C&D Technologies RS-2044 User Manual

Valve-Regulated Lead Acid Batteries
Installation and Operating Manual
RS02044/1114/CD 1 www.cdtechno.com
incorpor at e d herein or a written copy is provided within the shipping materials
Only authorized and trained personnel familiar with battery installation, preparation, charging, and maintena nc e s ho ul d be p er m itt ed ac c es s t o th e battery.
SHOCK HAZARD – Do not touch un-insulat e d ba tt ery, connect or s, or t er m in a ls. Be sure to discharge static electricity from tools and technician by touching a grounde d sur f ac e n ear th e bat t er ies, b ut a way f ro m t he c el ls a nd flame arr esters. All tools should be adequately insulated to avoid the possibility of shorting connections. Do not lay tools on the top of the battery.
Although m s En dur II b att er i es ar e s e a led and em it n o ga s d ur ing n orma l operation, they contain potentially explosive gases, which may be released under abnormal operating conditions, such as a charger malfunction. It is the respons ibi li t y of th e c us to me r to pr o vid e adeq u at e v ent i lat io n s o h ydr og en gas accumulation in the battery area does not exceed two percent by volume. However, norma l air c ircu lat ion in a ve ntil ated fa cil ity wil l pr eclud e an y hydrog en build-up even during equalize charging. Never install batteries in a sealed cabinet or enclosure. If you have any questions, contact your local C&D representative.
This batt er y cont a in s sulfuric ac id, wh ic h c an c au s e se ver e b urn s. I n cas e of sk i n contact wit h el ectro lyte, rem ove co ntam inat ed clo thi ng and f lush af fect ed ar eas thorough ly wit h water . If e ye cont act has o ccur red, flus h for a min imum of 15 minutes with large amounts of runn ing wat er and s eek imm edi ate medi ca l attention.
Follow instructions contained in this manual when installing, charging, and servici ng batt eri es
For Additional Information Contact: C&D Technologies, Inc. Technical Service Department 1400 Union Meeting Road P.O. Box 3053 Blue Bell, PA 19422-0858 Telephone 800-543-8630 FAX 215-619-7899 customersvc@cdtechno.com
Or check C &D’s web sit e www.cdtechno.com NOTE
This manual is to be used for the inst a ll at ion a nd o p er at ing of C& D’s m s En dur II series of b att er i es.
This instruction manual is not a warranty. Each standby battery is sold subject to a limited warranty, which is in place of all other warranties, express or implied (includ ing t h e war ra nt ies of mer c ha nt ab il it y or f it ness f or a p art i cu lar p ur po se) an d which lim it s a purchaser’s ( us er ’s ) r em ed y to the r ep air or r ep lac em ent of a defecti ve batt ery or pa rts ther eof . The term s of the l imit ed warr ant y are
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Table of Contents
Part 1: I ntr od uc t ion ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Cell Characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 5
Part 2 – R ecom m e nded T e chn i cal Ref er en c es ...................................................................................... 6
Part 3 – Safety Precautions .................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Recommended Tools .................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Perso n nel Pr ot ection Equipme nt ( S af et y) ..................................................................................... 7
3.3 Installation Tools and Supplies .................................................................................................... 8
Part 4 - Receiving ................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Inspe ct io n at T im e of De li ver y ...................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Damage a nd Short age Situations ................................................................................................ 8
Part 5 – St orag e Pri or to Insta llat ion ..................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Storage Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Storag e T em per ature and Dur at io n .............................................................................................. 9
Part 6 - Installation ............................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Locat ing B att er y Sys tem .............................................................................................................. 9
6.2 Ventilation................................................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Floor Loading and Anchoring ..................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Spill Containment ...................................................................................................................... 10
6.5 Module Installation .................................................................................................................... 11
6.5.1 Installation of Modules and Cells Together ........................................................................... 11
6.5.2 Ins tall ati on of Modu le s and Ce lls Sep arat ely ........................................................................ 11
6.5.3 Cell Removal and Stack Disassembly .................................................................................. 16
6.7 Termi na l P lat es ......................................................................................................................... 18
6.8 Numbering Cells ....................................................................................................................... 18
6.9 Interconnection ......................................................................................................................... 18
6.10 Tap C o nnect i o ns ..................................................................................................................... 19
Part 7 – Initial Charging ...................................................................................................................... 20
7.1 Initial Charge ............................................................................................................................ 21
7.1.1 Initial Charge – UPS Applications ........................................................................................ 21
7.2 Initial Charge Records ............................................................................................................... 21
Part 8 – B att er y O per at io n .................................................................................................................. 22
8.1 Float Charging .......................................................................................................................... 22
8.2 Equalize or Freshening Charge ................................................................................................. 22
8.3 Tempe rat ur e Eff ect s o n Bat te r ies .............................................................................................. 23
Part 9 – Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 24
9.1 Monthly Inspection .................................................................................................................... 24
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9.2 Quarterly (including the above) .................................................................................................. 24
9.3 Semi-Annually (including the above) .......................................................................................... 24
9.4 Annually (including the above) ................................................................................................... 24
9.5 Module Assembly Adjustments ................................................................................................. 25
9.6 Performance Tests .................................................................................................................... 26
9.6a UPS Transfer Tests ................................................................................................................. 26
10.1 Gener a l I nf orm at ion an d Pr ecautions ....................................................................................... 27
10.2 Float Ver su s Cycl e Lif e............................................................................................................ 27
10.4 Low Float Voltage and Sulfation .............................................................................................. 28
10.5 Hydrat io n ................................................................................................................................ 28
10.6 Open Cir c u it – Late Installations .............................................................................................. 28
10.7 Para llel Bat ter y Stri ngs ............................................................................................................ 28
Appendix A - Connections .................................................................................................................. 29
A.1 Terminal Connections ............................................................................................................... 29
A.2 Reworking Terminal Connections .............................................................................................. 29
Appendix B – Installati on a n d O per at ion of Cam As s emb li e s ............................................................... 30
Appendix C GAP and Module Assembly Details ................................................................................. 31
Appendix F – Recycling ...................................................................................................................... 35
Figure & Table Index .......................................................................................................................... 36
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Part 1: Introduction

