Char-Broil Classic C-69G3 Product Manual

Grilling's Juicy Little Secret TM
Classic C-69G3
IMPORTANT:Fill out the product record information below.
Serial Number
Seeratinglabelongrillfor serial number.
Forsupportandto registeryour grill,pleasevisitusat
Ifyouhavequestionsor need
assistanceduringassembly, pleasecall1-800-241-7548.
© 2013 Char-Broil,LLC Columbus,GA 31902 PrintedinChina Assemblyinstructions© 2013 08/01/12. G651-001-210801
ForYourSafety.................................... 2-3
GrillingGuide...................................... 4-7
UseandCare .................................... 8-14
LimitedWarranty.................................... 15
PartsList.......................................... 16
PartsDiagram...................................... 17
Assembly....................................... 18-27
Troubleshooting.................................. 28-30
RegistrationCard................................... 31
Safety Symbols The symbols and boxesshown below explain what each heading means. Read and follow all of the messages found throughout
the manual.
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flame.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, keep away from the appliance and immediately call your gas
supplier or your fire department.
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable liquids orvapors in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use shall not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other
WARNING: Indicatesa potentially hazardous situation which, if notavoided, could result indeath or serious injury.
CAUTION: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituationor unsafe practicewhich, if notavoided, may result inminor
or moderate injury.
DANGER: Indicatesan imminentlyhazardous situation which, if notavoided,will result indeath orserious injury.
Leavethis manual with consumer.
Keepthis manualfor future reference.
Failureto follow all manufacturer's instructionscould result in seriouspersonal injury and/or propertydamage.
Forresidential use only. Do not usefor commercial
Readand follow all safety statements,assembly instructions,and use and care directions before attemptingto assembleand cook.
Some parts may contain sharp edges. Wearprotective gloves if necessary.
1.Combustibleby-productsproducedwhenusing thisproductcontainschemicalsknowntotheState
ofCaliforniatocausecancer,birthdefects,or otherreproductiveharm.
2.This product containschemicals, includinglead
and lead compounds, known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or
other reproductive harm.
Washyour hands after handling this product.
Installation Safety Precautions
Use grill, as purchased, only with LP (propane) gas and the regulator/valve assembly supplied. If your grill is Dual Fuel ready,
a conversion kit mustbe purchased for usewith natural gas.
Grill installation must conform with local codes, or in their
absence of local codes, with either the National Fuel Gas
Code,ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Natural Gas and Propane
Installation Code, CSAB149.1, or Propane Storage and Handling Code, B149.2.
All electrical accessories (such as rotisserie) must be
electrically grounded in accordance with local codes, or
National Electrical Code,ANSI / NFPA70 or Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1. Keep any electrical cords and/or
fuel supply hoses away from any hotsurfaces.
This grill is safety certified for use in the United States and/or
Canada only. Do not modify for use inany other location.
Modification will result in a safety hazard.
Do not attempt to repair or alter the hose/valve/regulator for any "assumed" defect. Any modification to this assembly will void your warranty
and create the risk of a gas leak and fire. Use only authorized replacement parts supplied by
Using pots larger than 6 quarts in capacity could
exceed weight limit of the
or side shelf,
resulting in failure
Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not possible. Grills are well ventilated for safety reasons.
Do not use water on a grease fire. Personal injury may
result. If a grease fire develops, turn knobs and LP tank
if grill has not been regularly cleaned, a grease fire can
occur that may damage the product. Pay close attention
while preheating or burning offfood residue to insure that a grease fire does not develop. Follow instructions on General Grill Cleaning and Cleaning The Burner Assembly to prevent grease fires.
The best way to prevent grease fires is regular cleaning
ofthe grill.
NOTE: DONOT over tightenscrews andwashers that come intocontact with porcelain coated surfaces. Over tightening may cause the porcelain coatingto crack and
break, resultingin exposed metal that will be proneto rust.
First Time Use Read yourAssembly Manual and ensure the grill is puttogether
properly. Remove all Point-of-Purchase advertising material from all grill surfaces before first use. We recommend operating your
grill on its highest setting for 15-20 minutes prior to your first use. This aids in removing the oils used during manufacturing.
