Charles T1, T1-S Installation Manual

e2006 Charles Industries Ltd.
All rights reserved. Printed in United States of America. The availability of features and technical specifications herein subject to change without notice.
Section 360-381-802 Equipment Issue 2
Second Printing, August 2006
Telecommunications Group
3603-81 T1 Controller
Document Purpose
This document provides installation information for the T1 with SNMP (T1-S).
Equipment Function
The T1-S is part of the 360-80 Intelligent Chan­nel Bank (ICB). It combines the functions of a Line Interface Unit (LIU) and a Channel Service Unit (CSU), allowing direct connections to public T1 networks.
Equipment Location/Mounting
Mount the T1-S in the primary slot of the 360-80. One controller unit must be installed in the pri­mary slot for proper system operation. Drop and insert applications require a Secondary T1 unit (issue 2 or later).
Performance History
This unit stores performance history for the last 30 days and over the last 24 hours in 15-minute intervals. This performance history includes bit error rate (BER), errored seconds (ES) and se­verely errored seconds (SES).
Control Interface
This unit is managed through the Network Man­agement Interface (NMI), which controls the pro­visioning of the unit and obtains status informa­tion from the unit. Provisioning and status infor­mation is described in the Optioning section of this document. For operation of this interface, see the Network Management Interface docu­mentation.
This unit will maintain its default provisioning until that provisioning is altered through the NMI. If this unit’s provisioning is changed, it will main­tain the new provisioning even if power is lost. If replaced with a new unit, the new unit will need to have its provisioning changed to the same provisioning as was set for the prior unit.
Inspect for Damages
Inspect the equipment thoroughly upon delivery. If the equipment has been damaged in transit, immediately report the extent of damage to the transportation company.
Equipment Identification
Charles equipment is identified by a model and issue number imprinted on the front panel or located elsewhere on the equipment. Each time a major engineering design change is made on the equipment, the issue number is advanced by 1 and imprinted on subsequent units manufactured. Therefore, be sure to include both the model number and its issue number when making inquiries about the equipment.
To prevent electrostatic charges from damaging static-sensitive units:
Use approved static-preventive measures (such as static-conductive wrist straps and static-dissipative mats) at all times whenever touching units outside of their original, shipped, protective packaging.
Do not ship or store units near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic, or magnetic fields.
Always use the original static-protective packaging for shipping or storage.
Attaching the Rear Panel
The rear panel of the unit should be installed before all units are installed in the shelf, and be­fore wiring begins.
Installing a New Unit
Step Action
1. If not already installed, install the rear panel by screwing it to the appropriate mounting locations on the shelf using the provided hardware.
2. Insert the unit into the shelf, making sure that the unit is aligned with the card guides inside the shelf.
Due to mechanical differences, the T1-S card can only be installed in an Issue 3 or greater ICB shelf.
3. Slide the unit into the shelf.
If there is already a rear panel installed on the shelf, check for interference. The rear panel may need to be removed and replaced with the rear panel shipped w/the new unit.
Step Action
4. Once the unit is fully inserted, tighten the secur­ing screw on the front panel.
5. Wire the unit per the wiring section.
6. The unit will perform a self-test to ensure that it is compatible with the network management soft­ware on the system.
7. After the self-test is performed, check the soft­ware provisioning of the card using the craft inter­face on the front of the controller unit.
Installing a Replacement Unit
If you are replacing a unit that is already in ser­vice, make sure that the unit is the same as the unit being replaced.
Step Action
1. Remove the wiring connectors from the front and rear of the unit.
2. Unscrew the front panel screw to release the unit from the shelf.
3. Using the card ejector, remove the unit from the shelf.
4. Follow the procedure for installing a new unit.
Wiring the Unit
Use the following steps to wire the unit.
Step Action
1. Connect T1 to the rear panel RJ48 jack (J1).
2. If using the Ethernet network management inter­face on the rear of the unit, connect the system to the other units using J2 and J3.
3. If you are using the composite clock, remove the connector and wire the signal to the connector labeled CCLK IN.
4. Reinstall the connector with the composite clock signal wires.
5. Power and alarm should already be wired. If not, see the documentation for the ICB shelf.
Front Panel Switch and LED Definitions
The Audible Alarm Cut Off (ACO) switch is a pushbutton used to open the audible alarm con­tacts from the 360-80 system. This switch will only mask audible indications of present alarm condi­tions—it will NOT clear the alarm. If a new alarm occurs, the alarm will re-enable.
The Address ID switch on the front panel is a mul­ti-section switch for setting the system address on the system management bus. This switch is used if the system is connected together with other
360-80 systems into a central management con­trol center. This switch allows the control center to ‘address’ the individual systems. See section on network management for more information.
Table 1. LED Definitions
Color Status Indicates that...
POWER Green ON Unit is receiving power.
OFF The unit is not powered.
AR Red ON The unit is detecting a red
alarm on the T1 interface caused by a loss of signal (LOS) or a loss of framing (LOF) or out of frame (OOF) condition.
OFF Normal operation.
