Chauvet 1200 User Manual

User Manual
Edition Notes
pot 1200
supersedes all previous versions of this
Fixture at
Hot Line
CHAUVET® released this edition of the Followspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 05 in March 2012.
The F ollows pot 1200 User M anual Rev. 05 covers the desc ript ion, s afety pr ecautions, install ati on, progr am mi ng , op eration and m aintenanc e of the Followspot 1200 .
CHAUVET® is a regist ered tr ad emar k of C HAUVET & S ons Inc. (d/b/a CHAUVET ® or Chauvet). T he CHAUVET ® logo in its entirety inc luding the C hauvet nam e and the dotted triangl e, and all oth er trad emarks on this manual pert ain ing to servic es, pr oduc ts or mark eting statements (exam ple: It’s Gr een Thinking™) are owned or lic ensed by CHAUVET®. Any other product names, logos, brands, company names, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this document are the property of their respective trademark holders.
CHAUVET® owns the content of this user manual in its entirety, including but not limited to pictures, logos, trademarks and resources.
© Copyright 2012 CHAUVET®
All rights reserved Elec tronically publi s hed by CHAUV ET® in the Un it ed S t at es of Am erica
CHAUVET® authorizes its customers to download and print this manual for professional information purposes only. CHAUVET® expressly prohibits the usage, copy, st orage, dis tribu tion, modific ation or printing of this m anual or its cont ent for any other pur p os e wi th ou t its wr itten consent.
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Any person in ch arge of installing, op erating and/or main taining the Follows should r ead the Qu ick St art Guid e that s hipped wit h the Fol lows pot 1200 u nit an d this manual in th eir ent irety befor e ins t alling, operating or mai nt ai n in g the Followspot 1200.
CHAUVET® believes that the inf ormati on contained in this manu al is accurate in all respects. However, CHAUVET® assumes no res ponsibilit y for any error or omissions in this d ocumen t. CHAU VET® r eserves t he rig ht to r evise th is docu ment an d to mak e changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of CHAUVET® to notif y any pers on or com pany of s uch revis ion or ch anges. This d oes not c onstitut e in any way a commit men t by CHAUVE T® to mak e such changes. CHAUVET ® m ay iss ue a revisi on of this manual or a new edition of it to incorpor ate such changes.
If you have an y comment s ab out the acc urac y of this doc um ent or gen er al sugg esti ons regard ing how w e can impr ove it, pleas e call us at (800) 762-1084 (US callers) or +1­954-929-1115 (interna tional ca llers), ext. 43.
You can download the latest versions of all CHAUVET® products’ manuals from
The Followspot 1 200 Us er Manual Rev. 05 manual.
Please dis card any older versions of this man ual you may have, wh ether in print ed or electron ic format, and replace them wit h this v er s i on.
Use on Dimmer
Auto Programs
a Glance
Outdoor Use
Sound Activated
Follo wspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5
208/230 V, 50/60 Hz
Replaceable Fuse
User Serviceable
Duty Cycle
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Before you Begin .............................................................................................................1
What is Included ............................................................................................................................. 1
Unpacking Instruc tions ................................................................................................................... 1
Text Conventions............................................................................................................................ 1
Icons .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Safety Notes ................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction .....................................................................................................................3
System Description ......................................................................................................................... 3
Features ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Additional Features .................................................................................................................................... 3
DMX Channel Summary ................................................................................................................. 3
6-channel DMX mode ................................................................................................................................ 3
Product Overview ........................................................................................................................... 4
Product Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 5
3. Setup ................................................................................................................................6
AC Power ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Power Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 6
Power Cord ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Fuse Replacement ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Voltage/Frequency Selection ...................................................................................................................... 7
Lamp .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Lamp Removal........................................................................................................................................... 8
Lamp Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 9
DMX Linking ................................................................................................................................. 10
DMX Connection ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Mounting ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Orientation ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Rigging .................................................................................................................................................... 11
4. Operation .......................................................................................................................12
Control Panel Description ............................................................................................................. 12
Programming Panel ................................................................................................................................. 12
Navigation Functions ................................................................................................................................ 12
Followspot 1200 Menu Options ..................................................................................................... 13
Normal Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Offset Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Programming Procedure ............................................................................................................... 14
Normal Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Normal Mode (Cont.) ................................................................................................................................ 15
Offset Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 15
External Console .......................................................................................................................... 16
Controls ................................................................................................................................................... 16
DMX Controller Oper ation ............................................................................................................. 17
DMX Values ................................................................................................................................. 17
6-CH........................................................................................................................................................ 17
5. Technical Information ...................................................................................................17
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 17
Returns ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Claims .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Contact Us ................................................................................................................................... 18
Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................... 19
-a- Follo wspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5
1. Before you Begin
have to return the fixture to the factory, you will have to do so in its original flight case,
A range of val u es
A set of mutually exclusive values in the text
A DIP switch to be configured
A fixture function, a new term, a s ection or a chapter
“COLORado™ UM”
The name of another publication or manual
A key to be pressed on the fixture’s control panel
A menu option that can be selected but not modified
MENU > Settings
A sequence of menu options to be followed
A range of m enu val u es of w hich one can be s elected
A set of mutually exclusive menu opti ons to choose
A value to be entered or s el ect ed
This icon indicates critical ins tallation, config uration or op eration
party equi pment, or cause harm to the user.