Lava Rock / Briquettes This gas grill has been designed, engineered, and tested to be
used with flame tamers or heat distribution platesto provide more even heating, improve the cleaning process, and reduce flare-ups. The addition of after market lava rocks, charcoal, or briquettes of any type will cause poor combustionand increase
the likelihood of a grease fire, and is not recommended. Using briquettes, lava rock, or charcoal in this grillwill void your warranty. For extra smoke flavor,we recommend using a smoker box with wood chips.
Temperature - Convective Grills ONLY. The temperature gauge in the hood of your new grill measures air temperature. The air temperature inside your grill will never be as hot as the temperature at the cooking surface.
Note: Since 1995,all regulators (the part that attaches to the gas tank to regulate the flow of gas) have included a safetyfeature that restricts gas flow in the event of a gas leak. You can inadvertently activate this safety feature without having a gas
leak. This typically occurs when you turn on the gas using the grill control knob before you turn on the LP tank valve. If the gas regulator safety feature activates, the grill will only reach temperatures between 250°F and 300°F evenwith all burners on the high setting.
Coupling Nut
If your grill is not getting hotterthan 250°F to 300°F these
steps should be taken first to reset the gas regulator safety device:
1.Open the grill lid.
2. Turnoff all knobs on the control panel in front.
3. Turnoff the tank knob.
4. Disconnect the regulator from the LP tank.
5. Wait 30 seconds.
6. Reconnect the regulator to the LP tank.
7. Slowly open the LP tank knob all the way. Do not put excessive force on the valve at the full open position to avoid damaging the valve.
8. Turnon the appropriate control knob and lightthe grill per the
An illustration of this process is includedin this Product Guide.
See Troubleshooting section for additional information.
Pre-HeatingYour Grill Just like your home oven, your grill should be pre-heated to
provide optimum performance. Pre-heat the grill on highfor 10- 15 minutes- longer ifweather conditions require. Please refer to
the lighting instructions inside the Product Guide if you have questions about how to light your grill. A match-lightchain and
hole is provided for your convenience.
Outdoorgrillingisreallyquitesimple.You'llsucceedwith burgers,dogs,orsteaksusuallyonyourveryfirsttry.With
experience,youwilllearnhowtoworkwithyourgrill,creating moreimaginativemealsallthetime.Thisknowledgemakesup theartofgrilling.Beforeyoustartgrilling,organizeyourfood accordingtocookingtechniqueandrequiredcookingtime,and
optimizetheuseofyourgrillingarea. DirectCooking
Directcookinginvolvesgrillingyourmeatdirectlyoverhighheat. Itisperfectforsearingsteaks,chops,andothersmallerpiecesof
RotisserieCooking Rotisseriecookingisbestfor'round'meat,suchaslargeroasts,
wholepoultry,andpork.Itgenerallyrequiresanaccessorymotor andspitrodthatallowsthemeattobeturnedataconstant speed.Rotisseriecookingisbestdoneinfrontofaspecial
rotisserieburner,orutilizinganindirectcookingburner arrangement.Apancanbeplacedunderneaththemeattocatch
IndirectCooking Indirectcookingutilizesselectburnerstocirculateheat throughoutthegrill,withoutdirectcontactbetweenthemeatand theflame.Themeatisplacedovertheburnerthatis'off'.This
methodisgenerallyusedtoslowcooklargecutsofmeatand poultry.Apancanbeplacedunderneaththemeattocatch greaseandfooddrippings,andhelpsminimizeclean-up.
FoodSafety Foodsafetyisaveryimportantpartofenjoyingtheoutdoor
cookingexperience.Tokeepfoodsafefromharmfulbacteria, followthesefourbasicsteps:
Clean: Wash hands, utensils, and surfaces with hot soapy water before and after handling raw meat.
Separate: Separate raw meats from ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross contamination. Usea clean platterand utensils when
removing cooked foods. Cook: Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughlyto kill bacteria. Use a
thermometer to ensure proper internalfood temperatures. Chill: Refrigerate prepared foods and leftovers promptly.
