Challenger Lifts 44018, 44018E Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
Email: Web site:
18,000 lbs Capacity
Model 44018
Model 44018E
2311 South Park Rd Louisville, Kentucky 40219
Office 800-648-5438 / 502-625-0700 Fax 502-587-1933
Rev. 05/22/2017
Rev. 05/22/2017
1. The floor where the lift is to be insta lled must be a minimum of 4” thickness of concrete. Concrete must be reinfo rced with steel rebar with a minimum compressive strength of 3, 000 psi. Failure by the pu rchaser to provide the recommended mounting surfaces could result in personal inj ury, property damage and/or unsatisfactory lift performance.
2. Read the installation manual before installing the lift.
3. This lift is a four post lift which requires a minimum (44018) 14’ x 25’-6” / (44018E.) 14’ x 28’-6” bay area.
4. Read anchoring tips information before drilling and installing the anchor bolts.
5. Do not raise a vehicle with the lif t until the lift has been correctly installed and
adjusted as described in this manual.
Maximum floor variation between any two posts is 2 inches.
7. Use of Optional RJ9A or RJ9S 9,000lb rolling jack requires a runway
spacing of 33-15/16 to 41-11/16”
against weather or moisture. Damage or Electrical shock may occur if installed unprotected outdoors.
If there are any parts missing from shipment.
Rev. 5/22/2017
Concrete rotary hammer drill with ¾” carbide bit Open End Wrenches: 1/2”, 9/16”, 11/16”, 3/4” Ratchet Driver Sockets: 1/2”, 3/4” X 1/2” deep 12” Crescent Wrench Hammer Needle Nose Pliers Retainer Ring Pliers Electrical Pliers Level Fish Tape 25’ Tape Measure Chalk Line Small Drift Punch Step Ladder 3 gallons of hydraulic medium oil SAE-10 or equivalent 4 x 4 Wood Blocks
1. Anchor must be at least 7 1/2” from the edge of the slab or any seam.
2. Use a concrete hammer drill with a 3/4” carbide bit.
3. Do not use a worn bit.
4. Drill in a perpendicular line with the hole.
5. Do not apply excessive pressure to the drill. Let the drill do the work.
6. Lift the drill up and down occasionally to remove residue and to reduce binding.
7. Drill the hole depth equal to the length of the anchor, or completely through the slab.
8. Blow all dust / residue from the hole before driving anchor into hole.
Place a flat washer over threaded end of anchor. Spin nut 1 /2” down past end of anchor. Carefully tap anchor into the concrete until nut and flat washer are against base plate.
Do not use an impact wrench to tighten.
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1. Determine the location for the lift. Keep in mind overhead clearances. Ten feet is
the minimum recommended ceiling height. Allow 2 ft. for approach ramp.
2. Determine which side of the lift th e top rail a nd power u nit are to be on. This is
called the MAIN SIDE
3. Ease of en try and exit from vehicles, type of work bein g done, an d required
placement of the power unit on the top rail side are all considerations.
4. After determining the location, and remembering to allow for the approach ramp,
chalk a rectangular square using the appro priate dimensions given in Fig.1.
Measure diagonally to check for squareness. The four chalked corners represent the outside leg base corners of each post.
5. After determining the main side (the side the top rail is to be placed on), stand the
two main side legs upr ight inside the chalk lines, with each leg facing inside. One of the two legs comes with a factory installed power unit mount. This leg is to be placed as follows:
. The other side is referred to as the OFFSIDE.
If top rail/main side is to be on the left post must be at the left front corner.
If top rail/main side is to be on the right post must be at the right rear corner.
as you approach, this
See Fig 2.
as you approach, this
See Fig 2a.
6. This manual will show the top rail/main side being on the left side. See Fig 3.
7. With both main side leg s on the chalk lines, lay both legs down toward the inside
as shown in Fig. 4.
8. Lay top rail on 2 x 4 blocks in fron t of main side legs as shown in Fi g. 5. Align
holes on top rail plate with holes on top of main side leg as shown in Fig. 6.
9. Bolt the top rail to the main side legs using the 1/2 x 2” NC bolts, washers, lock
washers, and nuts as shown in Fig. 7. These were used in shipping. NOTE: The
set of holes nearest the safety rod hole will not take a flat washer.
10. Raise top rail/leg asse mbly by pressing and walking the unit into the upright
position. Make sure th e safety rod holes referred to in Fig. 7 are still aligned.
Make sure both legs are still on the chalk lines.
