Challenger Optics CO-OTDR-DWDM Operating Manual

Portable DWDM OTDR
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
1.0 Using This Manual .........................................3
2.0 Safety ....................................................4
3.0 Quick Start Guide .........................................6
4.0 Inspection and Identication...............................8
4.2 Identication and Conguration
5.0 OTDR Description .........................................9
5.1 OTDR Physical Description
5.2 Home Screen Display
5.3 Power Requirements
5.4 Battery Replacement
6.0 OTDR Operations.........................................12
6.1 Key Pad
6.2 Entering OTDR Function
6.3 Icon Denitions
6.4 Main OTDR screen
6.5 OTDR Parameter Settings Screen
6.6 Auto Test
6.7 Manual Exper t Mode
6.8 Trace Analysis
6.9 Loss Measurements
6.10 Loss Measurement Settings
6.11 Event Analysis
7.0 Project Management .....................................28
7.1 Project Management Description
7.2 Project Management Operation
8.0 File Management.........................................32
8.1 File Management Description
8.2 File Management Operation
9.0 Tunable Laser Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
9.1 Laser Safety
9.2 TLS Quick Star t Guide
9.3 Operation
10.0 Fault Locate..............................................41
10.1 Fault Locater Description
10.2 LTS Fault Locater Operation
11.0 Video Scope..............................................45
11.1 Entering Video Scope Function
11.2 Video Scope Display
11.3 Video Scope File/Help Icon Menu
11.4 Video Scope Operations Icon Menu
11.5 Video Scope Operation
11.6 Pass/Fail Criteria Tables
12.0 Visual Fault Locater.......................................50
12.1 VFL Safety
12.2 VFL Description
12.3 VFL Operation
13.0 Specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
14.0 Repair/Warranty/ Version Control .........................53
14.1 Repair Information
14.2 Warranty Information
14.3 Version Control
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Chapter 1.0 - Using this Manual / 03
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
This manual contains operation information for the Challenger Cable Sales CO-OTDR Optical Time
Domain Reectometer. This OTDR may be operated by using the touch scree or the on board key
pad. The touch screen is a resistive style screen and only proper stylus devices should be used
when operating the OTDR using the touch screen capability.
This guide is written to instruct operation via the on board keypad. There will be tips throughout
the manual to assist with touch screen operation.
Optical time domain reectometer are optical instruments that do emit laser radiation
and though this level of radiation is not considered a danger, there are safety
considerations and certain practices that should be followed.
Please read and follow all warning and caution information noted in this manual.
There are warnings, cautions and notes posted throughout this manual.
A warning alerts to situations that could cause personal injury.
A caution alerts to situations that may cause damage to the equipment or produce poor
testing conditions resulting in inaccurate test results.
Information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Challenger Cable Sales for its use nor for any infringements
of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is
granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Challenger Cable Sales.
The information contained in the publications is subject to change without notice.
Chapter 2.0 - Safety / 04
Chapter 3 of this manual is a quick start guide. Prior to using the quick start guide or operating
the equipment in any way, it is highly suggested the user reads all safety information.
The information in this chapter pertains to safety consideration of OTDRs in general.
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s safety
standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition.
This document contains information that must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation
and to maintain the product in a safe condition. Failure to follow these safety warnings and
cautions can result in harm to the user or damage to the instrument.
Personnel should always be aware when working with ber optic test equipment that
active bers may be present, therefore infrared optical energy may be present.
Never look directly into the end of a connected ber optic cable or ber optic interface
of optical test equipment, to do so could expose the user to laser radiation and could
result in personal injury.
To Prevent Fire or Shock Hazard:
- Do not install battery types other than those specied by the manufacturer
- Do not use the charger without the batteries installed
- Do not expose the battery charger to rain or excessive moisture
- Do not use the AC adapter when there are signs of damage to the enclosure or cord
- Ensure the correct charger is being used for the local line voltage
-Do not use any other charger than the one provided with this instrument.
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Chapter 2.0 - Safety / 05
Fiber-optic connectors are easily contaminated or damaged. The connection to the
OTDR is physical contact type of connections and dirty or damaged connectors may
impair the instruments capabilities at minimum and at worst result in the need to return
the OTDR to the factory for expensive repairs. Prior to making any connection to the
unit, ensure that all proper cleaning procedures have been followed. Use UPC Finish
Connectors Only -- DO NOT insert APC connectors into the optical ports.
The OTDR is equipped with a protection circuit to avoid damage from live ber
connections The instrument will not operate properly with active bers. Even with this
protection, high power output from EDFA’s or other equipment can damage detectors
and should never be connected to the OTDR.
