Changsha Hotone Audio XP 10 User Manual

Let's G et Started!
Welcom e to the new world of XTOMP!
XTOMP is a n ultra thin ef fects p edal stomp box that sim ulate s all kinds o f iconic cla ssic, v intag e, or modern p edals a nd creates ori ginal s tanda rd/novel algo rithms throu gh its growi ng effects lib rary.
XTOMP us es iOS* a nd Android * apps to m anage a ll your effe cts and t ransfers t hem to your st ompbox via B lueto oth Sma rt.
*TheB lueto oth Sma rt is a tr adema rk owned b y the Blu etoot h SIG, In c. Thist radem arkwasus edmere lytoide ntifyt hefunc tionch aract er ofthep roduc t. *iOSi s a trade mark of A pple, I nc., reg ister ed in the U .S. and o ther co untri es. *An droid is a t radem ark of Go ogle, I nc.
What's Inside?
XTOMP ×1 / H andy Gu ide ×1 / St icker s ×3
·Ult rathi n design, ro ck soli d zinc al loy casing
·Rel ay base d true bypas s foots witch with h alo LED
·6 Kno bs with h alo LED s
·Powe rful TI C67 se ries DSP onboa rd, 24-bit A /D/A co nversion
·Free i OS, And roid an d PC apps for lo ading a nd mana ging ef fects
via B lueto oth Sma rt
·USB j ack for firm ware upgra ding, load ing/m anaging ef fects wit h PC apps, and m ore
·Out stand ing fre quenc y respo nse and d ynami c range ; very low n oise le vel
·CDC M System for real istic p laying exp erien ce
·Ste reo I/O: L - Rel ay True Byp ass or an alog Bu ffered Byp ass,
R - Ana log Buf fered Bypa ss
·Growin g effec ts algo rithm l ibrar y
·9V DC p ower suppl y
Hardware & System Requirements
·iOS 8 .0 or lat er
·iPh one* 4s o r later
·iPad* wi th Reti na disp lay (3 Gen ) or late r
·iPad Min i* or lat er
·iPad Pro* o r later
·iPod Touch* 5 Gen or l ater
·XTOMP ap p
And roid*
·And roid* 4.3 (Jel ly Bean ) or la ter
·Any devi ce that s uppor ts BLE (Blu etooth Low Ener gy*)
·XTOMP ap p
*Blu etoot h is a trad emark o wned by t he Blue tooth S IG, Inc. T his tra demar k was us ed mere ly to ide ntify t he func tion ch aracte r of the pr oduc t. *iPh one, iPo d Touch, i Pad and iP ad Mini a re trade marks o f Apple , Inc., regi stere d in the U. S. and ot her cou ntrie s. *An droid an d Jell y Bean are t radem arks of G oogle , Inc.
Pedal Introduction
7 8
1. Kno bs with h alo LED s:
The k nobs ar e used to cont rol the e ffect p arameter s, which var y dependi ng on the e ffect a lgori thm you’ve load ed into XTOMP. The mu lti-c olor ha lo LEDs a round t he knobs indic ate the c ontrolla ble knobs o f the cur rent effec t algor ithm. You ca n che ck the knob a ssignmen ts and LE D color s in the XTOMP app —they ‘ll be sh own in a po p-up in fo page w hen you sele ct you r effec t.
2. Footsw itch with ha lo LED: For turn ing the e ffect o n/off. Th e multi -colo r halo LE D aroun d the foot switc h indic ates when th e effec t is turned on or of f.
Note : The LED c olors o f the kno bs and fo otswi tch wil l be the sa me.
3. Inp ut L (Mon o) Jack :
Connec t this to your ins trume nt or ped als whe n only on e signal inp ut is nee ded.
4. Inp ut R Jack :
Connec t a second in put to this ja ck for stere o operatio n.
5. Out put L (Mo no) Jac k:
Connec t this to your ped al chai n or ampl ifier w hen onl y one sig nal out put is ne eded.
6. Out put R Jac k:
Connec t this outp ut when a s tereo outp ut is nee ded.
Note : All ava ilabl e conne ction m ethod s will be s hown in t he Conn ectio ns sec tion.
7. 9V DC Power J ack:
Connec t a 9V DC center neg ative power sup ply to th is jack (ad apter s old sep arately) . Using a n indep endent power su pply for your X TOMP is re comme nded.
8. USB J ack:
For upgradi ng firmwar e and oth er func tions .
The X TOMP has stereo 1 /4” audio i nputs a nd outp uts. The effect loa ded into the X TOMP deter mines w hich in puts an d outpu ts are active. XTO MP will d etect your con necti on auto matic ally, an d the sup ported conne ction dia grams are sh own below:
The conn ections s hown above a re for mon o effec ts load ed int o XTOMP.
