C. Crane UHPR User Manual

Also included in the box:
Antenna AC Adapter Car Adapter
Desk Stand USB Cable 4 X NiMH Batteries (AA)
If any items are missing or damaged,
contact Customer Service at
1-800-620-7531 or www.uniden.com.
This product uses one or more of the following patents: 5,199,109 5,408,692 5,428,826 5,438,688 5,465,402, 5,471,660 5,483,684 5,530,296
5,548,832 5,551,071, 5,574,995 5,577,076 5,598,430 5,642,424 5,710,992, 5,784,388**** 5,956,648*** 5,991,346 6,025,758 6,034,573, 6,064,270 6,192,223* 6,519,472*** 6,941,120* 6,839,550, 7,006,797** 7,013,110 7,046,964** 7,190,937** 7,505,738, 7,548,735**
Other patents pending. * These patents are under license from Gray Electronics, Inc. ** These patents are under license from Counter Technologies, Inc. *** These patents are under license from G/Tracker Technologies, Inc. **** This patent is under license from Gregory D. Knox. Patented DVSI Vocoder: US Patent Nos. 5,870,405; 5,649,050; 5,630,011; 5,581,656; 5,517,511; 5,491,772;
5,247,579; and 5,226,084. These patents are all licensed from Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI).
HomePatrol is a unique public safety receiver that can quickly monitor local agencies based on your location. Its intuitive screens lead you through initial setup so you’re listening to your world as quickly as possible.
HomePatrol operations center around the “Main screen;” this screen is discussed in its own section. From this screen you can select and manage the transmissions you listen to as well as set the framework for how HomePatrol operates (volume, backlighting, squelch levels, etc.).
This Main screen is where you’ll be spending most of your time. It displays the system, department, and channel name of the transmission you are listening to. Tap on the screen to select an item. Submenu pop-ups allow other actions for systems, departments, and channels. Various control and navigation buttons and status icons round out this screen.
Sets how strong a signal must be before HomePatrol stops on it.
Displays HomePatrol’s Main menu.
Sets the distance that HomePatrol will search for transmissions. The lower the number, the smaller the search radius.
Replays the previous transmissions (30 - 240 seconds as set through Replay Options). Tap and hold to display the Replay
Options menu.
Attenuation. Turning on attenuation reduces signal interference if you are in an area where there are a lot of radio signals.
Begins a recording session. Tap to activate recording and tap again to stop. Tap and hold to display the Review Recordings menu.
Displays the status of a connected GPS unit. Tap and hold to display the Setup GPS menu.
Mutes the audio. Default is mute for 30 seconds; to enable a permanent mute, tap and hold to display the Mute Options menu.
Displays Help text. Tap and hold to redo initial setup.
Submenu Pop-ups- tap to display menu bar for that row. Menu bar entries may vary between indicator lines:
- Avoid - Info
- Sites - Prev
- Fave - Next
Status icons
- Touch Screen Locked
- Signal Strength
- Battery Level/Charge Status
Radio Control Bar
Feature Navigation Bar
Tap to hold.
Volume controls are on the top of the unit; volume is not controlled through the Main screen.
Submenu Pop-ups- tap to display menu bar for that row. Menu bar entries may vary between indicator lines:
- Avoid - Info
- Sites - Prev
- Fave - Next
Status icons
- Touch Screen Locked
- Signal Strength
- Battery Level/Charge Status
Radio Control Bar
Feature Navigation Bar
Tap to hold.
Volume controls are on the top of the unit; volume is not controlled through the Main screen.
Set Locaon Using Zip Code
Set Locaon Using City
Tap Enter City.
Enter City
Select City
From the displayed list of cities, tap on the desired city.
Set Your Location
Enter the city name; tap Accept.
From the Main menu, tap -
NOTE: As you enter letters, the screen displays a list of cities that match your entry. The more letters entered, the more precise the city listing. Tap the back arrow by the entry field to backspace.
Selecng Service Types to Hear
You can select which service types to listen to by tapping Select Service Types from the Main menu. For example, if you want to listen to EMS
communication, tap on that selection to select it. Anything not selected will be avoided. Scroll up or down for multiple pages of listings.
Favorites List Overview
As you listen to HomePatrol, you’ll find that there are certain channels you want to listen to. You can create a specialized list and save these channels to it. For example, you can create a list entirely of police department dispatchers, emergency operations, or a specific city’s transmissions. If there is a special event coming up, like a car race, you can create a list just for that event.
Once you have Favorites Lists saved on HomePatrol, you can copy them to HomePatrol Sentinel on your PC. If you need to reset your HomePatrol, you can restore your Favorites Lists from there. The HomePatrol Owner’s Manual provides details on how to do this.