If a live ber is connected to the OTDR and a scan is attempted, a warning dialog will
be displayed as in g. 2.1. Immediately remove the live ber from the OTDR and press
select to continue testing.
Failure to follow these cautions statements may void the warranty of, or cause
damage to this equipment.
Chapter 3.0 - Quick Start Guide / 06
Press to turn on the OTDR.
This quick start guide demonstrates use by way of the touch screen unless the keypad is required.
Touch the OTDR icon located in the center of the Home screen.
Connect the ber to the appropriate OTDR Optical Port.
Touch the (wavelength (Lambda) icon) on the left side of the parameter area of the display
to bring up the wavelength selection pages. Touch the desired wavelength for testing or select
the next page.
If approximate ber length is unknown:
Press to have the OTDR start a test using the selected wavelength with the OTDR
determining the most appropriate range and pulse width.
If approximate ber length is known:
Set the Wavelength as above.
Touch the (Average icon) to cycle through the available averaging times of Real-Time, 15
seconds, 1, 4, 16 or 40 minutes.
Touch the (Pulse Width icon) to cycle through the available pulse widths of 5ns, 10ns,
30ns, 100ns, 300ns, 1us, 3us, 10us or 20us. (Not all pulse widths will be available, only pulse
widths appropriate for the selected range will be presented)
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Chapter 3.0 - Quick Start Guide / 07
Touch the (Range icon) to cycle through the available ranges of 500m, 1km, 4km, 16km,
64km, 128km or 256km.
Touch scan or press the Scan button to start a trace. A second touch or press will stop a trace.
To operate the cursors, touch the A B area of the screen or press the A/B button to toggle
between A and B as the active cursor. To move the cursors, with the desired cursor as the active
cursor (solid vertical cursor line) touch the screen and the cursor will snap to that location, leave
the cursor in contact with the display and drag the cursor to the desired location. The left and
right buttons on the display may also be used.
To view the event table with the trace, touch the Event tab in the center of the display.
To view the schematic with the trace, touch the Schematic tab in the center/right of the display
To save a trace, touch the button and use the left or right buttons to highlight the Quick
Save icon.
Touch it or press . The le will be saved to the active folder (project).
Chapter 4.0 - Inspection / Identication / 08
4.1 Inspection
Before shipment, this instrument was inspected and found to be in perfect working order and
free of defects.
The shipping carton contains the following:
1. OTDR with Protective boot
2. Universal AC/DC charger with interchangeable mains
3. USB cable
4. Manual and CertSoft software on CD.
5.Set of interchangeable adapters, SC, and FC.
4.2 Identication and Conguration
The instrument’s Model/Part Number, Serial Number and Date of Manufacture are indicated on a
label located on the back of the unit. The instrument’s history is led at the factory by model/part
number and serial number. The unit's serial number is also located on the top plate just above
the USB Port.
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
5.1 OTDR Physical Description
Instrument Enclosure
The CO-OTDR is packaged in a rugged housing which is further protected with a rubberized
boot. Although the front panel is weather resistant, care must be taken to avoid liquids and
contaminants around the fragile optical and electrical connectors, and the glass display. Use a
mild cleaning agent and soft damp cloth to clean up the panels and the outside case. See the
maintenance section to clean the optical connector. NEVER open the instrument for cleaning.
Return to the factory for servicing if necessary.
Front Panel
Top panel
Chapter 5.0 - OTDR Description / 09
Power Button
Key Pad
Color Touch Screen
Protective Rubber Boot
Visual Fault Locater
Power Jack
Video Probe Port
USB Port
Unit Serial Number
Battery Charge Indicator
Chapter 5.0 - OTDR Description / 10
5.2 Home Screen Display
This unit is equipped with a 4” color TFT resistive touch display. All keyboard functions are also
executable on the touch screen.
5.3 Power Requirements
The CO-OTDR-DWDM is equipped with a 100-240V-0.4A input universal battery charger with 15V,
1.2A, (center positive output). The charger is supplied with interchangeable mains plugs for North
America, Great Britain, Europe and Australia. The units internal power supply is an 11.1V 2600
mAh Li-ion battery. Typically, fully discharged batteries require 2 hours of recharging.
To Prevent Fire or Shock Hazard: Do not install other battery types. Do not use the
charger without the batteries installed. Do not expose the battery charger to rain or
excessive moisture. Do not use the AC adapter when there are signs of damage to
the enclosure or cord. Do not use any charger other than the one provided with this
instrument. Any other condition will void the warranty.
Visual Fault Locater
If unit is equipment with a VFL, selecting this icon with will cycle through the CW, Modulate and O.
