Chaffoteaux & Maury Britony combi 80, Britony combi 100 Maintenance And Service Manual

-=G v
combi 80 and 100
Fanned Flue Combination Boiler
Edition et COMLEC 4/95
‘lue types: : 12 C 22 or C42: horizontal :32xx:
vertical concentric

Technical data

Heat input C/H & DHW Combi 80 :
Combi 100 :
Heat output C/H & DHW Combi 80 :
Combi 100 : Max. operating pressure C/H circuit : Expansion vessel net capacity Expansion vessel initial pressure Electrical consumption :
Electrical protection index Fuses :
Nominal gas flow rate at 15°C and 1013 mbar
-Natural gas ( G 20) at 20 mbar
-Butane gas ( G 30 ) at 28 mbar
-Propane gas (G 31 ) at 37 mbar
: :
Boiler outer case dimensions : I Safety valve outlet
11.73 to 28.70 kW
15.43 to 34.57 kW
9.5 to 23.25 kW
12.5 to 28 kW
2.5 bar
5.4 I
0.7 bar 15ow 230 v IP24 2Aand 1.25A
power 23.25 kW
Height : 850
- Boiler width : 440 (minimum space required 450)
- Depth : 380
DHW flow rate at @ 30°C Combi 80 : DHW flow rate at @ 35°C Combi 80 : Minimum DHW operating flow rate :
Minimum DHW working pressure Maximum DHW working pressure Gas category :
BRITONY Combi 80
2.74 m3/h 1.22 m3/h
2.04 kg/h 0.91 kg/h
2.00 kg/h
power 9.5 kW
0.89 kg/h
J Heating flow K D.H.W. flow L Gas supply M Cold water inlet N Heating return
Combi 100 : Combi 100 :
: 0.1 bar :
BRITONY Combi 100
power 28.2 kW
3.34 m3/h
2.45 kg/h
2.42 kg/h
11.1 I/min
13.4 I/min
9.54 I/min
11.5 I/min
2 I/min
10 bar II 2E+ 3+
power 12.5 kW
1.57 m3/h
1.17 kg/h
1.15 kg/h
Injectors and gas valves seat diameter
-Blue solenoid restrictor diameter
-Black solenoid restrictor diameter
-Manifold injectors (16)
BRITONY Combi 80
Natural qas
2.40 mm
4.25 mm 5.00 mm
1.23 mm
Butane or Propane
1.74 mm
0.72 mm
BRITONY Combi 100
Natural qas
2.80 mm
5.20 mm
1.26 mm
1 Butane or Propane
1.90 mm
3.80 mm
0.76 mm

