To installer or person assembling grill: Leave this
manual with grill for future reference.
To consumer: Keep this manual for future reference.
Read this manual before cooking on grill Failure to follow all
S manufacturer's instructions could result in serious personal injury
_= and/or property damage
t. Do not store or use gasoline or other flarnmablevapors
and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
2. An LP Tank not connected for use shali not be stored in
the vicinity of this or any other appJiance.
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flame.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, immediately call your gas supplier or
your fire department.
Call Grill Service Center For Help And Parts
• if you need help or warranty partscall _1-800-241.7548 or send a FAX to
Business hours Open 24 hours- Seven days a week
, To order non-warranty replacement parts or accessories (grill cover, cleaners,
paint) call 1-800-993-2677or send a FAXto 1-706-565-2t21
Important: Fit! out Warranty Information below
Warranty Information
UPC (oncarton)Label Lot #GG
Serial Number
:_ _._,_
o For residential use only Do not use for commercial cooking
Installation Safety Precautions
, Thisgrill is designed for use with LP (propane) gas using the regulator/valve
assembly supplied
° Grill installation must conform with local codes, or in their absence with National
Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223,1 or CANICGA-B149.2 Propane
Installation Code. Handling and storage of LP cylinders must conform to LP Gas
Code NFPA/ANSI 5& Grill is not for use in or on recreational vehicles andlor boats
, All electrical accessories (such as rotisserie) must be electrically grounded in
accordance with localcodes, or National Electrical Code, ANSI / NFPA 70 or
Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.!, Keep any electrical cords andlor fuel
supplyhosesaway from.any hot surfaces
• This grill is safety certified for use in the United States and CanadaonIy Do not
modifyfor use in any other location Modificationwill result in a safety hazard.
Safety Symbols
• The symbolsand boxes shown below explain what each heading means Read and
follow all of the messagesfound throughout the manual,
o WARNING: Be alert to the possibility of serious bodily injury .ifthe i
instructions are not followed Be sure to read and carefuly follow all of I
z......................... J
.......... _-,,,,_,, ,,,, , , ,lu, I ....i,l,,,_,,,ii r,_
o CAUTION: Indicates a potentialy hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury
CHAR-BROILe,FLAVORMASTER%MASTERFLAME2_,HeatWave'_,CoolingZone1000", SabeP,Pafo
Caddie"_,Sierra"-'_,SignatureSeries_,SwingAway_;,H20 Smo_e_,andPatoKtchen`_areregisteredtrademarks
of WC BradteyCo PrecisionFlame",SureFire",StackRack'",FastStart's,TitTank",WideBody",andPatio
Bisl;d',arelradernarksof WC BradieyCoGrils protectedforWC.BradteyCo.underoneormoreoflhese
US Paenls:4,989,579;4,955,358;5,220,764;5,42t,319;5.441,226;5,566,606;5,931,t49;D291,768;
D341,292Assemblt,[nstructons© 1999WC BradleyCo,All RightsResewed
Table of Contents
ForSafeUseOfYourGrill ..........................................................................................10
BurnerFlameCheck................................................................................................ 13
CareOfWood ............................................................................................................24
HeatWaveRotisserieBurnerUse ............................:,............................................25
CookingTips ...........................................................................................................25
StoringYourGrill ........................................................................................................3!
