TurtleTub™ Kit Contents:
1 - Turtl eTub Swaddle Bat htub
1 - Integrated Temperature Indicator
1 - Turtl eTub 0.33 oz (1 0mL) Ne utral PH Mild Ba by Wash
1 - 1 8” x 22 ” 100 % Polyester Fleece Blanket
1 - 20 oz . TurtleTub Rinse Cu p
1 - Scalp brush
3 - Packets of 4 x 4’s. (each packet co ntains 2)
1 - Instructions For Use
Figure 1
10. Use clean 4x4 with n o soap to was h baby’s f ace. Wash o ne eye
at a time mov ing from inside corner of eye outwar d. Use cl ean
section of cloth o n each eye. Clean outer ear o nly. Wash ne ck
and behind ears.
11. Gently unswaddle one arm and use baby wash on your hands to
wash infant. Be sure to use a firm, but gentle touch. Rinse and
re-swaddle. Repeat with all extremities and chest. Remove chest
leads. Remember to keep infant snugly swaddled throughout
the bath.
12. Gently roll infant to side-lying and clean the infant’s back by
rubbing on the fleece. Reposition infant to supine.
13. Wash genital area with a 4x4.
14. Check temperature strip and add warm water as needed.
15. Wash infant’s head last to conserve heat. Use scalp brush
provided and apply enough weight through the brush that the
bristles bend. Use water from clean rinse cup to rinse.
16. Stand close to the tub with a warm towel secured under
your arms.
17. Unswaddle infant and lift infant out of tub and into the warm
towel. Pat dry making sure infant’s head is dry.
18. Place infant on warm blanket and wrap infant’s head.
19. Place new leads on infant.
20. Prepare infant for skin-to-skin holding, feeding, or dress and
position for sleep.
21. Pour out water from pour spout and wash the TurtleTub with
gentle soap and water.
22. Wash fleece blanket per hospital protocol for infant wear.
TurtleTub Reuse Instructions:
• TurtleTub is a single patient u se only p roduc t. It can be used
multiple times on the same patient.
• TurtleTub should b e clean ed with ge ntle soa p and wate r and
dried b etween uses.
• TurtleTub makes a won derf ul gift to the fami ly at disc harge .
TurtleTub Instructions For Use:
1. Never le ave infant u natte nded in the
bath, n ot even for a fe w second s.
2. Encourage parents to ba the infa nt.
3. Modif y enviro nment a s neede d to
decrease sensory stimuli.
4. Arr ange Turtl eTub contents for use
and write infant n ame on la bel (on side
of tub).
5. Undress infant.
6. Unplug le ads. T he stick y gel po rtion o f
the lea d can rem ain on inf ant. Th ey are
easie r to remove when wet. All leads
must be unplugged.
7. P osition i nfant wi th hands near fa ce and
swaddle snugly in fleece blanket.
8. Fill TurtleTub with water until
temperature is 1 01-10 3F (38 C).
Water height shou ld be to inf ant chest.
Fill rin se cup with w ater and p lace in
tub as shown in Figu re 1.
9. Pl ace swad dled in fant in tu b.
TurtleTub™ Ind icati ons for Use: Intended for infan t swaddle bathing.
Instruction s for Use | Tu rt leTub™ Instruction s for Use | Tu rt leTub™