Dryer Booster FansDryer Booster Fans

HHooww WWeellll DDooeess YYoouurr DDrryyeerr PPeerrffoorrmm??
Most residential dryers are designed to vent approximately 15
feet of duct. With the introduction of main floor and second story
laundry rooms, duct runs have become complex, often exceeding
dryer manufacturers’ recommendations. The results are longer
drying times, greater wear and tear on the dryer and higher
energy costs.
DDVVKK DDrryyeerr BBoooosstteerr FFaannss
AA BBeetttteerr IIddeeaa
Continental Fan’s DVK Dryer Booster Fans are designed to enhance
the drying efficiency of residential, commercial and industrial dr yers.
DVK Fans feature quiet and efficient backward curved impellers that
are capable of overcoming long duct runs, and an in-line configuration
that simplifies installation. Unique design features result in a quiet and
powerful solution that is unmatched in the industry.
DDeessiiggnn FFeeaattuurreess
• External rotor motor for quiet & efficient operation
• Backward curved impeller to overcome long duct runs
• In-line construction to reduce lint build-up
• High temperature construction: 60 C/140 F
• Thermal overload protection
• Automatic reset
DDrryyeerr BBoooosstteerr KKiittss
DVK Dryer Booster Fans are availab le in a selection of easy-to-install kits.
• DVK100B-C Kit with Current Sensor
• DVK100B-T Kit with Timer
• DVK100B-P Kit with Pressure Switch
• DVK100B-PM Kit with Pressure Switch - Mounted