Wa rra nty's
Char-Broilwarrants 1otheoriginalconsumer-purchaserthat[hisproductshelfbeflee from
defeclsill workmanshipandmaterials undernormal andreasonableuseandcorrectassembIy
(1) TheaDrninumlopandbottomcastingsfor lhelifeoforiginal purchase,excludingthe
(2) The burnerlventuri assemblyfor aperiodof three (3)yearsfrom thedateof purchase;
(3) All olher paris for aperiod done (I) yearfrom thedateof purchase
Char-Broilwill,al itsoption,refinishor replaceanyproductorpartfoundtobedefective
duringthewarranly period Char-Broilwiltrequire youtoreturn thepartis)claimed tobe
Ifyouwish toobtain 3erformanceof anyobligationunderthis limitedwarranty,you should
Consumer Warranty / P,,OBox 1240
Columbus, GA 3t902-1240
Char-Broilmay requirereasonable proofof purchase andwesuggestyou keepyour
receipt In theslate ofOaliforniaonly,ifrefinishingor replacementofthe producfisnot
commerciallypraclicable, tileretaiiersellingtllis productorChar..Broilwillrefundtile purci_ase
pricepaidfortileproduct, lesslhe amountdirectlyattributabletousebytheoriginalconsumeF
purchaserpriortodiscoveryof thenonconformity Inaddition_in thestateof Californiaonly. you
maytaketheproducttott_eretailestablishmentfromwhichit waspurchasedortoally retail
establishmentselling thisproductinordertooblain performanceunderthiswarranty
This warranlydoesnol inchldethecost onany inconvenienceorproperly damagedue!o
faifureoftheproductanddoes notcoverdamageduetomisuse,abuse,accident,damage
arisingoulof transportationoftheproduct,ordamageincurredthrougll commercia!useofthe
product,This expresswarrantyis the solewarrantygivenby ihe manufacturerand isin lieuof
allotherwarranties,expressor implied,inc}udingimpliedwarrantyofmerchanlabilityorillness
foraparticularpurpose NeitherChar-BroiIdealersnorDeretail establishmen_sellinglhis
producthasanyauthorityto makeanywarrantiesor topromise remediesinaddition1oor
incensistentwilhthosestatedabove Char-Broil'smaxirnumliability,inanyevent,shallnol
exceed thepurchase priceofthe produc[paid bythe originalconsumeFpurchaser Somestales
donotaltowtheexclusionorlimitation ofincidentalorconsequenlialdamages Sotheabove
limitationsorexclusionsmaynotapplyto you Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrighls and
mayalsohaveotherrightswhichvary fromstate1ostate
Electronic Ignition System !0 Year Limited Warranty
Char-Broilguaranlees thisElectronicIgnitionSystem(battery excluded)in both
malerials andworkmanshipfor aten(10)yearperiodfrom dateofpurchasetotheoriginal
purchaserifusedfor homeuse,lithe productfails tooperate dueto amanufacturingdefect,the
defectivepartwillbe repairedorreptacedatCHAR-BROIL'Soption. Theproducl, alongwith
Ifyouwish toobtainperformance ofanyobligationunder thislimitedwarranty,youshould
write to CHAR-BROIL. Consumer Warranty. P,O, Box 1240. Columbus, GA 31902-
Connecting The Regulator To The LP Tank
1 LP tank must be properlysecured onto grill
2 Turn all control knobs includingsidebumer (if featured) to the OFF position
3 Turn LP tank OFF by turning handwheelclockwiseto aful! stop,
OI_ Clockwise
, OPD Hand Wheel
Safety Relief Valve " -
4-,_----- Type I outlet with thread on outside
/ i-"
I ../
Strap and Cap
Remove the protective cap from the LP tank valve. Always use cap and strap
supplied with valve Use of the POL transport plug (B) (plastic part with
external threads) will defeat safety feature of valve.
Do not use this POLtransport plug
(plastic part with external threads)
5 Hold regulator, insert nipple (C) into LP tank valve, Hand tighten coupling
nut, holding regulator in a straight line (D) with LP tank valve so as not to
cross thread the connection.
% ,
Nipple has to be centered into ..._..._.
the LP tank valve
E i"
Hold coupling nut and regulator as shown for proper
connection to LP tank valve
J. -
Turn the coupling nut clockwise to tighten to a ful! solid stop The regulator wilt
seat on the back check feature in LP tank valve, resulting in some resistance An
additional one-half to three quarters turn is required to complete
connectiom Tighten by hand only - do not use tools,
NOTE: tf you cannotcomplete connection, disconnect regulator and repeat steps 5
and 6 If you are still unableto completethe connection,do not use this
7 Follow "Leak Test" instructions on page 8,
* Do not insert any foreign objects into the valve outtet. You may damage
the valve and cause a leak. Leaking propane may result in explosion,
fire, severe personal injury, or death,
, Never attempt to attach this grill to the self-contained LP gas system of
a camper trailer or motor )lome.
• Do not use grill until leak checked.
• If leak is detected at any time, STOP and correct before using grill
fu rther.
, If you cannot stop a gas leak, immediately close LP tank valve and call
LP gas supplier or your fire department!
Leak Test
For your safety
o Leak test must be repeated each time LP tank is connected or reconnected
. Donot smoke during leak test
. Donot use an open flameto check for gas leaks
o Grill must be leak checked outdoors in well-ventilated area, away from ignition
sources such as gas fired or electrical appliances During leaktest, keep grill away
from open flames or sparks
o Neverremoveopening atend of valve (A)
To leak test your grill: Use a clean paint brush and 50/50 soap and water solution
Use mild soap and water, A Do not use household cleaning agents, Damage
to gas train components can result
1. Turn all grill control knob(s) to OFF,
2. Besureregulatoris tightlyconnected to LP tank
3. Completely open LP tank valve by turning hand wheel counter clockwise If you hear
a rushing sound, turn gas off immediately There is a major leak atthe connection
Correct before proceeding
4. Brush soapy solution onto following connections
o LP tank valve (1) including th_eadedportioninto LP tank
, Regulatorfitting, face at crimps and vent hole (2).
