Century NEO 720 User Manual

© 2013 Century Helicopter Products - All rights reserved.
Version 1.10
NEO 720
Thank You
Thank you for purchasing the all new NEO 720 class of multi-rotor aircraft. By incorporating the latest designs and the possibilty of run­ning on blade sizes from 10” to 12” propellers, the lifting capabilities and stability of the NEO 720 is unmatched.
This R/C Multi Rotor is not a toy! It is a precision machine requiring proper assembly and setup to avoid accidents. It is the responsibil­ity of the owner to operate this product in a safe manner as it can inflict serious injury otherwise. It is important for the user/pilot to be responsible for the damage the model is capable of inflicting on one’s self and others around the model during its operation. Century Helicopter Products, affiliated individuals, and shops/sellers hold no accountability for the operation or use of this model. It is recom­mended that if you are in doubt of your abilities; seek assistance from experienced radio control modelers and associations. Although the mult-rotor is considered small in size, you must be very cautious during the operation of the model as serious damage, injury, or death can occur.
Flight Checklist
Make sure your transmitter battery is fully charged. Turn on the transmitter FIRST prior to turning on anything else on the model. Inspect all parts before each flight to ensure no damage has occurred. Check all nuts, bolts, and screws to be sure they are securely fastened. Verify all parts are installed correctly and in proper working condition. Make sure you have control of the model prior to engaging the motor or engine. Allow all the components to initialize and test all controls. Fly the model and be sure the model is capable of a proper hover prior to performing aerobatics. Land the model and shut off the motor or engine. Turn off or unplug any battery(ies) on the model BEFORE turning off your transmitter.
General Guidelines
Apply thread lock to all metal to metal thread contact points. Do not apply CA (cyanoacrylate) glue or thread lock to ny-lock nuts (metal nuts with plastic inserts). Diagrams indicated by bounding boxes for screws, bearings, etc. are illustrated at a 1-to-1 ratio. All other il­lustrations are not drawn to scale. Throughout this manula, you will find building tips. Please follow the tips and use common sense when building.
Pre-Assembly Information
Upon opening the kit, all the major component parts are bagged for ease of assembly which correspond to the sections of the manual. Various assemblies have been pre-assembled however, only as a reference assembly. Final assembly is up to the user. Installation onto the particular parts, screws and nuts required for each step are packaged in the same bag as the parts. Be careful when opening each bag as not to lose any hardware. Care has been taken in filling and packing of each bag however mistakes do happen. If there is a parts shortage or missing hardware, please contact us directly or contact your place of purchase.
Century Helicopter Products
1740-C Junction Ave. San Jose, CA. 95112
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NEO 720
1. Model aircraft will not be flown: (a) In a careless or reckless manner. (b) At a location where model aircraft activities are prohibited.
2. Model aircraft pilots will: (a) Yield the right of way to all man carrying aircraft. (b) See and avoid all aircraft and a spotter must be used when appropriate. (AMA Document #540-D-See and Avoid Guidance.) (c) Not fly higher than approximately 400 feet above ground level within three (3) miles of an airport, without notifying the airport operator. (d) Not interfere with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport or seaplane base except where there is a mixed use agreement. (e) Not exceed a takeoff weight, including fuel, of 55 pounds unless in compliance with the AMA Large Model Aircraft program. (AMA Document 520-A) (f) Ensure the aircraft is identified with the name and address or AMA number of the owner on the inside or affixed to the outside of the model aircraft. (This does not apply to model aircraft flown indoors). (g) Not operate aircraft with metal-blade propellers or with gaseous boosts except for helicopters operated under the provisions of AMA Document #555. (h) Not operate model aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or while using any drug which could adversely affect the pilot’s ability to safely control the model. (i) Not operate model aircraft carrying pyrotechnic devices which explode or burn, or any device which propels a projectile or drops any object that creates a hazard to persons or property.
3. Model aircraft will not be flown in AMA sanctioned events, air shows or model demonstrations unless: (a) The aircraft, control system and pilot skills have successfully demonstrated all maneuvers intended or anticipated prior to the specific event. (b) An inexperienced pilot is assisted by an experienced pilot.
4. When and where required by rule, helmets must be properly worn and fastened. They must be OSHA, DOT, ANSI, SNELL or NOCSAE approved or comply with comparable standards.
Radio Control (RC)
1. All pilots shall avoid flying directly over unprotected people, vessels, vehicles or structures and shall avoid endangerment of life and property of others.
2. A successful radio equipment ground-range check in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations will be completed before the first flight of a new or repaired model aircraft.
3. At all flying sites a safety line(s) must be established in front of which all flying takes place (AMA Document #706-Recommended Field Layout): (a) Only personnel associated with flying the model aircraft are allowed at or in front of the safety line. (b) At air shows or demonstrations, a straight safety line must be established. (c) An area away from the safety line must be maintained for spectators. (d) Intentional flying behind the safety line is prohibited.
4. RC model aircraft must use the radio-control frequencies currently allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Only individuals properly licensed by the FCC are authorized to operate equipment on Amateur Band frequencies.
5. RC model aircraft will not operate within three (3) miles of any pre-existing flying site without a frequency-management agreement (AMA Documents #922- Testing for RF Interference; #923- Frequency Management Agreement)
6. With the exception of events flown under official AMA Competition Regulations, excluding takeoff and landing, no powered model may be flown outdoors closer than 25 feet to any individual, except for the pilot and the pilot’s helper(s) located at the flight line.
7. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch a model aircraft in flight while it is still under power, except to divert it from striking an individual. This does not apply to model aircraft flown indoors.
8. RC night flying requires a lighting system providing the pilot with a clear view of the model’s attitude and orientation at all times.
9. The pilot of a RC model aircraft shall: (a) Maintain control during the entire flight, maintaining visual contact without enhancement other than by corrective lenses pre­scribed for the pilot. (b) Fly using the assistance of a camera or First-Person View (FPV) only in accordance with the procedures outlined in AMA Document #550.
Free Flight
1. Must be at least 100 feet downwind of spectators and automobile parking when the model aircraft is launched.
2. Launch area must be clear of all individuals except mechanics, officials, and other fliers.
3. An effective device will be used to extinguish any fuse on the model aircraft after the fuse has completed its function.
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NEO 720
(ARF Version Only)
(ARF Version Only)
2 3
6 7
Part #
12-Inch Propeller(12
Century HWC 2814 Motor (X2212
Black Motor Mounting Plate( L=13mm Aluminum Tube Holder(13mm 铝管固定座)
20x300 Black Aluminum Tube(300mm
20x300 Golden Aluminum Tube(300mm
Button Head Cap Screw( 圆头内六角螺丝)M3x30
19mm Pipe Plug(19mm 管塞)
Button Head Cap Screw( 圆头内六角螺丝)M3x6
4 4 4
4 2
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+ 8 hidden pages