The msEndu r I I bat te r ies ref er e nc ed in t hi s docu me nt ar e s tat i o nar y, lea d-acid bat t er ies. T he y a re construc ted wit h an abso rbe nt gla ss mat (AGM) an d are ch arac ter ize d as Val ve Regu late d Lead -Acid (VRLA). As V RLA, th ere is n o free f lowing el ectrol yte. They are con struc ted with le ad-calcium alloy grids, dilute sulf uri c aci d (elec tro lyte) encl ose d in a flam e retar dant therm op last ic cont ai ner wit h a safet y vent and a flam e ar r esting disk t o pr oh ib it a s par k f rom en ter i ng t he h ea d spac e of the c el l. T hi s t ype of battery is near ly 100% re cyc labl e. At th e end of life, p lease d ispos e of proper ly or co nsu lt C&D for recycli ng inf ormat io n.
The msEndur II series of batteries are designed to provide reliable service life with minimal maintenance when used in accordance with this manual. They are a single cell unit producing a nominal two volts per cell, whic h are co nnec ted in ser ies f or the de sir ed syst em vo ltag e. Th e cells ar e hous ed in st eel modules, coated with acid resistant paint. These modules come in var ying wid ths, depe ndi ng on the c el l size and can be stacked up to eight modules high while maintaining their seismic ratings. The msEn dur II series are to be installed in a horizontal position with all connections accessible from the f r o nt of t he system ass embl y. The se ce lls are n ot des ign ed for oper at ion in a ny othe r ori entat ion .
The msEndu r I I is a va il ab le in t wo d iff er ent b att er y ver s io ns . Th e s ta nd ard version has t he s er i es nomenclature of ATP for syst em s t h at can f l oa t b et wee n 2.25 to 2. 3 0 vol t s p er c el l ave rage. For systems wher e th e msEnd ur II ce lls wi ll be fl oate d in par all el wit h floode d batt er y stri ngs, th e ATL P series sho uld be s et on floa t bet ween 2. 17 to 2.2 2 volt s per ce ll aver age . Che ck with C& D t o det er m ine which ATP/ATLP model of f ers c omp ar a ble float char act er istics.