The conn ections s hown above a re for ste reo effects loade d int o XTOMP.
Download, Slide & Play!
1. Lau nch the App St ore (iOS) or P lay Store (Android ) and sea rch “XTOMP”or Simp ly scan t he QR cod es below:
2. Do wnloa d and lau nch your XTOMP ap p
3. Turn o n your XTOMP a nd the Bl uetooth sw itch on your sma rt device
4. Ch oose an e ffect f rom the Pe dal Lib rary page a nd tap th e “Load to dev ice” butto n on the bo ttom of t he screen
5. Se lect yo ur unit a nd ente r the pas sword fo r match ing
Note : The def ault na me of you r unit is X TOMP ; Th e defau lt pass word is 000 0. Whe n using t he iOS ap p, you don’ t need to en ter the pass word be fore yo u chang e it.
6. Sl ide or ta p the “Load to dev ice” bar on th e botto m of the scr een to send th e effec t to your X TOMP
Note : To avoid si gnal in terf erenc e and prot ect you r priva cy, plea se keep your X TOMP an d your sm art de vice wi thin 1m o f each ot her.
7. Ro ck out!
Note : There w ill be a ra ndoml y loade d effec t algor ithm in y our bran d new XTO MP. Can’t wait ? Just pl ug in and p lay!
The s ticke rs in the X TOMP packa ge are re usabl e label s for mar king your X TOMP. Wh en you downl oad an ef fect an d send it to your XTOMP, you can cu stomi ze the pedal b y addin g lette rs, com monly u sed parame ters, a nd symb ols to the top o f the cha ssis.
Contro ls: 6 knobs, 1 On/ Off foo tswit ch Audio Ja cks: Le ft in (mo no), Right in, Left out ( mono) , Right o ut Byp ass Mod e: Left c hanne l – Relay Tru e Bypas s & Analo g Buffer Byp ass, Ri ght cha nnel – An alog Bu ffer Bypas s Inp ut Impeda nce: 1M o hms Out put Impedanc e: 100 oh ms Audio Frequ ency Respons e: 5Hz~21 kHz S/N R atio: 1 14dB Powe r Requi remen t: 9V DC cente r negative Cur rent Con sumpt ion: Max. 200mA Dim ensio ns: 126 mm(D) x 7 3mm( W) x 35mm(H) Weig ht: 472 g
FCC re gulati on warn ing (fo r USA)
This d evice c ompli es with P art 15 of t he FCC Ru les.
Ope ration i s subje ct to the f ollow ing two co nditi ons:
(1) t his dev ice may no t cause h armfu l inter feren ce, and (2) t his dev ice must a ccept a ny inte rfere nce rece ived, i nclud ing int erfer ence tha t may caus e undes ired op erati on. This d evice a nd its an tenna( s) must not b e co-lo cated o r operat ing in co njunc tion w ith any ot her ant enna tra nsmit ter. Chan ges or mo dific ation s not exp ressl y approv ed by the p arty resp onsib le for co mplia nce cou ld void th e user' s autho rity t o operat e the equ ipmen t.
This eq uipme nt has be en test ed and fo und to com ply wit h the lim its for a C lass B di gital d evice , pursu ant to part 1 5 of the FCC R ules. Th ese lim its are d esign ed to pro vide re asona ble prot ectio n again st harm ful inter feren ce in a res ident ial ins talla tion. T his equ ipmen t genera tes, us es and can r adiat e radio f requen cy energ y and, if no t insta lled an d used in a ccord ance wit h the ins truc tions, m ay caus e harmf ul inte rfere nce to radio co mmuni catio ns. Howe ver, the re is no gu arante e that in terfe rence w ill not o ccur in a p arti cular insta llati on. If th is equi pment d oes cau se harm ful int erfer ence to ra dio or te levis ion rec eptio n, whic h can be deter mined b y turni ng the eq uipme nt off an d on, the u ser is en courag ed to try t o corre ct the in terfe rence b y one or mo re of the f ollow ing mea sures:
·Reori ent or re locate t he rece iving a ntenn a.
·Incre ase the s eparat ion bet ween th e equip ment an d recei ver.
·Conne ct the eq uipme nt into a n outle t on a circ uit dif ferent f rom tha t to whic h the
recei ver is con necte d.
·Consu lt the de aler or a n exper ience d radio/ TV tec hnici an for he lp.
And roid
Tha nk you for p urcha sing a HOTONE p roduc t!
Pate nt protected desi gn
The con tents o f this ma nual are s ubjec t to chan ge with out not ice.
100g书纸 Pantone Black
Pantone White
Pantone White