Cateye MSC Download Kit User Manual

Instruction Manual
for Windows
Copyright©2000 CAT EYE Co., Ltd. DLK2.0E-000426 2 Printed in Japan 0687551
English Edition 2.0e
for Windows 95/98/2000


Thank you very much for purchasing the Cat Eye MSC Download Kit. MSC Download Kit contains the software “e-Train Data” and the interface unit that connects the Cat Eye MSC heart rate computers to your PC. The data stored in your MSC heart rate computer is downloaded to your PC through e-Train Data. You can further arrange it on the screen in graphical format. The data can further be arranged into a different format using other software. This manual describes how to use e-Train Data, as well as cautions that must be followed during operation. Please read this manual carefully and understand it thoroughly before using the MSC Download Kit. After reading through the manual, store it in a safe place.
• Always follow the cautions that are marked with “Caution”.
• No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted without the prior written permission of Cat Eye Co., Ltd.
• The illustrations in this manual may be different from the actual design due to the changes.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
• If there should be any errors or inaccuracies in this manual, please contact our office or your local dealer for clarification.
* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. * IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Register your MSC Download Kit according to the procedure on page 36.
e-Train Data™


The meaning of the symbols in this manual:
Caution: Sections marked with this symbol are critical for the safe use of the
device. Always follow the instruction given.
Reference: Find useful information here.
To use MSC Download Kit, you should be familiar with the operation and terms of Windows. If you are using Windows for the first time, read the Windows documentation first and familiarize yourself with the operation of Windows.
In this manual, the following terms are used:
MSC e-Train Data™ --------------e-Train Data MSC heart rate computers ------MSC-unit
In this manual, the command names marked with [ ] indicates the names of menus and check­items of dialog box. For instance, “Select [File] – [Open]” means to click [File] in the menu bar and select [Open] from the pull-down menu.
The following terms refer to the mouse techniques as follows:
Click ------------------ To press the left button once Double click -------- To press the left button twice quickly Drag ------------------ To hold down the left button and move the pointer


(FOR USERS WHO IS UP-GRADING THE OLD VERSION) The following changes/improvements have been made.
• Can display memory record data, lap data and HEARTRATE target zone data in one graph. Can also print out the graph.
• Lap data alone can be displayed in graphical format and can be printed out.
• Capable of color printing.
• Can change the setting of the horizontal axis in the graph.
• Can smooth the graph.
• Can show/hide the heart rate, speed and cadence in the graph.
• Can select communication port from Com1-Com16.
e-Train Data™


INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 CHANGES FROM THE OLD VERSION ---------------------------------------------------- 2 CONTENTS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 ABOUT e-Train Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 BEFORE YOU BEGIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 INSTALLING e-Train Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 OPERATING e-Train Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Starting e-Train Data------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Opening/Closing file-------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Exploring the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Specifying range ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Zooming graph ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Reducing graph ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Changing horizontal axis------------------------------------------------------------ 21 Smoothing graph---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Superimposing H.R. target zone data ------------------------------------------- 23 Superimposing lap data ------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Viewing more than two files on the screen ------------------------------------- 25 Printing data---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 To exit e-Train Data ------------------------------------------------------------------ 28
DOWNLOADING DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Names ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Battery installation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Connecting with PC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 Installing MSC-unit ------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Downloading data -------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 QUICK REFERENCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 TROUBLE SHOOTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 LIMITED WARRANTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 REGISTRATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
e-Train Data™

ABOUT e-Train Data

e-Train Data is the software that downloads data from MSC-unit to PC. On the PC screen, e-Train Data arranges the downloaded data in the graphical format.
Main features: Downloadable: ------- Downloads memory record data, lap data and heart rate target zone
data; and saves them in files.
Graphical: ------------- Displays the data in the graphical format on the screen, and prints the
Analyzable: ----------- Analyzes data in detail (can specify the desired ranges of the graph
area; can zoom and smooth the graph).
Overlap: ---------------- Superimposes lap data and heart rate target zone data over memory
record data.
Multi Window: -------- More than two files can be displayed on the screen simultaneously. Changeable: ---------- Can change the horizontal axis between elapsed time and trip distance;
can also change the calibration of the horizontal axis.
Workable:-------------- The downloaded data is in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. By
applying other software, the data can be freely arranged into different format.
Note: If e-Train Data files are opened by other spread sheet software and saved by that format,
it might not be opened again by e-Train Data. When using other software, please save the file with a different name using “save as...” command, so that the original file made by e-Train Data will remain as a backup file.
Note: If your MSC-unit does not have cadence function, you cannot download cadence data.
e-Train Data™


