Chauvet 300E User Manual 2

User Manual
Edition Notes
Copyright Notice
Manual Usage
Document Printing
Intended Audience
Product at
The Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g covers the description, safety precautions, installation, programming, operation, and maintenance of the Legend 300E Spot. CHAUVET® rel eased this editi on of th e Legen d 300E Spot Us er Manual Rev. 01g in December 2010.
CHAUVET® is a registered trademar k of CHAUVET & S ons Inc. (d/b/a CHAUVET ® or Chauvet). The CHAUVE T® logo in i ts entirety including th e Chauvet n ame and the dotted triangle, and all other trademarks on this manual pertaining to services, products, or marketing statements (example: It’s Green Thinking™) are owned or licens ed by CHAUV ET®. Any ot her produc t names, l ogos, brands , compan y names, and other t rademarks featur ed or ref erred to wit hin this d ocument are the pr operty of thei r respective trademark holders.
CHAUVET® owns the content of this user manual in its entirety, including but not limited to pictures, logos, trademarks, and resources.
© Copyright 2010 CHAUVET®
All rights reserved Elec tronically publi s hed by CHAUV ET® in the Un it ed S t at es of Am erica
CHAUVET® authorizes its customers to download and print this manual for professional information purposes only. CHAUVET® expressly prohibits the usage, copy, st orag e, dist rib ut ion, modification, or pr inti ng of this manu al or it s cont ent f or any other pur p os e wi th ou t its written consent.
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Publications Hot
a Glance
Any person in ch arg e of instal ling, op er ating , and/or maint ai ning the Legend 300E Sp ot should read the guide that shipped with it and this manual in their entirety before install in g, operati ng, or maint ai ni ng this product.
CHAUVET® believes that the information cont ained in this manual is accurate in all respects. However, CHAUVET® assumes no r esponsibilit y for any error or omissi ons in this d ocum ent. CHAU VET® r eserves the ri ght to r evise th is doc ument and to m ake chang es f rom time to ti me in the c ontent hereof without obli gation of CH AUVET® to not if y any p ers on or comp any of suc h revisi on or ch anges. T his does n ot const itut e in any w ay a c o m mi t m en t b y C H AU VET® to make s uc h c h anges. CHAUVET ® m ay iss ue a revisi on of this manual or a new edition of it to incorpor ate such changes.
If you have an y comment s ab out the acc urac y of this doc um ent or gen er al sugg esti ons regard ing how w e can impr ove it, pleas e call us at (800) 762-1084 (US callers) or +1­954-929-1115 (international callers). You can download the latest versions of all CHAUVET® products’ manuals from
The Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g su persed es all pr evious vers ions of this manual. Please disc ard any older vers ions of this manu al you may have, whether in printed or el ect ronic for m at, an d r epl ace them with t his v ers ion.
Author Editor Manager PD Manager
O. Desmonteix D. Couppe M. Graham F. Sellers
Use on Dimmer Outdoor Use Sound Activated
Auto Programs Auto-ranging Power Supply
Replaceable Fuse DMX Master/Slave
Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g
User Serviceable
Duty Cycle
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Before You Begin ............................................................................................................1
What is Included ............................................................................................................................. 1
Unpacking Instruc tions ................................................................................................................... 1
Typographic Conv entions ............................................................................................................... 1
Icon Meaning .................................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Notes ................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction .....................................................................................................................3
Product Description ........................................................................................................................ 3
Features ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Additional Features .................................................................................................................................... 3
Options ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
DMX Channel Summary ................................................................................................................. 4
Mode 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mode 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Product Overview ........................................................................................................................... 5
3. Setup ................................................................................................................................6
AC Power ....................................................................................................................................... 6
AC Plug ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Fuse Replacement ..................................................................................................................................... 6
DMX Linking ................................................................................................................................... 6
DMX Modes ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Gobo Wheels.................................................................................................................................. 7
Extra Gobos ................................................................................................................................... 7
Color Wheel ................................................................................................................................... 7
Gobo Replacement ......................................................................................................................... 8
Lamp Replacement ........................................................................................................................ 9
Increasing the Lamp’s Life .......................................................................................................................... 9
Mounting ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Orientation ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Rigging .................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Operation .......................................................................................................................11
Control Panel Description ............................................................................................................. 11
LCD Display ................................................................................................................................. 11
Control Options ............................................................................................................................ 11
Programming ................................................................................................................................ 11
Navigation Buttons ................................................................................................................................... 11
DMX Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Fixture Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Lamp Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Display Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Fixture Tests ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Fixture Information ................................................................................................................................... 16
Reset Functions ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Special Functions..................................................................................................................................... 17
Offset Mode .................................................................................................................................. 17
Entering Offset Mode ............................................................................................................................... 17
Menu Map .................................................................................................................................... 19
DMX Values ................................................................................................................................. 20
Mode 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Mode 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 22
5. Technical Information ...................................................................................................25
General Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 25
Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g -a-
Table of Contents
Photometrics................................................................................................................................. 25
Error Messages ............................................................................................................................ 26
Troubleshooti ng Guide .................................................................................................................. 27
Returns Procedure ........................................................................................................................ 28
Claims .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................... 28
Technical Specifications................................................................................................................ 29
-b- Legend 300E Spot User M anual Rev. 01g

