where you need it,
when you need it
Ductless Mini-Split Systems

it’s what we’re
all about
t Century, we’re in the business of making you
comfortable, whether at home, work, school, or at
play. We offer a broad product selection for both residential
and commercial use. Products that are effi cient, effective
and designed to add value.
We’ve been in the comfort business since our founding in
1933, and our roots go back even further. We can trace
our beginnings to the Wingert Furnace Co. which began
building coal, gas and oil furnaces in 1907. We moved to
our new headquarters in Jackson, Michigan, in 1955, and
this facility has been expanded several times—most recently
in 2006—to accommodate our growth.
Century is known throughout the heating and air
conditioning industry for effi cient, reliable products and
in-season availability. Whether for heating or cooling, these
products meet or exceed industry standards for energy
effi ciency. The line is constantly being updated to add the
features and new technology that customers demand.
Ductless mini-split systems are one of our fastest growing
product groups, and there are many reasons for this
increasing popularity—but overall, the key is fl exibility. They
allow air conditioning (and heating with heat pump models)
to be added quickly, conveniently and economically—often
in locations where installing such comfort systems didn’t
seem possible or practical.
Read on to find out how a ductless mini-split system
can make you comfortable, and do it efficiently and

Table of Contents
This guide to ductless mini-splits is designed to
explain how units work, the advantages they bring,
and t
and to show you the entire Century line. With single
zone, multi-zone, and ceiling cassette models, there’s
a min
a mini-split in the size and type you need to add
comfort to just about any location!
Where can you use a mini-split? ............................2
Advantages of mini-splits .......................................3
Mini-splits and indoor air quality ...........................3
How does a mini-split work? ..................................4
Inverter technology .................................................5
Multi-zone fl exibility ...............................................6
Energy effi ciency explained ....................................7
Advantages of new refrigerant type .....................7
Quick reference guide to models ...........................8
Features of mini-split line .......................................9
Model specifi cations
“S” Series Single Zone .......................................10
“V” Series Inverter Single Zone ........................12
“V” Series InverterFlex Multi-Zone ...................14
“D” Series Ceiling Cassette ..............................16
Ready to buy? Things to consider ........................17

Ductless Mini-Splits
The Comfort Solution
Ductless mini-split systems are a great solution to a wide variety of installation challenges, giving
contractors the ability to put air conditioning (and heat with heat pump models) in locations that
previously seemed impossible. They’re ideal when installing ductwork is diffi cult, prohibitively
expensive, or simply impractical. Both residential and commercial structures, new construction
and existing buildings, are candidates for mini-splits.
Basically a mini-split does away with the need for ductwork. Like a regular split system A/C or
heat pump, the condenser is located outdoors; one or more air handlers are placed indoors. The
two are connected by electrical, refrigerant, and condensate drain lines that run through a small
hole in an exterior wall, generally 3” in diameter or less.
In addition to eliminating the need for ducting, one of the other big advantages of mini-split
systems is true zone control. The air handler is dedicated to the room being conditioned and
is controlled by a wireless remote. That room can be kept at a temperature and humidity level
different from the rest of the house or building.
Multi-zone systems for two, three or four rooms (or one large space) feature a single condenser
that handles two, three or four air handlers. Each air handler is independently controlled, with its
own remote and electronics-based climate controls to regulate temperature and humidity levels,
as well as air fl ow. Units in a bedroom and a home offi ce, for instance, can be programmed
for different hours of operation with the 24-hour timer, or two classrooms situated side by side
can be set at different temperatures.
Mini-split systems have the fl exibility to fi t virtually anywhere and with SEER ratings up to 20.0,
they’re also economical to operate.
Where can you use a mini-split?
n Historic homes (the aesthetics of the
exterior are maintained)
n Homes with hydronic heat
n Residential additions such as a
sunroom or bedroom
n Vacation homes and cabins
n Schools (individual classroom control)
n Church sanctuaries and fellowship halls
Common applications include:
n Restaurants
n Remote offi ces such as those inside
a warehouse or factory
n Utility transfer stations
n Arena sky boxes
n Computer rooms (temperature/
humidity can be different than the
rest of the building)
n Nursing homes and hospitals
n ATMs and offi ce lobbies