. Hose (3) and all connections
, All LPtank welds (4) (LP tank collar, middle and bottom)
• Valve (5) behind console or under side control panel
• Valve on Sidebumer Assembly (If featured) (6)
• HeatWave valve (if featured) (7) and all connections
5. "If growing" bubblesappear, there is a leak Close LP tank valve immediately
Retighten connections and repeat leak test procedures If leaks cannot be stopped
replace parts.Order new parts by giving the serial, model number and name of
items needed to the Grill Service Center at _ 1-800-241-7548
6, Always close LP tank valve after performing leak test by turning hand wheel
Sideburner Valve
HeatW_ve Hose
(if featured)
Sidebumer Hose
i"¸¸. , _L jj
(if featured)
For Safe Use Of Your Grill:
• Do not let children operate or play near grill
• Keep grill area clear and free from materials that burn.
, Do not block holes in bottom or back of grill
, Cheek burner flames regularly.
o Use grill only in well-ventilated space NEVERuse in enclosed space such as
carport, garage, porch, covered patio, or under a surface that can catch fire.
, Use grill at least 3 ft. from any wall or surface. Maintain I0 ft clearanceto
objects that can catch fire or sources of ignitionsuch as pilot lights on water
t_eaters,live electrical appliances, etc
, Do not use charcoal in a gas grill
, NEVER attempt to light burner with lid closed. A buildup of non-ignited
gas inside of closed grill is hazardous,
o Never operate grill with LP tank out of correct position specified in
Assembly Instructions.
o Always close LP tank valve and remove coupling nut before moving LP
tank from specified operating position.
Safety Tips
Before openingLP tank valve, check the coupling nut for tightness
,& Whengrillis notinuse, turnoff allcontrol knobs andLPtank valve.
A Never movegrill while in operationor still hot.
A Use long-handledbarbecueutensils to avoid bums andspralters
,&. Maximum loadfor sidebumer,side shelfandfront shelf is 10 lb.
,& A soup can must be attachedto grease clipand emptiedaftereach use. Do not
removesoup can until grill has completelycooled
,& If younoticegreaseor other hot matedaldrippingfromgrill onto valve, hose or
regulatorturn off gas supply at once Determine thecause, correct, and clean
valve, hose and regulatorbeforecontinuing Performa leak test
,& The regulator maymake a humming or whistling noise during operation This will
notaffectsafetyor useof grill
A If you have a grill problemsee the TroubleshootingSectbn
ml, ,rlnl i i,ilU ,,, i i ' '_' z _;, i,n,lUll ii i
, Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not possible. Grills are well
ventilated for safety reasons.
• Do not use water on a grease fire. Personal injury may result. If a grease
fire develops turn knobs and L.Ptank off.
• Do not leave grill unattended while preheating or burning off on high. If
grill has not been regularly cleaned a grease fire can occur that may
damage the product,
Before Your First Cookout
• Lightburners, checkto make sure theyare lit, closethe lid andwarm up gill on
HIGHfor 15 minutes Curingof paint and partswill producean odor only onfirst
Ignitor Lighting For Front Control Grills
Do not lean over grill while lighting, & --<_
Open lid. Turn on gas at LP tank _:/_._i_ :::_....
Turnone knobto _ IGNITE __....z
Push IGNITORButton ,._r:_. orSwitch C_'i:#rapidlyto light Besure burner lights
and stayslit,
Turn other knob(if featured)to _ IGNITEto lightotherside
If IGNITORdoes not work, follow match lighting instructions.
After Lighting:Turn knob(s)to HIGH for warm-up.
Match Lighting
A Do not lean over gr[ti while lighting,
1 Open lid, Turn on gas at LP tank
2 Piace fit match into match lighting hole from
outside grill bottom (as shown)
3 Push in and turn Single or RIGHT knob to
IGNITE.. Be sure burner lights and stays lit. ",: ,q! holeMatChistlghtingin
Light left burner (if featured) by pushing LEFT knob ',
"1=/ bottom or side
in and turningto _ 1GN1TE
After Lighting: Turn Knob(s) to HIGH for warm-up
Ignitor Lighting For Side Control Grills •
A Do not lean over grill while lighting. _• _; . ,,
1. Open lid, Turn on gas at LP tank _ ;:_
2 Push in and turn FRONT control knob to HIGH ::"
3 Press Button : or ignitor switch; :_i}_ ( upto4seconds) _.
orturn ignitor Knob ,,;:';":,..,,(up to 5tin:_es)to lightgrill Be
sure front burner lights and stays tit.