1. Before You Begin

MENU > Settings
This icon indicates critical ins tallation, config uration or op eration
equipment, or c ause harm to the user.
Before You Begi n
What is
One Legend 300E Spot
Two omega clamps
Three additional g obos
One Warranty Card
One Quick Reference Guide
Immedi ately u pon rec eiving t his pr oduct, careful ly unp ack it an d chec k the cont ain er in which you rec eived it. Make sure that you h ave received all th e parts indicated above and that th ey ar e all in good c ondit ion. If the mat erial ins ide the c ont ainer (this produc t and any other access ory included with it) appears damaged from shipping, or if the contain er sh ows s igns of mis han dlin g, not if y the shi pp er im medi atel y. In addi tion, r et ain the cont ain er an d all the packin g m at er i al for inspecti on.
See the Claims section in t h e Tec h nical Infor m at ion chapter.
Convention Meaning
1~512 A range of values in the text
50/60 A set of mutually exclusive values in the text
[10] A DIP switch to be configured
“COLORado™ UM” The name of an other publication or m anual
<SET> A button on the fixture’s control panel
Settings A fixtur e func tion or a menu option
1~10 A range of m enu val u es from which to ch oose in a menu
Yes/No A set of two mutu ally excl us i ve m enu opti ons i n a men u
ON A uniqu e val u e to entered or s el ect in a men u
A new term, or a section or chapter of this document
A sequence of menu opt i ons

Icon Meaning

The term “ DMX” used throu ghout this docum ent refers to the USIT T DMX512-A transmission protocol.
Icon Meaning
information. Failure to comply with this information may render the fixture partially or completely inoperative , damage third-party
This icon indicates important installation or configuration information. Failure to comply with this information may preven t the fixture from functioning correctly.
This icon indicates useful, although n on-c ritical inf orm at i on .
Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g -1-
Before You Begi n
carefully because they include important safety

Safety Notes

Personal Safety
Mounting and Rigging
Power and Wiring
Please read the following notes inform at i on ab ou t th e inst allation, usage and m ai nt enance of this pr o duc t.
It is important to read all these notes before starting to work with this product.
There are no user serviceable parts inside this product. Any reference to servicing it you may find from now on in this User Manual will only apply to properly CHAUVET® certif ied technicians. Do not open the ho using or attempt any repairs unless you are one of them.
Please refer to all applicable local codes and regulations for the proper installation of this prod uct .
Avoid direct eye exposure to the light source while th e fixture is on.
Always disconnect this product from its power source before servicing.
Always connect this product to a ground ed circuit to avoi d th e ris k of el ectrocution.
Lamp explosion hazard! Do not open the lamp cover within five minutes of having
turned off the fixture.
The bulb remains hot for a long time after turn off. Never touch the bulb
barehan ded and alw ays handle it by its metallic conta cts.
Do not touc h this product’s housing when operatin g b ec ause it may be ver y hot.
This product is for indoor use only! To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose
this produc t t o r ain or m oistur e.
Make sure there are no flammable materials close to this product while operating.
When hanging this product, al ways s ec ure it to a fasteni ng devi ce using a safety
chain/cable (not provided).
Do not carry this fixture from the head; use the handles instead.
Always m ak e sure that you are connecting this product to the proper voltage, as
per the spec ifications in th is man u al or on th e product’s stic k er .
Connect this fixture ONLY to a grounded and protected circuit.
Never connect this prod uc t to a dimmer pack.
Make sure the fixture’s power cable is not cr imped or dam aged.
Never disconnect this product by pulling or tugging on the power cable.
Do not operate this fixture if you see damage on the housing, lenses, ultraviolet
filter, or c ables; hav e the damaged part s rep laced by an aut h or iz ed tec hnician at once.
Do not aim this fixture toward any surface closer than 16 feet (5 m). Otherwise, you
may damage or overh eat th e il lu mi n ated surface.
Do not cover the ventilation slots when the fixture is operating to avoid internal
Do not aim this fixture toward the Sun. Otherwise, the lenses could concentrate the
solar energy and c aus e int er n al ov erheating .
The maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do not operate this
product at a higher temperatur e.
In case of a serious operating problem, stop using this product immediately!
In the unlikely event that your Legend 300E Spot may require service, please contact CHAUVET® Technical Support.
-2- Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g

