Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the available settings and press the mode button to choose the one you want.
If you scroll to a location without data, you will see 'NOT AVAILABLE' or 'N/A' on the display. Go to a location with a
Identifying satellites
When you first use the meter it may find and uniquely identify the satellite, but show readings of signal strength or picture quality that are either too high or low. This means that it must be calibrated for the satellite. See the section
'Calibrating the meter' for a description of the procedure.
Some satellites share common frequency plans and there is a risk of cross-identification. When a satellite transponder is
listed with the word 'Find', this transponder should be used to uniquely identify the satellite, but its identity must be
confirmed using its 'xPol Conf' transponder. This is selected by pressing the mode button. If you still have lock with
'Found Sat', you can only be looking at that satellite. At the same time, you can also check for cross polarity.
DishPro installations should be done using special DishPro data in the meter.
Set your dish to the approximate position of the satellite you are to identify.
If your required satellite is not the default start-up satellite, select the correct one by pressing and holding the mode
button and scrolling through the dataset using the arrow buttons.
Using a short coaxial jumper cable, preferably fitted with quick disconnect connectors, connect between the meter's 'F'
connector and the dish LNB. Turn the meter on and move through the satellites to the correct one by pressing and
holding the mode button and the arrows to move through the list.
Slowly swing the dish until the position is correct when the meter beeps
and shows Found Sat. Swing through the arc.
The meter has uniquely identified the satellite you are installing the system to receive. It will have ignored any other
satellites it has passed on the way to the correct one.
It may show signal strength as you pass some satellite positions, but until you are at the correct one, it will not display
Found Sat.
You should now optimize the installation.
Many satellites transmit in two polarities and, when possible, the meter will have information for both so that the dish
can be accurately set to avoid cross polarity. Switch between the polarities using either of the arrow buttons. The satellite name will remain the same but the letter V and H, or L and R will change to show the selection of the other polarity. Maximize the signal strength in both polarities where they are available, switching between them with the arrow
buttons. For a perfectly aligned, balanced installation you should fine-tune the dish in both polarities using the Picture
Quality (BER) readings, to maximize the received signal.
Gently move the dish to and fro in its initial found position, watching the bar display rise and fall as you approach,
reach and pass through the sweet spot. Inch back slowly to the reading that showed the best figures. Remember, if the
bar display is giving you readings that are too high or low, you should calibrate the meter for that satellite. See the sec-
tion 'Calibrating the meter'. The pre-programmed satellites in the meter can be added to or changed to suit the
installer's needs, from C-band to broadband internet installations, the data is available to program the meter. Visit the
website www for details.