Cookingonyournewgrillisahands-onexperience,anditis recommendedtoremainoutsidewithyourgrillwhilecooking. Grillingcanbeaffectedbymanyexternalconditions.Incold
weather,youwillneedmoreheattoreachanidealcooking temperature,andgrillingmaytakelonger.Themeat'sinternal
temperatureandthicknesscanalsoaffectcookingtimes.Cold andthickermeatswilltakelongertocook.
InternalMeatTemperatures Meatcookedonagrilloftenbrownsveryfastontheoutside.
Therefore,useameatthermometertoensureithasreached safeinternaltemperatures.
USDA Recommended Safe Minimum
internal Temperatures
Beef,Veal,Lamb,Steak,Roasts,&WholePork 145° F
(witha 3 minuteresttime) Fish 145° F Beef,Veal,Lamb,andPork - Ground 160° F EggDishes 160° F
Turkey,Chicken& Duck Whole,Pieces& Ground 165° F
Please refer to the USDAfor complete, up-to-date information. Our internal temperature chart is based on USDAstandards for
meat doneness. Check it out at
Wood Chips For extra smoke flavor when grilling, try addingwood chips.
Soak the chips in water for approximately 30 minutes before adding to a smoke box or pan. Placesmoke boxor panon top of the cooking grate above the flame. Turn grill on high untilthe
wood starts to smoke. Reduce heat to desired temperature for cooking, and place food on cooking grate as desired. Close lidto
retain more smoke. Hardwood varieties that work particularly well with grilled foods include Alder, Apple, Cherry, Grapevines,
Hickory, Mesquite, Oak, Rosemary and Sassafras.
Skewers Metal skewers should be flat, with long handles. Round skewers
allow food to roll when turned, so it may not cookas evenly. Use metal skewers when cooking meat kabobs. Wooden skewers
should be soaked in water for an hour before use, and are best usedfor quickcooking foods such as vegetables and fruits.
Sauces containing sugars and fats can cause flare-ups, andyour food may burn. Ingeneral, apply these sauces duringthe final
10 minutes of cooking. Keep inmind, use of excessive sauces or glazes will also require extra cleaning afterwards.
Marinades and Rubs Toenhance the flavor of grilled foods, a liquid marinadeor dry
rub can be used prior to cooking. Meat can be either soaked or injected with liquid marinade up to 24 hours prior to grilling. Dry rubs can be applied directly to the meat immediately before
Use tongs or a spatula to handle the food instead of a fork, and don'tturn the food too
often. Piercing thefood
with a fork will release juices that you want in
the meat, and may cause flare-ups.
WhyClean? We'veallheardthesaying'Anounceofpreventioniswortha
poundofcure'.Thisisgreatadvicewhenitcomestokeeping yourgrillclean.
Cooking surfaces: If a bristle brush is used to cleanany of the grill cooking surfaces, ensure no loose bristles remain on cooking
surfaces prior to grilling. It is not recommended to clean cooking surfaces while grill is hot.
RoutineCare Periodiccleaningofthisgrillisnecessary,
asgrillfirescanoccurwhengreaseand fooddebriscollectinthebottomofthegrill.
Aftereachuse,removeanyremaining foodparticlesfromthecookinggrateand
insideofthegrillusingagrillbrush.Do thisafterthegrillhascooleddown,yetis
stillwarm.Itismucheasiertocleanfood particleswhilewarmthisstillpresent,than
afterthefoodparticleshavecompletely cooledandhardened.Thisgrillisnot
designedtobe'burnedoff'byclosingthe lidandturningtheburnersonHighforan
extendedtime.Theexcessiveheat generatedcancauseleftovergreaseto
catchfire,andcancausepermanent damagetoyourgrill.
Plastic parts: Wash with warm soapy water and wipe dry. Do not use abrasive cleaners, degreasers or a concentrated grill cleaner on plastic parts. Damage to and failure of parts can result.
Storing Your Grill
Clean cooking grates.
Store grill in dry location.
When LP cylinder is connected to grill, store outdoors in a well ventilated space and out of reachof children.
Cover grill if stored outdoors. Choosefrom avariety of grill covers offered by manufacturer.
Store grill indoors ONLYif LPcylinder is turned off, disconnected, and removed from grill. Never store LP cylinder
When removing grill from storage, follow the 'Cleaning the
BurnerAssembly' instructions in the Use and Care section of
the Product Guide.
