconnect this product from its power source before servicing.
Do not touch this product’s housing during operation because it may be very hot.
Do not drink or become in contact with the haze fluid. If you do, call your local
This product i s no t i nt ende d fo r pe r mane nt in stall ati on .
This product is for indoor use only! (IP20) To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not
expose this product to rain or moisture.
Mount this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.
Make sure there are no flammable materials close to this product while it is operating.
When mounting this produc t overhead, always secure to a fastening device using a
safety cable.
Do not mount the product on a fla mmabl e surfac e (linol eum, carpe t, wood , paper,
Auto Programs Fixed Voltage (120 V or 230 V) Circuit Breaker User-Serviceable
Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.
Always make sure you are connecting this product to the proper voltage in accordance
with the specifications in this manual or on the product’s specification label.
Never connect this product to a dimmer pack or rheostat.
Do not operate thi s p r odu ct i f you see damage to th e housing, fluid tan k, or cables.
Have the damaged p art s r epla ced by an authorized te chni ci an at onc e.
Be sure that no ventilation slot s on the produ ct’s hous ing are bl ocked.
Never carry the product from the power cord or any moving part. Always use the
The haze exits the nozzle at a very high temperature. Keep a minimum distance of
6.5 ft (2 m) from the nozzle to the nearest object.
The product’ s nozz l e i s ve ry hot du ri ng ope r ati on and i t remain s ho t fo r a l ong t i me after operation has stopped.
The maximum ambient temperature is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate this product at a higher temperat u re.
In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using this product immediately!
Do not add pe rfu me, al cohol, g a soli ne, o r any o the r fla mmable s t o the haze fluid.
Use CHAUVET® water-based Premium Haze Fluid (PHF) and High Performance
-2- Amhaze™ II User Manual Rev. 1
+ 12 hidden pages