11. Read the anchoring tip sheet before anchorin g. Using the 3/4 carbide bit, drill
through the 4 holes in the base plate to a minimum depth of 4-1/2”. As soon as you complete drilling a hole, set and drive an anchor bolt into the drilled hole.
13. After drilling and setting all 4 anchors in the first post only, plumb the post so that it
is perpendicular. Use t he level to check the post from side to side, a nd front to back. You should also check distance measurements from top of one leg to the top of the o ther leg, and from bottom to bottom. Adjust leg s to within 1/8”. Use 1/2” flat washers left fro m packing for shims. Keep shims as close to a nchors as possible. Now you may tighten the anchor bolts
impact wrench. Re-check for plumb and adjust if
on first leg only. Do not use an
Rev. 5/22/2017
14. After anchoring the first main side leg, align the other main side leg in t he chalk
line. The leg may vary from the chalk line slightly. It is most important that the legs be perpendicular and parallel with the other leg. Check measurements at leg tops and bottoms again. D rill, set, and anchor the other main side leg. Level and plumb leg as before, then tighten anchors on 2nd leg.
15. Set cross rails on 2 x 4 blocks in front of main side legs, wit h the machined cross
rail connector towards the main side leg as shown in Fig. 8.
16. Use a fish t ape to pull the cross rail c hain through the cross rail tube. The chain
runs under the roller o n the off side and over the roller on the main sid e. Repeat with the other cross rail. Feed the fish tape through the cross rail starting from the main side by going ove r the main side roller an d through the cross rail tube, then under the offside roller and straight up. See Fig. 8.
17. Position both cross rails in front of a main side leg, with th e machined connector
towards the main side leg. Using the shoulder bolt provided, connect the cross rail
chain to the chain anchor welded to the base plate of the main side leg. See Fig. 9
***** IMPORTANT *****
18. Starting with the safety latch ear towards the main side legs, place a 2 x 4 block
under the latch as shown in Fig. 11.
19. Take a safety rod and remove one of the two n uts. Turn down the re maining nut
to the bottom of the threads. Remove packing dowel pin from the cross rail safety latch. Insert safety rod (where packing dowel was removed ) into top of cross rail safety latch.
20. Each safety rod corner s with 2 nu ts on one end. Remove the top n ut, turn the
other nut down to bottom of thread s. Guide the free threaded end of safety ro d into the rear hole at the top of the main side leg. Tighten the nut just removed until the safety rod is flush with the top of the nut. Tighten the bottom nut against the leg top. Re move the 2 x 4 block. Repeat steps 15, 16 an d 17 on the other main side leg and cross rail.
21. Position each offside l eg 6” from the end of each cross rail, but do not drill or
anchor. Place 2 x 4 blo cks under each safety latch. Repeat steps 16 and 17 for the offside legs. DO NOT ANCHOR OFFSIDE LEGS YET.
22. Assemble threaded ch ain connector to free end of chain. Run threaded chain
connector into the inside hole at to p of offside leg. Run 1” nut all the way down until connector is into the nylon. Repeat on other cross rail. See Fig. 11.
23. Stand up cylinder rese t on top ra il. Remove the fitting or plug from r ear of the
cylinder as shown in Fig. 12. Extend cylinder rod by either pulling on rod or by
applying air to cylinder port where f itting or plug was removed. Make sure long chain is not twisted inside top rail tube. Attach loose end of chain to each cross rail connector using 5/16 x 3 1/2” Grade 8
bolt!!!! Repeat on other cross rail. Replace fitting on cylinder.
bolt and nuts. Do not substitute this
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24. Install power unit on right rear column. Remove steel pressure port plug, #6 O-ring
port on left side when facing controls. Use it to replace plastic shipping plug on the right side. Install 90 degree #6 O-ring x #6 JIC elbow (16167). On left sid e remove 3/8MNPT plug and replace with 90 degree 3/8 MNPT x #6 JIC elbow (68032).
25. Remove shipping plugs from hydra ulic cylinder and manually extend cylinder ro d
26. Install (2) 90 degree 3/8 MNPT x #6 JIC elbow (68032).
27. Install 140” hydraulic hose (pressure hose) from hydraulic cylinder, port closest to
rod end of hydraulic cylinder to po rt (recessed on manifold) close st to lowering valve handle on power unit.
28. Install 68” plastic hose (return hose) from hydraulic cylinder, port closest to fixed
end to port (flush to manifold) farthest from lowering valve handle.