Critters Spiders like to make their homes in the venturi tubes of grills.
These must be inspected and cleaned regularly to ensure there are no blockages. Refer to the Use and Care portion of this Product Guide for complete information.
Porcelain surfaces: Because of glass-like composition, most residue can be wiped away with baking soda/watersolution or
glass cleaner. Use non-abrasive scouring powderfor stubborn stains.
Painted surfaces: Wash with mild detergent or non-abrasive cleaner and warm water. Wipe drywith a soft non-abrasive cloth.
Stainless steel surfaces: Stainless steel can rust under certain conditions. This can be caused byenvironmental conditions
such as chlorine or salt water, or improper cleaning tools such as wire or steel wool. It can also discolor dueto heat,
chemicals, or grease build-up. To maintain your grill's high quality
appearance, wash with mild detergent and warm water,or use a stainless
steel grill cleaner. Baked-on grease deposits may require the use of an
abrasive plastic cleaning pad. Use only in direction of brushed finish to avoid
damage. Do not use abrasive pad on areaswith graphics.
The Char-Broil®grill is equippedwith GearTraxTM, which allow forthe easy mounting of our unique line of GearTrax
accessories. Pleasevisit charbroil.comfor a complete list of Gear Trax accessories, *Availableon most models,
NEVERstore a spare LP cylinder under or near the appliance or inan enclosed area.
LP Cylinder
The LP cylinder used with your grill must meet the following requirements:
Use LP cylinders only with these required measurements: 12" (30.5cm) (diameter) x 18" (45.7 cm) (tall) with 20 lb. (9 kg.) capacity maximum.
LPcylinders must be constructed and marked in accordance
with specifications for LP cylinders of the U.S. Departmentof Transportation (DOT) or for Canada, CAN/CSA-B339,
cylinders, spheres and tubes for transportation of dangerous
goods. Transport Canada (TC). See LP cylinder collar for
LPcylinder valve must have:
Type 1 outlet compatible with regulatoror grill.
Safety reliefvalve.
ULlisted Overfill Protection OPDHandWheel
Device (OPD). This OPD safety feature is identified by a uniquetriangular hand wheel. Use
only LP cylinders equipped with this type of valve.
LPcylinder must be arranged for vapor withdrawal and include collar to protect LP cylinder valve.Always keep LP cylinders in
upright position during use, transit or storage.
Never fill a cylinderbeyond 80%full.
An over filled or improperlystored cylinder is a hazard due to possible gas release from the
safety relief valve. This could cause an intense fire with risk of property damage, serious injury or
If you see, smell or hear gas escaping, immediatelyget away from the LP
cylinder/appliance and call your fire department.
LP Cylinder Removal, Transport and Storage
Turn OFFall controlknobs and LP cylinder valve. Turn coupling nut counterclockwise by hand only -do not use toolsto
disconnect. Loosencylinder screw beneath bottom shelf or
disconnect other retention means, then lift PL cylinder upand
and out of cart. Install safety cap onto LP cylindervalve. Always use cap and strap supplied with valve.
Failure to use safety cap as directed may result in serious personal injury and/or property damage.
Adisconnected LP cylinder in LPCylinder
storage or being transported
must have a safety cap installed (as shown). Do notstore an LP cylinder in enclosed spaces
such as a carport, garage, porch, covered
patioor other building. Never leave an LP cylinder Safety inside a vehicle which may become overheated Cap
bythe sun. RetainerStrap
Do notstore an LP cylinder in an area where children play.
LP cylinder in upright position for vapor withdrawal
LP (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
LPgas is nontoxic, odorless and colorless when produced. For Your Safety, LPgas has been given an odor (similar to rotten
cabbage) so that it can be smelled.
LPgas is highly flammable and mayignite unexpectedly when
mixed with air.
LP Cylinder Filling
Useonly licensed and experienced dealers.
LPdealer must purge new cylinder before filling.
Dealer should NEVERfill LP cylinder more than 80% of LP cylinder volume. Volume of propane in cylinder will vary by
Afrosty regulator indicates gas overfill. Immediatelyclose LP cylinder valve and call local LP gas dealer for assistance.