What is
One Followspot 1200 Fixture
One External Console
One Tripod
One Flight Case
Warranty Card
Quick Reference/Start Guide
The Followspot 1200 ships in a flight case, Immediately upon receiving the fixture, carefully unpack the flight c ase. Ch eck the f light c ase cont ents t o ensure t hat all part s are present and that they ar e in good condit ion. If any p art appears d amaged from shipping, or if the flight case shows signs of mishandling, notify the shipper immediately. In addition, retain the flight case and all the packing material for inspection.
In any event, s ave the f light cas e and all p acking material because, in case t hat you with all its original packing. See the Claims section in the Technical Information
Convention Meaning
Before you Begin
Icons Meaning
information. Failure to comply with this information may render the fixture partially or completely inoperative , damage third-
This icon indicates important installation or configuration information. Failure to comply with this information may pr ev en t the fixture from functioning correctly.
Useful information.
-1- Follo wspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5
Before you Begin
carefully because they include important safety
There are no user-servic ea ble parts i n si d e t h e Fo llo w spo t 1 2 00. A ny r eferenc e to
any repairs unless you are one of them.
Please read the following notes inform at i on ab ou t th e inst allation, usage and m ai nt enance of this pr o duc t.
It is important to read all these n ot es before st arti ng to work wit h this product.
servicing thi s unit y ou m ay fin d fro m no w on in thi s U ser Manu al wil l only apply to properly CHAUVET® c ertified techn ici an s. Do n ot op en t he h ous ing or atte mp t
Please refer to all applicabl e local codes an d regulations f or proper inst allation of the Followsp ot 1200.
Keep this manual for future consultation. If you sell the Followspot 1200 to another user, make sure that they also receive this manual.
The Foll ow s p ot 1200 hous i ng w eig hs 94 lbs (42.6 kg). Always ask for help when mounting this fixture to avoid personal injuries or damage to the unit.
Always connect the Followsp ot 1200 to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.
Avoid direct eye exp os ure to the ligh t s ource while th e Followspot 1200 is on.
Lamp explosion hazard! Do not open the lamp cover within five minutes of having
turned off the fixture.
The bulb remains hot for a long time after turn off. Never touch the bulb barehanded and always hand it by its metallic contacts.
Always disconnect the Followspo t 1200 from its power source before servicing.
Do not touc h th e Followspot 1200’s housing when op erating b ec ause it may reac h
up to 85º C.
This product is for indoor use only! To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose this produc t t o r ain or m oistur e.
Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the fixture(s) while operating.
When hang in g this fixture, always secure it to a fastening device using a safety
cable (not prov ided).
Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104° F (40° C). Do not operate the fixture at a higher temperature.
Always m ak e sure that you are c onn ec t i ng th e Followspot 1200 to the proper voltage, as per the specifications in this manual or on the product.
Never connect the Foll ow s p ot 12 00 to a dimmer pack.
Never disconnect th e pow er t o the f i xture by pullin g or t ug gi ng on t h e pow er c abl e.
Make sure the power cord is not crimp ed or d am aged.
In case of a serious operating problem, stop using this product immediately!
In the unlikely event that your Followspot 1200 may require service, please contact CHAUVET® Technical Support.
Follo wspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5 -2-
2. Introduction
Iris 3 Color
Color temperature
Additional Features
The Fol l ows pot 1200 is a DM X compatibl e follow s p ot fixture that us es a 1200 W m et al halide l amp and features a hi gh eff iciency optical ass embl y, a hi g h qu ality dichroic c ol or wheel and an external c onsole.
This f ixture consis ts of a h ous in g unit that cont ains the p ow er s upply, the control panel, the lamp and th e optical assembl y. The housing has a yoke f or trip od mounting. Th e Followspot 1200 ships with an external console already mounted on its handle. In additi on, t h e Followspot 1200 includes a stand-alone, adj ustable h eight tripod .
The 5-pi n DMX inp ut an d output s ock ets for D M X connecti vit y are on t h e c ont rol panel, while there is another 5-pin XLR socket dedicated to the external console. The Followspot 1200 features a bright 4-digit display and four buttons to perform all its programming functions.
The ext ernal console f eat ures four sliders and sev er al buttons to control the f i xture in a stand-alone fashion. However, th e user can conn ect th e Followspot 1200 to a DMX daisy chain data link t o c ontrol it fr om a st an dard DMX c ontroller , al ong with oth er DMX compatible fixtures.
Metal Halide 12 00 W lamp
6-Channe l DMX mode
Functions: shutter, iris, color, color temperature, dimmer and focus
Color Wheel 1 8 dichroic colors + white Rainbow color spin at variable speeds Split/Linear Colors
Color Wheel 2 2 dichroic colors + white CTC filter: 3,200 K / Frost / Open
Variable electronic iris (4~38⁰)
Variable electronic dimmer (0~100%)
Variable electronic focus
Blackout shutt er bu t t on
External control console
Flight case
DMX Channel Summary
6-channel DMX mode
-3- Follo wspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5
DMX Channel Function
For detail s about the Contr ol Panel, refer to th e Fuse Replacement and DMX
the Operation chapter.
Control Panel
External Console
Product Overview
Linking sections in the Setup chapter as well as the Operation chapter. For deta ils ab out the exter nal co nsole, refer to the Exter nal Co nsole se ction of
Follo wspot 1200 User Manual Rev. 5 -4-
+ 16 hidden pages