Create a New Favorites List
Tap the submenu pop-up on the Channel indicator row. From the displayed selections, tap FAVE.
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter Zip Code
Enter zip code. Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap USA.
From Main Menu, tap -
Postal Code Input
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter postal code. Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap Canada.
From Main Menu, tap -
NOTE: Tap the alphabet string on the bottom of the screen to cycle between all capital letters, all lower-case letters, and numbers/special characters.
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter Zip Code
Enter zip code. Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap USA.
From Main Menu, tap -
Postal Code Input
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter postal code. Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap Canada.
From Main Menu, tap -
NOTE: Tap the alphabet string on the bottom of the screen to cycle between all capital letters, all lower-case letters, and numbers/special characters.
Select Service Types
Tap desired service type(s). Tap Accept.
From the Main menu, tap -
Select Service Types
Tap desired service type(s). Tap Accept.
From the Main menu, tap -
Enter name for FAVE list. Tap Accept.
Tap New.
Add to Favorites
Saving channel to Favorites list
Tap OK.
Favorite List Selection
Create New List
The new FAVE list now appears on the list. Tap it to save the channel to it.
Tap Fave on the channel submenu pop-up.
Favorite List Selection
Add to Favorites
Tap Other List.
If Favorites Lists have been created:
If no Favorites Lists have been created:
Enter name for FAVE list. Tap Accept.
Tap New.
Add to Favorites
Saving channel to Favorites list
Tap OK.
Favorite List Selection
Create New List
The new FAVE list now appears on the list. Tap it to save the channel to it.
Tap Fave on the channel submenu pop-up.
Favorite List Selection
Add to Favorites
Tap Other List.
If Favorites Lists have been created:
If no Favorites Lists have been created:
Quick Reference Guide
This Quick Reference Guide provides basic information
about the most common HomePatrol actions. Refer to
the HomePatrol Owner’s Manual for details.
Check the Box Contents
Make sure you have all the items previously listed as included in your HomePatrol box. If you do not, contact Customer Service at 1-800-620­7531 or www.uniden.com.
Aach the Antenna
Attach the antenna to the unit.
WARNING: Dropping the unit may damage or break the antenna
Power Up the HomePatrol Unit
Insert the 4 AA Nickel Metal-Hydride (NiMH) batteries. Plug the AC adapter into the HomePatrol unit. Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard 120V AC power
outlet. Press and hold
until HomePatrol turn on.
Inial Setup
The first time you power up HomePatrol, you’ll be prompted to connect HomePatrol to your computer (use the USB cable) to install the HomePatrol Sentinal software. This software will ensure you are using the latest software and database. HomePatrol will appear to be an additional drive on your system. Open the drive and navigate to the
Setup folder to setup.exe. Double click setup.exe. Follow the HomePatrol Sentinel Setup Wizard to install HomePatrol Sentinel (and other
documentation) on your computer.
NOTE: Along with the Sentinal software, the HomePatrol Owner’s
Manual other documents are also installed on your PC.
When you disconnect the unit after the software is loaded, HomePatrol leads you through an initial setup process where you’ll set the Welcome screen and owner information, the clock, and then enter your zip code.
NOTE: Refer to the HomePatrol Owner’s Manual for details.
NOTE: In the graphics that follow, text in ORANGE type is a Menu title.
Tap the screen as indicated to make a selection.
HomePatrol needs to know what geographic area to search for channels. You determine this by setting your location. Tap Menu on the Main screen; the Main Menu screen displays. From there, tap Set Your Location. You can see several methods to set your location. All of these methods are covered in more detail in the HomePatrol Owner’s Manual. We will use Setting Location Using Zip Code and Setting Location Using City as examples for this QRG.
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Add to an Exisng Favorites List
Tap the side bar menu on the Channel indicator row. From the displayed selections, tap FAVE. The Add to Favorites screen displays, indicating the channel will be added to the last used Favorites List. If you want to save it to a different list, tap Other List.
Manage Favorites Lists
When you select Manage Favorites Lists from the Main menu, you’ll be able to monitor your lists and made adjustments to them. You can also create a new list and select channels to add to it.
The Avoid feature lets you block systems, departments, or channels from being received. Avoid does not delete the channel from the database but prevents HomePatrol from stopping on it.
You can temporarily or permanently avoid systems, departments, or channels. Items that are temporarily avoided are restored when you cycle power. Items that are premenantly avoided must be restored manually through the Avoid Options menu.
