Cavidyne, LLC Caviblaster 3040-D Operation & Maintenance Manual

Operation &
Model 3040-D
CAVIDYNETM LLC Is Not Responsible For Damages Or Injuries Resulting From A Failure To Comply With Instructions In This Manual. Please Read And Study The Entire Manual Carefully Before Use.
The CaviBlaster® 3040-D Must Only Be Operated And Maintained By Trained Personnel.
This Equipment Generates High Pressure Water Jet And Is Intended For Underwater Use Only. Serious Personal Injury Or Death May Result From Improper Use.
Commercial Diver’s Gear Should Be Used When Operating The Caviblaster® System.
*Offshore Unit* Do Not Use Air Pressure In Excess Of 120 Psi (8 Bar) When Starting The Equipment. Serious Damage To The Equipment Will Occur.
Underwater Lights, Electronic Equipment, Etc.
1.0 UNIT SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................5
2.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..........................................................................................6
2.1 Using this Manual .........................................................................................................8
2.2 Conventions .................................................................................................................9
2.3 Scope ...........................................................................................................................9
2.4 Terms and Abbreviations .............................................................................................9
3.0 SAFETY INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 10
3.1 Personal Safety ......................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Personal Protective Equipment.................................................................................. 11
3.3 Modification to the Equipment.................................................................................... 12
4.0 INSTALLATION......................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Uncrating and Lifting ................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Installation Location................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Initial Set Up............................................................................................................... 15
4.3.2 Connecting the Water Source................................................................................. 15
5.0 OPERATION ............................................................................................................. 19
5.1 Preparing the Unit for Operation ............................................................................... 19
5.2 Startup........................................................................................................................ 20
5.3 Normal Operation ...................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Adjusting the CaviBlaster for Maximum Performance ……………............................. 23
5.5 Recommendations for Effective Results .................................................................... 27
5.6 Shutting Down the CaviBlaster® ................................................................................ 28
6.0 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................ 29
6.1 Basic Preventive Maintenance Recommendations ................................................... 30
6.2 Diesel Engine Service ............................................................................................... 31
6.3 Pump Service ............................................................................................................ 31
6.4 Inspection/Cleaning of water inlet strainer ................................................................ 31
6.5 Inspection / Maintenance of the belt drive system .................................................... 33
6.6 Inspection / Maintenance of the Zero Thrust Gun ……….......................................... 34
7.0 WINTERIZATION ..................................................................................................... 35
8.0 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................. 36
9.0 REPLACEMENT PARTS ......................................................................................... 38
APPENDIX - COMPONENT LITERATURE ................................................................... 39
Figure 1.1 – CaviBlaster® 3040-D Specifications ............................................................ 5
Figure 2.1 – CaviBlaster® 3040-D General Features ...................................................... 7
Figure 2.2 – CaviBlaster® 3040-D Control Panel............................................................. 8
Figure 4.1 – Lifting Guidelines ....................................................................................... 13
Figure 4.2 – Installation Guidelines ............................................................................... 14
Figure 4.3 – Gravity Feeding Source............................................................................. 16
Figure 5.1 – Emergency Shut-Down and Throttle Up Control ....................................... 23
Figure 5.2 – PTO Lever………………............................................................................ 25
Figure 5.3 – Gun Pressure Calibration .......................................................................... 26
Figure 5.4 – Gun Position for Best Results ................................................................... 27
Figure 6.1 – Water Filter Inspection / Cleaning ............................................................. 32
Figure 6.2 – Belt Inspection / Tension …………............................................................ 33
Figure 6.3 – Zero Thrust Gun ………………….............................................................. 34
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The CaviBlaster® 3040-D power unit consists of a 99HP (74 kW) Kubota V3800 diesel power-pack and a Comet HPP GL 109/290 triplex plunger pump. Detailed performance and specifications are listed below:
CaviBlaster® 3040-D Specifications
Nominal Pump Flow
30 GPM (76 L/M)
Nozzle Operating Pressure
4,000-PSI (275 BAR)
99 HP (74 kW), Diesel Powered (Kubota V3800)
Installation Environment
Outdoor enclosed or exposed
See Section 4 for installation requirements
Fuel Requirements
Diesel fuel (ASTM Grade No. 1-D or 2-D, or EN 590)
Fuel Tank Capacity
50 Gallons (190 Liters)
Water Inlet Pressure Limits
0-PSI (Atmospheric Pressure) to 70-PSI Maximum (0 BAR to 4.8 BAR) See Section 4 for further requirements
Overall Unit Dimensions (L x W x H)
64” x 55” x 62” (163 cm x 140 cm x 157 cm)
Maximum Pressure Hose Length
600 LF (200 meters) of 3/4” diameter
Power Unit Weight (Dry)
2,400 LBS (1,100 KG)
Zero-Thrust Gun Weight
11 LBS (5 KG)
Figure 1.1 – CaviBlaster® 3040-D Specifications
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The CaviBlaster® 3040-D high-pressure water power unit allows the operator to use the water flow and pressure to generate cavitation at the end of the proprietary nozzle.
The CaviBlaster® cleans the surface of any underwater structure using the energy released by the implosion of the bubbles during the cavitation process. When directed at the surface being cleaned, the energy released by the collapsing bubbles causes marine growth to be removed from the surface.
