CCL COX-308S, COX-416S, COX-432S Operating & Programming Manual

Operating & Programming Manual
PBX Model: COX-308S / 416S / 432S
We extend a warm welcome to you on becoming a part of the Copper Connections family. Our service support Engineers shall be working hard through our channel partners to ensure your satisfaction with the product and after sales services. We welcome your feedback / query at
. Contents .
Introduction Installation Terminologies Used Programming the PBX Allowed Table Auto Call Back Auto Call Disconnection Auto Attendant Operations Auto Attendant Mode settings Auto Attendant Message Modes Auto Attendant Voice message of 8 Secs Auto Attendant Voice message of 20 Secs Auto Attendant - Playing a Company message while the call is ringing on an extension Barge-In Boss Secretary Call Call Forward Call Pick-Up Call Parking Checking Extension Number + PBX Version CLI (Calling Line Identification) CLI Transferable / Internal CLI CLI – Digits addition CLI Receiving Mode (DTMF / FSK / Auto) CLI Transmitting Mode (DTMF / FSK) Cold Start Conference with 1 Junction & 1 Ext Conference with 2 Junctions Day / Night Mode Denied Table – A Denied Table – B Do Not Disturb (DND) Door Phone Door Lock Emergency Call Extension to Extension call Flash Time setting
Flexible Numbering Hold Music (11 Types) Hold Music - Volume Setting Hot Line to Junction Hot Line to Extension Junction Access During Power Failure Junction Access Codes / Change Junction Access in Circular / Sequential Mode Junction Access Control Junction Dialing Controls Junction Call Hold + Transfer + Making multiple calls Junction Dialing Delay Time Junction Grouping Junction Line - FLASH Junction Line Ring Assignment Junction Line - Enable / Disable Junction to Junction Forwarding (Optional) LCR (Least Call Routing) - Manual Memory Dialing Operator Extension Setting Password Redial Remote Programming Resetting the PBX programming Ring Time Settings Troubleshooting Technical Specifications Terms of Warranty
NOTE-Copper Connections reserves the right to alter equipment specifications and description contained herein and
makes no commitment to update or keep current the information herein. All information herein is subject to change at any time without notice. No part of this publication shall be deemed to be part of any contract or commitment whatsoever.
- Product specifications and features are subject to changes without prior notice due to our constant endeavor to improve the product.
- All features mentioned in this manual are not part of standard systems. Some features need optional hardware/software up-gradation.
- Not every feature in this manual is likely to have been installed in your system or extension.
. Introduction .
All Junction lines of the PBX are Disabled in default. To enable them refer heading “Junction Line - Enable / Disable
Junction Lines
Door Phones Interface
Door Locks Interface
308 S
Numbered as 1 to 3 having access code as #11, #12 & #13
- Numbered as 601 to 608
- 602 is the Operator.
- Programming can be done from
601, 602, 603 & 604
2 1 Door Phone consumes 1 Extension port.
2 2nd Lock Operation is OPTIONAL
416 S
Numbered as 1 to 4 having access code as #11, #12, #13 & #14
- Numbered as 601 to 616
- 602 is the Operator.
- Programming can be done from
601, 602, 603 & 604
2 1 Door Phone consumes 1 Extension port.
432 S
Numbered as 1 to 4 having access code as #11, #12, #13 & #14
- Numbered as 601 to 632
- 602 is the Operator.
- Programming can be done from
601, 602, 603 & 604
2 1 Door Phone consumes 1 Extension port.
. Installation .
- All cables of the EPABX should be at least 6” away from the electrical cables.
- They should be at least 12” away from the area of high frequencies like tube light
chokes, Electric Motors, etc. If it is not possible to avoid, then use shielded cables and earth the shield.
Earth connected to the EPABX should not have more than 5 volts on it.
3 PIN AC Plug
Voltmeter reading between N & E must be more than 100mV and less than 5V
If voltmeter reading between N & E is more than 5V, do not run the Copper Connections System on it.
- The PBX should be installed in a well ventilated area and at a place where there is no chance of liquid spilling over it or
moisture getting into it (Like in the Bathrooms etc).