1.1 Cell Characteristics

Under normal float operation, msEndur II batteries can be installed in proximity to electronic equipment and in computer rooms with occupied spac e. Ho wever, if subj ect ed to e xcessive overcharge volt age, hydrogen and oxygen ca n be vente d int o the atm osp here . Ther ef ore, l ead aci d batt eri es shou ld never b e inst all ed in an airtight enclosure. Sufficient precautions must be taken to prevent excessive overcharge and containm e nt of pot ent ial exp losi ve off gases . All Lead-Acid batteri es, i nc lu d ing ms En dur II, ar e c a pab l e of generating excessive potentially explosive gases when charged for prolonged periods at voltages higher than initial or equalizing charge.
The msEndur II cells are equipp ed wit h a “fla sh arr estor and pr essure r eli ef val ve” ass embl y that seals the cells during normal charge and operatio n but a llows it to saf ely v ent in cas e of over charg e. Removing the valve assembly can cause the release of potentially explosive gases and s uc h act io n will void the warranty.
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Part 2 – Recommended Technical References

These instructions assume a certain level of comp etence by the insta ller/user. Installers must have the appropriate knowledge and experie nce to safely install the batteries. The design of the battery room, system wiring, prote ct i on, e nvi ron me nt a l, f ir e, and s af et y req u ir em ent s m us t c omp ly wi t h ap p li cab l e co des required by the governing enforcement agency.
The following is a partial list of the codes that may have direct impact on your installation. This list is not meant to be comprehensive. Consult with your local building, electrical and fire protection agencies to get proper direction t o the local codes that will affect your inst allation.
NEC National Electric Safety Code, ANSI C2-1993 (or latest revision)
UBC Uniform Building Code or locally applied Building Code
IBC International Building Code
Federal Codes that may directly affect your battery room design and battery installation.
29CFR1926.441 Safety Requirements for Special Equipment
29CFR1910.151(c) Medical Services and First Aid
29CFR1 910.268(g) Telecommunications
29CFR1910.305(j) W iring Methods, Components and Equipment
STD 1-8. 2( e) O SHA St an d ing Dir ect i ve
The following references to IEEE documents contain relevant information. They should be consulted for safe handling, installation, testing, and ma int a in ing s ta ndb y batt er i es . You m a y a lso r ef er t o t he b att er y brochure f or add it iona l infor mati on, sp ecif ic to th e batt ery.
IEEE 1187 “Re comm ende d Pract ic e for De sign a n d I ns ta ll at ion of Va l ve-Regulated Lead-Acid Storage Bat ter i es f or St at io n ar y Ap p lic at ion s”
IEEE 1188 “Re comm ende d Pract ic e for Mai nten anc e, Test ing , and Rep la ceme nt of Valve ­Regulate d Lead-Acid (VRL A) Bat t er ies f or Stat io n ar y Ap p lic at io n”
IEEE 1189 “Gu i de f or Se le ct i on of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries f or Stationary Application”
IEEE 1375 “Gu i de f or Pr ot ect i o n of St at io nary Battery S yst em s”
IEEE 1491 “Gu i de f or Se le ct i on a nd Us e of Bat te r y Mon i t or ing Equ i pm ent i n St at io na r y
IEEE P1578 “Guide for Battery Spill Cont ainment”
Copies may be obtained by contacting: The Institute of Elec t rical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Inc. IEEE Cust omer Service 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 customer.service@ieee.org or visit the IEEE web site: www.standards.ieee.org
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Part 3 – Safety Precautions

This batter y is de sign ed for in dust ri al, stat io nar y use only and is not intended for application in vehicular, starting, lighting and ignition (SLI), and the operat ion of por tab le to ols and ap pli anc es. Use in accord anc e with this ma nual or all IE EE batt ery pr oced ur es. Us e of this produ ct ot her than in accordance with these instructions may produce hazardous and unsafe operating conditions, leading to damage of equ ipm ent and/ or per so nal inj ury.
Do not expose the batteries to open flame or electrical arc. Do not tamper with the ve nt , as t h is will void the warranty.
Do not use any pet rol eum ba sed c lean ing or lu br icat ion so lut ion on the battery jar or cover. Failure to follow this warning may result in damage to the container and will void the warrant y. As a notice to all technicians and personnel in the near proximity of the batteries, a BCI warning label is in plain view to indicate the potential hazards of battery systems.
Figure 3-1 BCI warni n g l ab el

3.1 Recommended Tools

The below lists are general recommendation and is not intended as a complete and specific list. Each installation ma y req uire special t ools that cannot be identified without knowing the specific applic ations. Review the a ppro pri ate ind ust ry rec omme ndat ion s, stat e and lo ca l codes f or the spe cif ic inf orma tio n.

