SMS with data after SaSat:
FA-20 supports SMS after SaSat: Standard for SMS format for transfer of logged values for
example an electric meter for a data acquisition system via SMS.
Service SMS with field strength measurement etc.:
FA-20 is able to send a service SMS to for example a regular mobile phone of the installers.
The service SMS contains among other things information about current GSM field strength,
pulse counters etc. The installer orders the service SMS by sending a regular text SMS to the
FA-20 containing a password.
FA-20 also supports the "Dial-back” principle, which is based on, the FA-20 takes initiative to
communicate data back to IT centre. The initiative may be due to time for routine
communication, alarm recognition or key press. FA-20 is programmed to carry out routine
communication either fixed routine every hour, day, week, month, 3. month or freely defined.
The interval between routine communications can be changed from the IT centre with effect
from the following communication.
To ensure against to many FA-20’s taking initiative to communicate on the same time, all FA20 are equipped with special software. FA-20 chooses to delay the initiative to communicate a
random number of minutes, within a time window, which is programmable from the IT centre.
FA-20 also supports ”dial-back” at absolute time, where it is the main station who chooses the
time including date and month, in which the FA-20 needs to take initiative to communicate.
Transport of data including establishment of connection will last (depending of chosen
communication method and local GSM conditions) from 15 seconds and up to more then 10
minutes, if all logged values shall be retrieved (the total logged memory) and if a download
also needs to be performed (installation of new firmware to the FA-20). The IT centre
acknowledges itself, how many log data it is necessary to transfer and controls the
communication after this.
Internal interval counter:
The FA-20 will log the total call duration in an internal counter with a resolution of 1 second as
an extra control option.
The FA-protocol is a full two-way, commando oriented ACK/NAK protocol with BCC-check,
format- and value validation. There are used encrypted passwords on multiple levels. The
protocol creates possibility for extensive parameter programming possibilities, where the
parameter setup is chosen via menus on the IT centre and installed on to the FA-20 via
GSM/GPRS communication. When GPRS is used the FA-protocol is still used as the data
carrying translation protocol, which are transported in the TCP/IP protocol.