Section Page
1. Introduction .................................................... 2
1.1. Using the System - Summary .................................. 3
1.2. Terms Used ................................................... 4
1.3. The Display ................................................... 5
1.4. The Keypad
1.5. Operating Codes .............................................. 6
1.6. The Keyswitch ................................................ 6
1.7. Levels of setting .............................................. 6
2. Using the System ............................................... 7
2.1. Setting the System ............................................ 7
2.1.1. Setting the System with the Keypad ..................... 7
2.1.2. Setting the System using the Keyswitch (if fitted) ........ 8
2.1.3. Setting the System to 'Part Set C' (if programmed) ....... 8
2.2. Omitting Individual Zones
2.3. Unsetting the System
2.3.1. Unsetting the system with the Keypad ................... 9
2.3.2. Unsetting the system with the Keyswitch (if fitted) ....... 9
2.4. Action Following an Alarm .................................... 9
2.4.1. Cancelling a daytime alarm ............................. 9
2.4.2. Unsetting following an Alarm .......................... 10
2.4.3. Engineer Reset ........................................ 10
3. Additional Keypad Facilities ................................... 12
3.1. Keypad Personal Attack Alarm ................................. 12
3.2. Keypad Alerts (if programmed)
3.2.1 Just in Case Timer ..................................... 12
3.2.2. Fire Alarm ............................................ 12
4. Reviewing Time and Date setting .............................. 12
5. System Faults .................................................. 13
5.1. System Tamper Fault (F-1) .................................... 13
5.2. Mains Failure (F-2) ........................................... 13
5.3. System Voltage Fault (F-3) .................................... 13
5.4. Battery Fault (F-4) ............................................ 13
5.5. Telecom Line Fault (F-5) ...................................... 13
6. Manager Functions ............................................. 14
6.1. Accessing Manager Functions .................................. 14
6.2. Setting User Codes
6.3. Setting the Manager Code ...................................... 14
6.4. Zone Selection ............................................... 14
6.4.1 Chime ................................................ 15
6.4.2 Part Set 'C' ............................................ 15
6.5. Setting Time and Date ........................................ 15
6.6. Testing the System: ........................................... 16
6.6.1. Walk Test ........................................... 16
6.6.2. Bell Test
6.7. Displaying System Logs ....................................... 17
6.7.1. Activation Records .................................... 17
6.7.2. An Alarm or Trouble record ........................... 18
6.7.3 Display Time and Date for log events ................... 18
6.7.4. Printing the logs ....................................... 18
1700 Alarm System (LCD) Operating Instructions
January 2000 Page 1