3.2 Pers onn el Pr ot ect io n E q uip ment ( Saf et y )

Use standard battery safet y pr a ct ic es
Rubber or neoprene – acid resistant gloves
Protect ive apr on
Face shield/safety glasses or ANSI approved goggles
Rubber sol ed saf ety sho es/ boot s
Portable or permanent eye wash station
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3.3 Installation Tools and Supplies

Lifting sling or app ropr iat el y size d platform – f or lifting cells and modules.
Insulated steel to ed s afe t y s hoes & r em o ve a l l met al s, i. e. r ings , et c – to ensure no short circuits.
Sodium bicarbonate, 1 lb per ga llo n of wate r – to neutralize and clean up any electrolyte.
Insulated tools – to ensure no short circuits between connections.
Insulate d t orq u e wr e nc h – to ensur e no s h ort c i rc u its bet we en c on nect i on s.
Digital voltmeter with three-digits and 0.25% accuracy minimum – to record init ial cell open circuit
voltages & ens ur e co rr ect a ss emb l y.
Digital Micro-Ohm meter (DL RO) -to measur e c onn ec t ion r es i st anc es.
Optional, one of the following; resi s t ance, conductance or im pedance meter – to record in itial
ohmic measurements.
Non-metal lic br us h or pa d f or c leaning connections – to ensur e cle a n con n ect io ns f or g oo d integrity.
NO-OX-ID grease and applicator brush – to ensure good con nect ion integr it y thro ughout ser vice life.

Part 4 - Receiving

4.1 Inspection at Time of Delivery

Great care has been taken to pack the battery for shipment to ensure its safe arrival. As soon as you receive the battery, check the packing m ate r ia l f or evi d en ce of dam ag e in t r ans it. I f the packing mater i al is physical ly d amag e d or wet a ci d st a ins ar e pr ese nt , make a notat ion on t he d e li ver y r ec ei pt before you
accept the shipment/delivery.
Freight carrier s g ener al l y r equi r e t hat t he c ar rie rs ’ r ep re sen tative inspect
concealed damag e withi n 15 days fr om dat e of del iver y to det ermi ne res ponsi bili ty.
The resolut ion of su ch cl aim s may exte nd up to ni ne mont hs.
Verify the number of cart ons and skids against the bill of lading and verify their contents against the packing l ists. K eep a cop y of the ver if ied l ists for your i nsta llat io n recor ds. It is impor t a nt t o conf ir m that the accessory package is pr esent and the quantities are correct. If help is requir ed, c a ll C&D cus t ome r service department to report any discrepancies.

4.2 Damage and S horta ge Sit uat ion s

C&D ships FOB Pharr, TX (zip code 78577) (title/ownership passes to the ship-to/end user at t h e P har r, T X warehouse ) . If s h ipm ent s ar e d amaged or if cartons or skids are damaged or missing, a claim must be filed with the carrier. Plac e an immediate order for replacement with C& D. Pay both the original invoice and the replacement invoice using th e replacement cost as t he amount of freight damages or shortages involved as part of your c la im . If i nd ivid ua l com po ne nt it em s ar e m is s ing , a sh ort ag e r e por t s hould b e filed wi th in 30-days fr om the dat e of rec ei ving a sh ipment with the C&D customer ser vic e depar tme nt. Ma il (express m ai l r ecom mended), e-mail customersvc@cdtechno.com VERIFIED component-packing list. This verified list should show both the name of the packer, as well as the quantities of items checked off by the receiver.
, call 1-800-543-8630 or fax a copy of the
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Part 5 – Storage Prior to Installation

5.1 Storage Conditions

Store batteries indoors in a cool, well ventilated, clean, dry location and place in service as soon as possible after rec e ivi ng .

