Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Wavelength Specic Optical Testing and Measurement Equipment
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 13
6.2 Entering OTDR Function
Press the power button the to turn on the OTDR.
Use the LRUD buttons to highlight the OTDR icon and press the select button to enter
the OTDR function.
6.3 Icon Denitions
Home Brings the user back to the home page
Quick Save Saves the current trace to the current folder
Quick Load Recalls the next le, chronologically in the current folder
Tool Box Set screen brightness and calibrate touch screen
Project Folder Opens project management
File Manager Opens le management
Schematic View Opens the Fib-R-Map and event analysis view
Settings Opens the parameters setting page
Splice Zone Setting Turns on LSA/Splice markers
Help Opens the context sensitive help menu
Lambda (Wavelength) Cycles through available wavelengths
Averaging Cycles through averaging times
Pulse Width Cycles through available pulse widths
Range Cycles through available test ranges
Index of Refraction Opens the Index of Refraction entry screen
6.4 Main OTDR Screen
There are three tabs on the main OTDR screen. OTDR, Events and Schematic. Use the OTDR
tab to view the trace with the loss and distance measurements. Use the Events tab to view an
interactive event table with the trace and numbered events or the Schematic tab to view an
interactive schematic view of the events with the trace and numbered events. Selecting an event
in the event table or the schematic view will snap the active cursor to that event.
"B" Cursor with Position Data
"A" Cursor with Position Data
Main Trace Screen
Distance Increment
Screen Tabs - Touching OTDR,
Events and Schematic tabs
change the bottom portion of
the display from parameters
and measurement data for the
OTDR, the event table for Events
and the schematic view for
Schematic (See below)
Zoom Control
Displays the zoom level, and the
values in distance and dB per
grid division. Touch anywhere
in the area to cycle through the
zoom levels.
Scan Button
Displays scan state / status and
the charge level of the batteries.
Touch anywhere in the area to
start or stop a scan.
Loss Method
Displays splice loss, LSA splice loss,
dB per Km and ORL. Touch anywhere
in this area to cycle through the loss
Test Parameters
Displays test parameters of
wavelength, averaging time,
pulse width, range and ORL.
Touch the symbol or value to
cycle through the available
"A-B" Cursor Status / Select
Displays the 2pt loss and
distance between the "A" and
"B" cursors. Touching anywhere
in this area will toggle between
active cursors.
Chapter 6.0 - OTDR Operations / 14
Trace Screen
w/ Measurement Data
Trace Screen
w/ Schematic view
Trace Screen w/ Event Table
g 6.2
g 6.3