Check your package
Your package includes the following items:
A. Floppy disk
Program disk --------------------------------- 1 B. Interface unit---------------------------------- 1 C. Dry battery AAA (LR03) ------------------- 4 D. Instruction Manual (English) -------------- 1
Check your equipment
To install and use e-Train Data, you need:
• Computer: -------------------------- Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000 RS232C serial port [9-pin] (to connect with the interface unit) If you are using PC other than IBM (or IBM PC/AT), you need
an adapter for the serial port.
• Display: ----------------------------- 640x480dot or higher resolution
• Available hard disk space: ----- 2MB minimum
• Printer: ------------------------------ for Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000
• Mouse: ------------------------------ for Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000
e-Train Data™


e-Train Data file is installed in the “Program file” unless you specify another file.
If you have been using the old version of e-Train Data, uninstall it first. If installation of the new e-Train Data is unsuccessful, uninstall it and try again.
How to uninstall
Double-click “My Computer”. Open [Control Panel] – [Add/Remove programs]. Find “e-Train Data” from the list and click it. Click the “Add/Remove…” button. Uninstallation is completed.
1. Start Windows 95/98/2000.
2. If you have been using the old version of e-Train Data, uninstall it first.
3. Insert the program disk in your floppy disk drive.
4. Double-click “My Computer”. Double-click “3.5’ FD”.
Reference: You can also start from “Explore”.
e-Train Data™
5. Double-click the “Setup.exe” file.
6. You will see the setup dialogue box showing the install process.
7. Select the directory where you will install the file, and click [Next]. A new folder is automati-
cally created.
8. When installation is completed, the following dialogue box appears.
9. Click [Finish].
e-Train Data™

OPERATING e-Train Data

Basic Information
* The functions of e-Train Data can be best optimized when memory record data is opened in
the graph area, and heart rate target zone data and lap data is superimposed over memory record data.
* By using the “specify-range” function, “zooming” function and “smoothing” function, you can
analyze your data in detail. * Lap data alone can be displayed in the graphical form. * Heart rate target zone data alone cannot be displayed in the graphical form. Instead, it is
shown in the table form. Let’s start with the basic operation using the sample file.

Starting e-Train Data

1. Start Windows 95/98/2000.
2. Go to the Windows taskbar and click the [Start] button.
Select [program] – [e-Train Data] – [e-Train]. Then the following screen appears.
e-Train Data™
If e-Train Data does not start properly, re-install it again.

Opening/Closing file

1. Click the [Open File] button in the toolbar. (Or choose [Open…] from the [File] menu.) The following dialogue box appears.
2. Choose the [sample1] file and click [Open].
The sample1 file (memory record data) appears.
3. Click [Close File] button in the toolbar. Sample1 file is closed. Open the sample1 file again.
e-Train Data™
Menu bar
Tool bar
Information panel 1
Information panel 2
Graph area
Speed (blue)
Cadence (green)
Heartrate (red)

Exploring the screen

Menu Bar
Click each menu and the commands appear in the pull-down box. The menus are common in memory record data, lap data and heart rate target zone data. Ineffective commands are shown in gray.
Screen of memory record data
The screen consists of the tool bar, information panel and graph area.
e-Train Data™
Tool bar
The following commands are available in the tool bar. Open File ------------------------------------------ Opens e-Train data file. Save ------------------------------------------------ Saves e-Train data file. Close File------------------------------------------ Closes e-Train data file. Print ------------------------------------------------- Opens the dialogue box for printing. Download------------------------------------------ Downloads data from MSC-unit. (The dialogue box
opens.) Exit -------------------------------------------------- Exits e-Train data. Zoom ----------------------------------------------- Zooms the designated section of the graph. Reduce--------------------------------------------- Restores the zoomed graph to its previous state. Specify Range ------------------------------------ The figures in the specified range is shown in the
information panel 1. Change The Horizontal Axis------------------ Changes the horizontal axis between distance and
time. Smooth--------------------------------------------- Smoothes the graph lines. With right-click, smooth-
ing level can be chosen. Open Training Zone File over the graph -- Superimposes heart rate target zone data over
memory record data. With right-click, [zone 1 –
zone 4] can be chosen. Open Lap Data File over the graph --------- Superimposes lap data over memory record data.
Open File Close File Download Zoom Specify Range Smooth Open Lap Data File
Save Print Exit Reduce Change The Horizontal Axis Open Training Zone
e-Train Data™
over the graph
File over the graph
Information panel 1
There are five tabs in the panel 1.
Info. tab ----------- The file number, downloaded date and the person’s name is displayed here.
Date and name is editable.
Memo tab--------- Write any memo about the data here. The maximum number of character is
All Range tab ---- The maximum, minimum and average figure in the whole range of the data is
displayed here.
e-Train Data™
Visible Range tab --
The maximum, minimum and average figure in the visible range (the zoomed range) is displayed here.
+ 25 hidden pages