5.2 Stora g e Tem p era tur e and Dur ation

The recommended temperat ure for storage is 50°F (10°C) to 77°F (25°C). msEndur II cells may be stored at t hese temperatur es f or a ppr ox ima te l y si x months; longer stor age is detrimenta l to the cell and can void the warr an t y if t he y ar e n ot given a fres h en ing c har ge wit h in t hat time period. A convenient measurement to check the condition of the cell d uri ng st or ag e i s t o me as ure t he O p en C ir cu it Vol tag e (OCV). A fully charged ATP cell has an approximate OCV of 2.16 volts. If the ATP series cell OCV drops more than 0.0 4 volt s from it s rec eive d volt age or to less th an 2.12 volts, a freshening charge is required. A fully char g ed AT L P cell has an approximate OCV of 2.10 volts. If the ATLP cell OCV drops more than
0.04 volts from its received voltage or to les s than 2. 06 vo lts, a freshening charge is required. Be sure to
record dates and conditi ons ( volt age, curre nt and re cha rge ti mes) fo r all cha rges durin g stor age.
Avoid exposure of a partially discharged cell to temperatures less than 0°F (-18°C), as this may cause the battery electrolyte to freeze. This can permanently damage the batt ery a nd can caus e pote nt ial ly hazar dous leakage.
Allowabl e st orage temper at ur e r a nge of 20°F (-7°C) to 90°F (32°C) is acc ept ab le. Higher than normal storage t em per at u re s (77°F [25°C] nominal) will accelerate internal self-discharge of a ce ll by a f act or of two for each 18°F (10°C) over the recommended nominal 77°F ( 25°C) storage temperature. This, in turn, will reduce the allowable time before initial and/or boost charging by a corr espo nding amou nt.
If a freshening char ge is required, it is very important that boost or fres hening charges (2.40 v/c for ATP and
2.34 v/c for ATL P for 12 to 16 hours) be given at the appropr iate time to avoid major remedial action or loss of prod uct as not ed in Pa rt 7.

Part 6 - Installation

6.1 Locatin g Batt ery Sy stem

Install the batteries in a clean, cool, and dry location. Avoid areas with direct sunlight and heat sour ces, including electrical equi pment vents or e xh aus t s. Th e r ec omm en d ed ba tt er y ro om t em per at ur e of 77 °F (25°C) pr o vi des t he b est com b ina t ion of performance a nd lif e. Lo wer temperatures will reduce battery performance, while higher temperatures will improve battery per form ance but re duc e batter y servi ce life.
Avoid so urc es of hot or co l d a ir t ha t c o uld ca use t emp er at ur e var i at ions of ±5 °F (3° C ) with i n t he b att er y assembl y. Such vari ation s will c ompr omi se opt imum bat ter y perf orm ance su ch as t he float v ol tages of individual cells.
For additional information on installing batteries in modular systems, refer t o t he Sectio n 6.5 for instal latio n details.
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6.2 Ventil at i on

Although the ATP and AT LP series of batteries are valve reg ulated, the y do prod uce minimal gas emissions during normal operation. If exposed to abnormal high voltage charging, the cells may vent potentially explosive hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas when accum ul ated i n a conf ined ar ea that exc eeds f our (4%) percent by volume in air is explosive. C&D recommends not allowing hydrogen gasses of greater than two (2%) p erce nt by vo lume t o acc umulat e. C onta ct the local code enforcement officer to determine what codes and lev els are applicable to y our battery room inst allation. Lead aci d batteries should never
be installed in a seal ed, non-ventilat ed cabi net or encl osur e.
VRLA batteries subjected to extreme overcharge voltages have the potential to release hydrogen gas at a rate of 0. 0 002 69 cub i c fe et per m in ute - amper e of charg ing c urre nt at 77 °F (25°C). The msEndur II series test ing shows that th ey recom bi ne at near ly 99% eff ic ien cy und er norm al conditions. However, compliance with codes and appropriate safety measures regarding hydrogen evolution is essential for the safety of the equipment and personnel.