Pump and expanssion vessel characteristics

Hauteurmanomemque m
5 1 3 2
1 0
200 300
1. CH Flow isolating valve
2. DHW outlet
3. Gas service tap
4. Water service tap
5. CH Return isolating valve
400 5OD 600
1 = by-pass closed
2 = by-pass open
Head available / flow
700 800 utl
Components location
1 ,I
20 50
Note : The system initial pressure should be over the following value :
System static height (in metre) + 0.7 = Initial pressure (in bar)
7. Pressure relief valve
8. Chassis
9. Connecting tails (x 5)
100 150 200 250 c (I)
10. Steel chassis complete with expansion Jesse1
11. Sealed chamber
12. Expansion vessel (not visible)
13. Overheat thermostat
14. Electrical box
15.Three position selector switch
16. User’s guide
17. Heating flow temperature adjustment
18. CH pressure gauge
20. Green indicator - Power ON
21. Orange indicator - Burner ON ?2. Red indicator - Lock out/flame failure ?3. Reset button
3 4 95
24. Multigas burner comprising:
-25. 16 burner head
-26. Manifold
-27. 2 Ignition electrode
-28. lonization electrode
29. Gas section comprising:
-30. Security valve (grey)
-31. l/3 gas stage (blue)
-32. 2/3 gas stage (black)
33. Right hydraulic assy
34. Left hydraulic assy
35. Single speed pump
36. Air separator
37. Heating thermistor
38. DHW thermistor
39. Combustion chamber made of aluminium coated steel with 4 cera­mic fibre panels to insure heat insu­lation
40. Copper main exchanger
41. Stainless steel secondary plate exchanger
42. Three way valve
43. connecting bracket
44. DHW flowstat
45. Heating flowstat
46. Flue hood
47. Adjustable by-pass
49. Air Pressure switch
50. 45” elbow comprising venturi
51. Fan
gas service tap is opened at the gasmeter and
‘9 0 ‘3 0 x3
‘3 ‘3 0 ,3
pressure in central heating system is above 0.7
bar and below 2.5 bar with the pressure gauge0 (8).
3) Open the gas tap (3) by turning from right to left. 0
4) The boiler is now ready to use.
1) Turn selector switch (15) to position flf . The green “power on” indicator 0 (20) will light.
2) Turn on a hot water tap, the orange “burner on” indicator @ (21) will light and the water will become hot.
Heating and Hot Water
1) Turn selector switch (15) to position 2 ‘1111. The green “power on” indicator 0 will light (20).
3) If the room thermostat (if fitted), the boiler temperature control
‘1111 and the clock (if fitted) are all calling for heat, the orange
Hot water mode
“burner on” indicator 4 (21) will light and the heating will be on. When there is a need for hot water while heating control thermistor (37). This the heating is on, it is only necessary to turn tern anticipates the changes of temperatu- controlled by the central heating contra
on a hot tap. The heating will be momentarily while the hot water is being
delivered. The boiler will switch back auto­matically to heating when the tap is turned
Note: If the boiler has been turned off for some time the first attempt to light it may
result in a lockout @ (22) . If this happens press the reset button (23) and the boiler subsequent hot water demand. will light.
Domestic Hot Water Mode To be able to supply hot water, the selector switch 15 must be in either on ,:’ or
‘1111 2 the green indicator light 0 (20)
When a tap or shower is turned on, the flow of mains water, above 2 litres per min., will tor light 0 (20). activate the DHW flow switch (44) and allow the 3 way valve (42) to move to the DHW position. The pump can now circulate (either from the room thermostat or the primary water heated by the main heat clock) the pump starts. If the boiler tempe­exchanger through the secondary heat rature control is calling for heat and prima-
The first stage solenoid (31) (blue) and . security solenoid (30) (grey) open together to allow gas to the burner. The ignition sequence begins and a continuous high speed spark ignites the gas. As soon as a flame is detected the orange indicator bulb
h (21) will light and the second stage sole­noid (32) (black) opens to allow the full gas the orange indicator bulb b (21) will light. rate. If a flame is not detected, after 8 After 45 seconds the second stage sole­seconds, the security solenoid closes and noid (32) (black) opens to allow the full shuts bulb @ (22) will light. The domestic hot
position. This will be confirmed by
the gas. The red lockout indicator
water temperature is controlled by the hot shuts off the gas. The red lockout indicate water control thermistor 38 and the central bulb 0 22 will light.
The central heating flow temperature i:
re in the secondary heat exchanger and thermistor (37). The boiler has been desi ensures accurate temperature regulation. gned to minimise cycling and will not attemp
to relight for at least 3 minutes after the boi When the tap is closed the burner is extin- ler thermostat has been satisfied. When the guished and the pump stops. The boiler room thermostat is satisfied the burner wil will now stay in the hot water mode for switch off and the pump will remain running three minutes to maintain temperature to for a further 3 minutes before it too stops. ensure a fast response in the event of a
It is possible to override the 3 minute dela! Priority will be given to a demand for hot by pressing the RESET button (23). water. This will interrupt the central hea­ting for the duration of hot water delivery. Lock out procedure
Flame disappearance : Central Heating Mode To be able to supply heating, the selector switch (15) must be on This will be confirmed by the green indica-
When there is a demand for heating
ry flow rate over 4 Itr/min, the central ton (23). heating flow switch operates ailowing the Ignition sequence to begin. The first stage Overheat detection : solenoid (31) (blue) and security solenoid If an overheat is detected by the senso
(30) (grey) open together to allow gas to (13), the grey security solenoid (30) and the the burner. The ignition sequence begins and a continuous high speed spark ignites the gas. As soon as a flame is detected
rate, lf a flame is not detected, after 8
seconds, the security solenoid closes and
c? position.
When the ionisation electrode (28) does no detect flame presence. The orange indicate lamp (21) extinguishes. A lighting cyck starts. If a flame is not detected before f seconds, the grey security solenoid (30) ark the blue i/3 solenoid (31) will close. The lock out red indicator (22) lights, the pump
(35) runs and the 3 way valve (42) stays ir Its position. After a few seconds, it will become possibk to reset the boiler by pressing the reset but
blue i/3 (31) closes, the orange indicate lamp (21) extinguishes. The ignitor is energi sed for 8 seconds and the red lockout indi cator (22) ligths. If the burner cannot religh the boiler will go to lockout.


Plug for main power and Room
thermostat connection
1 2 3
1. Neutral
2. Phase
3. Room thermostat live
4. Accelerator resistor
5. Common for Accelerator and room
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