Chauvet 12, 37.5, 18 User Manual

Getting Started User Manu al
Edition Notes
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Edition Notes
This User Manual covers the description, safety precautions, setup, installation, operation, and mai ntenance for all 3 Modular Video Panel s offer ed by CHAUVET®. This edition was published in January 2012.
CHAUVET® is a registered trademark of CHAUVET & Sons Inc. (d/b/a CHAUVET® or Chauvet). The CHAUVET® logo in its enti rety including the Chauvet name and the dotted triangle, and all ot her trademarks on this manual pertaining to servi ces, products, or marketing statements (example: It’s Green Thinking™ licensed by CHAUVET® . Any other produc t names, l ogos, brands, c om pany names, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this document ar e the property of their respectiv e trademark holders.
CHAUVET® owns the cont ent of this user manual in its entirety, includi ng but not limited to pictur es, logos, trademarks, and resources.
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CHAUVET® believes that the information contai ned i n this m anual is accur ate i n al l respects. However, CHAUVET® omissions in thi s document . CHAUVET® reserves the ri ght to revi se this docum ent and to make changes f rom time to time i n the content hereof wit hout obligation of CHAUVET® to notify any person or company of such revision or changes. This does not constitute in any way a commitment by CHAUVET® changes. CHAUVET ® m ay issue a revisi on of this manual or a new editi on of it to incorporate such changes.
The MVP™ Seri es Get ting Start ed User Manual, Rev. 10, supersedes all previous versions of this manual . Please discard any older versions of this manual you may have, whether in printed or electronic format, and replace them with this version.
D. Couppe 2/14/12 S. Graham 2/14/12
MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10
Table of Contents
1. Before You Begin ............................................................................................... 1
What Is Included ............................................................................................................ 1
Unpacking Instruc tions ................................................................................................... 1
Claims ................................................................................................................................... 1
Typographic Conv entions ............................................................................................... 1
Icon Meaning ................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Notes .................................................................................................................. 2
Expected LED Lifespan .................................................................................................. 2
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3
Product Description ........................................................................................................ 3
Features ........................................................................................................................ 3
Additional Features................................................................................................................. 3
Additional Products................................................................................................................. 3
Opt ional Acces sori es .............................................................................................................. 3
Available Signal and Power Cables (optional) .......................................................................... 3
Product Overview: MVP™ 12, MVP™ 18, and MVP™ 37.5 ............................................ 4
Product Dimensions ....................................................................................................... 6
MVP™ Pixels Per Panel ................................................................................................. 6
Table of Contents
3. Setup ................................................................................................................... 7
4. Mounting ............................................................................................................. 8
5. Joining Each MVP™ (Creating a Modular Design).......................................... 9
6. Connecting (Cabling) Each MVP™ ................................................................. 12
7. T y pical MVP™ Installation ............................................................................... 17
AC Power ...................................................................................................................... 7
AC Plug ................................................................................................................................. 7
Power Linking ........................................................................................................................ 7
Orientation ..................................................................................................................... 8
Truss Installat ion ............................................................................................................ 8
Vertically Joining the Panels ........................................................................................... 9
Horizontally Joining Panels ...........................................................................................11
Testing Signal and Power Connections .........................................................................12
Using the MVP™ Test Button ........................................................................................12
Connecting the Si gnal Input ..........................................................................................13
Connecting Power and Si gnal Cables............................................................................14
Connecting the Signal Between Joined Panels .................................................................... 14
Connecting the Power Between Joined Panels .................................................................... 16
Step 1 ...........................................................................................................................17
Step 2 ...........................................................................................................................17
Step 3 ...........................................................................................................................17
Step 4 ...........................................................................................................................17
Step 5 ...........................................................................................................................17
Step 6 ...........................................................................................................................17
Step 7 ...........................................................................................................................17
MVP™ Sample Video Wall System Setup .....................................................................18
MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10 -i-
Table of Contents
8. Operation .......................................................................................................... 19
Additional Har dware and Sof tware ................................................................................19
About LED Studio .........................................................................................................20
Description ........................................................................................................................... 20
9. Techni cal In f ormation ...................................................................................... 21
MVP™ Maintenance .....................................................................................................21
Troubleshooting User Manual .......................................................................................21
Returns Procedure ........................................................................................................22
Contact Us ....................................................................................................................22
10. Technical Spe ci f icati on s ............................................................................... 23
-ii- MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10

1. Before You Begin

What Is
Two (2) or Six (6) MVPs (Modular Vi deo P anels) models 12, 18, or 37.5
One Getting Started User Manual
container. Make
notify the
Failure to do so in a timely manner may invalidate
within seven (7) days of receiving the
A range of values in the text
A set of mutually excl usive values in the text
A reference to a secti on, chapter, or external document
A button on the product’s control panel
A product function or a m enu option
MENU à Settings
A sequence of menu options
A range of menu values from which to choose in a menu
A set of two mutually ex cl usive menu options in a menu
A unique value to be entered or selected in a menu
Icon Meaning
Critical installation, configuration, or operation information. Failure
harm to the user.
Important installation or configuration information. Failure to functioning c or r ectly .
One Neutrik® etherCO N® Signal Cable per MVP™ 0.4 m/15.8 in
One Neutrik® powerCON® Power Cable per MVP™ 0.4 m/15.8 in
One 2- or 6-Pack Flight Case (based on the number of MVPs included)
One Warranty Card
Immediatel y upon receiving t his product, caref ully unpack and check the sure you have received all the parts indicated above in good condit ion.
Before You Begin