Loss Test Set
If CW source is available,
Select this icon to access the
CW mode of the light source.
Video Scope Icon
Select this icon to open the video scope function.
Optical Time Domain Icon
Select this icon to open the
OTDR function
Firmware Version
Fault Finder
Select this icon to open the
basic fault nder mode
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Chapter 5.0 - OTDR Description / 11
5.4 Battery Replacement
Batteries are factory installed. The unit should be returned to the factory for a new battery if
required. It is suggested batteries receive a charge at least one a month.
To Prevent Fire or Shock Hazard:
- Do not install battery types other than those specied by the manufacturer
- Do not use the charger without the batteries installed
- Do not expose the battery charger to rain or excessive moisture
- Do not use the AC adapter when there are signs of damage to the enclosure or cord
- Ensure the correct charger is being used for the local line voltage
- Do not use any other charger than the one provided with this instrument.
Failure to follow these caution statements could cause unsafe conditions for
the operator and equipment and may void the warranty.
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 12
6.1 Key Pad
Power button, turns the unit On and O.
(Hold for 1 second)
Scan button starts a scan or stops scan.
AutoTest button operates range nder trace
mode. The Range Finder mode momentarily
checks test conditions and starts a scan at the
wavelength selected by the user but allows the OTDR to determine the pulse width
and range parameters.
The Menu button displays and hides the icon menu at the top of the display. It will
also back out of most menu selected screens. In the project folder and le manager it
opens the le/edit menu bar. When the menu is displayed at the top of the screen, the
focus of the LRUD buttons and the select buttons are on the icon menu and no longer
on the trace cursors.
Toggles between A and B as the active cursors.
Selects the Zoom level, each press increments through the levels of 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x
and 32x.
In the menu mode, the select button actuates highlighted item.
While in the trace mode the directional buttons are used to move the cursors. In the Menu mode,
the Left and right buttons move between the icons. The up button hides the menu bar or moves
cursor up in drop-down menus and the down button opens drop-down menus or move cursor
down while in a drop-down menu.
A / B
A / B
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 13
6.2 Entering OTDR Function
Press the power button the to turn on the OTDR.
Use the LRUD buttons to highlight the OTDR icon and press the select button to enter
the OTDR function.
6.3 Icon Denitions
Home Brings the user back to the home page
Quick Save Saves the current trace to the current folder
Quick Load Recalls the next le, chronologically in the current folder
Tool Box Set screen brightness and calibrate touch screen
Project Folder Opens project management
File Manager Opens le management
Schematic View Opens the Fib-R-Map and event analysis view
Settings Opens the parameters setting page
Splice Zone Setting Turns on LSA/Splice markers
Help Opens the context sensitive help menu
Lambda (Wavelength) Cycles through available wavelengths
Averaging Cycles through averaging times
Pulse Width Cycles through available pulse widths
Range Cycles through available test ranges
Index of Refraction Opens the Index of Refraction entry screen
6.4 Main OTDR Screen
There are three tabs on the main OTDR screen. OTDR, Events and Schematic. Use the OTDR
tab to view the trace with the loss and distance measurements. Use the Events tab to view an
interactive event table with the trace and numbered events or the Schematic tab to view an
interactive schematic view of the events with the trace and numbered events. Selecting an event
in the event table or the schematic view will snap the active cursor to that event.
"B" Cursor with Position Data
"A" Cursor with Position Data
Main Trace Screen
Distance Increment
Screen Tabs - Touching OTDR,
Events and Schematic tabs change the bottom portion of the display from parameters and measurement data for the OTDR, the event table for Events and the schematic view for Schematic (See below)
Zoom Control
Displays the zoom level, and the values in distance and dB per grid division. Touch anywhere in the area to cycle through the zoom levels.
Scan Button
Displays scan state / status and the charge level of the batteries. Touch anywhere in the area to start or stop a scan.
Loss Method
Displays splice loss, LSA splice loss,
dB per Km and ORL. Touch anywhere
in this area to cycle through the loss
Test Parameters
Displays test parameters of
wavelength, averaging time,
pulse width, range and ORL.
Touch the symbol or value to
cycle through the available
"A-B" Cursor Status / Select
Displays the 2pt loss and
distance between the "A" and
"B" cursors. Touching anywhere
in this area will toggle between
active cursors.
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 14
Trace Screen
w/ Measurement Data
Trace Screen
w/ Schematic view
Trace Screen w/ Event Table
g 6.2
g 6.3
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
6.5 OTDR Parameter Settings Screen
To access the parameter settings screen press the menu button, use the LRUD buttons to
highlight the setting icon and press the select button. An alternate manner to open this screen is
to long touch the screen in the test parameter section of the main OTDR screen.