Push in and turn BACK knob to tightback burner
tf iGNiTOR does not work, fotlow match lighting instructions below
Match LighthTg
A 13onot lean over grill while lighting,
1 Open lid Turn on gas at LP tank
HeatWave grifls only Pushin and turn Burner
Selector Knob to ON MAIN BURNERS
2 Place lit match into match lighting hole from
outside grill bottom.
3,Push in and turn BACK knobto HIGH Be sure
Match lighting
hole on right
side of grill
backburner lights and stays tit.
Light front burner by pushing FRONT knob in and turning to HIGH
Ignitor Lighting For HeatWave Rotisserie Grills-_rlain
A Do not lean over grill while lighting,
1 Open lid, Turn on gas at LP tank
2 Push in and turn BurnerSelector Knob to ON MAIN BURNER
3 Push in andturn FRONT burner knob on panelto HIGH.
4 Press Ignitor Switch ..c:C_,.,._,, hold up to 4 seconds Or turn Ignitor Knob _:!_iii_
rapidly (up to 5 times) to light grill. Besurefrontburner light and stays lit.
5 Push in and turn BACK knob to light back burner,,
6 if IGNITORdoes not work, follow match lighting instructions above.
Ignitor Lighting For HeatWave Rotisserie Burner
1 Turn all knobs to OFF
2 Open lid during lighting, Turn gas on at LP tank.
3 Push in and turn Burner Selector Knob to ON ROTISSERIE BURNER
4 Press Ignitor Switch, hotd up to 4 seconds Orturn IgnitorKnob rapidly (upto 5
times) Be sure burner lightsand stayslit.
5 If IGNITOR does not work, follow match lighting instructions
Match Lighting
1. Open lid Turn on gas at LP tank
2. Place lit match near porthole of burner.
3.. Push in and turn Burner Selector Knob to
ON ROTISSERIE BURNER Be sure burnerlights andstays lit
Note: It is not possible to use the HeatWave
rotisserie burner and main burner at same time
Ignitor Lighting The Sideburner
I Turn gas on at LPtank
2 Push in and turn knobto HIGH
3 Turn orpush " _:_,_:..,(up to 5 times to light burner) Be sure burner
lightsand stays fit
To match light use first
opening on burner
Match Lighting
1 Turn gas on at LP tank
2 To light use any holeon sideburner. Push in and turn knob to
HIGH Be sure burner lights and stays lit
Burner Flame Check
, Lightburner, rotate knobs from HIGH to LOW
You should see a smalier flame in LOW
position than seen on HIGH. Always check
.... ..... HIGH
flame prior to each use. Perform flame check
for sideburner (if equipped) tf only low flame is
seen refer to "Sudden drop or low flame" in
the Troubleshooting Section
Turning Grill Off
• Turn all knobs to OFF position Turn LP tank OFF byturning handwheel clockwise
to afull stop,
Ignitor Check
, Turn gas off at LP tank. Press ignitor button or turn ignitorknob rapidly "Click"
should be heard and spark seen each time between collector box or burner and
electrode See Troubleshooting if no click or spark.
Valve Check
o important', Make sure gas is OFF at LP tank before checking valves. Knobs
lock in OFF position To check valves, first push in knobs and release, knobs
should spring back If knobs do not spring back,replace valve assembly before
usinggrill Turn knobs to LOW position then turn back to OFF position Valves
should turn smoothly.
Hose Check
° Beforeeach use, check to see if hoses are cut or worn Replacedamaged hoses
before using grill Use onlyvalveihosefregulator specified by manufacturer
LP Tank Filling
o Useonlylicensedandexperienceddealers
, LP tank must be purged before filling
° Dealer should NEVERfill LP tank more than 80% of LPtank volume,Volume of
propane intank wiltvary by temperature.
• A frosty regulatorindicatesgas overfill Immediatelyclose LP tank valve and call
local LP gas dealer for assistance.
• Do not release liquid propane (LP) gas into the atmosphere. This is a hazardous
• To remove gas from LP tank, contact an LP dealeror call a local fire department
for assistance. Oheckthe telephone directory under"Gas companies" for nearest
certified LP dealers_
LPtank Exchange:You may choose to replace your empty LP tank through an
exchange service. Use only those reputable exchange companies that inspect,
precision fill, test and certifytheir cylinders. Exchange for OPD safety feature
equipped tank as described in LP Tank
• Always keep LPtank in uprightposition during use, transit or storage_