Before handling cells or storing ce ll for future installation take time to r e a d this manual. It contains
Installation and Operating Procedures
For C&D Technologies TRUE Front Access TEL Series Batteries
For additional information:
Technical-Warranty Assistance, contact:
C&D Techno logies, Inc.
1400 Union Meeting Road / PO Box 3053 / Blue Bell, PA 19422-0858
800-543-8630 or 215-619-2700
Fax 215-619-7899
information that could avoid irreparable damage to the battery and/or void product warranty.
*Models with “G” suffix only
Safety Glasses for each in s taller
Insulated gloves (1 p air for each installer)
Terminal Prep Supplies (water, baking soda, cloth rag, brass bristle brush or scotch brite type pad, NO-OX-ID terminal
Insulated Inch Pound Torque Wrench (up to 160 in lb)
Insulated 7/16” socket wrench for TEL12-105FS, TEL12-160F, TEL12 -160FW, TEL12-180F &
TEL12-210Fa models
Insulated 10mm socket wrench for TEL12-115FN/FNG & TEL12-145FW models
Insulated 13mm socket wrench for TEL12-105FNSG/FNS,TEL12-155F/FG, TEL12-170F/FG,
TEL12-190F/FG, TEL12-210F/FG models
Utility knife or diagonal cutter (for trimming protective covers and gas collection tubing if used)
Battery Numbers and S tring Letters/Numbers
Optional plastic apron, portable eyewash, spill kit and fire extinguisher (Class C)
Table 1 - Installation Tools (minimum) required to be supplied by Installer
Table 2 - Installation Hardware Included with each 12 Volt Battery
RS02046/0514/CD 2
The purpose of this manual is to inform installers how to receive, install and maintain C &D Technologies front
access batteries.
Battery De scription:
The Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) battery is a minimal maintena nc e system utili zing an oxyge n
recombinatio n cycle to minimize gassing and eliminate electrolyte maintenance. The dilute s ulf uric acid
electrolyte is immobilized by absorbent glass mat (AGM) separ a t or s .
in each unit has a unique self-resealing one
way valve to reli eve any excess p r essure
during over c ha rgi n g c ond i tions. Four six c ell units i n se ri es ma ke up a 2 4 c ell 4 8 V D C battery, two six c e ll
units in series for a 12 cell 24VDC applications.
See Section IV. Installat i on In structio ns -fo r f urther descriptions.
Each of the 2 VDC cells (6 cells per
TEL12-145FW (1) 30046795
TEL12-160F (1) 30046800
TEL12-160FW (1) 30046795
TEL12-180F (1)30046800
Bus Bar
(1) 15028536
(1) 15028537
(1) 15028593
(1) 15028593
(1) 15028593
(1) 15028593
Package (two
SS Bolts &
two SS
(1) 15028506
(1) 15028540 (2) 15028591 15028595* 15028596*
(1) 15028540 (2) 15028591 15028595* 15028596*
(1) 15028594 (2) 15029231 N/A N/A
(1) 15028594 (2) 15028591 15028595* 15028596*
(1) 15029218 (2) 15029217 N/A N/A
(1) 15029218 (2) 15029217 N/A N/A
(1) 15028594 (2) 15028591 15028595* 15028596*
(1) 15029218 (2) 15029217 N/A N/A
(1) 15028594 (2) 15028591 15028595* 15028596*
(1) 15028594 (2) 15028591 15028595* 15028596*
(1) 15029218 (2) 15029217 N/A N/A
Gas Collection
Plug Kit
Gas Collection
Tubing Kit
Hardware, terminal protector, and bus bar indicated above is individually packaged within the insert on the top of the
battery, inside the shipping carton of each 12 volt battery unit. Batteries ordered without cartons (bulk) do not include
connector or hardware.
Table 3 - Post hardware torque values
TEL12-115FN/FNG, TEL12-145FW
RS02046/0514/CD 3
Battery Models
TEL12-105FNS/FNSG, TEL12-155F/FG,
TEL12-170F/FG, TEL12-190F/FG,
TEL12-160F, TEL12-160FW,
Hardware Size
M8 13mm 160 in-lbs (18 N-m) 160 in-lbs (18 N-m)
Initial Torque Maintenance Torque
I. Safety
Installation a n d s e r vi cing of batte ries should be performed or supervised by person ne l
lead acid batteries standard safety practices i.e., personal and equipment safety precautions.
Safety Concerns (Please reference C&D Material Safety Data Sheet document L-84 for additional
information which is available directly from
• Electrica l Hazards
Battery systems present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit current. Remove any metal
objects (e.g. watches and rings), use properly
Observe circuit polarities, use a voltmeter to check potentials before making connections and do not
make or break live circuits without following all proper safety precautions.
Lead Acid Batteries are to be recycled. VRLA batte ri e s c ontain lead and immobilized dilute sulfuric
acid. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. Do not
landfill, lake or other
unauthorized location. For assistan c e contact C &D at
insulated tools, and wear eye protection and rubber
• Chemical Hazards
Any liquid emission from a battery may be
harmful to the skin and eyes, is electrically cond uctive and is corr osive.
skin, wash immediatel y
and seek medical attention. Ne utr alize s pille d electrolyte with a solution of 1 lb. bicarbonate
(baking soda) to 1 gallon of water.
and thoroughly. If electrolyte enters the eyes, promptly flush eye s with water
electrolyte which contains dilute sulfuric acid
electrolyte contacts the
• Fire, Expl osion and Heat Hazards
Batteries can contain an explosive mixture of hydrogen gas which can vent under overcharging
conditions. Do n ot smoke or cause sparks in the vicinity of the battery. Do
batteries in a sealed
If contained, a s sure the cont a iner or cabinet a nd room have adequate ve ntilation to pre vent
accumulati on of potentially explosive vented ga s . Refer to the cu rrent issue of the National Electric
Code (NEC) and other applicable building codes. Please note that for sealed cabinets with VRLA gas
removal provisions, the C&D TEL Series batteries with gas collection (G suffix) and the optional
tubing ki t ca n be uti liz e d (se e Di a gram in Section V of this document)
Do not attempt to remove battery vents or add water as this presents a safety hazard an d voids t he
warranty. Wash hands after any contact with the battery lead terminals.
container. Mount the individual batteries with
a minimum of 0.5'' between units.
not install and charge
. Receiving Instructions
Upon receipt, inspect the batteries for physical damage to the container s and termina ls. If found ,
be filed with the carrier within 10
The bat t eries are shipped fully charged. Their
per 12 volt unit.
Also check the packing slip to make sure all material has arrived.
Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) should not be below 12.48
knowledgeable of
dispose of in a
this is
of soda
a claim must