The system consists of a portable zero-thrust gun, connecting high-pressure hose and a diesel-powered, high-pressure pumping unit. The zero-thrust gun uses a trigger operated valve to control the water stream off and on. If the valve is closed, the power unit goes into bypass mode unloading the engine and the pump.
FULL LOAD Is Defined As The Engine At Full Throttle / Full Speed. If Partially Throttled, The Engine Will Stall, Creating An Undesirable Running Condition For The Belt Drive System.
The CaviBlaster® 3040-D power unit is a complete “plug and play” system built into a self- supporting frame that allows quick deployment and/or installation of the unit. Water can be supplied from either a pressurized source, directly from the natural source via a belt­driven booster pump supplied with the power unit, or from a gravity feed storage tank.
The unit is equipped with many features to maintain operator safety while operating at pressures of 4,000-psi (275 bar).
Figure 2.1 – CaviBlaster® 3040-D General Features
For more information on the CaviBlaster
system please visit us at:
Figure 2.2 – CaviBlaster® 3040-D Control Panel
2.1 Using this Manual
Every attempt has been made to ensure that this documentation is complete and accurate at the time of publication. It is imperative; however, that anyone attempting to use this manual must have good comprehension of how this equipment operates. Further, this manual can in no way replace the common sense of an individual. If at any time this manual seems to contradict itself, or common sense, discontinue the procedure, re-read the section, and seek assistance from CaviDyneTM or other personnel familiar with the operation of this equipment.
2.2 Conventions
The first time a component is mentioned, it is typically followed by a figure reference; e.g., Emergency Stop button (See Figure 2.1). Figure numbers and section numbers are always coincident.
When other sections are referenced the SECTION NAME will appear in italic caps. The electronic version allows users to click on the section name or figure reference
to jump to that section. The words “This space intentionally left blank” will appear
where there is more than 3 inches of white space.
(EOS) will appear above the page number on the last page of each section.
2.3 Scope
This manual covers installation, operation, and maintenance of the CaviBlaster® 3040-D. It is essential that personnel who will operate and/or service this equipment familiarize themselves with this manual. Standard components, such as the unit
engine and pump, are covered by the manufacturer’s literature found in the
2.4 Terms and Abbreviations
End of Section
Gallons Per Minute
Liters Per Minute
Personal Protective Equipment
Pounds Per Square Inch (without suffix, assumed to be gauge pressure).
Power Take-Off
The CaviBlaster® 3040-D power unit is an inherently powerful and potentially dangerous piece of equipment; however, with proper care and training it can be operated safely. The 3040-D must only be operated by personnel that have read and understand this manual. It is intended to reinforce and review safety techniques to prevent personal injuries and property damage.
Users must comply with all local, state, and national laws concerning high-pressure water jetting equipment as well as all underwater work regulations.
It is strongly recommended that this entire manual be reviewed in-depth before operating or servicing this equipment. Service work should only be performed by individuals who are proficient in using this equipment. Refer to the applicable section in this manual for the correct procedures prior to any installation, setup, or maintenance work.
3.1 Personal Safety
Operation of the CaviBlaster® 3040-D underwater cleaning system must only be attempted by commercial divers or other personnel who have been trained in its use. Appropriate protective equipment should always be worn. Operation of the system without the proper equipment and training can result in personal injury.
CaviDyneTM, LLC Is Not Responsible For Damages Resulting From A Failure To Comply With Instructions In This Manual. Please Read Carefully Before Use.
If Inspection Or Calibration Of The Caviblaster® Gun Is Being Conducted Out
Of The Water, Remember That The Zero-Thrust Gun Has Front And Rear Jets. Never Direct The Jet Streams At A Person Or Animal. Never Direct The Jet Streams Toward Power Lines Or Other High Voltage Equipment.
Ensure That There Is A Safe Area To Work While Operating The Caviblaster® 3040-D.
Seek Immediate Medical Attention If The Operator Suffers An Injury As The Result Of Contact With The High­Pressure Water Stream. Serious Personal Injury Can
Result From An Untreated Water Injection Wound.
3.2 Personal Protective Equipment
Always wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when operating this equipment.
Personnel operating or working in the vicinity of the power unit should wear appropriate hearing protection when the CaviBlaster® system is in use. If the diver is not wearing a diving helmet, hearing protection is recommended. CaviDyneTM
suggest wearing vented earplugs, such as “Doc’s Proplugs” or equivalent, for diver
hearing protection. The operators of the CaviBlaster® system should always wear neoprene or heavy
rubber gloves to provide protection to the hands and, in particular, to the nails. The gloves will absorb most of the energy produced by bursting cavitation bubbles and prevent the cavitation bubbles from contacting the operators’ hands. The gloves will
also protect operators’ hands from the initial shockwave when the gun is activated.
Failure to wear
appropriate PPE
may result in
personal injury.
3.3 Modification to the Equipment
Do not make any unauthorized modifications or repairs to this equipment. Components used throughout this assembly were specifically designed or selected to safely meet the unique high-pressure requirements. Only replace parts with those recommended by or supplied by CaviDyneTM. Any unapproved modifications will void the equipment warranty. Unauthorized modification or part substitution can result in serious personal injury or property damage.
Unauthorized Replacement Of Any Part May Lead To Catastrophic Equipment Failure And Serious Personal Injury.
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