Charging station model EVA Connected
User Manual EVA

User manual EVA Connected
Chargestorm AB 2017
Hospitalsgatan 3
SE-602 27 Norrköping, Sverige
Phone: +46 11 333 0002 • Fax +46 11 333 0003
Email: support@chargestorm.se
Document number: Pd_UM_0005, version A.4
Article number: 710-00001

This manual is delivered “as is” and contain content that can change without prior notice. Chargestorm
AB does not guarantee that everything is correct in the manual. Chargestorm AB is not responsible for
faults or incidents or damages that can be traced to the usage of this manual.
© Copyright Chargestorm AB 2017. All rights restricted. copying, adaption, or translation of this manual
is strictly forbidden without written approval by Chargestorm AB, except what is regulated by copyright
Version A ......................................... Mars 2017

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t
Models and variants.................................................................... 1!
Content ....................................................................................... 2!
More information .............................................................................. 2!
Identify parts on EVA ....................................................................... 3!
Usage of EVA ............................................................................. 4!
Connect the vehicle ......................................................................... 4!
Open access.................................................................................... 4!
RFID access .................................................................................... 4!
Status symbols ................................................................................ 5!
Chargestorm warranty statement ............................................... 7!
Support for EVA Connected ....................................................... 9!
Service ...................................................................................... 10!
Repairing EVA outside warranty period ......................................... 10!
Transportation preparation ............................................................ 10!
Problem solving ........................................................................ 11!
Current problem ............................................................................. 11!
Fuse or ground fault problem......................................................... 11!
Charging problem .......................................................................... 11!
Internet access problem ................................................................ 12!

EVA CONNECTED - introduction
EVA CONNECTED, a flexible charging station for electrical vehicles.
ongratulation! Your EVA is setting a new standard for charging stations. EVA has a modern design,
is easy to use and support many useful functions related to charging of electrical vehicles.
Models and variants
The charging station EVA comes in many variants (different charging power and number of outlet for
example). For a complete list of models check out the EVA data sheet. Common for EVA Connected models
is the support to connect to a back-end system/Web portal.
User Manual 1