There’s more to comfort
than just temperature…
Advantages of a ductless mini-split system
Quiet Operation—The operational sound of the compressor and fan is kept
uiet Operati
outside with the
outside with the condensing unit and the indoor air handler is designed to be
exceptionally qu
exceptionally quiet
asy Installatio
Easy Installation—All it takes to connect the outdoor condenser and the indoor
air handler is a
air handler is a hole about 3” in diameter to run refrigerant lines, condensate
rain and electr
drain and electrical wires between the two components
Effi ciency—Units are designed to be energy effi cient with high SEER ratings that
meet or exceed
meet or exceed government mandated standards; and only the room or area being
used is conditio
used is conditioned, potentially decreasing electricity usage when compared to
traditional syst
traditional systems
ttractive A
Attractive Appearance—High wall models feature a low profi le indoor unit in
a neutral color t
a neutral color that blends with any décor; ceiling cassettes also come in a neutral
color that virtua
color that virtually disappears in ceiling installations
Security—With a room air conditioner, there’s always the worry that access to
the home can
the home can be gained through the window where the unit is mounted; that
worry is elimina
worry is eliminated with a ductless system
Consistent Comfort—Electronic climate controls regulate operation to maintain
a preset tempe
a preset temperature level; random swing air fl ow (on most units) continually
adjusts the fan
adjusts the fan speed and air direction for a gentle, breeze-like effect
le O
Simple Operation—One fully featured remote is included for each indoor air
handler, making
handler, making it simple to select the mode, set the temperature and the timer,
and change the
and change the airfl ow direction
Mini-Splits and Indoor Air Quality
According to the EPA, the air inside our homes is often more polluted than
ccording to t
outside air. W
outside air. What’s needed to protect yourself from airborne contaminants
is a high qual
is a high quality fi ltration system, and that’s just what you get with all
ductless mini-
ductless mini-splits from Century .
In fact, our “V”
In fact, our “V” Series inverter units are equipped with triple fi ltration:
• Ionizer—re
• Ionizer—removes microscopic particles from the air
• Active carbon and dust fi lter—removes dust, smoke, and pollen
• Active carbo
• Air freshening fi lter—helps freshen the air
• Air fresheni
Additionally, the units can be operated in the dehumidifi cation mode without
dditionally, th
cooling or heating. This removes excess humidity from the indoor air, one of
cooling or heati
the keys to preventing the growth of mold, mildew and other contaminants.
the keys to prev

How does a
Indoor Air Handler
Cooling without Ductwork
A ductless mini-split air conditioner works the same way central air
conditioning does with one big difference—there’s no ductwork.
Both the central system and the mini-split can be classifi ed as
split systems because they consist of an outdoor condensing
unit and an indoor air handler. With a central A/C system, the
indoor components include a cooling coil and an air handler (the
furnace’s blower or a separate air handler) that circulates the
conditioned air throughout the structure by way of the ductwork.
The mini-split indoor unit functions as both the indoor coil and
the air handler, delivering conditioned air directly into a single
room without sending it through any ductwork.
Heat Pump Models
A heat pump mini-split operates in basically the same manner,
but adds heating capability. In the summer it transfers heat
from inside the home to the outdoors. A reversing valve makes
it possible for the unit to reverse this procedure during cold
weather, absorbing heat from the outdoors and transferring it
indoors (yes, there is warm air outside, even when it’s below
Heat Gain/Loss
One of the advantages this “ductless” operation provides is
effi ciency. In a central system, the cooler air absorbs heat as
it travels through the ductwork. The longer the duct run, the
greater the temperature gain. In winter, heat can also be lost as
the conditioned air travels through the ducts.
Don’t forget that it takes air pressure to move the conditioned air
through the ducting system and that involves some noise from
the fan and the actual movement of air. A mini-split system,
however, is ultra-quiet because it doesn’t have to push the air
through many feet of ductwork.
Outdoor Condenser
This diagram shows a typical
single zone installation:
n The condensing unit is
installed outdoors while
the air handler is mounted
inside on an exterior wall.
A hole approximately 3” in
diameter is drilled through
the wall. The lines that carry
refrigerant from the air
handler to the condensing
unit and back run through
this hole.
n An electric line runs between
the two components: power
is supplied by the outdoor
unit so there are no cords and
plugs visible on the interior. A
bracket mounted to the wall
supports the air handler, but
is hidden by air handler.
n A drain line runs from the
air handler to the outside to
carry condensate away.