Standard Models
WR-1000 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 375 pieces per hour 4.2 28" W
Basket Washer Fresh Water Rinse 11' 0" L *26" x 24" x 6" 29" L 7.5 HP N/A N/A
7' 2" H @ 12 FPM 9" H
WR-2000 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 375 pieces per hour — 28" W
Basket Washer Recirc.Rinse 12' 6" L *26" x 24" x 6" 29" L 7.5 HP 5 HP N/A
7' 2" H @ 12 FPM 9" H
Model** Cleaning Overall General Gallons Maximum Wash Rinse Blower
Method Dimensions Capacity Per Min Container Pump Pump Dryer
(Drive Speed Variable
(Fresh Water Size Motor Motor Motor
from 3-20 FPM)
WR-1500 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 320 pieces per hour 5.6 27" W
Meat Lug & Tote Fresh Water Rinse 21' 6" L *15 1/2" x 25" x 8 3/4" 29" L 15 HP N/A N/A
Washer 7' 2" H @ 8 FPM 9" H
WR-2500 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 320 pieces per hour 1.1 27" W
Watersaver Recirc.Rinse 25' 0" L *15 1/2" x 25" x 8 3/4" 29" L 15 HP 5 HP N/A
Meat Lug & Tote Fresh Water Rinse 7' 2" H @ 8 FPM 9" H
WR-1500(V) Recirc.Wash 4' 6" W 400 pieces per hour 3.36 1" W
Sheet Pan & Tray Fresh Water Rinse 21' 0" L *18" x 26" x 1" 26" L 15 HP N/A N/A
Washer 7' 8" H @ 15 FPM 18" H
WR-2500(V) Recirc.Wash 4' 6" W 400 pieces per hour .7 1" W
Watersaver Recirc.Rinse 25' 0" L *18" x 26" x 1" 26" L 15 HP 5 HP N/A
Sheet Pan & Tray Fresh Water Rinse 7' 8" H @ 15 FPM 18" H
WRBO-1500(V) Recirc.Wash 4' 6" W 400 pieces per hour 3.36 1" W
Sheet Pan & Tray Fresh Water Rinse 25' 0" L *18" x 26" x 1" 26" L 15 HP N/A 10 HP
Washer Blower Dryer 12' 5" H @ 15 FPM 18" H
WRBO-2500(V) Recirc.Wash 4' 6" W 400 pieces per hour .7 1" W
Watersaver Recirc.Rinse 30' 0" L *18" x 26" x 1" 26" L 15 HP 5 HP 10 HP
Sheet Pan & Tray Fresh Water Rinse 12' 5" H @ 15 FPM 18" H
Washer Blower Dryer
WR-1500 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 515 pieces per hour 7.84 27" W
Bakery Fresh Water Rinse 21' 6" L *18" x 26" x 1" 29" L 20 HP N/A N/A
Pan & Bread 6'11" H @ 15 FPM 6" H
Basket Washer
WR-2500 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 515 pieces per hour 1.54 27" W
Watersaver Recirc.Rinse 25' 6" L *18" x 26" x 1" 29" L 20 HP 5 HP N/A
Bakery Fresh Water Rinse 6'11" H @ 15 FPM 6" H
Pan & Bread
Basket Washer
WRBO-1500 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 515 pieces per hour 7.84 27" W
Bakery Fresh Water Rinse 26' 0" L *18" x 26" x 1" 29" L 20 HP N/A 20 HP
Pan & Bread Blower Dryer 8' 9" H @ 15 FPM 6" H
Basket Washer
WRBO-2500 Recirc.Wash 6' 0" W 515 pieces per hour 1.54 27" W
Watersaver Recirc.Rinse 30' 0" L *18" x 26" x 1" 29" L 20 HP 5 HP 20 HP
Bakery Fresh Water Rinse 11' 7" H @ 15 FPM 6" H
Pan & Bread Blower Dryer
Basket Washer
* Each piece measures
** Standard models are designed with optimum zone separations. Alternative designs are available to meet various space