❏ +17.5 dBm Output Power
❏ Low Current: 70 mA, Typ.
❏ 800 – 2700 MHz Operation
❏ Single +3V to +6V Supply
❏ Input and Output Matched to 50Ω, DC Blocked
❏ Low-Cost SOIC-8 Plastic Package
❏ Power Amplifier Drivers
❏ Diode-Ring Mixer Buffers
❏ PCS Medium Power Amplifiers
❏ Medium Power WLANs
❏ Base Station Receivers
The Celeritek CMM2306 is a premium performance,
pin-for-pin compatible second source for the TriQuint®9132
and the Mini-Circuits®VNA. Providing higher gain and lower
noise figure than either of the existing standard amplifiers at
25% less drain current, the CMM2306 is an excellent choice
for power sensitive applications, while delivering more design
margin than either of the existing alternatives. This device
will drop into existing sockets and offers the same single supply, broadband, 50Ωmatched and DC blocked input and output features and performance, that the industry has come to
expect, with much higher efficiency and lower current.
Packaged in a low-cost surface mount SOIC-8 package, the CMM2306 offers superior performance to existing
alternatives at a competitive price.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
800 to 2700 MHz
Broadband DriverAmplifier
Parameter Rating Parameter Rating Parameter Rating
Drain Voltage (+Vd) +7 V Power Dissipation 1.0 W Operating Temperature -40°C to +80°C
Drain Current (Id) 150 mA Thermal Resistance 55°C/W Channel Temperature 175°C
RF Input Power 15 dBm Storage Temperature -65°C to +150°C Soldering Temperature 260°C for 5 Sec
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Typ Units Parameter Typ Units
Drain Voltage (+Vd) 3.0 to 6.0 Volts Operating Temperature (PC Board) -40 to +70 °C
Electrical Characteristics
The following specifications are guaranteed at room temperature with drain voltage (+Vd) = 5.0 V ±5% at 2.5 GHz.
Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Frequency Range 800 2700 MHz
Small Signal Gain 18.5 20 dB
Noise Figure 3.5 dB
Power Output @ 1 dB Compression 15.5 17 dBm
Output 3rd Order Intercept 27 dBm
Input Return Loss 8dB
Output Return Loss 10 dB
DC Supply Current 70 80 mA
Supply Voltage 35 6V
Product Specifications
January 1996
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