Trace Parameter Settings
Event Table/Fib-R-Map Sensitivity Settings
Pass/Fail Thresholds
End of Fiber Pass/Fail Threshold Setting
Date and Time
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 15
g 6.4
Trace Parameter Settings
The cursor is the yellow highlighted area. (If the yellow cursor is on a value that is selected, that
block will be highlighted green) The blue values are the currently selected values. To move
through this section, use the Up/Down buttons to move between parameters and the Left/Right
buttons to change parameter values.
There are two additional setting in this area that are not available on the main OTDR screen,
distance unit and pulse width unit.
Event Table/Fib-R-Map Sensitivity Settings
The cursor is the yellow highlighted area. (If the yellow cursor is on a value that is selected, that
block will be highlighted green) The blue values are the currently selected values. There are
three levels of sensitivity for the event table and Fib-R-Map. The lowest setting possible should
be used to help lter out any events, that may be caused by short pulse widths, but are not true
perturbations in the optical signal
Pass/Fail Threshold Settings
There are ve pass/fail thresholds that may be set. Use the LRUD buttons to move between
threshold categories, once a categories is highlighted, press select to change the focus of the
LRUD buttons. Use the up/down button to make changes to the highlighted digit and the left/
right buttons to move the another digit. Once the desired value is entered, press selected again.
Continue until all thresholds settings have been completed.
Date/Time Settings
Use the LRUD buttons to highlight the calendar month and press select. Use the left and right
buttons to change the month and press select. Use the LRUD buttons, highlight the date and
press select.
Use the LRUD to buttons to highlight the clock and press select. Use the up/down buttons to
make changes to the highlighted digit and the left/right buttons to move the another digit.
Once the desired time is entered, press selected.
Exit Parameter Setting Screen
Press the menu button or touch Return to exit the parameter page.
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 16
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Before connecting a patch cord or ber under test, be certain the ber has no active
optical sources or instruments connected to the other end. Skin or eye damage could
result from other high power sources e.g. EDFAs, or instrument damage could occur
voiding the warranty.
Clean connector thoroughly prior to connection to the appropriate port of the OTDR.
Failure to ensure the connectors used with the OTDR are properly cleaned can result in
poor launch conditions at the minimum or damage to the optical interface that requires
the unit be returned to the factory for repair.
6.6 Auto Test
Auto Test is a useful feature when the approximate length of the ber to be tested is unknown.
To use the AutoTest, only the IOR and Wavelength need to be set by the user.
It is necessary to have the Index of Refraction set as close as possible to the actual IOR of the
ber. If this is unknown it is best to use the default setting on the OTDR. To view the current IOR
for a wavelength, open the menu use the left/right button to highlight the IOR Icon. Press select
and the IOR for the wavelength that is the active will be displayed. To change the IOR, use the
on screen QWERTY keyboard to enter the new value and touch save. Each wavelength stores an
independent IOR.
Set Wavelength
To select the wavelength, press the menu button to display the menu at the top of the display.
Use the LRUD buttons to highlight the Lambda (Wavelength) icon, press select to open the page
with available wavelengths displayed. Use the touch screen to select a wavelength or move to
the next page of available wavelengths.
Start Auto Test
Press the AutoTest button and the unit will set the average time to short, the appropriate pulse
width and range parameters for the ber under test.
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 17
Before connecting a patch cord or ber under test, be certain the ber has no active
optical sources or instruments connected to the other end. Skin or eye damage could
result from other high power sources e.g. EDFAs, or instrument damage could occur
voiding the warranty.
Clean connector thoroughly prior to connection to the appropriate port of the OTDR.
Failure to ensure the connectors used with the OTDR are properly cleaned can result in
poor launch conditions at the minimum or damage to the optical interface that requires
the unit be returned to the factory for repair.
6.7 Manual / Expert Mode
It is necessary to have the Index of Refraction set as close as possible to the actual IOR of the
ber. If this is unknown it is best to use the default setting on the OTDR. To view the current IOR
for a wavelength, open the menu use the left/right button to highlight the IOR Icon. Press select
and the IOR for the wavelength that is the active will be displayed. To change the IOR, use the
on screen QWERTY keyboard to enter the new value and touch save. Each wavelength stores an
independent IOR.
Set Wavelength
To select the wavelength, press the menu button to display the menu at the top of the display.
Use the LRUD buttons to highlight the Lambda (Wavelength) icon, press select to open the page
with available wavelengths displayed. Use the touch screen to select a wavelength or move to
the next page of available wavelengths.
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 18
+ 18 hidden pages