Reference / Product name: Coated
Abrasives Group3 (Annex)
Version/Revision (date) : 22.04.2015
Printing date: 22.04.2015
Voluntary product information based on the format of a safety data sheet
for coated abrasives
1. Identification of the product and of the company/undertaking
1.1 Product identifier
Coated abrasives, (Annex-Group3)
1.2 Use of the product
Coated abrasives for the grinding/sanding of different kinds of materials (metals, wood, plastics, marble
& stones, etc.).
1.3 Details of the supplier of the voluntary product information:
Address: 7525 N. OAK PARK AVE.
Phone: 800-447-4248 Fax: 800-847-3731
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E-mail: sales@cgwcamel.com
Phone: 800-447-4248
Email: sales@cgwcamel.com
Fax: 800-447-3731
Web : www.cgwcamel.com
1.4 Emergency telephone number: 800-447-4248
Hazards identification
2.1. Classification
Not applicable
Abrasives are articles and not dangerous substances or mixtures according to directive 1999/45/EC or
Regulation (EC) N° 1272/2008.
See also section 8 and 16.
2.2. Label elements
Abrasives are articles and not dangerous substances or mixtures and therefore no labelling is required
according to directive 1999/45/EC or Regulation (EC) N° 1272/2008.
2.3. Other hazards
Not known.
Reference / Product name: Coated
Abrasives Group3 (Annex)
Version/Revision (date) : 22.04.2015
Printing date: 22.04.2015
3. Composition/information on ingredients
The product contains the following ingredients which are classified according to 67/548/EEC or
Regulation (EC) Nr. 1272/2008 or for which a community occupational exposure limit value exists:
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Substance EC-N° CAS-N° REACH
Conc. (%)
Registration N°
Cryolite 237-410-6 13775-53-6 05-2114651572-49-
237-928-2 14075-53-7
As annexed
As annexed Eye Irrit. 2A H319 Xi; R36
(For full text of H- and R-phrases see section 16)
4. First aid measures
See also section 8 and 16
4.1. Description of first aid measures
Inhalation: Not possible, due to the form of the product
Classification acc. to Regulation
(EC) N° 1272/2008 (CLP)
Hazard classes/
hazard categories
Acute Tox. 4
Repr . 2
Aquatic Chronic 2
acc. to
T; R48/23/25
Xn; R20
N; R51/53 R64
Eye contact: Not possible, due to the form of the product
Skin contact: No harmful effects known
Ingestion: Not likely, due to the form of the product; if necessary contact physician
Note to physician: Not available.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Not known.
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Not relevant. Treat symptomatically.
5. Fire fighting measures
5.1. Extinguishing media
Extinguishing media: water, foam, sand, powder or C02 as appropriate for surrounding materials
5.2. Special hazards arising from the product
Toxic fumes may occur. Use respiratory protective equipment.
Reference / Product name: Coated
Abrasives Group3 (Annex)
Version/Revision (date) : 22.04.2015
Printing date: 22.04.2015
5.3. Advice for fire fighters
Extinguishing materials should be selected according to the surrounding area.
6. Accidental release measures
Not applicable.
7. Handling and storage
Follow instructions of grinding machine manufacturers and the relevant national regulations. In addition,
observe the safety recommendations of the manufacturer.
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8. Exposure controls/personal protection
8.1. Control parameters
Before grinding it is recommended to perform a risk assessment and to use personal protection
equipment accordingly.
Occupational exposure limit values and/or biological limit values
Keep exposure to the following components under surveillance.
(Observe also the regional official regulations)
Limit value type
(country of origin)
for EU Cryolite 237-410-6 13775-53-6 2,5 Directive
for EU Potassium
substance EC-N° CAS-N°
237-928-2 14075-53-7
Long term Short term
mg/m³ ml/m³ (ppm) mg/m³ ml/m³ (ppm)
Occupational limit value
Peak limit source, remark
(inorganic as F)
Respirable dust as
Note: Hazardous dust of the workpiece material may be generated during grinding and/or sanding
operations. National regulations for dust exposure limit values have to be taken into consideration.
8.2. Exposure controls
8.2.1. Individual protection measures Respiratory protection: Use respiratory protective equipment
(type depends on specific application and material being ground) Hand protection: Wear protective gloves
(type depends on specific application and material being ground)