- Direct sun light should not fall on the PBX.
- The PBX should be installed on the wall at a minimum of 2 ft height from the floor.
Note: The Company’s warrantee voids if the above points are not followed.
Front Panel Indications
Following are the descriptions of the 4 LED indicators of the front panel of the PBX:
LED Name Description
Line 1 Continuos ON indicates that Junction Line number 01 is used by the PBX Line 2 Continuos ON indicates that Junction Line number 02 is used by the PBX Line 3 Continuos ON indicates that Junction Line number 03 is used by the PBX POWER Blinking means PBX is working on Mains AC or Battery. / Line 4 (In case of COX-416S, it also shows the status of the 4th Junction Line. It gets continuous ON indicating Junction Line number 04 is used by the PBX)
The PBX has the following connectors on its side panel:
Connectors Description
Door - In default this connector is configured for Door Lock Operation.
- It can Optionally be used for Paging through an external PA Amplifier or to record communication of one
Extension/Junction at a time. This Option has to be mentioned while placing order with the company.
- For Door Lock operation, insert the 3 Pin stereo Plug here. The Shield point of the Plug is the common point.
Whenever, Door Lock operation command is given by any Extension, the “Shield Point” shorts with the following points of the Jack: Tip point of the Plug – in case of the 2nd Door Lock Next to the Tip point of the Plug – in case of the 1st Door Lock The above shorting acts as a simple switch. Note: 2nd Door Lock operation is Optional. Music For connecting External music for Music on Hold, insert the 3 Pin stereo Plug of the external Music source, here. COM The Battery Lead provided with the system is to be connected here. Connect 2 SMF rechargeable Batteries (12V 7AH) in series and connect to the Battery Lead. The RED wire is to be connected to the +ve Terminal of the Battery and Black to the –ve Terminal. The 2 batteries are to be connected in series with the help of a red colored shorting lead provided with the system.
The battery connections are on Pin number 5 & 6. Pin 5 = Gnd and Pin 6 = + 24V DC. LINE 1 Terminate the 1st Junction Line here through a RJ Connector. LINE 2 Terminate the 2nd Junction Line here through a RJ Connector. LINE 3 Terminate the 3rd Junction Line here through a RJ Connector. LINE NC Not Connected / Not to be used LINE 4 In case of COX-416, terminate the 4th Junction Line here through a RJ Connector. EXT 601 Terminate the 1st Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector.
EXT 602 Terminate the 2nd Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 603 Terminate the 3rd Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 604 Terminate the 4th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 605 Terminate the 5th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 606 Terminate the 6th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 607 Terminate the 7th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 608 Terminate the 8th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 609 Terminate the 9th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 610 Terminate the 10th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 611 Terminate the 11th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 612 Terminate the 12th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 613 Terminate the 13th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector.
N. L
EXT 614 Terminate the 14th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 615 Terminate the 15th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. EXT 616 Terminate the 16th Extension wires over here through a RJ Connector. AC 220V Connect the 3 pin main lead here. Make sure that the EARTH wire connected to it is coming directly from the
point where EARTH is created. Switch at the Bottom of the PBX It is for switching the PBX ON / OFF. In OFF position the Batteries keep charging. Note: The PBX is supplied RJ Connectors with short leads for terminating the cables to RJ Sockets. It is recommended to crimp RJ connectors directly to the cables in order to maintain the aesthetics.
- The Mains AC socket from where the PBX is given 220 V AC, should be separately made by taking direct connections
from the MCB Box and no other Electrical appliance should be connected on this point.
. Terminologies Used .
JUNCTION LINES - Telephone Lines provided by the Department of Telecom. EXTENSION LINES - Extension Lines mean the EPABX extension lines.
. Programming the PBX .
To program most of the feature mentioned in this manual, programming Password is to be entered from any of the first 4 extensions (601, 602, 603, 604) through the following command: #0000 (Here, 0000 is the default Password) In case of any mistake while programming, dial to reset or else keep the Handset down and pick up again. Whenever a correct input is entered, PBX will give one single acceptance tone and when wrong input is given, it will give three tones.