2. Introduction



The Legend 30 0E Spot is a c ompact, electron ic m ovi n g yok e spot fi xt ure equi pped wi th a 300-watt HID lamp. It includ es a color wheel with ei ght s lots plus w hit e. I t also com es with tw o gobo wh eels, one with seven rotating slot-n-lock gobos plus open, and the other with eight fixed gob os plus open . It als o includ es rem ote focu s and a rot ating 3­facet prism.
21 or 29-channel compact, fully electronic, 300-watt moving yoke spot
Pan: 540
Tilt: 270
Color wh eel: 7 colors + white
Split/linear colors Color wheel spins at variable speed
Gobo wheel 1: Indexed, rotating gobo wheel with gobo shake 7 metal, slot-n-lock gobos + open Gobo wheel spins at variable speed 16-bit gobo rotation
Gobo wheel 2: Indexed gobo wheel 8 metal gobos + open Gobo wheel spins at variable speed
Static frost
CTC filters (5,600 K and 3,2 00 K )
CMY color mi xi ng s ys t em w ith vec tor speed adj us tments
3-facet rotating prism
Variable shutter
Variable iris
Variable focus
Variable 16-bit dimming (0~100%)
Linear zoom (16~35)
Individual reset of pan/tilt, color, gobo, shutter, prism, focus
Move-in-black for pan/tilt, color, gobo
Remote fixture reset, lamp on/off, and vector control speed adjustments
Built-in m ov em ent macros wit h r an g e adj ustments
Built-in color macros
Battery powered display

Additional Features


Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g -3-
3-pin and 5-pin DMX connections
Three additional free gobos
User-configurable lamp ignition delay
User-c onf igurable mainten ance remind er
Electronic ballast with power factor correction
Electronic power supply
Automatic pan & tilt correction
Pan & tilt locks
Lamp & fixture use timers
Power saver mode
W-DMX (wireless DMX) receiver
W-DMX (wireless DMX) transmitter
DMX Channel
DMX Channel
Pan 1 Pan 2 Pan Fine
Pan Fine
Tilt 3 Tilt
Tilt Fine
Tilt Fine
Pan/Tilt Speed
Pan/Tilt Speed
Dimmer Fine
Gobo 1
R-Gobo 1
CMY Speed
Gobo 2
Gobo 1
R-Gobo 1
R-Gobo 1 Fine
Gobo 2
R-Prism Fine
Pan/Tilt Macro
P/T Macro Speed
Preset Color
Color Macro

DMX Channel Summary

Mode 1
Mode 2
-4- Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g

Product Overview

Control P a ne l
Power On/Off
Power Cord
Fuse Holder
DMX In/Out
Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g -5-
see the label affixed to

3. Setup

AC Power

The Leg end 300E Spot has an auto-r anging p ower suppl y that can w ork with an in put voltage range of 100~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Make sure that you are connecting this product to the proper voltage, as per the specifications in this guide, the product’s user manual, or on the product’s sticker.
Always co nnect th e Legend 300E Spot to a protected circ uit with an appro priate electrical ground to avoid the risk of electrocution or fire.
To det er m in e t he pow er requir em en ts for th e L egen d 300E Spot the sid e of th e fixtur e. Alter nativel y, you m ay refer to the corresponding chart in the Technical Informat io n chapter of this m anual.
The list ed curren t rating i ndicates t he maxim um curr ent draw dur ing norm al operat ion. Please ref er to the Sizing the Circu it Break ers section in the Appendix ch apter of this manual.
Never c onnect th e Legend 300E Spot t o a rhe ostat (var iable r esistor ) or dimm er circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel serves only as a 0 to 100% switch.

AC Plug

Fuse Replacement

DMX Linking

DMX Modes

The Leg end 300 E Spot c omes with a bar e ended power in put cord. The fixture sid e of this p ow er cord ent er s t h e f i xture through a s train r eli ev er (rubber boot) an d it cannot b e disconnected from the fixture. Use the table below to wire the plug to the power cord.
Connection Wire (US) Wire (Europe) Screw Color
AC Live Black Brown Y el l ow or B r ass AC Neutral White Blue Silver AC Ground Green/Yellow Green/Yellow Green
Make sure t o discon nect the fi xture’s po wer cord b efore repl acing a blo wn fuse, and always replace it with a fuse of the same type and rating.
1) With a Philips screwdriver, uns c r ew th e fuse holder out of its housi ng and remove the blown fuse from its holder.
2) Replace the blown fus e wit h a fuse of the exact s am e typ e and r ati ng.
3) Reverse step 1 and reconnect power.
You may link the Leg end 300E Spot to a DMX c ontroller using a st andard DM X serial connection. If using other DMX compatible fixtures with the Legend 300E Spot, it is possible to control them individually with a single DMX control ler.
If you are not f amiliar with the D MX standard, you may download the “DMX Pr imer” document from the CHAUVET® Web site.
The Leg end 300E Spot uses th e standard DM X data connection for its DM X Mod es (Mode 1 and Mode 2). You will find information about these DMX modes in the Introduction chapter (brief description), the Operation Instructions chapter (configuration deta ils), and the DMX Values section (individual channel values)
-6- Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g
1 7 8

Gobo Wh eel s

Extra Gobos

The Leg end 3 00E Spot c om es wi th t w o g ob o w h eels . Gobo wheel #1 h as s even r otating gobos, while gobo wheel #2 has eight fixed gobos, as i ndicated bel ow. The diagr am shows th e firs t an d last gobo on eac h wh eel , as per the DMX Values tables.
Rotating Gobos Fixed Gobos

Color Wheel

Legend 300E Spot User Manual Rev. 01g -7-
+ 23 hidden pages