6.3 Floor Loading and Anchoring

Floor loading and anchor ing requirements are the responsibility of the user/installer and all applicable building codes and regulations mus t be f ollowed. C&D provides connection drawings, weights, dimensions, and floor loading infor m at io n o n our s yst em dr awi ng s f or r ef er enc e. The msEndur II floor-mounting base has provisions for floor anchoring. Consult the applicable building codes and regul at i ons f or sp ecific requir em ent s. I n al l c ase s, f lo or anc hor i ng is con s idered mandatory with floor anchors to be installed in all locations provided unless otherwise spec if ied. Floor anchor sizing and hardware are the responsibilit y of the us er/i nstal ler .

6.4 Spill Containment

Although th e ms E ndur I I ser ie s of b att er i es cont ai n no free flowing electrolyte, it is the sole responsibility of the user/installer to follow all local bu ild ing and fir e cod es appl icab le to t he batte ry ins tal lat ion. It is recommended consulting the local fire marshal or building inspector to determ i ne if s p ill cont a inment is requir ed.
If requ ired, s p il l co nt ai nm ent c an b e pur cha se d f rom C &D. P lea se cont ac t your lo cal C& D r epr es en tat i ve or C&D Custom er Ser vic e at 1-800-543-8630 or +1-215-619-2700 or emai l: cust omer svc @cdte chn o.com
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Figure 6-1 Installation Usin g For kli ft
Figure 6-2 Installati on Usi n g Ho is t and Straps
Never attempt to move multiple m odules until module-to-module bolts have been
properly torqued to 60 ft-lb (81 N-m) using a torque wr enc h.

6.5 Module Installation

msEndur II battery systems are typica ll y shipped with the c ells pre-installed into the modu les f or ease of transportation and instal latio n. In som e cases it may be neces sar y to have the ce lls ship ped separ atel y, or to remove the cells from the modules prio r t o inst a llat ion .
It is esse nt i al and t h e r es p ons i bi lit y of t he cu stom er / inst a l ler t o be pr ope r l y tr a ined a nd h a ve s uit ab le equipment to han dle thes e hea vy pro duct s. It i s the res pons ibi lit y of the cus tomer /i nsta ller t o provi de a room properly designed f or a bat ter y syst em, inc lud ing appro priat e ven tila ti on, ai sle spa ce, egr es s, floo r load capabilities and a level mounting surface.

6.5.1 Installation of M od ul es an d C ell s T oget he r

1) Floor anchoring is required for a safe installation. Mark the location and install floor anchors, matching the anchor holes in the fl oor -m ount ing bas e.
2) Install the floor-mounting base. Depending on the system configuration and handling capabilities, the mounting base may already be assembled with stacked modules. See Figure 6-1 a) Floor mounting base alone: Lift t he m ounting base and
place it in the designated area over the floor anchors.
b) Floor mounting base assembled with stack modules:
Assemblies up t o f ou r ( 4) t ier s m ay be c aref u ll y moved assembled with the use of a fork lif t , pallet jack or other suitable lifting device; se e Fig ure 6-1.
c) A sse m bl ies c ons ist i ng of f lo or m ou nt ing b ase wit h
one stack module can be moved using the lifting strap or a fork truck, pal let j ack or ot her ap pr op r iat e l ift i ng device. See Fig ure 6. 2
d) Torque floor anchors per manufacturer’s
3) If the assembly requires additional modules, using appropriate lifting equipment, place additional modules, one at a time, on top of modules already in place. Proper ly alig n modul es and mounting holes, and insert the bolts, washers and nuts as shown in Fig ure 6-4. Module-to-module bolts should be tor qued t o 60 ft -lb (81 N-m) using a torque wrench.

6.5.2 Installation of M od ul es an d C ells S epa ra te ly

In cases where modules must be installed without cells, modules should be installed in the same manner as deta il ed ( r em ov e “ shown”) in Sect io n 6. 5. 1. O nc e ba se and mo d ules h av e b ee n i nst a ll ed an d properl y secur ed in pl ace, cells may be installed. For details on rem ov ing cells from modules, see Section 6. 5. 3.
To install cells into empty modules:
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