. Allowed Table .
Numbers to be allowed to extensions whose L = 0, are to be defined in this table. For value of L refer “Junction Dialing Controls”.
This table has 16 Locations. Procedure: Dial #0000 + 43 QQ ABCD# Where QQ= 01 to 16 (16 Locations of the Table) ABCD= The starting 4 digits of the Tel numbers to be allowed to extension. For less than 4 digits, dial # at the end of digits.
To clear this Table, Dial #0000 + 43 # To clear a particular location of this table, Dial #0000 + 43 QQ #
. Auto Call Back .
From Busy Junction Lines To get a call back when any of the busy Junction lines get free, following is the procedure: Dial 9 Get engaged tone Dial # Keep the handset down. As soon as any one of the busy Junction lines gets free, the Extension will ring. It will ring once and the user can pick handset within 10 secs to get connected to the Junction line.
From Busy Extensions
To get a call back when any of the busy Extension gets free, following is the procedure: Dial Extension Number Get engaged tone Dial # and Keep the handset down. As soon as the busy Extension gets free, the called and calling Extensions will ring simultaneously.
. Auto Call Disconnection .
Selected extensions can be programmed to disconnect Out going Junction call after talking for a set time. Procedure: Dial #0000 + 6 NN TT # Where, NN= Last 2 digits of the Extension Number. TT= 01 to 99. Time in minutes after which the Junction call is to be disconnected. Note: In default there is no restriction. : This auto call disconnection is not applicable on incoming Junction calls. To cancel this feature: Dial 6 NN 00 #
. Auto Attendant Operations .
When the PBX is operated in this mode, the Junction caller gets a welcome message. Thereafter there could be different situations explained below:
- If the Caller dials an extension (other than the Operator) and the extension is busy, the call will ring on the Operator. At this moment the extension gets an Alert tone. However, the engaged extension can still pick the call through the following process: Hold the previous call by FLASH Dial # 9 FLASH to Hold this call or keep Handset down to disconnect this call Dial # 9 to retrieve the previous call.
- If the caller dials 9 for Operator & the operator is busy, following would be the options: The call will ring on the 2nd Operator, if it is made in the PBX. If not then the Operator will get an alert tone. The Operator can then attend the 2nd call as per the following procedure: Press FLASH key Dial # 9 Talk to the 2nd call Keep the Handset back to disconnect the 2nd call or press FLASH to hold the 2nd call as well. Dial # 9. Similarly, more than 2 calls can be attended. Note: If 2 Operators are made and both of them are busy then the incoming call will alert the 1st Operator with a tone. The 1st operator can then attend to it with the same process as explained above.
. Auto Attendant Mode settings .
To set one or all the Junction lines in Auto Attendant mode: Dial #0000 + 10 # (To set all the Junction lines in Auto Attendant Mode) Dial #0000 + 10 J # (To set Junction line number J in Auto Attendant Mode) Where, J = 1,2 or 3 representing 1st, 2nd or 3rd Junction Line. Note: In default all the Junction lines are in Direct Ring Mode : When a junction is set in “Auto Attendant Mode”, “Direct Ring Mode” automatically gets cancelled.
Simultaneous 2 Junction calls in Auto Attendant Mode
The PBX can attend a Junction call at a time. To attend to 2 Junction calls simultaneously an Optional card is to be added to the PBX. Following are the options to attend to the Junction calls coming in while the PBX is busy attending a Junction call in Auto Attendant mode: Dial #0000 + 1540 # (The 2nd and subsequent caller will not hear anything until the Welcome Message of the 1st call is over.) Dial #0000 + 1541 # (The 2nd and subsequent callers will ring on Operator or extensions that are defined in Direct Ring mode.)
. Auto Attendant Message Modes .
In Auto Attendant Mode, voice messages can be recorded in either of the following two Modes: 8Secs Welcome Message + 6 Secs Busy Message + 6 Secs No Answer message Or 20 Secs Welcome Message / Company Message These two procedures are explained below under separate headings.
. Auto Attendant Voice message of 8 Secs .
