Rope Access Inspection Camera System 2 consists of equipment listed below. The System is designed
for general visual inspection using the CC-M420-PH Camera (Hat Mount) and detailed inspection
utilising the CC550R-AL Camera (Hand Held). We envisage all Rope Access Technicians will have the
Camera CC-M420-PH mounted on their Helmets which leaves their hands free and captures surrounding
sound along with video. The compact Camera does not extrude out. A single lead is secured and plugged
in to a very compact, solid state, multimedia recording device which captures audio and video.
MPEG4 is totally compatible with PC Windows Media. The TF Card is supplied with an SD Adaptor
which simply plugs in to a PC and all videos and pictures can be viewed on media player (CE-MVRSDC). Can directly be e-mailed or burnt on to CDs or DVDs.
The Camera would record everything that the Rope Access Technicians see along with their surrounding
audio, whether they are cleaning the under decks, moving/installing equipment, general under/over deck
inspection or erecting scaffolding. Once they return to the office they can view and show other
personnel/engineers the hazards and defects and the work to be carried out/further investigation.
The super high resolution, low light, hand held Camera CC550R-AL has a universal ball joint and 50cm
extension rod. It also has 50cm Interconnecting ‘Y’ Splice Lead; BNC connects in to the MPEG4
Multimedia Recorder and the 2.1mm Plug connects to a Battery Pack. The Camera has a Varifocal
Waterproof Lens which can be manually set to look at hairline fractures or degradation and excessive
deterioration in alloys. With the CC550R-AL Camera as well as looking at general surfaces, this Camera
can show pin hole detail on flanges, connectors, securing and fastenings, welds, excessive corrosion on
pipelines and pit depths.
The complete System consists of the following
1) 1 off CC-M420-PH Camera PELI CASE
2) 1 off CE-MVR-SDC Mini Digital
USB Lead 3
Video Recorder
3) 3 off Micro TF Cards 4Gb
7 7 4
4) 2 off Spare Batteries High Capacity 1400mA
5) 1 off Peli Case with Foam Cut-Out
6) 1 off CC-550R-AL Camera
7) 1 off CE-PP12-P Rechargeable Power Pack
10 2
and Charger
8) 1 off Universal Settable Ball Joint
8 9
9) 1 off 0.5 Extension Rod