Cecilware CS-3 Installation Manual

Nimbus CS-3
Reverse Osmosis System
41840 McAlby Court, Suite A Murrieta, CA 92562 800-451-9343, FAX 951-894-2801 www.nimbuswater.com
41840-A McAlby Court, Murrieta, CA 92562
(800) 451-9343, www.nimbuswater.com
REV: 0507
Introduc on to the CS-3
Congratula ons on your purchase of the Nimbus CS-3 reverse osmosis system. When properly maintained, this system will provide you with years of trouble-free service. The next sec ons contain important informa on on the proper care and maintenance of your system, please take a few minutes to read through this informa on.
The cartridges in this system must be replaced on a regular basis to maintain effi ciency and to safeguard water quality. These cartridges work together to remove poten al contaminants from your tap water and must be replaced every 6-12 months. Any signifi cant change in performance of the system should be inves gated promptly to avoid secondary damage or deteriora on to other parts of the system.
Replacement Cartridges
Descrip on
RO Membrane Desalinator 12 months
Pre-fi lters 6-12 months
Post-Filter 12 months
In-line Carbon Filter 12 months
System Specifi ca ons
Membrane System w/Tank
Produc on 36 GPD
(136.3 LPD)
TDS Rejec on 95% 95%
Tested at 60 psig (4 bar), 500ppm TDS municipal water, 77°F (25°C)
11.3 GPD (42.8LPD)
Feed Water Requirements
Pressure 40-80 psi (275 kPa - 552 kPa)
Temperature 40°F - 100°F (4°C - 38°C)
TDS <2000 mg/L
Chlorine <1.0 mg/L
NTU <1
SDI <5
pH 4-8
Feed water must be potable, municipal water. Must be free of poten al membrane foulants such as Iron, Hydrogen Sulfi de and Manganese.
41840-A McAlby Court, Murrieta, CA 92562
(800) 451-9343, www.nimbuswater.com
The Limited Warranty extends to the original purchaser of the system. This warranty covers all parts and factory labor needed to repair any Man­ufacturer-supplied item that proves to be defec ve in material, workman ship or factory prepara on. The above-men oned warranty ap plies for the fi rst full calender year from date of purchase. These defec ve items are subject to the following exclusions: membranes, fi lters, O-rings, and all other parts or components that require regular replacement as a result of ordinary usage.
Disclaimers This Warranty applies only if the system is installed and used in compliance with the instruc ons enclosed with the sys tem.
This Warranty does not cover the costs of repairs or adjustments to the unit that may be needed because of the use of improper parts, equipment or materials. This Warranty does not cover repairs required due to unauthorized altera ons of the unit, or failure of a unit caused by such altera- ons or by unauthorized repairs.
The Warranty does not cover malfunc ons of the unit due to tampering, misuse, altera on, lack of regular mainte nance, misapplica on, fouling due to hydrogen sulfi de or iron, scaling from excessive hardness, turbidity greater than 1.0 NTU, Silt Density Index (SDI) greater than 5.0 SDI, or excessive membrane hydrolysis due to chlorine levels in excess of 0.5 ppm. In addi on, damage to the unit due to fi re, accident, negligence, act of God, or events beyond the control of the Manufacturer are not covered by this warranty.
Incidental and Consequen al Damages The Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for payment of inci dental and consequen al damages as a result of the failure of this unit to comply with express or implied warran es, such as lost  me, inconvenience, damage to personal property, loss of revenue, commercial losses, postage, travel, telephone expendi tures, or other losses of this nature. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limita on of incidental or consequen al dam ages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.
Owner’s Warranty Responsibili es Under the provisions of the Warranty, the owner is expected to schedule maintenance, as de scribed in this Manual. Neglect, improper mainte nance, abuse, or unapproved modifi ca ons may invalidate the Warranty. Should your unit develop a defect or otherwise fail to perform in accordance with this warranty, you should contact the dealer from whom the product was originally purchased.
Implied Warran es The implied at-law warran es of merchantability and fi tness for a par cular purpose shall terminate on the date one year a er the date of purchase. Note: some states do not allow limita ons on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limita ons may not apply to you.
Other Rights This Warranty gives you specifi c legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Please fi ll out the form below and retain for future reference.
Nimbus CS-3
Date Code:
Install Date:
Sold by:
Installed By:
Service Center Phone Number:
41840-A McAlby Court, Murrieta, CA 92562
(800) 451-9343, www.nimbuswater.com
Typical Installa on Diagram
A. Product water storage tank B. Tank shut-off valve C. Tank tubing D. Air-gap faucet E. Drain connec on assembly F. Drain tubing G. Quick-connect  ng H. Product water tubing I. Membrane desalinator
J. Carbon post-fi lter K. Carbon pre-fi lter L. Sediment pre-fi lter
M. Carbon inline post-fi lter N. Inlet  ng O. Feed water tubing P. Feed water shut-o Q. Automa c shut-off valve (not shown)
This system has been designed for installa on by a licensed professional such as a contractor or plumber. Proper comple on of this installa- on will require basic familiarity with standard sink plumbing and proper use of common hand and power tools. Improperly installed systems
could result in water damage due to leaks or fl ooding. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe.
41840-A McAlby Court, Murrieta, CA 92562
(800) 451-9343, www.nimbuswater.com
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