Tap on the side bar to access the side menu. Tap on Avoid. An Avoided screen displays. Tap the appropriate selection to avoid the item permanently or
temporarily, or to cancel the Avoid action. HomePatrol returns to searching (no tap = temporary avoid).
From the Main menu, tap Advanced Menu. Advanced Menu displays. Tap Avoid Options. Avoid Options displays. Tap Review Avoid List. A list of avoided items displays. Tap on a single entry. A pop up displays asking if you want to stop
avoiding that transmission. Tap Yes or No. The Review Avoid List displays again without the channel you just
When you select Weather Mode from the Main menu, you can monitor local NOAA weather broadcasts or place HomePatrol in a standby mode to monitor weather alerts as they are broadcast.
Tap desired Favorites list. HomePatrol saves that setting to the list and returns to monitoring it.
Add to Favorites
Tap OK to add to Favorite List indicated.
Tap Other List to add to a different list.
Favorite List Selection
Tap Fave on the channel indicator side menu.
If OK tapped, HomePatrol returns to monitoring.
If Other List tapped:
Tap desired Favorites list. HomePatrol saves that setting to the list and returns to monitoring it.
Add to Favorites
Tap OK to add to Favorite List indicated.
Tap Other List to add to a different list.
Favorite List Selection
Tap Fave on the channel indicator side menu.
If OK tapped, HomePatrol returns to monitoring.
If Other List tapped:
Tap Manage Favorites Lists on the Main
Tap Use Full Database to stop listening to Favorites Lists.
Tap Create New List to create a new list.
Tap a displayed Favorites list. A list of options for that list displays.
Manage Favorites Lists
Tap Manage Favorites Lists on the Main menu.
Tap Use Full Database to stop listening to Favorites Lists.
Tap Create New List to create a new list.
Tap a displayed Favorites list. A list of options for that list displays.
Manage Favorites Lists
Set Clock/Date
You’ll set the clock and date during the initial setup. If you need to reset the clock or the date for any reason, follow the path through the Advanced Menu screen from Main Menu.
Hold on a System, Department, or Channel
Tap an indicator row to hold HomePatrol at that level. Monitoring other transmissions will not resume until you tap that indicator row again
If you hold on System, HomePatrol monitors that system’s departments and channels.
If you hold on Department, HomePatrol monitors that department’s channels.
If you hold on Channel, HomePatrol only monitors that specific channel for transmissions.
Replaying/Recording Transmissions
HomePatrol offers two different methods of replaying transmissions and you can access both of them through Feature Navigation buttons on the bottom of the Main screen. These buttons are Replay and Record.
You can tap Replay and HomePatrol will give you an instant replay of the last 30 - 240 seconds of transmissions. (You can set this duration from the Advanced Menu/Replay Options screen. The default recording duration is 30 seconds.)
Tap Replay. The REPLAY screen displays System, Department, and Channel of the transmission being replayed.
Once all transmissions from have been replayed, HomePatrol asks if you want to play the recording again. Tap Yes or No.
NOTE: These transmissions are not saved.
The Record function is different from Replay as it records transmissions until you tell HomePatrol to stop recording. These recording sessions can be saved and replayed.
Tap Record on the Feature Navigation bar. HomePatrol displays a recording confirmation screen.
Tap OK to continue recording and return to the Main screen. The Record indicator on the Main screen turnes red.
HomePatrol records transmissions until you tap Record again. You will get a Recording Stopped screen followed by a Saving? screen listing the number of audio files and asking if you want to save them.
Tap YES or NO; HomePatrol returns to the Main screen.
Play Back Recording
This feature lets you play back a recording session.
Tap and hold Record to display the list of recording sessions (Review Recordings).
Tap on a recording session to display a list of options. Tap Play Session and then tap OK.
NOTE: You can also access these recording sessions through the
Advanced Menu/Replay Options menus:
Monitor NOAA Weather
Weather Mode
HomePatrol displays Weather Alert, the frequency, and a list of counties affected by the alert. Tap Search for New to monitor different frequencies.
From the Main menu, tap -
Weather Alert Standby
HomePatrol displays Monitor Weather and the frequency. Scroll up or down to monitor different frequencies. You can also adjust Squelch if necessary.
Monitor NOAA Weather
Weather Mode
HomePatrol displays Weather Alert, the frequency, and a list of counties affected by the alert. Tap Search for New to monitor different frequencies.
From the Main menu, tap -
Weather Alert Standby
HomePatrol displays Monitor Weather and the frequency. Scroll up or down to monitor different frequencies. You can also adjust Squelch if necessary.
