3236 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, California 95054 Phone: (408) 986-5060 Fax: (408) 986-5095
2.0 to 22.0 GHz
Power Amplifier
Advanced Product Information
October 2003 (1 of 2)
❏ Small Size: 45 x 92 mils
❏ High Gain: 11.5 dB
❏ Medium Power: +25 dBm, Typ P1dB
❏ Directly Cascadable – Fully Matched
❏ Unconditionally Stable
❏ Single Supply
❏ Bias Control
❏ pHEMT Technology
❏ Silicon Nitride Passivation
Specifications (TA= 25°C, Vdd= 8V)
Parameters Units Min Typ Max
Frequency Range GHz 2.0 22.0
Small Signal Gain dB 10.0 13.5
Gain Flatness ±dB 1.6
Return Loss dB -10
P1dB Variation (over operating frequency) dBm 4.5
Power Output (@1 dB Gain Compression)
dBm 22.5 27.5
Saturated Output Power dBm 24.0 29.0
Second Order Intercept Point dBm 40.0
Third Order Intercept Point dBm 30.0
Current mA 250 300 350
Unconditionally Stable
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Rating
Drain Voltage 12V
Drain Current 375 mA
Continuous Power Dissipation 3.0 W
Channel Temperature +175°C
Storage Temperature -65°C to +175°C
Mounting Temperature +320°C
Input Power +23 dBm
Die Attach and Bonding Procedures
Die Attach: Eutectic die attach is recommended. For eutectic die attach: Preform: AuSn (80% Au, 20% Sn); Stage
Temperature: 290°C, ±5°C; Handling Tool: Tweezers; Time: 1
min or less.
Wire Bonding: Wire Size: 0.7 to 1.0 mil in diameter (prestressed); Thermocompression bonding is preferred over
thermosonic bonding. For thermocompression bonding:
Stage Temperature: 250°C; Bond Tip Temperature: 150°C;
Bonding Tip Pressure: 18 to 40 gms depending on size of
Chip Diagram
Notes: 1. Power may be increased by 1 dB if Bias of 7V and 350 mA is used (all source resistors bonded to ground).
2. Stability factor measured on-wafer.