Upon receipt, if the cont ai ner or the material i nside the contai ner (the product and included accessories) appear damaged from shipping, or show signs of mishandling, carrier immedi ately, not CHAUVET®. your claim with the carri er. In addition, keep the container and al l the packing material for inspection.
For other i ssues such as m i ssing com ponents or parts , dam age not rel ated t o shippi ng, or concealed damage, file a claim with CHAUVET® merchandise.
Convention Meaning
to comply with this information may render the product parti ally or completely inoperative, damage third-party equipm ent, or cause
Useful, non-critical information.
comply with this information may prevent the product from
MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10 -1-

Safety Notes

damage or malfunction. Please contact CHAUVET® Technical Suppor t.
Expected LED
LEDs gradually decline in brightness over time, mostly because of heat. Packaged in
and reducing the
. In addition, limiting the overall
projection int ensi ty may also help to extend the LEDs’ lifespan.
Before You Begin
Please read the following Safety Notes carefully before starting to work with the product. These notes provide important safety informati on about t he installation, usage, and maintenance.
This product contains no user-serviceable parts. Any referen ce t o servi cing in this User Manual will only ap ply to proper ly trained CHAUVET® certif ied technicians. Do not open the housing or attempt any repairs.
Please refer to all applicable local codes and regulations for the proper ins ta llati on of the product.
Always connect the produc t to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electroc ution.
The product is rated IP54 and shoul d only be used in environments meeting that
When hanging the produc t, always secure t o a fastening device using a safety cable.
The maximum ambient temperature is 122° F (50° C). Do not operate the produc t at
higher temperatures.
Do not operate the pr oduc t if you see damage on the housing, LED strips, or cables. In any of these cases, have the damaged par ts replaced by an authorized technician.
Do not open or modify the product.
Make sure the product is connected to the proper voltage provided in this manual’s
specifications and/or the specification stic k er on the product.
Never try to repair the product. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to
Any damages caused by manual modi ficat io ns are not subject to warranty. CHAUVET® will not accept liability for any resulting damages caused by unauthorized modifications or not observing the safety warnings an d ins tructions in the manual.
In the unlikely event that your CHAUVET® product may require service, contact CHAUVET® Technical Suppo rt .
clusters, LEDs exhi bit higher operati ng temperat ures than in ideal, single LE D conditions.
For this reason, using clustered LEDs at their fullest intensity significantly reduces the LEDs’ lifespan. The electrical, thermal management design of the MVP™ panel is designed to provide the longest LED lifespan possible. Under normal operating conditions, this lif espan can be 50,000 hours or l onger. If extending t his lifespan is vital, lower the operational temperature by improving ventilation around the fixture ambient temperature to an optimal operating range
-2- MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10

2. Introduction

Easily viewed during daylight oper ation
MVP™ Driver (required)
The MVP™ is a Modular Video Panel. The MVP™ series includes three models:
MVP™ 12
MVP™ 18
MVP™ 37.5
Each model is a panel consisting of multiple LED full-color light strips. The num ber in eac h model name indicates the pixel pitch (distance, in millimeters, between the LED light strips) of that model. When multiple panels are assembled and connected (signal and power), the entire configuration becomes a modular video wall design.
The outer dimensions of each panel are identical. T he difference between each m odel is the spacing between the LED light strips and the number of LED pixels on each strip. Both of these v alues determine the total num ber of LE D pix els provi ded on each panel. Each pixel is one SMD5050 LED.
The aluminum all oy and stai nless steel construction make the M VP™ reliable and solid, as well as easy to i nstall and dismantle. You can assemble multiple panels horiz ontally or vertically, and each model is interchangeable with the others. This flexibility provides numerous modular desi gn possibilities.
The MVP™ video wall system is controlled using a PC and the LED Studio software available as download from the Internet. Refer to the LED Studio User Manual for detailed information and instructions on using LED St udio.
Packaged in a convenient CHAUVET® flight case that includes either two (2) or six (6) MVP™ panels
Lightweight, modular system
Provides multiple graphics based on which MVP™ is used and how the video wall
is assembled
Uses Neutrik® powerCON® and Neutrik® etherCON® connectors for easy install ation and connectivity
Perfect for long-term installations
Each MVP™ is interchangeable for creative modular video wall designs
Tri-color SMD LEDs provide bett er image quality and wider viewing angle
Designed for indoor or tempor ar y outdoor installations
One Neutrik® etherCON® signal cable per MVP™ 0.4 m/15.8 in
One Neutrik® powerCON® power cable per MVP™ 0.4 m/15.8 in
MVP™ 526P Signal Processor (processor required for alternate video sources)
MVP™ Signal Distributor (required when using 25 MVPs or more in your video wall)
MVP™ Rigging Kit (required when you hang panel s from a truss or truss structure)
Available Signal
and Power Cables
MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10 -3-
Signal cables (Neutrik® etherCON® Signal Extensions)
Power cables (Neutrik® powerCON® Extension)
Signal Input
Power In put
Signal Output
Power Output
Vertical rigging
Rigging Plate
Rigging Plate
LED Strip
Horizontal locking knob
Fast Lock
Fast Lock
Vertical rigging
Underside of MVP™ Panel Ledge
Mounting the MVP s™

Product Overview: MVP™ 12, MVP™ 18, and MVP™ 37.5

-4- MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10
The differenc e between each MVP™ model is the pixel pitch (space) between the LED strips and the
MVP™ 18
MVP™ 12
MVP™ 37.5
number of pixels (LEDs) on each str ip. The basic housing and components are i dentical. Refer to the previous MVP™ 37.5 illustration.
MVP™ (12/18/37.5) Series Getting Started User Manual, Rev. 10 -5-
+ 19 hidden pages