The FCC Wants You to Know
IMPORTANT! This scanning radio has been manufactured so that it will not tune to the radio frequencies assigned by the FCC for cellular telephone usage. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, as amended, makes it a federal crime to intentionally intercept cellular or cordless telephone transmissions or to market this radio when altered to receive them. The installation, possession, or use of this scanning radio in a motor vehicle may be prohibited, regulated, or require a permit in certain states, cities, and/or local jurisdictions. Your local law
Modicaon Noce
Changes or modicaons to this product not expressly approved by Uniden, or operaon of this product in any way other than as detailed by this User’s Guide, could void your authority to operate
this product.
Part 15 Informaon
This scanner has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a scanning receiver, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecon against harmful interference in a residenal installaon. This scanner generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instrucons, may cause harmful interference to radio communicaons.
There is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parcular installaon. If this scanner does cause harmful interference to radio or television recepon, which can be determined by turning the scanner on and o, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separaon between the scanner and the receiver
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaon is subject to the following two condions:
This device may not cause harmful interference, and
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operaon.
General Precauons
Before you use this scanner, please read and observe the following:
Earphone Warning
You can use an oponal 32Ω stereo headset or earphone with your scanner. Use of an incorrect earphone or headset might be potenally hazardous to your hearing. The output of the phone jack is
monaural, but you will hear it in both headphones of a stereo headset. Set the volume to a comfortable audio level coming from the speaker before plugging in the earphone or headset. Otherwise, you might experience some discomfort or possible hearing damage if
the volume suddenly becomes too loud because of the volume control or squelch control seng. This might be parcularly true of the type of earphone that is placed in the ear canal.
Liquid Exposure Warning
Uniden does not represent this unit to be waterproof. To reduce the risk of re or electrical shock, do not expose this unit to rain or moisture!
Power Disconnecon Ca uon
Important: Always turn the scanner o before disconnecng external power. Some sengs are saved only as the scanner is powering down.
Scanning Legally
Your scanner covers frequencies used by many dierent groups, including police and re departments, ambulance services, government agencies, private companies, amateur radio services, military operaons, pager services, and wireline (telephone and telegraph) service providers. It is legal to listen to almost every transmission your scanner can receive. However, there are some transmissions that you should never intenonally listen to. These include:
Telephone conversaons (cellular, cordless, or other private means of telephone signal transmission)
Pager transmissions Any scrambled or encrypted transmissions
According to the Electronic Communicaons Privacy Act (ECPA), you are subject to nes and possible imprisonment for intenonally listening to, using, or divulging the contents of such a conversa­on unless you have the consent of a party to the conversaon (unless such acvity is otherwise illegal). This scanner has been designed to prevent the recepon of cellular telephone transmissions
and the decoding of scrambled transmissions. This is done to comply with the legal requirement that scanners be manufactured so they are not easy to modify to pick up these transmissions. Do not
open your scanner’s case to make any modicaons that could allow it to pick up transmissions that are illegal to monitor. Modifying or tampering with your scanner’s internal components or using it in a way other than as described in this manual could invalidate your warranty and void your FCC authorizaon to operate it. In some areas, mobile and/or portable use of this scanner is unlawful or requires a permit. Check the laws in your area. It is also illegal in many areas (and a bad idea everywhere) to interfere with the dues of public safety ocials by traveling to the scene of an incident without authorizaon.
Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail owner, this Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials and crasmanship with only the limitaons or exclu-
sions set out below.
This warranty to the original user shall terminate and be of no further eect 12 months aer the date of original retail sale. The warranty is invalid if the Product is
(A) damaged or not maintained as reasonable or necessary,
(B) modied, altered, or used as part of any conversion kits, subassemblies, or any conguraons not sold by Uniden,
(C) improperly installed,
(D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authorized Uniden service center for a defect or malfuncon covered by this warranty, (E) used in any conjuncon with equipment or parts or as part of any system not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed by anyone other than as detailed by the Operang Guide for this product. STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to this warranty at any me while this warranty is in eect, warrantor will repair the defect and return it to you without
charge for parts, service, or any other cost (except shipping and handling) incurred by warrantor or its representaves in connecon with the performance of this warranty. THE LIMITED WAR-
RANTY DOES NOT COVER OR PROVIDE FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitaon of incidental or consequenal damages so the above limitaon or exclusion might not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you might also have other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void outside the United States of America.
If, aer following the instrucons in this Operang Guide you are certain that the Product is defecve, pack the Product carefully (pref-
erably in its original packaging). Include evidence of original purchase and a note describing the defect that has caused you to return it. The Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceable
means, or delivered, to warrantor at: Uniden America Corporaon
Parts and Service Division 4700 Amon Carter Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76155
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