Do not releaseliquid propane (LP) gas into the atmosphere. This is a hazardous practice.
Toremove gas from LP cylinder,contact an LP dealeror call a
local fire department for assistance. Check the telephone
directory under "Gas Companies" for nearest certified LP dealers.
LP Cylinder Exchange Connecting Regulator to the LP Cylinder
Many retailers that sell grills offer you the option of replacing your empty LP cylinder through an exchange service. Use only
those reputable exchange companies that inspect, precision fill, test and certify their cylinders. Exchange your cylinder only
for an OPD safety feature-equipped cylinder as described
in the "LP Cylinder" section of this manual.
Always keep newand exchanged LP cylinders in upright
position during use, transit or storage.
Leak test new and exchanged LP cylinders BEFORE
connecting to grill.
Place dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever the cylinder is
notin use. Only installthe type ofdust cap on the cylinder valve
outlet that is providedwith the cylinder valve. Other types of caps
or plugs may result in leakage of propane.
LP Cylinder Leak Test For your safety
Leak test must be repeated each time LP cylinder isexchanged
or refilled.
Do notsmoke during leak test.
Do notuse an open flame to check for gas leaks.
Grill must be leak tested outdoors in a well-ventilated area, away from ignitionsources such as gas fired or electrical appliances. During leak test, keep grill away from open flames
or sparks.
Usea clean paintbrushand a 50/50 mild soap and water
solution. Brushsoapy solution onto areas indicated byarrows
in figure below.
A Do not use household cleaning agents. Damage to gas
train components can result.
I.LP cylinder mustbe properly secured onto grill. (Referto
assembly section.)
2.Turn all control knobs to the OFF position.
3.Turn LP cylinder OFF by turning hand-wheel clockwise to a full stop.
4.Remove the protective cap from LP cylinder valve.Always use cap and strap suppliedwith valve.
/ Type1outlet with
threadon outside
Strapand Cal_
Do not use a POLtransport plug (plastic part with external threads)!
It will defeat the safety feature of the valve.
If"growing" bubblesappear do not useor move the LP cylinder.Contact an LPgas supplier oryour fire department!
5.Hold regulator and insert nipple into LP cylinder valve. Hand-tighten the
coupling nut, holding regulator in a straight line with LP cylinder valve so
as notto cross-thread the connection.
Nipplehas to be centered intothe LP cylinder valve.
Holdcoupling nutand regulator asshown for properconnection
to LP cylinder valve.
6.Turn the coupling nut clockwise and tighten to a full stop. The regulatorwill seal onthe back-check feature inthe LP cylinder
valve, resulting in some resistance. An additional one-half to three-quarters turn isrequired to complete the
connection. Tighten by hand only- do not use tools.
Leak Testing Valves, Hose and Regulator
1.Turn all grill control knobs to OFF.
2.Be sure regulator istightly connected to LP cylinder.
3.Completelyopen LPcylinder valve by turning hand wheel counterclockwise. If you hear a rushing sound, turn gas off
immediately.There is a major leak at the connection. Correct before proceeding.
4.Brush soapy solution onto areas circled below, or other similar
fittings on your grill.
If you cannot complete the connection, disconnect regulatorand repeat steps 5 and 6. If you arestill unableto completethe
connection, do not use this regulator!
Do not insertany tool or foreignobject into thevalve
outlet or safetyrelief valve. Youmay damagethe valve
and cause a leak. Leaking propane may result in explosion,fire, severe _ersonal injury,or death.
Outdoorgas applianceis notintendedto beinstalled in oron a boat.
Outdoorgas applianceis notintendedto beinstalled in oron an RV.
Never attemptto attach this grill to theself-contained LPgas systemof acamper trailer or motorhome.
Do not use grill until leak-tested.
If a leak is detected at any time, STOPand call the fire department.
If you cannot stopa gas leak,immediately close LPcylinder valve and call LPgas supplier or your fire
5.If "growing" bubbles appear, there is a leak. Close LP cylinder valve immediately and retighten connections. If leaks
cannot be stopped do not try to repair. Callfor replacement
6.Always close LPcylinder valveafter performing leak test by
turning hand wheel clockwise.
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