29. Have a certified ele ctrician connect the power unit to a suitable electrical power
source. The standard power unit is 1 p hase, 208/230 volt, 60Hz r equiring a dedicated 25 amp double poll, double throw circuit breaker to operat e lift to full capacity. See wiring diagram page 12.
30. Fill power unit with 5 ½ Gallons of clean 10wt anti-foam, anti-rust hydraulic oi l or
Dexron III ATF. Do Not use Oils with Detergents. OFFSIDE LEGS ARE NOT ANCHORED YET.
31. Position tracks on the cross rails. Cycle the lift up about 12”. Place a level on the
cross rail and level the cross rail by adjusting the nut on the cross rail connector.
32. After leveling cross rails, adjust and plumb the offside legs so that the cross rail
chains in the offside legs hang straight. Use a level. Cycle the lift all t he way up and down making sure that each corner is run ning freely. The offside legs ma y vary from the chalk line slightly. It is more i mportant that the legs are square and plumb, and that the lift moves up and down freely.
33. Raise the lift to the top of its travel. Check the positioning of the cross rails in the
legs as the lift is raised. The single point top rail safety latch will move across the rack at the bottom of the top rail. At the top of the lift’s travel, pull down the top rail safety latch banjo until t he Reset locks it open. Adjust and plumb cross rails and legs as necessary. When you are positive the lift is moving freely, you may finally drill and install the anchor bolts in the offside legs.
34. Position and install stops on opposite end of vehicle approach end. Drop ramps
on slotted hole of the approach end.
35. Cycle the lift it it’s maximum height and back to the ground at least 3 full cycles
without any load
to remove air from the hydraulic system.
Rev. 5/22/2017
Owner/Operator Checklist
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS deliver them to owner/user/employee along with other materials
furnished with this lift. Demonstrate the operation of the lift to the owner/operator and review correct and safe lifting
procedures using the Lifting It Right
Complete the Installation Checklist/Warranty Validation que stionnaire with th e owner. Review the terms of the warranty registration card, and return the card and a copy of the questionnaires to:
booklet as a guide.
Challenger Lifts, Inc.
200 Cabel Street
Louisville, KY. 40206
Safety Notices and Decals
This product is furnished with graphic safety warning labels, which are reproduced on page 3 of these instructions. Do not remove or deface these warning labels, or allow them to be removed or defaced. For your safety, and the safety of others, read and understand all of the safety notices and decals included.
Owner/Employer Responsibilities
The owner/employer’s responsibilities as prescribed by ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2000, are summarized below. For exact wording refer to the actual standard provided with this manual in the literature pack.
The Owner/Employer shall insure that lift operators are qualified and that they are trained in
the safe use and operation of th e lift u sing the manufacturer’s operating instructions; ALI/SM 93 -1, ALI Lifting it Right safety manual; ALI/ST-90 ALI Safety Tips card; ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2000, American National Standard for Automotive Lifts-Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance; ALI/WL Series, ALI Uniform Wa rning Label Decals/Placards; and in ca se of frame engaging lifts, ALI/L P-GUIDE, Vehicle Lifting Points/Quick Reference Guide for Frame Engaging Lifts.
The Owner/Employer shall establish procedures to periodically inspect the lift in accorda nce
with the lift manufa cturer’s instructions or ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2000, American National Standard for Automotive Lifts-Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance; and the employer shall insure that the lift inspectors are qualified and that they are adequately trained in the inspection of the lift.
The Owner/Employer shall establish procedures to periodically maintain the lift in accordance
with the lift manufa cturer’s instructions or ANSI/ALIOIM-2000, American National Standard for Automotive Lifts-Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance; and th e employer shall insure that the lift maintena nce personnel are qualified and that they are adequately trained in the maintenance of the lift.
The Owner/Employer shall maintain the periodic inspection and maintenance records
recommended by the manufacturer o r ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2000, American National Standard for Automotive Lifts-Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance.
The Owner/Employer shall display the lift manufacturer’s operating instructions; ALI/SM 93 -1,
ALI Lifting it Right safety manual; ALI /ST-90 ALI Safety Tips card; ANSI/ALI ALOIM-2000, American National Standard for Automotive Lifts-Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance; and in the ca se of frame engaging lift, ALI/LP-GUI DE, Vehicle Lifting Points/Quick Reference Guide for Frame Engaging Lifts; in a conspicuous location in th e lift area convenient to the operator. Demonstrate the operation of the lift to the owner and review correct and safe lifting procedure, using the “Lifting It Right “ booklet as a guide.
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+ 17 hidden pages