Three types of messages can be recorded for the following 3 conditions: Welcome Message (8 Secs) Busy Message (6 Secs) No Answer Message (6 Secs)
Procedure to record messages
Dial #0000 + 12 M # - now record the message through the Handset. Here, M = 1 for Welcome Message 2 for Busy Message 3 for No Answer Message To listen to the recorded message: Dial #0000 + 13 M # - listen to the message
Options for the case when caller doesn’t dial any number or dials a Wrong Number
When the caller doesn’t dial any number for 5 secs after the DISA message, one of the following 3 options can be set in
the system: Release the Junction Line Dial #0000 + 160 # Transfer the call to Operator Dial #0000 + 161 # Transfer the call as defined in Junction Landing in Day/Night Mode Dial #0000 + 1616 # Default: The PBX transfers the call to Operator. Note: When 12M programming is done, the PBX starts working in 8 Secs message mode.
. Auto Attendant Voice message of 20 Secs .
Welcome Message can be made 20 Secs in place of 8 Secs. In this case “Extension Busy Condition” and “Extension No
Answer Condition” are replied by the system in any of the following ways.
To record 20 Secs Welcome Message: Dial #0000 + 1200 # - now record the Welcome message for 20 secs through the Handset. To Listen to the 20 Secs Welcome Message: Dial #0000 + 1300 #
Options when called extension is No Answer
When the called extension doesn’t answer, one of the following 3 options can be set in the system: Release the Junction Line Dial #0000 + 166 # Transfer the call to Operator Dial #0000 + 1660 # Transfer the call as defined in Junction Landing in Day/Night Mode Dial #0000 + 1666 # Default: PBX transfers the call to Operator.
Options when called extension is engaged
When the called extension is engaged, one of the following 4 options can be set in the system: Allow dialing another extension Dial #0000 + 165 # Transfer the call to Operator Dial #0000 + 1650 # Transfer the call as defined in Junction Landing in Day/Night Mode Dial #0000 + 1656 # Give a Prompt Tone to the called Extension Dial #0000 + 1655 # Default: PBX allow dialing another extension Note: When 1200 # programming is done, the PBX starts working in 20 Secs message mode.
. Auto Attendant - Playing a Company message while the call is ringing on an extension .
Paradoxically, this option works in “Direct Ring Mode” and not “Auto Attendant Mode”.
This feature is for promoting a company’s message by playing Company Message in place of the Ring Back Tone while
the incoming Junction call is ringing on defined Extension/Operator. Keep the Junction in Auto Attendant Mode. Record Auto Attendant message in 20 Seconds message mode. Dial #0000 + 1670 # (Junction calls will ring on the Consoles while the caller will hear recorded message in place of the Ring Back Tone) Dial #0000 + 1676 # (Junction calls will ring on the Extensions that are defined in Direct Ring Mode while the caller will hear recorded message in place of the Ring Back Tone) Dial #0000 + 167 # (Feature disabled)
. Barge-In .
Extension number 601 and 602 has the facility to barge into any Extension or Junction Line and over hear or talk in conference. To listen to a Junction line, dial # 7 J (J = 1 to 4, the Junction to be barged into) To listen to an Extension, dial * # 77 Ext Number
. Boss Secretary Call .
A BOSS can divert all incoming calls to his Secretary by dialing #81 XXX from its own extension. Where XXX is the extension number of the Secretary. To cancel the feature: Dial #81# from the BOSS Extension. Note: When any extension calls BOSS, the call will go the Secretary. Secretary extension can hold the call with FLASH and transfer to the BOSS Extension. It is true for internal as well as Junction calls. Secretary can call the BOSS directly.
. Call Forward .
There are two types of Call Forwarding:
Call Forward Always
An extension can divert all incoming calls to another extension by dialing #81 XXX from its own extension. Where XXX is the extension number where calls are to be diverted. To clear this Call Forward Always feature: Dial #81# This feature can also be programmed from any of the Programming Extensions as explained below:
Dial # 26 NN XXX
Where, XXX= Extension number where Calls are to be forwarded.
NN= The last 2 digits of the original Extension.
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