OUTSIDE CORNERS Apply a band of joint
compound 100mm (4”) wide and 6mm (1/4”) thick
to each side of the corner.
Cut corner bead to length required and position
over the joint compound allow 1/2” at bottom for
expansion and contraction of framing members.
Embed the corner bead firmly into the compound.
Using a small finishing knife, wipe the excess
compound from under the paper to eliminate all air
bubbles. Allow to dry. (Be careful not to remove
all compound)
Using a large finishing knife, apply compound
in a band about 200mm (8”) wide from the
nose of the bead beyond the paper edge.
Level compound by drawing the knife along the
bead with one edge of the blade riding on the
nose of the bead and the other on the surface
of the board. Repeat for the other side of
corner bead. Allow to dry.
Apply second coat once previous coat is dry.
Feather the edges of each coat about 50mm (2”)
beyond the preceding coat.
INSIDE CORNERS Inside corners are installed similarly to outside corners except usually only one cover
coat is required. An inside corner tool can be used to apply and smooth the compound if desired.
L-TRIM L-Trim is installed similar to outside corners except only one side is finished.
BULLNOSE CORNERS Bullnose corners are installed similar to square corners with exception to the
drywall edges not to exceed the corner of the framing substraight.