3236 Scott Boulevard, Santa Clara, California 95054
Phone: (408) 986-5060 Fax: (408) 986-5095
Preliminary Product Information - November
Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Frequency Range 3.45 3.5 GHz
Gain @ Digital power output 26 28.5 31 dB
Gain Variation Over supply voltage 2 dB/V
Over temperature 0.03 dB/°C
Harmonics* 2nd (Pout = +22 to +26 dBm) -35 -30 dBc
3rd (Pout = +22 to +26 dBm) and above -40 -35 dBc
Linear Output Power ±2.7 MHz from carrier -43 -40 dBc/30 KHz
(Pout = +22 dBm, Data Rate = 4.096Mc/Sec
±5.25 MHz from carrier -50 -48 dBc/30 KHz
(Pout = +22 dBm, Data Rate = 4.096Mc/Sec
Linear Output Power ±2.7 MHz from carrier -38 -35 dBc/30 KHz
(Pout = +24 dBm, Data Rate = 4.096Mc/Sec
±5.25 MHz from carrier -47 -45 dBc/30 KHz
(Pout = +24 dBm, Data Rate = 4.096Mc/Sec
Wideband Noise 10 MHz Bandwidth -68 dBc
Noise Figure Vdd = 7.0 V 5 dB
Return Loss Input -10 -14 dB
Return Loss Output -10 -14 dB
Positive Supply Current (Id) Pout = +24 dBm 540 mA
Quiescent Current (Iq) No RF 520 mA
Negative Supply Current (-Ig) Includes external resistor divider 2.0 4.0 mA
Negative Supply Voltage (-Vg) Into external resistor divider -0.3 -1.5 -3.0 V
Electrical Characteristics
Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications are guaranteed at 3.45 GHz, room temperature with drain voltage (+Vd) = 7.0 V in Celeritek test fixture.
Modulation When biased as specified, the CMM3566-LC will
achieve the required adjacent channel response for the W-CDMA
linearity. Celeritek tests each product under digital modulation to
ensure compliance to system specifications.
1. The copper pad on the backside of the CMM3566-LC must be
soldered to the ground plane.
– Continued from Page 1 –
Frequency S11 S21 S12 S22
(GHz) Mag ANG Mag ANG Mag ANG Mag ANG
0.6 0.646 136.623 2.393 20.992 0.002 -19.228 0.804 -23.817
0.8 0.659 54.979 1.283 17.015 0.003 -80.195 0.682 -89.402
1.0 0.732 -19.826 5.119 -67.405 0.004 -158.535 0.420 -138.407
1.2 0.778 -82.663 8.080 -171.314 0.005 132.866 0.382 -152.437
1.4 0.781 -140.684 10.458 93.318 0.005 67.738 0.533 150.599
1.6 0.751 155.653 12.110 -2.432 0.007 0.028 0.650 69.917
1.8 0.770 14.916 11.272 -176.757 0.006 -124.480 0.874 -61.986
2.0 0.770 11.996 11.158 -179.876 0.006 -126.766 0.880 -63.734
2.2 0.781 -40.876 11.715 106.441 0.007 173.071 0.911 -116.517
2.4 0.772 -81.765 15.438 32.091 0.008 128.121 0.877 -177.609
2.6 0.757 -121.242 21.302 -51.262 0.010 68.938 0.771 103.364
2.8 0.640 176.329 27.182 -150.627 0.011 -13.377 0.756 13.731
3.0 0.447 86.466 29.193 105.943 0.010 -79.627 0.690 -53.854
3.2 0.516 0.714 28.413 4.707 0.011 -137.593 0.471 -91.983
3.4 0.518 -69.213 25.542 -94.768 0.010 152.682 0.383 -99.415
3.6 0.131 -149.583 24.348 164.543 0.012 93.523 0.268 -121.022
3.8 0.423 -13.907 19.130 58.878 0.011 18.708 0.257 -98.953
4.0 0.578 -59.337 14.619 -37.638 0.008 -52.138 0.278 -134.978
Vdd = 7V, ID 1 & 2 = 200, ID 3 = 300
* The integrity of the input signal at an offset of 5.25 MHz has an adjacent channel performance of not greater than -52 dBc.