Pre face
Copyrigh t
Ple as e re s pe ct copyrigh te d conte nt. Duplication or m odification of th is publication in w h ole or in
part is proh ibite d w ith out e xpre s s or w ritte n auth oriz ation.
Us age
Strong im pacts or dropping th e product m ay caus e dam age . Only allow q ualifie d pe rs onne l to
re pair th is product. Dis as s e m bling or ope ning th is product w ill void your w arranty.
Dis claim e r
Cavalry is not liable for com pe ns ation for data los s w h ich m ay re s ult from a m alfunction of th e
product or from ch ange s due to im prope r us e , re pairs , de fe cts , or batte ry ch ange . Ple as e back
up your data to avoid une xpe cte d los se s .
Cavalry re s e rve s th e righ t to m ak e ch ange s to th e conte nt of th is m anual w ith out notice .
2 2
Th ank you for ch oos ing Cavalry.
W e at Cavalry e xte nd our s ince re gratitude for your purch as e of th is product.
W e h ope our de dication to de live ring h igh q uality products w ith e xce lle nt
cus tom e r s e rvice w ill e ns ure your continue d inte re s t in our products .
Th is m anual w ill as s is t in th e ope ration of th e product. To optim iz e your
e xpe rie nce w ith th is product, w e re com m e nd re ading th is e ntire m anual
be fore us age . Ple as e k e e p th is m anual for future re fe re nce .
Table of Conte nts
Pre face .................................................................................................... 2
Lis t of Acce s s orie s ............................................................................. 5
Product Illus trations ........................................................................... 6
Fe ature s ............................................................................................. 7
Se tup Ins tructions .............................................................................. 8
Trouble s h ooting ................................................................................. 10
W arranty and Contact ........................................................................ 11