AY Yellow ON The unit is receiving a
YELLOW alarm condition on the T1. This indicates that a problem is up­stream at some other de­vice or network node.
OFF Normal operation.
TP Yellow ON The system is processing
the trunk signaling data based on detected alarm conditions.
OFF Normal operation.
LP Green ON The unit is in loopback.
This indication only oc­curs during testing.
Valid external timing source has been lost.
OFF Normal operation.
Hardware Optioning
Option Type Choices Description
Compos­ite clock termina­tion
3-pin connec­tor
Termina­tion IN
Place the Berg con­nector between the middle and bottom pins to terminate the composite clock input wired to the ICB. Use for a single ICB, or on the last ICB in a daisy-chained se­ries.
Termina­tion OUT
Place the Berg con­nector between the top and middle pins to remove termina­tion from the com­posite clock input. This is done when the clock will be connected to addi­tional equipment.
Software Optioning
This unit comes from the factory with default provi­sioning, which can be changed through Network Management or the craft terminal interface. Each unit has its own provisioning options. The provi­sioning options are as follows with the default op­tioning noted:
Option Choices Default
ICB Address (address= 1 + switch setting)
Switch settings 00 through 15
T1 Frame format Superframe (SF), Ex-
tended Superframe (ESF)
Auto detect mode (loop timing only)
No, Yes No
Transmit T1 Timing Source
External, Internal, Looped
Line Build Out (LBO)
110, 220, 330, 440, 550, 660 FT OR 0, 7.5, 15, 22 dB
0-110 FT
T1 Line Code AMI, B8ZS B8ZS
Test Generator (per channel)
Tone Test, 1 KHz 0 dBm0, None
Option Choices Default
T1 Loopback Selec­tion
Line Near End, Line Far End, Payload Far End
CGA Process Mode Normal, CM2, CM3 Normal
Remote Control Method
None, Occupy one channel, Facility data link (ESF only)
Facility data link
Operation mode Normal T1, Dual T1,
Protection T1
Normal T1
Status (Protection mode only)
Primary T1, Secon­dary T1
Primary T1
Error threshold (Protection mode only)
0 − 900 250
This unit provides for alarm contacts for audible and visual alarms. Access to the alarm contacts is provided on the 360-80 shelf. Pressing the audible alarm cut-off (ACO) switch clears the alarm indica­tion for the audible alarm contacts (pressing this switch does not clear the alarm). See the shelf documentation for information on wiring. The unit generates alarm indications based on the configu­ration of the alarm registers. See section on Net­work Management for more information.
Default Unit Configurations
The ICB stores all configuration settings in the T1-S. The T1-S is shipped from the factory with the default settings, which may be changed through the network management interfaces.
Changing Unit Configuration Locally
The ICB can be configured through the front panel craft terminal (MGMT) jack. See the craft terminal interface documentation for procedures.
Network Management
The 36080 channel bank can be managed via two different interfaces over the Ethernet connec­tion on the rear of the T1S card. The Network Management System (NMS) interface is GUI based and requires proprietary software operating on the managing PC. The Network Node Manager (NNM) interface is SNMP based and requires SNMP network manager software operating on the managing PC. See NMS and NNM documen­tation for more information.
To use either interface from outside the T1 control­ler’s LAN a “gateway” address must be defined. The gateway address should be the same as the IP address of the LAN’s router.
Front Panel RJ11 Jack
The RJ11 jack on the front of the unit is the local craft/control port. The default interface is an RS232 connection that defaults to 9600 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop and no parity. The interface through the control port is VT-100. VT-100 operation on a PC requires VT-100 emulation software. An IP address and IP subnet mask must be configured through the craft interface before the unit will com­municate with the NMS/GUI or SNMP. To commu­nicate with SNMP, the SNMP community table must also be configured. See the network man­agement section or the network management in­terface documentation for more information.
A cable (03-200542-0) is available to connect be­tween the front panel RJ11 jack and a DB-9 con­nector.
T1 Jack
The RJ48 connector on the rear of the T1-S is for the primary T1.
Rear Panel RJ45 Jack
The J2 RJ45 jack on the rear of the unit is for in­terfacing to a network management control center using SNMP or proprietary NMS/GUI software over Ethernet.
Table 2. Front Panel RJ11 Jack Pinouts
Pin # Use DB9
1 NC
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 GND 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 RCV (ICB in-
4 XMT (ICB out-
5 Enable PC
(ICB input)
6 NC
Table 3. RJ48C T1 Jack Pinouts (J1)
Pin # Use
1 R (RCV from network)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 T (RCV from network
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 R1 (XMT to network)
5 T1 (XMT to network)
Table 4. RJ45 Ethernet Jack Pinouts (J2)
Pin # Use
1 XMT (TD+)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 XMT (TD−)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 RCV (RD+)
4 NC
5 NC
6 RCV (RD−)
7 NC
8 NC
If technical assistance is required, contact Charles Industries’ Technical Service Center at:
847–806–8500 800–607–8500 847–806–8556 (FAX) (e-mail)